Wake Up, America! Wake Up! PLEASE!!

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Trump's Always Been a Con Artist. But Now He's the Sucker.
Jul 16, 2017 · S ome of us spent a good part of 2016 arguing that Donald Trump was a con man. He had spent much of his career pulling grifts on unsuspecting victims, whether it was the enrollees at Trump University, customers of the multivitamin pyramid scheme called the "Trump Network" (bet you forgot about that one), or small businesspeople from whom he bought goods and services and then …
Trump’s an “Art of the Con” Demagogue Not a Populist ...
Apr 03, 2017 · Enough already of calling Trump a populist! He's a con-artist/demagogue. A demagogue "is a leader in a democracy who gains popularity by exploiting prejudice and ignorance among the common people, whipping up the passions of the crowd and shutting down reasoned deliberation." Methods include: "Scapegoating, Fearmongering, Lying, Emotional oratory and personal charisma, …
I’ve answered you several times - I believe Stiff has - Allfor has and others - yet you ALWAYS say we haven’t - mainly because you don’t agree - I even posted to you I’m done playing this game with you.
there on some on here who think he has done great things....but when asked....they can't name one....talk about mind fucked!
This idiot got U.S. NATO and EU ALLIES in a state of shock after his latest Syrian fiasco! This idiot has only one friend and one country to care for, and neither are within U.S. boarders! Celebrations continue in Moscow, and growing in laughter every time Trump opens his repugnant mouth!
We have to use our free will every act we perform, we have the right to live free in America and vote as we wish.
Allforthewifey stated it exactly correct, we have lived our lives and we continue to view life through our own eyes. Because we now live in this age of social media which is both positive and negative. Living our lives out among people we come in contact with and spending personal time visiting and talking with and listening to our friends and family is positive. Relying on social media, our present Congress and internet propaganda is negative and getting worse everyday. You Democrats post article after article of bias information that you are using to attempt to prove your opinion. We are commenting through the trials and tribulations that we have lived first hand because of imperfect lives. I first became aware of government the day John F. Kennedy was assassinated, I was six years old. From that day I have witnessed president after president that have been part of overwhelming disappointment to the people of this country. President is giving us his all, he is far from perfect, but none of us are perfect.
What we need to do is wipe the slate clean of our out of hand corrupt, greedy, power hungry so called servants of the people, we need to change the rules and start over.
This idiot got U.S. NATO and EU ALLIES in a state of shock after his latest Syrian fiasco! This idiot has only one friend and one country to care for, and neither are within U.S. boarders! Celebrations continue in Moscow, and growing in laughter every time Trump opens his repugnant mouth!

Only repugnant idiot I see spoutin off is you.


Down with smarmy liberals
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