Wake Up, America! Wake Up! PLEASE!!

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you know damn well and your going to post a few bullshit links saying the opposite butt im here living it
well whoopee, everything's coming up daisies for Allfor. All I want YOU to do explain how YOUR personal situation reflects the overall economic situation? How about some attachments to explain how Great things are under the Alt_Prez?
When you folks start crowing about how good it is when the stock market is climing .... crowing like a rooster who just got his first piece of ass, BUT the stock market wasn't so good in 2018 and you didn't hear old Trump crowing so much then, either. He stayed silent on the stock market. His big tax cut he gave two years ago went to the richest and to the corporations ... a quick sugar high on those little mail checks, but hourly and middleclass wages have been pretty stagnant.
Trump crowed (LIED) saying we were riding an economic boom ... an economical miracle. BS ... When he came into office the Stock market was already rising, jobs were coming back (74 months of consecutive jobs growth) which WAS unprecedented.
And you don't talk about the Trade Wars ... that are raising consumer prices ... ask the FARMERS about their incomes right now.

If Trump wanted to sell you Trumptards his crap for gold, you'd be lapping his crap up as you have the past 3 years. What idiots.
well whoopee, everything's coming up daisies for Allfor. All I want YOU to do explain how YOUR personal situation reflects the overall economic situation? How about some attachments to explain how Great things are under the Alt_Prez?
When you folks start crowing about how good it is when the stock market is climing .... crowing like a rooster who just got his first piece of ass, BUT the stock market wasn't so good in 2018 and you didn't hear old Trump crowing so much then, either. He stayed silent on the stock market. His big tax cut he gave two years ago went to the richest and to the corporations ... a quick sugar high on those little mail checks, but hourly and middleclass wages have been pretty stagnant.
Trump crowed (LIED) saying we were riding an economic boom ... an economical miracle. BS ... When he came into office the Stock market was already rising, jobs were coming back (74 months of consecutive jobs growth) which WAS unprecedented.
And you don't talk about the Trade Wars ... that are raising consumer prices ... ask the FARMERS about their incomes right now.

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i cant wait for election maybe you'll figure it out this time
This idiot got U.S. NATO and EU ALLIES in a state of shock after his latest Syrian fiasco! This idiot has only one friend and one country to care for, and neither are within U.S. boarders! Celebrations continue in Moscow, and growing in laughter every time Trump opens his repugnant mouth!

3 days ago · trump 'fawning' to putin and other authoritarians in 'embarrassing' phone calls, white house aides say—report As the spotlight on President Donald Trump's interactions with foreign leaders intensifies, former and current White House officials have described Trump's interactions with strongman leaders as fawning, deferential and embarrassing ...

Trump’s calls with foreign leaders have long worried aides ...
After some early summaries of Trump calls with the leaders of Mexico and Australia leaked to the press in 2017, the White House tightened restrictions on who could access the transcripts and kept ...

Kremlin Hopes White House Doesn't Release Putin-Trump ...
11 days ago · Russia hopes the U.S. doesn’t release transcripts of President Donald Trump’s conversations with Vladimir Putin as it did this week with his …

Idiots: Poll Proves Trump Supporters Are The ...
American Idiots: Poll Proves Trump Supporters Are The Stupidest People In The US. ... The majority of Trump supporters want to believe that Obama is a Kenyan-born Muslim. ... A Day After Promising …

Pollster: GOP base is shrinking | TheHill
Pollster Lee Miringoff said on Wednesday that Republicans are in danger ahead of November's midterm elections due to a shrinking base. "In addition to [President] Trump's approval rating, it's the …

Trump’s base is a ‘cult’ that may never be deprogrammed ...
Jul 20, 2019 · On Saturday, The Daily Beast’s Kelly Weill posted an analysis of President Donald Trump’s base, and what their recent behavior, which “experts say resembles a cult or totalitarianism ...

Trump’s base shows signs of eroding ahead of reelection ...
The core of President Trump’s base is showing signs of cracking after four years of steadfast support, and just as he ramps up his bid for a second term.

Trump’s Base Is Now Too Delusional For the GOP’s Own Good
Aug 20, 2018 · At a rally in Minnesota this summer, Donald Trump invited his audience to offer its opinion on the “fake news” media. ... Trump’s Base Is Now Too Delusional For the GOP’s Own Good.
  • Author: Eric Levitz
well it only makes sense for the white house to hire Trey Gowdy as a white house lawyer.....he cheated on the Bengahzi hearing...caught "fudging" her emails to make Hillary look guilty....so you know that is the type lawyer trump wants

CIA: Trey Gowdy Altered Documents To Frame Hillary Clinton
Oct 19, 2015 · In a bombshell revelation, the Central Intelligence Agency reached out to Democrats serving on the Select Committee on Benghazi on Saturday, October 17, 2015 to confirm that Chairman Trey Gowdy had altered documents provided to the committee by Hillary

CIA Confirms: Trey Gowdy Altered Documents To Frame ...
Dec 15, 2018 · Trey Gowdy is set to leave Washington D.C. for the final time after choosing not to run for re-election but not before altering documents to frame Hillary Clinton. With Democrats set to assume control of the House of Representatives next …

Trey Gowdy Altered Documents To Frame Hillary Clinton ...
Trey Gowdy The Criminal. As Liberals Unite reported in October: in a bombshell revelation, the Central Intelligence Agency reached out to Democrats serving on the Select Committee on Benghazi on Saturday to confirm that Chairman Trey Gowdy had altered documents provided to the committee by Hillary

funny....the right never says anything about that
When he came into office the Stock market was already rising
When Trump was elected the stock market was falling and had been dead flat over the previous two years of Obummer thanks to a deep industrial recession in the US economy. Immediately after Trump was elected the stock market started to rocket upward.

The stock market gained 31% during Trump's first year....that is the best performance since FDR.

Of course I've explained all this to you multiple times, but it clearly passes in one ear and out the other. Much like so many of your claims pass from liberal loonyland through you and out of your ass.

PS: Rick Perry is still the Secretary of Energy....thought you said he resigned....

Bull market in stocks is 103 months old. Trump owns 11 of them
Oct 11, 2017 · Trump, who warned of a "big, fat, ugly bubble" before he took office, brags about the red-hot market now that he's in charge. He did it again on Wednesday, cheering the "virtually unprecedented

Here’s how much the stock market is still up since Donald ...
Mar 24, 2018 · Trump still has a large cushion before the Dow's post-inauguration gains disappear. ... Here's how much the stock market is still up since Donald Trump took office. ... When I came into office

This Chart Shows How Trump's Stock Market ... - money.com
Apr 27, 2017 · Chalking it up to the “Trump Effect,” the new president took credit for the market’s rise, telling ABC News: “Now we have to go up, up, up.” Well, he had that sort of right. The start of Trump’s administration has coincided with generally rising stock prices.

The Markets Are Up, Unemployment Is Down. How Much Credit ...
Aug 04, 2017 · Since taking office, President Trump has taken to Twitter to point to the rising stock market, strong jobs numbers and the health of the overall …
facts are trump still can't fill Obama's shoes!

FACT CHECK: President Trump's Record On Jobs And Stocks

It's difficult to tie those gains directly to President Trump's economic vision, however. On average, employers have added 170,000 jobs in each of the 10 months since Trump took office. That's slightly below the 196,000 per month pace during the comparable period in 2016, under President Obama. If you throw out September of this year, when job gains were depressed by hurricanes, Trump's monthly average is closer to Obama's, at 185,000, but the change in administrations doesn't appear to have had much effect on the overall job market.

The job gains in November were widespread across industries and demographic groups.

"We're at that point in the cycle where the market is tight enough that it's really rewarding everybody," said Kevin Hassett, chairman of the president's Council of Economic Advisers.

He noted that unemployment among workers without a high school diploma fell by half a percentage point to 5.2 percent. And the jobless rate among Hispanics dipped to 4.7 percent, the lowest level on record.

"If we could sustain growth at this level for another couple of years then the amount of progress we could make on income inequality and wage growth for middle America would be maybe even unprecedented," Hassett said.

Despite the tight labor market, though, wages have risen only modestly in the past year.

"Wage growth was not as strong as we'd like to see it," Hassett acknowledged. "We fully expect that that's going to accelerate next year if the tax bill passes."

Tom Maher, who runs a Manpower temporary franchise in Dayton, Ohio, agreed that paychecks need to get bigger.

"Wages are rising, but they're not rising as fast as I believe they really should in order to attract the workers that they need," Maher said. "Virtually every manufacturer in the area has a help-wanted sign outside their window."

Factories nationwide have added 171,000 jobs so far in 2017 — a rebound from the previous year when factories shed 16,000 jobs. Trump has promised to lead a renaissance in American manufacturing. The sector has generally been adding jobs since 2010, although the strength of export-oriented factories is strongly tied to what's happening in the global economy.

With the unemployment rate hovering at its lowest level since 2000, a shortage of skilled workers could be a drag on future economic growth.

"There is some slack in the labor market," said Constance Hunter, chief economist at KPMG. "But there's a big question about whether that remaining slack in the labor market can be deployed."

"What I expect is we will start to see increasing labor shortages as we go into 2018. And at some point — and it may be late 2018, it may be mid 2019 — those labor shortages are going to really limit the ability we have to continue expanding."

At a White House Cabinet meeting this week, Trump said he wants to draw more people into the workforce.

"We're also getting into the pool of the 100 million people that are not working," Trump said. "That pool is now coming back."

According to the Labor Department, there are 95 million Americans 16 and older who are not working. But that figure includes retirees, students and voluntary stay-at-home parents. It's an open question how many might be lured into the workforce. Lower taxes might offer a carrot to would-be workers. The administration is also considering sticks — in the form of a less generous safety net.

"I know people, they work three jobs and they live next to somebody who doesn't work at all," the president told supporters in Missouri last week. "And the person who is not working at all and has no intention of working at all is making more money and doing better than the person that's working his or her ass off. And it's not going to happen. Not going to happen."

This week the Agriculture Department announced a push to limit the food stamp program — known as SNAP — in an effort to push more people into the workforce.

"SNAP was created to provide people with the help they need to feed themselves and their families, but it was not intended to be a permanent lifestyle," Agriculture Secretary Sonny Perdue said in a statement. "We want to provide the nutrition people need, but we also want to help them transition from government programs back to work and into lives of independence."

The White House had telegraphed this move in May when the president unveiled a budget calling for cuts in food stamp spending.

"We need folks to work," White House Budget Director Mick Mulvaney said at the time. "We don't have enough money to take care of the people — everybody — who doesn't need help."

As of August, there were more than 41 million Americans receiving food stamps. Advocates for the program note that the government already requires able-bodied adults without children to find work within three months to collect benefits.

Trump also boasted this week about the rising stock market.

"We have a stock market that has hit record highs 81 times since our election victory," he told Cabinet members. "It's at a new high right now."

The S&P 500-stock index has risen more than 23 percent since Election Day last year. Along with a rising real estate market, that's helped to push the nation's total household wealth to $96.9 trillion. However, as NPR noted last spring, only about half the people in the country own stocks either directly or through retirement accounts.

"You could argue that there's a trickle-down effect," said KPMG's Hunter, "but actual evidence of that meaningfully changing people's lives over the long term seems to be de minimis."

shows how serious anyone takes our leader...…….

Trump tweet warning Turkey about Syria incursion draws ...
15 hours ago · Iran, Turkey and Russia have been working together as part of the so-called Astana group on the Syrian civil war, talks that have run parallel to U.N. efforts to find a solution to the conflict....

Turkish army pushes into Syria, people flee as air strikes, artillery hit border town

AKCAKALE, Turkey (Reuters) - Turkey launched a military operation against Kurdish fighters in northeast Syria on Wednesday just days after U.S. troops pulled back from the area, with air strikes and artillery hitting YPG militia positions around the border town of Ras al Ain.

Kurdish fighters.....our allies

Trump handing northern Syria to Turkey is a ‘gift to Russia, Iran, and ISIS,’ former US envoy says

  • The Trump administration is facing a torrent of criticism after it unexpectedly announced a full U.S. troop withdrawal from northern Syria to allow a long-planned military operation by Turkey.
  • Security experts on the region and former U.S. officials are calling the decision reckless and a gift to America’s adversaries.
  • Kurdish officials have been calling the Trump administration’s decision a “betrayal.”
shows how serious anyone takes our leader...…….

Trump tweet warning Turkey about Syria incursion draws ...
15 hours ago · Iran, Turkey and Russia have been working together as part of the so-called Astana group on the Syrian civil war, talks that have run parallel to U.N. efforts to find a solution to the conflict....

Turkish army pushes into Syria, people flee as air strikes, artillery hit border town

AKCAKALE, Turkey (Reuters) - Turkey launched a military operation against Kurdish fighters in northeast Syria on Wednesday just days after U.S. troops pulled back from the area, with air strikes and artillery hitting YPG militia positions around the border town of Ras al Ain.

Kurdish fighters.....our allies

Trump handing northern Syria to Turkey is a ‘gift to Russia, Iran, and ISIS,’ former US envoy says

  • The Trump administration is facing a torrent of criticism after it unexpectedly announced a full U.S. troop withdrawal from northern Syria to allow a long-planned military operation by Turkey.
  • Security experts on the region and former U.S. officials are calling the decision reckless and a gift to America’s adversaries.
  • Kurdish officials have been calling the Trump administration’s decision a “betrayal.”
A cataclysmic and tragic fail on the behalf of USA. How the fuck has this happened!
A cataclysmic and tragic fail on the behalf of USA. How the fuck has this happened!

trump just giving more to Russia....like Crimea....and trying to do in Ukraine.....he is willing to give anything for that Moscow paycheck.....people here just don't see it....they think he is putting America first...….but then why does he take so many golf trips and etc and stay at his hotels knowing the gov has to pay through the ass for secret service and etc to follow....laws that he has passed all to benefit himself...the guy has no morales and will sell his soul for a "ruble"

Trump stands to save millions under new tax measure ...
Dec 20, 2017 · Trump stands to save millions under new tax measure, experts say ... tax drafters told The Washington Post that Trump would undoubtedly benefit from the legislation, which Congress passed

Here's how Trump stands to benefit from the Republican tax ...
Dec 01, 2017 · Here's how Trump stands to benefit from the Republican tax bill. ... Why the tax bill massively benefits Trump, despite his protests ... and Trump himself has

Donald Trump is killing rules and laws that ... - Quartz
Sep 22, 2017 · Trump is dismantling rules and laws protecting millions of Americans. ... order to eliminate two regulations for every new one passed, ... the environment have been a particular target of Trump ...
facts are trump still can't fill Obama's shoes!

FACT CHECK: President Trump's Record On Jobs And Stocks

It's difficult to tie those gains directly to President Trump's economic vision, however. On average, employers have added 170,000 jobs in each of the 10 months since Trump took office. That's slightly below the 196,000 per month pace during the comparable period in 2016, under President Obama. If you throw out September of this year, when job gains were depressed by hurricanes, Trump's monthly average is closer to Obama's, at 185,000, but the change in administrations doesn't appear to have had much effect on the overall job market.

The job gains in November were widespread across industries and demographic groups.

"We're at that point in the cycle where the market is tight enough that it's really rewarding everybody," said Kevin Hassett, chairman of the president's Council of Economic Advisers.

He noted that unemployment among workers without a high school diploma fell by half a percentage point to 5.2 percent. And the jobless rate among Hispanics dipped to 4.7 percent, the lowest level on record.

"If we could sustain growth at this level for another couple of years then the amount of progress we could make on income inequality and wage growth for middle America would be maybe even unprecedented," Hassett said.

Despite the tight labor market, though, wages have risen only modestly in the past year.

"Wage growth was not as strong as we'd like to see it," Hassett acknowledged. "We fully expect that that's going to accelerate next year if the tax bill passes."

Tom Maher, who runs a Manpower temporary franchise in Dayton, Ohio, agreed that paychecks need to get bigger.

"Wages are rising, but they're not rising as fast as I believe they really should in order to attract the workers that they need," Maher said. "Virtually every manufacturer in the area has a help-wanted sign outside their window."

Factories nationwide have added 171,000 jobs so far in 2017 — a rebound from the previous year when factories shed 16,000 jobs. Trump has promised to lead a renaissance in American manufacturing. The sector has generally been adding jobs since 2010, although the strength of export-oriented factories is strongly tied to what's happening in the global economy.

With the unemployment rate hovering at its lowest level since 2000, a shortage of skilled workers could be a drag on future economic growth.

"There is some slack in the labor market," said Constance Hunter, chief economist at KPMG. "But there's a big question about whether that remaining slack in the labor market can be deployed."

"What I expect is we will start to see increasing labor shortages as we go into 2018. And at some point — and it may be late 2018, it may be mid 2019 — those labor shortages are going to really limit the ability we have to continue expanding."

At a White House Cabinet meeting this week, Trump said he wants to draw more people into the workforce.

"We're also getting into the pool of the 100 million people that are not working," Trump said. "That pool is now coming back."

According to the Labor Department, there are 95 million Americans 16 and older who are not working. But that figure includes retirees, students and voluntary stay-at-home parents. It's an open question how many might be lured into the workforce. Lower taxes might offer a carrot to would-be workers. The administration is also considering sticks — in the form of a less generous safety net.

"I know people, they work three jobs and they live next to somebody who doesn't work at all," the president told supporters in Missouri last week. "And the person who is not working at all and has no intention of working at all is making more money and doing better than the person that's working his or her ass off. And it's not going to happen. Not going to happen."

This week the Agriculture Department announced a push to limit the food stamp program — known as SNAP — in an effort to push more people into the workforce.

"SNAP was created to provide people with the help they need to feed themselves and their families, but it was not intended to be a permanent lifestyle," Agriculture Secretary Sonny Perdue said in a statement. "We want to provide the nutrition people need, but we also want to help them transition from government programs back to work and into lives of independence."

The White House had telegraphed this move in May when the president unveiled a budget calling for cuts in food stamp spending.

"We need folks to work," White House Budget Director Mick Mulvaney said at the time. "We don't have enough money to take care of the people — everybody — who doesn't need help."

As of August, there were more than 41 million Americans receiving food stamps. Advocates for the program note that the government already requires able-bodied adults without children to find work within three months to collect benefits.

Trump also boasted this week about the rising stock market.

"We have a stock market that has hit record highs 81 times since our election victory," he told Cabinet members. "It's at a new high right now."

The S&P 500-stock index has risen more than 23 percent since Election Day last year. Along with a rising real estate market, that's helped to push the nation's total household wealth to $96.9 trillion. However, as NPR noted last spring, only about half the people in the country own stocks either directly or through retirement accounts.

"You could argue that there's a trickle-down effect," said KPMG's Hunter, "but actual evidence of that meaningfully changing people's lives over the long term seems to be de minimis."

Obama sucked
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