Wake Up, America! Wake Up! PLEASE!!

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John Solomon has the goods on the Ukraine business

you are just as bad as stiff!

John Solomon
Political Commentator
John F. Solomon is an American journalist who is an investigative reporter, a media executive, and a conservative political commentator. He is an editorialist and executive vice president of digital video for The Hill. He was formerly employed as an executive and as editor-in-chief at The Washington Times. While he has won a number of prestigious awards for his investigative journalism, he has also been accused of magnifying small scandals and creating fake controversy.
Your articles are leftwing horseshite - I’ve seen the documents John Solomon has - he has the goods on the Bidens and the fact that the Dems went to the Ukraine before the 2016 election to dig up dirt on Trump. He has government documents to support this. This all will be reported in The Hill soon if not already. You fools are finished.
you are just as bad as stiff!

John Solomon
Political Commentator
John F. Solomon is an American journalist who is an investigative reporter, a media executive, and a conservative political commentator. He is an editorialist and executive vice president of digital video for The Hill. He was formerly employed as an executive and as editor-in-chief at The Washington Times. While he has won a number of prestigious awards for his investigative journalism, he has also been accused of magnifying small scandals and creating fake controversy.

Government documents from the Ukrainian government are strong evidence - we’ll see very soon how small a scandal this is ;}
Government documents from the Ukrainian government are strong evidence - we’ll see very soon how small a scandal this is ;}
Well, you gonna show us what you got or just keep running your jaws? Show us that PROOF you have on the Bidens that's so terrible.
Its doubtful now that your Trump will even be IN the 2020 Election. Just heard that Pompeo is starting to keep his distance from Trump ... he's already been caught in a lie and fixing to be subpenaed by the House; already the House is in the process of re-subpoenaing AG Barr for lies he told in his first House subpoena.
Hell, we could end up with the President, Attorney General and Secty State Pompeo ALL IN PRISON in a co-conspiracy. LOLpic_DrainTheSwamp-Tshirt.jpg
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You Dems are so delusional believing all of your own lies now. We’ll see very soon whose got the goods - Schiff just fabricates - he’s a proven liar. This should get REALLY good when the IG’s report comes out later this month.
You Dems are so delusional believing all of your own lies now. We’ll see very soon whose got the goods - Schiff just fabricates - he’s a proven liar. This should get REALLY good when the IG’s report comes out later this month.

Schiff a proven liar....by whose standards...Trumps?

hell look at you bengahzi guy Trey gowdy……..CAUGHT red handed forging Hillary's emails to make her look guilty and did the right do anything....nope!
besides Schiff has done nothing wrong except to just act on what he finds or is presented to him.....just like the press that you all hate so much.....and yet you all buy into what these right wing talk show hosts tell you to be facts.....when they are just like Hannity and a couple others...OPINIONS....and something to stir the pot!....you use one to reference your BS....stiff uses another to reference his BS...….allfor uses a conservative right wing newspaper to reference his.....all just right wing opinions to stir the pot and gain an audience
State Department Inspector General giving ‘urgent’ Ukraine ...
Oct 01, 2019 · The top watchdog at the State Department will be giving an “urgent” briefing to Congress on Ukraine, ABC News reported Tuesday. “The State Department’s Inspector General

State Department inspector general requests briefing with ...
The State Department's inspector general on Tuesday requested an urgent briefing with senior congressional staff members after Secretary of State Mike Pompeo pushed back on …

State IG Calls 'Urgent' Meeting on Ukraine with House ...
The State Department's inspector general called for an "urgent" briefing with staffers from several House and Senate committees concerning documents connected to the State Department and Ukraine, according to Washington sources.
Grassley breaks with Trump over protecting whistleblower
For now, Grassley is something of a lonely voice in the party, though Sen. Susan Collins (R-Maine) pushed back forcefully against Trump’s suggestion last week that the whistleblower’s sources ...

Chuck Grassley Defends Intel Whistleblower - mediaite.com
14 hours ago · In a statement, GOP Sen. Chuck Grassley pushes back on attacks on the whistleblower, saying the individual “appears to have followed the whistleblower protection laws and ought to be heard out ...

Chuck Grassley says Trump, media should respect ...
14 hours ago · U.S. Sen. Chuck Grassley pushes back against Trump's calls to out whistleblower. Grassley does not support calls for President Donald Trump's …
Dems went to the Ukraine before the 2016 election to dig up dirt on Trump

guess you don't realize just how fucking stupid that statement is......why would anyone go to Ukraine to dig up dirt on trump....when trump wasn't even the press yet and hadn't had time to fuck up anything there

just more of your stupid statements when you do make one...go back to the one liners you don't embarrass your self so much

He has government documents to support this

he must be pretty good at forging *******.....see my above statement........might want to be a little careful on that....although nothing happened to Gowdy….just shows the party that supports the constitution and law enforcement has changed on all that since trump took over.....everyone is out to get him....more of your "deep state" ******* again?
Donald Trump & Republican Party -- GOP Is Self-Destructing ...
The Self-Immolation of the Republican Party. Donald Trump has done the Democrats’ work for them, defining himself in the most negative terms through an unending series of inane, ludicrous, and deranged comments. It’s not the media, the party elite, the Democrats sabotaging Donald Trump. It’s Trump. This is self-immolation on an epic scale.

Trump’s Takeover of the Republican Party Is Almost ...
Apr 03, 2019 · On Election Day in 2016, the Republican Party was divided against itself, split over its nominee for president, Donald J. Trump.
The utterly pathetic Republican Party
Jul 17, 2019 · The text of the resolution passed by House Democrats (along with just four Republicans and one ex-Republican, Rep. Justin Amash of Michigan) name-checks and quotes a …

Look what Trump has made Republicans give: their standards and principles, their judgment and intelligence, their honor and pride, their souls. For nearly three years now (since he was anointed the Republican Party's standard bearer at the 2016 GOP nominating convention), they have carried his pestilential water. And where has it left them? Pretending they aren't disgusted by the man who leads their party and governs the country in their name.

It's become commonplace on the right for elected officials and their media cheerleaders to speak as if Trump is some kind of political Svengali ruthlessly manipulating his enemies into acts of self-destruction. So House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) was attempting last week to marginalize "the Squad" of troublemaking lefty backbenchers, and Trump's "racially charged" tweets about them on Sunday morning ****** Pelosi to embrace them anew. Genius!

Except that isn't what's happened at all. Even if we conveniently forget that Trump's always-anemic approval rating hit rock bottom in the days following his expression of even-handed sympathy for the "very fine" neo-Nazis who terrorized Charlottesville in August 2017, we have ample reason to doubt Trump is deploying an effective strategy for the early stages of his re-election campaign.
I think if it were to go that far.....the dems have several more years to go...….they spent 5 years investigating everything there was on Clinton...and still the right pushes these wildass accusations…..when he is the second most popular president in history...(behind Obama)….and the right spent 2 years on bengahzi….when even your current republican minority leader admitted it was all about making her look bad for the elections....easily a mere 7 years....so just getting started on Adolph trump
losing election was clear this is there only tactic
A Former Republican Mourns the Republican’s Self ...
Jan 18, 2019 · Republican Friends and Readers, I would ask you to consider that the President is not a president of law and order. He is not a president of tradition or conservative moral and legal values. The President is reckless, impulsive, amoral (you can read more …

How far will Republicans go to destroy democracy ...
Jul 10, 2019 · If the GOP still values the rule of law, then perhaps the danger to democracy will recede after President Trump leaves office. But if the GOP no longer cares about democracy, then our …

Global American® Values: How Fox News Created ...
We are the OPPOSITE of Donald Trump "The Global American® values are based on these principles: We are Promoting AMERICAN values globally !) RESPECT for ALL 2) EQUALITY for ALL 3) JUSTICE for ALL These are AMERICAN values to apply in our lives and actions globally. ... How Fox News Created Frankensteins Trump & Cruz -- and Destroyed the ...
losing election was clear this is there only tactic

we didn't lose the election.....see popular vote......Russia took it from us!
but in the last 30 years the right has had only ONE elected pres......all the rest....got in by hook or by crook...some shady deal
you need to face the fact the right is not the party it once was.....and will go to any means to win

the Dems just want the truth to surface...and it will sooner or later
Everyone has to deal with there personal decisions in life I bet Hillary doesn't sleep without medication
we didn't lose the election.....see popular vote......Russia took it from us!
but in the last 30 years the right has had only ONE elected pres......all the rest....got in by hook or by crook...some shady deal
you need to face the fact the right is not the party it once was.....and will go to any means to win

the Dems just want the truth to surface...and it will sooner or later
I talking 2020
Everyone has to deal with there personal decisions in life

that would apply to you!....look at the lies and false information you post wanting us to believe....typical republican....lie to win at any cost....America be damned.....I don't recall saying anything about us as being losers....we just want to end corruption....and that is something the right has to have to survive.....they don't have an honest candidate they put on a ticket....so just back any crook who wants the job

The Real Reason Republicans Enable Trump | Rantt
Aug 06, 2019 · Democrats see the current partisan divide as a messaging issue that can be overcome with enough deference and respectful quips about white rural working-class voters. Republicans and their base see it as a war they must win at all costs, publicly daydreaming about slaughtering residents of blue states. Democratic voters see themselves as civic-minded citizens participating in the political

Republican priorities - win at all costs - Democratic ...
By dragging the 2000 Presidential election from Florida into the U.S. Supreme Court, Bush ignored Florida's right to decide its own election results all by itself, thus ignoring the "states' rights" concept that Republicans hold in such high honor. Just to win at any cost.

Roy Moore response shows Republican Party deserves to die
Nov 10, 2017 · Roy Moore response shows GOP deserves to die: Max Boot. This is the sorry culmination of two trends that have disfigured the conservative movement: contempt for the facts and desire to win at all ...

Help The Rich, Help The Rich, Help The RichRepublican ...
Republican Party congresspeople and governors have made it their #1 priority (often their only real priority) to tilt the scales back in favor of the rich 99% of the time, instead of a completely ..

republican win at all costs party | Lettersfromitia's Blog
Mar 27, 2010 · Republicans, are a “win at all costs”, political party. They do not have the ability to accept a majority rule if it is not their rule. In their eyes, Democracy is not a valid form of government if they are not the ruling party.
Another craven GOP surrender to Trump’s anger and bullying ...
Mar 13, 2019 · Another craven GOP surrender to Trump’s anger and bullying ... The Times brings us this remarkable detail about the pressure Trump is exerting on GOP ... Trump just plunged the country into ...

Opinions | Trump’s war on truth just got a lot more cult-like
Everything must always be pressed into service — even, it appears, to the detriment of the political needs of down-ballot candidates in Trump’s own party — for the single highest good of ...

How Trump Is Destroying the GOP - Truthdig
How Trump Is Destroying the GOP. His Interior Department is opening more of California’s federal land and coastline to oil and gas drilling, and Trump’s EPA is moving to repeal new restrictions on a type of heavily-polluting truck California was relying on to meet its climate and air quality goals.

This is how Trump is destroying the Republican Party - WHYY
Apr 19, 2018 · Trump is dismantling the government and his party with it. Certainly, if he has ruined the GOP brand, he could not have done it alone, as this process was decades in the making. The party of Abraham Lincoln and Frederick Douglass — founded in opposition to slavery, with 2,000 black elected officials during Reconstruction — emerged as the party of intolerance and exclusion in the 21st century.

Stupid, Unprofessional, Low IQ Rhetoric, Lies that Are ...
Jan 18, 2018 · Meanwhile, Trump and the GOP are quickly chipping away at many of the programs that have not only protected the country and the people, but have allowed the U.S. to …
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