Wake Up, America! Wake Up! PLEASE!!

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See Trump has plunged the knife into the back of the kurds who helped the USA subdue ISIS over the last few years. Hung out to dry and left at the mercy of the Turks.
And ISIS is recruiting again and moving into position to start over.

yes and a lot of people not happy...….but he wanted to hand it to Russia a long time ago but his chief of staff raised hell...so he didn't...now who is going to stop him?....the Kurds have been our allies in Iraq ...Syria and several other places....turkey hates them and has been slaughtering the one close to the boarder......says a lot about HIS foreign policy doesn't it....Graham and a few others are complaining right now....but they have their head up his ass way to far to say much
yes and a lot of people not happy...….but he wanted to hand it to Russia a long time ago but his chief of staff raised hell...so he didn't...now who is going to stop him?....the Kurds have been our allies in Iraq ...Syria and several other places....turkey hates them and has been slaughtering the one close to the boarder......says a lot about HIS foreign policy doesn't it....Graham and a few others are complaining right now....but they have their head up his ass way to far to say much
Well I know Trump thinks he's king *******, but you make enemies of the Turks at your peril. They are hard as nails, have a large and well- armed military, occupy a super strategic position in the med and have been developing closer and closer relations with p.utin for years now.
Trump is a disaster and I don't get why people can't see it.
I see the wife of an American diplomat has killed a young guy here with her car, assured the police that she won't leave the country. And then promptly left the country and returned to the states, claiming diplomatic immunity.
Friend of trump no doubt. Classy.
Can't we all just get along?
Can't we all just get along?
I have no bad ******* for anyone on here. I do get frustrated though with people's refusal, or inability, to see what's going on. I feel a bit like an outsider and I'm trying to give an outsider's view. America and Britain are allies; have been for a while. But this man is changing people's view of America. At first we fought it was funny that this guy was in power. Then we gradually realised that people actually wanted him in power and the head scratching began. A lot of the world wants to see America fail. We all need friends, including America. But America seems to be deliberately isolating itself.
To use an American expression: go figure.
But I do cringe sometimes at what I've typed. I'm a normal guy, who likes to fish, walk his dog, read and follow football. We would probably be friends in real life.
Ya just never know - prolly so - if we kept off of politics.

I know Subhub is a decent guy he’s just obsessed with politics and hating our President. I believe once someone is elected they should be supported not constantly attacked. I was not a fan of President Obama but I always wished for his success.
Well I know Trump thinks he's king *******, but you make enemies of the Turks at your peril. They are hard as nails, have a large and well- armed military, occupy a super strategic position in the med and have been developing closer and closer relations with p.utin for years now.
Trump is a disaster and I don't get why people can't see it.

got to agree with you there....they are supposed to be an ally and we have/had a base there...….but trump threatened to destroy their economy over tariffs a while back......and all of a sudden they started buying arms from Russia....the whole thing a little testy there and trump not helping at all...except giving what he can to Russia....we are losing a lot of influence around the world because of him......and the turks is a strange deal anyway...supposed to be our ally......and the Kurds have fought along side us since the start of things over there....turks hate the Kurds...what a mess.....and with us pulling out turks will invade Syria...and ******* all the turks they can on the way....that would put control of turkey in Russia...turkey and Syria...all good pals.....the guy is a fucking retard to put it mildly...and yet you see so many just think he is some kind of god because he speaks his piece....they overlook and deny everything else
But I do cringe sometimes at what I've typed. I'm a normal guy, who likes to fish, walk his dog, read and follow football. We would probably be friends in real life.

know what you mean...I also like to hunt and fish...deer season started last week.....I have a lot of car guys I consider good friends....and we just made an agreement a long time ago to not talk trump or politics
I know - after 8 years of Obama - America first must seem like a strange concept however some of us happen to like it.

if it was only America first ...but it's not....it's trump first....Russia second...…..not sure where America fits in...….look at what some of the key advisors said about his P.utin phones calls...a real suck up anything the guy wants

he is not putting America first......treating it just like he has any other biz...….milk what he can out of it and then dump it when things go bad
You're absolutely right, and one of the reasons I don't get as involved in these discussions as I once did. Some here simply can not make their point and let it go; they HAVE to have the last word. Some of us (me as one) have jobs ... I can't go on hour after hour.
I think most is just the hate developed during the Bush & Obama administrations; we can thank Newt Gingrich and some of the Tea Party members for most of the divide. The conservative posters we have here now, don't even try to support their comments with research or articles ... they just take the Trump way ... all media and liberals are liars. Makes no difference what the media or liberals post with documentation.

know what you mean.....getting burned out myself....get on here out of some kind of crazy reflex anymore....but it is the same ******* everyday....they make crazy statements.....you show them the facts...they deny the facts and make the same statement all over again in 2 or 3 days.....I keep a sheet on the bottom of my computer with the basic posts to their same silly questions they state over and over.....getting old
.....getting old
subhub, I'll have to give it to you for persistency and tenacity, you've survived a ton of these drones over the past few years. I mean, go back to the first of "Politics, Politics, Politics" and look at the list of conservative posters who have come and gone. They just keep hitting us with wave after wave after wave of brain dead drones.
I have no desire to discontinue coming here (sorry to disappoint conservatives), its just a very busy time of the year for me and work. I've really been disappointed in our Democrat congress ... just no "fight" in them; playing that fence of politics in order to keep their jobs I'm sure. Plus it was on MSNBC just today that the Democrats who fit into the 1% have no reason to fight Trump; they're getting rich by him. That's why we need frik'n term limits AND age limits in Washington.
Well I know Trump thinks he's king *******, but you make enemies of the Turks at your peril. They are hard as nails, have a large and well- armed military, occupy a super strategic position in the med and have been developing closer and closer relations with p.utin for years now.
Trump is a disaster and I don't get why people can't see it.

trump going to let the turks slaughter the people who have fought along side of the US since the beginning of all this.....with trump it is all about what Russia wants

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