Wake Up, America! Wake Up! PLEASE!!

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think your chart might be off....pretty sure the actual number is less than 10! and all of them on here

How many people actually support President Trump? - Quora
118,769,395 U.S. adults support Trump. Trump received 62,979,879 votes (or 46.1%) in the 2016 election. Reasonably, some people were voting against Clinton, rather than for Trump. And that matches up nicely with Trump’s popularity in recent polls. Current polls have Trump’s popularity at about 42.2%.

Donald Trump’s Base Is Shrinking | FiveThirtyEight
May 24, 2017 · Meanwhile, the share of Americans who somewhat disapprove of Trump has been small and fairly steady throughout his term, usually averaging around 10 or 11 percent. It was 11.6 percent

Trump is least popular incoming president since 1940s ...
Jan 20, 2017 · Trump is least popular incoming president since 1940s. Only 44 per cent of Americans approve of the way Mr Trump handled the presidential transition, the lowest approval rating of any president-elect since Gallup began asking the question. More Americans — 51 per cent — disapprove of the transition than approve of it.

Donald Trump's Tweets Are Diving in Popularity ...
Apr 17, 2017 · Donald Trump's Tweets Are Diving in Popularity ... DC — Donald Trump hasn't slowed down on Twitter since being inaugurated as president on Jan. 20, but over the course of less than three months ...

Trump’s Popularity Reaches A Historic Low - GOOD
by Tod Perry. A new poll released by Gallup found that only 37 percent of Americans approve of the job Trump is doing as opposed to 58 percent who disapprove. This makes him the least popular president at this point in his first term since Gallup began the poll in 1945. In contrast, at a similar point in 2009, Barack Obama had a 60 percent approval rating.

now let me look at this.....if only 37% of americans approve of trump.....that means there are a lot more that are not In favor.....and trump and his trumpkins want a civil war.....you do realize you are way out numbered don't you?
of course he can joke about it....trump not going to say anything to his boss....and he is going to need p.utin soon anyway

Putin jokes that Moscow plans to meddle in the 2020 election
Putin jokes that Moscow plans to meddle in the 2020 election. ... When asked if Russia would interfere in the 2020 election cycle, Putin leaned into the microphone on stage and mimicked a whisper ...

Putin jokes that Russia will 'definitely' meddle in 2020 U ...
4 hours ago · Putin jokes that Russia will 'definitely' meddle in 2020 U.S. election. By Lauren Meier - The Washington Times Wednesday, October 2, 2019 Russian President Vladimir Putin on Wednesday jokingly suggested that the Kremlin would interfere in the 2020 U.S. presidential election as American intelligence officials have concluded Russia meddled in the ...

and you know the republicans are not going to complain about Russian hacking...….anything to stay in power....party over country!
Just more of those poor republicans just trying to make a living

Documents: Ex-GOP chair for North Carolina to plead guilty
5 days ago · Documents: Ex-GOP chair for North Carolina to plead guilty. A former North Carolina GOP chairman will admit in court that he lied to federal agents conducting a bribery investigation of a …

Former North Carolina GOP Chair To Plead Guilty For Lying ...
5 days ago · Former North Carolina GOP Chair To Plead Guilty For Lying In Bribery Probe. ... RALEIGH, N.C. (AP) — A former North Carolina GOP chairman will admit in court that he lied to federal agents conducting a bribery investigation of a major political donor, according to …

GOP Chair Hayes could testify against others in scheme: ‘They should be worried

Under a deal with federal prosecutors, North Carolina’s former state Republican chairman could testify against other defendants in the state’s largest-ever case of political bribery.
Robin Hayes would plead guilty to a single felony count of lying to the FBI under the deal. He’s scheduled to formally enter his guilty plea in federal court Wednesday.
The plea agreement calls for Hayes to cooperate with prosecutors. That includes testifying against his co-defendants.

Read more here: https://www.newsobserver.com/news/politics-government/article235624037.html#storylink=cpy
of course he can joke about it....trump not going to say anything to his boss....and he is going to need p.utin soon anyway

Poroshenko jokes that Moscow plans to meddle in the 2020 election
Poroshenko jokes that Moscow plans to meddle in the 2020 election. ... When asked if Russia would interfere in the 2020 election cycle, Poroshenko leaned into the microphone on stage and mimicked a whisper ...

Poroshenko jokes that Russia will 'definitely' meddle in 2020 U ...
4 hours ago · Poroshenko jokes that Russia will 'definitely' meddle in 2020 U.S. election. By Lauren Meier - The Washington Times Wednesday, October 2, 2019 Russian President Vladimir Poroshenko on Wednesday jokingly suggested that the Kremlin would interfere in the 2020 U.S. presidential election as American intelligence officials have concluded Russia meddled in the ...

and you know the republicans are not going to complain about Russian hacking...….anything to stay in power....party over country!
And if anyone believes that Putin was really joking about meddling in the 2020 elections the joke is on you!
I registered as a republican at 16 1/2 when i got my drivers license

I didn't until I came home from the Army and then got the Union Job and saw how important politics was....been involved every since.....although no where near like I used to....walk door to door...phone calls....fliers...after election hound my congressman and senators to death over issues....still do some of that
anyone notice pence making it a point to be far way from the white house right now......and I see he just released a statement all of his phone calls to foreign countries were open

I don't give a ******* what all he did.....really doubt even the right would support him
Many people outside of America are worried that your 'very stable genius' might do something stupid now in an attempt to shore up his popular support. Something like attacking a long standing thorn in America's side.
This is the real reason trump is so dangerous.
Many people outside of America are worried that your 'very stable genius' might do something stupid now in an attempt to shore up his popular support. Something like attacking a long standing thorn in America's side.
This is the real reason trump is so dangerous.

there is some truth to that...like start a war with Iran...….or sign some crazy deal with NK

NK already thinks he is weak anyway....and under the current circumstances think he might be more vulnerable.....read about that a couple days ago....it's why they are pushing to meet
there is some truth to that...like start a war with Iran...….or sign some crazy deal with NK

NK already thinks he is weak anyway....and under the current circumstances think he might be more vulnerable.....read about that a couple days ago....it's why they are pushing to meet
He's definitely vulnerable and what does a big spoilt baby do when he doesn't get his own way? He throws his toys out of the pram and lashes out.
It is disgraceful that he disparages his own intelligence services publicly. I mean, that's really stupid. Anm I correct in thinking that the head of intelligence is a trump appointment? And he's still having a tantrum?
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