Wake Up, America! Wake Up! PLEASE!!

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Maybe? Same with several critics on the left that are very well paid especially all those late night comics that criticize Trump. As you said it's all about the money!

very true......but I don't post any of them and claim them to be factual...…..other wise I could just use any of the late night comics same as you

you have yet to see me quote Stephen Cobair and yet you post the same from the right and expect us to buy it as facts.....again your logic falls way short
Dems fraudulent charges i wonder after his second term if he can sue for slander
He's suing everyone else with OUR tax dollars; doesn't cost him a dime.
As far as fraudulent charges ... if all the accusations being brought about Trump are false ...
why does he refuse to be questioned under oath?​
why declare he can't be charged as a sitting President?​
why hide his tax returns?​
why tell other members of his admin to not respond to subpoenas or be questioned?​
why have private conversations with adversaries with no US witnesses or interpreters?​
why all the lies daily?​
etc, etc, etc ... because he's a con-man, that's why!​
He's suing everyone else with OUR tax dollars; doesn't cost him a dime.
As far as fraudulent charges ... if all the accusations being brought about Trump are false ...
why does he refuse to be questioned under oath?​
why declare he can't be charged as a sitting President?​
why hide his tax returns?​
why tell other members of his admin to not respond to subpoenas or be questioned?​
why have private conversations with adversaries with no US witnesses or interpreters?​
why all the lies daily?​
etc, etc, etc ... because he's a con-man, that's why!​
they are wasting our presidents time and thats all this is
they are wasting our presidents time and thats all this is
I believe he's wasted Amnerica's time. He's a servant of the US of the highest level, and done a really poor job of fulfilling his promises ... like his promise of better & less expensive health care for everyone. He's done nothing but enrich himself, Allfor. You didn't answer the Q's above because you, like many Trump followers, know the answer already. You'd rather deny his failure than admit you Trumpsters put this FAKE in office to begin with. His latest tweeting rant regarding starting a civil war should tell you this man could care LESS about the people he's suppose to be serving.
He's going to get kicked out of office before 2020, Allfor, and everyone will see exactly what this fool is all about, just wait.
this guy has been known to sue at the drop of a hat...…..and all these gals and etc prior to the election and his talks of suits....nothing.....like everything else about the man....full of *******!
And here's an interesting article in support of just how this Trump character has been occupying some of his time, exclusive of the time he spends at his golf courses at the expense and courtesy of the gold old U.S. taxpayers!
This article comes courtesy of Newsweek:

Author and lawyer James Zirin has claimed that President Donald Trump has been able to sue thousands of individuals and companies because "he didn't pay most of his lawyers."
Zirin, whose new book entitled "Plaintiff in Chief: A Portrait of Donald Trump in 3,500 Lawsuits" presents an in depth portrait of the president's lawsuits over the years, made the remarks during an interview with CNN on Monday. He explained that Trump has launched at least 200 additional lawsuits, on top of the 3,5000, since taking office in January 2017.

"He sues slightly more often than he's sued," Zirin pointed out. "But it's both, he's both on the receiving end and he brings lawsuits." The author explained that many of the lawsuits are settled or dismissed, "but he loves to litigate."

P.S. So who is wasting who's time!
I believe he's wasted Amnerica's time. He's a servant of the US of the highest level, and done a really poor job of fulfilling his promises ... like his promise of better & less expensive health care for everyone. He's done nothing but enrich himself, Allfor. You didn't answer the Q's above because you, like many Trump followers, know the answer already. You'd rather deny his failure than admit you Trumpsters put this FAKE in office to begin with. His latest tweeting rant regarding starting a civil war should tell you this man could care LESS about the people he's suppose to be serving.
He's going to get kicked out of office before 2020, Allfor, and everyone will see exactly what this fool is all about, just wait.
And contrary to his campaign promise that he wouldn't have time to play golf like his predecessor did because he'd be a full time President looking after the country's and electors interests, he's played more golf, at his golf courses, at taxpayers expense, than any other previous President, or any combination of 5 previous presidents combined!!!
I believe he's wasted Amnerica's time. He's a servant of the US of the highest level, and done a really poor job of fulfilling his promises ... like his promise of better & less expensive health care for everyone. He's done nothing but enrich himself, Allfor. You didn't answer the Q's above because you, like many Trump followers, know the answer already. You'd rather deny his failure than admit you Trumpsters put this FAKE in office to begin with. His latest tweeting rant regarding starting a civil war should tell you this man could care LESS about the people he's suppose to be serving.
He's going to get kicked out of office before 2020, Allfor, and everyone will see exactly what this fool is all about, just wait.
And contrary to his campaign promise that he wouldn't have time to play golf like his predecessor did because he'd be a full time President looking after the country's and electors interests, he's played more golf, at his golf courses, at taxpayers expense, than any other previous President, or any combination of 5 previous presidents combined!!!

you do know they are about to add embezzlement to the current impeachment charges.....he has been drawing presidential pay and never been there nor done anything
It just keeps building...…..for those that can read....leaves out most trumptards

Trump whistleblower: New revelations deepen scandal over ...
Sep 20, 2019 · Washington's newest scandal, over a whistleblower's complaint about President Donald Trump, intensified Thursday amid revelations that the White …

Trump whistleblower complaint: DNI provides Congress with ...
6 days ago · The office of the director of national intelligence gave lawmakers access to a whistleblower complaint that includes President Trump's conversation with the …

and to top it off trump wants to know who the whistle blower is so he can react accordingly.....problem if he does.....that to is an impeachable offense as the whistleblower is protected by law and if trump does anything he would be violating the law he has sworn to protect and sever......although has yet to apply to anything he has done
D.C. and Maryland v. Trump - Wikipedia
D.C. and Maryland v. Trump is a lawsuit filed on June 12, 2017 in the United States District Court for the District of Maryland.The plaintiffs, the U.S. state of Maryland and the District of Columbia, allege that the defendant, President Donald Trump, has violated the Foreign Emoluments Clause of the United States Constitution by accepting gifts from foreign governments.
Taint cryin a bit - John Solomon has the goods on the Ukraine business - Dems gonna be suckin wind once again :}

yes you are crying...….I posted the usual couple of articles on it just a day or two ago....first Biden was just one of several nations to go in front of their congress about corruption on the guy...….Biden was quick to brag he got it done...….but it didn't happen for another 2 months...and their congress is the ones that voted to do it...NOT BIDEN....second all of this happened several months BEFORE Bidens ******* was even hired!....check the time line on all of it.......you go ahead and remain stupid while listening to your right wing pals put their spin on it...but doesn't change anything...….and third...YOUR MAN IS GOING DOWN!

the one thing they did do that might help trump.....trump and the right all know there are a lot of anti trump republicans...and a lot of independent's that all would vote for Joe.....may have muddied that water. but that still doesn't mean they will vote for trump....voter apathy got him in last time...voter apathy might get him out this time

plain and simple trump has been caught pressuring two different countries into doing his bidding....if NOTHING else that's abuse of power...….but I think it will go a lot more than that and involve a lot more people....just like Watergate......the door is slowly opening to more and more....look at a few days ago ...we didn't know about Australia….we didn't know Pompeo was involved...we didn't know barr was involved....another week or two they will be holding his little hands to the fire

chances are like always.....it will be his own mouth that gets him in trouble

BTW several of your right wing buddies to include trump all say the whistleblower is just using second hand information and that is not allowed...…….the inspector general has already stated that is not the case....the whistleblower did hear the conversation...…….the right...if it wasn't for their lies they wouldn't have any information at all

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they are wasting our presidents time and thats all this is

I think if it were to go that far.....the dems have several more years to go...….they spent 5 years investigating everything there was on Clinton...and still the right pushes these wildass accusations…..when he is the second most popular president in history...(behind Obama)….and the right spent 2 years on bengahzi….when even your current republican minority leader admitted it was all about making her look bad for the elections....easily a mere 7 years....so just getting started on Adolph trump
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