Wake Up, America! Wake Up! PLEASE!!

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2 whistleblowers ?
I think not - 2 deep state leakers - Dems - Obama appointees - I think SO.

Just like with Kavanaugh - Dem lying plants piling on - SO predictable and impotent. Dems just looking more and more pathetic and desperate !
You Dems are so delusional believing all of your own lies now. We’ll see very soon whose got the goods - Schiff just fabricates - he’s a proven liar. This should get REALLY good when the IG’s report comes out later this month.
What right did that disgusting Schiff scum bag have to create a " Parody " in a serious situation like that? He is more then a lair, he is a crook.
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It is easy to see how trump got in...well with Russia of course......but if you put several of the trumptards on here together....not a lick of sense...none....I have never heard such stupid statements....and even when you give them the facts they don't want to know...…...the height of stupidity on display here by a few trump-re- tards

wonder if it is possible to share an IQ?....doesn't matter the total would still be 3!
It is easy to see how trump got in...well with Russia of course......but if you put several of the trumptards on here together....not a lick of sense...none....I have never heard such stupid statements....and even when you give them the facts they don't want to know...…...the height of stupidity on display here by a few trump-re- tards

wonder if it is possible to share an IQ?....doesn't matter the total would still be 3!
ever think it was you thats retarded
blkdlaur and Allforthewifey Apparently Sub is confusing us with the morons that independent reporters are attempting to interview at all those leftist demonstrations, antifa with their masks, black clothes and cowardly violence , all the pussy hat wearing abortion supporting beauty queens:sick::sick::sick:, the sovereign citizen movement, many first amendment auditors that are cop haters, the Moorish American morons, Gun control advocate rallies, all of these impeach President Trump demonstrations. The members of the squad with their Anti- American, Socialistic agenda's, all these Democratic Socialist presidential candidates. If I were them democrats, I would be so proud to join all their these people with most not having enough brains to fill thimbles.
blkdlaur and Allforthewifey Apparently Sub is confusing us with the morons that independent reporters are attempting to interview at all those leftist demonstrations, antifa with their masks, black clothes and cowardly violence , all the pussy hat wearing abortion supporting beauty queens:sick::sick::sick:, the sovereign citizen movement, many first amendment auditors that are cop haters, the Moorish American morons, Gun control advocate rallies, all of these impeach President Trump demonstrations. The members of the squad with their Anti- American, Socialistic agenda's, all these Democratic Socialist presidential candidates. If I were them democrats, I would be so proud to join all their these people with most not having enough brains to fill thimbles.

no confusing there....I'm convinced of it
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