Wake Up, America! Wake Up! PLEASE!!

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You obviously have not had much experience with doctors and hospitals

WRONG......I have had heart surgery 5 times in the last 6 years....just for one item
I was in one hospital and they refused to release me until I paid $600 co pay right then....I threatened to call 911
I ended up giving them their ******* money...but not without a fight!
I have had more than my share of issues with Dr.s and hospitals...Okl ranks in the bottom 5 in the nation for health care so don't tell me about bad issues with health care
since I took an eraly retirement I have no insurance and had to buy some $400.00 a month! until I can get on ss and then just buy some supplimental
I have lived in this sorry assed redneck state almost 20 years and avg a new Dr. every 2 years....have a lot of issues with the VA here also and now drive all the way to Wichita, Ks to go to the VA there.
Moving to another state soon and hopefully things better health care wise there!

most people my age are going in for stints.....not me....I have an irregular heart beat and every now and then ******* goes all kinds of place except where it needs to go....giving me stroke like symptoms.....they go in with a laser and burn some more arteries closed....doesn't last long..maybe a year...and back again it's called an ablation...only 2 Dr.s in this town that does it...so not going to just go to another Dr.!

their words of encouragement? oh you are not going to die because you do have some ******* going where it needs to!
anyway don't lecture me on Dr.s or insurance.....dealt with it plenty!
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that has nothing to do with ACA....it used to be the hospital's main concern was the patient....now it's the shareholder and patient be damned!

don't embrace insurance at all...just feel that we should have the same entitlement every other civilized country has....but yet we can't...and it all boils down to greed...and yes insurance companies are a major scam and need some kind of regulation....but we know how trump and the right takes care of regulations now don't we

(note: here in Okl they just go infront of a board and say they need to raise prices because of Tornado losses and the ins commission gives it to them...automatically every year....someone finally figured out we have the highest rates in the country and it wasn't granted this year...a first!)

I think you may be embellishing there just a bit....BUT your party IS IN CONTROL and certainly has the chance to take care of all that....and yet they don't why is that?......Isn't that the question you should be asking instead of still going back on Obama?

Not so...if you are on social security or medicare or something yes.....but not so for the Wal-Mart and McDonalds and etc workers...they just went without....I think you know this just want to still complain about the ACA...when you should be complaining about your parties lack of concern for fixing the problem

Not so...….here and in most places the hospital checks your insurance way before you ever see a DR. if you don't have any they refer you to someplace else....and no guarantee you get anything there either....same applies to a lot od Dr.s offices....no insurance no care....or maybe MAYBE the bare minimum to get rid of you

look at the stats on women giving birth.....some even with good insurance...anymore they really don't care about the patient..it's just a job....we lead the civilized world in maternity deaths! and the number of women scared for life after giving birth!

that's already been settled in court...…..they can tax you on that same as social security and etc....just something else the right wants to cry about

I have an American friend over here in Wales. He's a church guy. Anyway, his wife her announced she's pregnant so I asked if she was returning home to give birth. 'Noooooooo!' Came his reply, 'ante and post-natal care in the UK is far superior to that in the US and it is free!'
We have a very low ******* death rate over here; most women get private rooms in hospital and are allowed home the next day if all is well.
To the clown on here who thinks that the USA is a more advanced society than those in western Europe, it isn't. USA is a rich country, but the way you tolerate poverty and ration healthcare makes you a very backward nation. If you want to gauge the decency of a nation, take a look at how they care for their sick and underprivileged.
Obama saw this and took steps to address it. It makes my ******* boil to read guys on here ask why they should pay towards children's dental care when they are no longer young themselves. Wtf! Have you no sense of living in a decent civilised society, where you share the burden of the health of the community and look after each other? And you call yourselves a Christian country.
USA is a nation riddled with greed and selfishness.
I have an American friend over here in Wales. He's a church guy. Anyway, his wife her announced she's pregnant so I asked if she was returning home to give birth. 'Noooooooo!' Came his reply, 'ante and post-natal care in the UK is far superior to that in the US and it is free!'
We have a very low ******* death rate over here; most women get private rooms in hospital and are allowed home the next day if all is well.
To the clown on here who thinks that the USA is a more advanced society than those in western Europe, it isn't. USA is a rich country, but the way you tolerate poverty and ration healthcare makes you a very backward nation. If you want to gauge the decency of a nation, take a look at how they care for their sick and underprivileged.
Obama saw this and took steps to address it. It makes my ******* boil to read guys on here ask why they should pay towards children's dental care when they are no longer young themselves. Wtf! Have you no sense of living in a decent civilised society, where you share the burden of the health of the community and look after each other? And you call yourselves a Christian country.
USA is a nation riddled with greed and selfishness.

Yeah I hear bull ******* like this all the time, with a bit of digging you find it is just that - bull *******. Lets not forget the the fact that the UK has less people than the US. I know some ******* that need medical help - When can I excpet your check?
Yeah I hear bull ******* like this all the time, with a bit of digging you find it is just that - bull *******. Lets not forget the the fact that the UK has less people than the US. I know some ******* that need medical help - When can I excpet your check?

look it up!
it was just all over the news last week!
comes to health care we are the bottom of the barrel!...Maternity deaths at an all time high here!
Yeah I hear bull ******* like this all the time, with a bit of digging you find it is just that - bull *******. Lets not forget the the fact that the UK has less people than the US. I know some ******* that need medical help - When can I excpet your check?
Not bs. Absolutely true.
look it up!
it was just all over the news last week!
comes to health care we are the bottom of the barrel!...Maternity deaths at an all time high here!

I'm not disputing our level of care, just the story. I hear stories about how terrible it is and how great it is. bla bla bla

as for maternity deaths

ranked 138, the UK is at 153. Greece is at the bottom with only 3 deaths per 100K live births so I guess that makes their health care top notch right? or could it possibly have something to do with population.

Our taxes already paid for this stuff. If you want more money for health care then just raise the medicare tax, or make a single payer program. Instead we op to give it all to greed insurance companies. So you guys call us "greedy" all while bitching that we don't want to give out tax dollars to a "greedy Cooperation. LOL the irony.
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I'm not disputing our level of care, just the story. I hear stories about how terrible it is and how great it is. bla bla bla

as for maternity deaths

ranked 138, the UK is at 153. Greece is at the bottom with only 3 deaths per 100K live births so I guess that makes their health care top notch right? or could it possibly have something to do with population.

Our taxes already paid for this stuff. If you want more money for health care then just raise the medicare tax, or make a single payer program. Instead we op to give it all to greed insurance companies. So you guys call us "greedy" all while bitching that we don't want to give out tax dollars to a "greedy Cooperation. LOL the irony.

according to the news last week......insurance played no part in it....even people with insurance were NOT getting good care...one was unattended after giving birth...started *******..no one caught it...ended up have a hysterectomy because of it
can't believe you didn't hear about all this on the news last week.....doesn't matter insured or un-insured...health care NOT GOOD!
especially in that!...some have complications...others end up having permanent operations that end their motherhood...permanent scars for life !

the thing I noticed in a lot of this...….people don't have the concern they used to...now it's just a job! Period!
let me tell you about one of my experiences....I had just had my second heart operation....when you come out of surgery they are not supposed to wake you...you are supposed to wake on your own......I had been in there a lot longer than expected....and that ward just does those operations....I wake up to someone shaking me asking me if I need to pee....ok so I get up and hobble to the toilet....while in there I see ******* gushing out everywhere (on those operations they go up through a vein in your leg)...I pull the string for help...2 gals come up push me to the floor...trying to stop the flow of *******.....one gets up and goes to the desk...I hear her call her husband complaining about being late for that dinner date...the other trying to stop my *******....tells me just what the priorities are anymore

another note.....I have a niece that is now a high dollar nurse...was working in texas but now does a lot of traveling teaching OJT updates to other nurses around the country.....she says a lot of them don't even pay attention when explain things...just there because the hospital told them to attend!
all of that has nothing to do with insurance...it's just a job....and I don't know what the cure for that is!
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according to the news last week......insurance played no part in it....even people with insurance were NOT getting good care...one was unattended after giving birth...started *******..no one caught it...ended up have a hysterectomy because of it
can't believe you didn't hear about all this on the news last week.....doesn't matter insured or un-insured...health care NOT GOOD!
especially in that!

And I AGREE, - shocker - we don't get good care and THAT is one of my main problems with ACA. If the ACA did what it claims, I wouldn't have a problem with it - but it doesn't. Your problem is you cant see it for what it is (money to the insurance companies) and it's not going to help the American people one bit. I would much rather see a single payer system, not another "feed the greedy" so called "social program".

The ACA does nothing to improve care or keep cost down, I wouldn't like the ACA anymore if Bush put it out.
THAT is one of my main problems with ACA
that has nothing to do with anything....you are just using your hate for the ACA to put blame on a problem.....ACA can not make hospitals give you good care!

that goes back to hospitals cutting everywhere they can...to include wages in getting nothing but the best.....all to put money in the shareholders pockets....at the expense of the people!

god nurses and Dr.s make good money...if you are not of that quality...you shouldn't be there until you reach that quality of service...instead of just hiring and paying according to what you want or can afford according to what your profit margin dictates

hospitals anymore are just corporations and the care suffers because of it....just like corporate America to begin with!
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we don't get good care and THAT is one of my main problems with ACA. If the ACA did what it claims, I wouldn't have a problem with it - but it doesn't. Your problem is you cant see it for what it is (money to the insurance companies) and it's not going to help the American people one bit. I would much rather see a single payer system, not another "feed the greedy" so called "social program".
The ACA does nothing to improve quality of care or keep cost down, I wouldn't like the ACA anymore if Bush put it out
.....I'm not sure what the ACA has to do with the quality of care you receive at your medical service providers, TwoBi. I do know the quality of medical service depends on where you're located, as some of the treatments for certain diseases & injuries aren't offered the same way in rural America, so you either look for alternatives OR go where those special services are provided.
.....As far as the ACA keeping costs down, again, you should blame your conservatives as they are the ones who are constantly destroying the health insurance plan that a lot of people can finally get. The 80/20 and 85/15 MLR has returned billions of dollars back to insureds, and subsidies, Medical Exchanges, Medicaid expansion, and requirement of wellness programs (which have no co-insurance) have cut the costs of services for many. You guys keep bitching about COSTS then support the very felons who have been trying to destroy it while promising you a better plan with NO intentions of delivering on their promises. For seven solid years your conservative party has done NOTHING to help the quality of health care or to make medical insurance more affordable ... in fact, they're one of the reasons the costs are going up.

These recent attachments unfortunately don't support the BS your right-nuts have been saying, but then, what else is new?

Good god, man, Trump lies 14 times a day (on average), makes ******* up on the cuff, and the drones just keep believing this big liar. When called out for errors at the podium, Trump has the perfect answer, "That's what was given to me" ... BS!
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Donald Trump broke the presidency. It's time to get rid of the job altogether.
USA Today

Donald Trump is proof that the U.S. presidency is broken and democracy is in peril. It's time to amend the Constitution and abolish the presidency. Abolish the POTUS! We’ve seen it: the belligerent typo-ridden tweets; the fawning press conferences with autocrats and overlords; the self-described Nazis on parade praising an American president’s name. We have seen it with our own eyes. There is a bloated authoritarian lounging in his bathrobe in a 200-year-old mansion that used to symbolize the principal republic of the world. This is a man who openly conspired to cheat with the help of a hostile foreign nation in a federal election. On election night, he came in second place, yet due to a scab ...
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For seven solid years your conservative party has done NOTHING to help the quality of health care or to make medical insurance more affordable ... in fact, they're the cause of the costs going up.

And the Democrats have done ???? I mean besides making it a criminal act if I don't give money to a greedy insurance corporation. How does it feel to work for what you claim so adamantly to be against?
AP FACT CHECK: Trump's economic mirage; Sanders on Medicare
Hope Yen and Christopher Rugaber, Associated Press,

President Donald Trump is pulling numbers out of thin air when it comes to the economy, jobs and the deficit.
He refers to a current record-breaking gross domestic product for the U.S. where none exists and predicts a blockbuster 5 percent annual growth rate in the current quarter that hardly any economist sees. Hailing his trade policies in spite of fears of damage from the escalating trade disputes he's provoked, Trump also falsely declares that his tariffs on foreign goods will help erase $21 trillion in national debt. The numbers don't even come close.
The statements capped a week of grandiose and erroneous claims by Trump and his critics, including questionable rhetoric from Sen. Bernie Sanders that his "Medicare for all" plan would reduce U.S. health spending by $2 trillion.
A sampling of the statements, and the reality behind them:
TRUMP: "Economic growth, last quarter, hit the 4.1. We anticipate this next quarter to be — this is just an estimate, but already they're saying it could be in the fives." — remarks Tuesday before a group of business executives.

TRUMP: "As you know, we're doing record and close-to-record GDP." — remarks Tuesday.
THE FACTS: No. These are the latest in a string of exaggerated claims that Trump has made about the U.S. economy.
While economists are generally optimistic about growth, very few anticipate the economy will expand at a 5 percent annual rate in the July-September quarter the president referred to. Macroeconomic Advisers, a consulting firm in St. Louis, forecasts 3.2 percent growth in the third quarter. JPMorgan Chase economists have penciled in 3.5 percent. The Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta pegs it at 4.3 percent.
Whatever the final number turns out to be, none of these figures represents record or close-to-record growth for gross domestic product, the broadest measure of the nation's output. The 4.1 percent growth in the second quarter was simply the most since 2014.
TRUMP: "We've created 3.9 million more jobs since Election Day — so almost 4 million jobs — which is unthinkable." — remarks Thursday at prison reform event in Bedminster, N.J.

THE FACTS: It's not that unthinkable, since more jobs were created in the same period before the November 2016 election than afterward.
It's true that in the 20 months since Trump's election, the economy has generated 3.9 million jobs. In the 20 months before his election, however, employers added 4.3 million jobs.
TRUMP: "Great financial numbers being announced on an almost daily basis. Economy has never been better, jobs at best point in history." — tweet Monday.
THE FACTS: He's exaggerating. The economy is healthy now, but it has been in better shape at many times in the past.
Growth reached 4.1 percent at an annual rate in the second quarter, which Trump highlighted late last month with remarks at the White House. But it's only the best in the past four years. So far, the economy is expanding at a modest rate compared with previous economic expansions. In the late 1990s, growth topped 4 percent for four straight years, from 1997 through 2000. And in the 1980s expansion, growth even reached 7.2 percent in 1984.

It's not clear what Trump specifically means when he declares that jobs are at the "best point in history," but based on several indicators, he's off the mark.
The unemployment rate of 3.9 percent is not at the best point ever — it is actually near the lowest in 18 years. The all-time low came in 1953, when unemployment fell to 2.5 percent during the Korean War. And while economists have been surprised to see employers add 215,000 jobs a month this year, a healthy increase, employers in fact added jobs at a faster pace in 2014 and 2015. A greater percentage of Americans held jobs in 2000 than now.
Trump didn't mention probably the most important measure of economic health for Americans — wages. While paychecks are slowly grinding higher, inflation is now canceling out the gains. Lifted by higher gasoline prices, consumer prices increased 2.9 percent in June from a year earlier, the most in six years.

TRUMP: "Because of Tariffs we will be able to start paying down large amounts of the $21 Trillion in debt that has been accumulated, much by the Obama Administration, while at the same time reducing taxes for our people." — tweet Sunday.
THE FACTS: This isn't going to happen.
The Treasury Department estimates that all tariffs currently in place will raise about $40 billion in revenue in the 2018 budget year, which ends Sept. 30. Even with the recent tariff increases Trump has implemented or threatened to put in place, it clearly wouldn't be enough to reduce the $21 trillion national debt. It's just 5 percent of what the president would need to eliminate the annual budget deficit of $804 billion that the Congressional Budget Office predicts for this year. The national debt represents the accumulation of all the annual deficits.
The president seems to believe that foreigners pay tariffs, but they are import taxes paid for by American businesses and consumers. They may make it harder for other countries to sell things in the United States, but they are just another form of tax and do not result in lower taxes for the American people overall.

TRUMP: "Almost 3.9 million Americans have been lifted off food stamps — that's since the election. ... That's some number. That's a big number." — Ohio rally on Aug. 4.
TRUMP: "More than 3.5 million Americans have been lifted off food stamps — something that you haven't seen in decades." — remarks at White House on July 27.
WHITE HOUSE: "More than 2.8 million have stopped participating in the Supplemental Nutritional Assistance Program (SNAP) - commonly known as food stamps - since Trump's first full month in office." — information sheet released Tuesday, citing Fox Business report.

THE FACTS: Trump and the White House omit important context and overstate his role in reducing the number of people on food stamps. Nor is it accurate that recent declines are the biggest in decades. It's true, as the White House conveys, that more than 2.8 million people stopped participating in the program during the 15-month period from February 2017, Trump's first full month in office, to May 2018, the latest Agriculture Department data available. But this decline is consistent with a longer-term downward trend in food stamp usage due to an improving economy. Currently there are 39.3 million people in the program; food stamp usage peaked in 2013 at around 47.6 million, following the recession.
For instance, in the 15-month period before Trump's first full month in office, food stamps declined by 3.3 million — larger than the 2.8 million that dropped off under Trump's watch.
SEN. BERNIE SANDERS: "Medicare for All will lead to a $2 TRILLION REDUCTION in national health expenditures over 10 years." — tweet July 30.

THE FACTS: Sanders' tweet and YouTube video are being widely echoed by supporters of a government-run national health system. But the Vermont independent mischaracterizes a study from a libertarian policy institute that found his legislation would lead to a massive boost in federal spending and taxation.
The study from the Mercatus Center at George Mason University in Virginia also concluded that "Medicare for all" is unlikely to produce a dividend for U.S. society in the form of lower total health care spending. To get that result would require paying hospitals and doctors much less than they get now and risk putting some out of business.
The study found that if hospitals and doctors were willing to accept Medicare-based payments of 40 percent less for patients who currently have private insurance, then projected U.S. health care spending would decline by about 3 percent from 2022-2031, or $2.05 trillion. It's a big asterisk, and one that Sanders fails to disclose.
That's the number Sanders is celebrating.
But the study also said if medical providers continue to be paid about the same as now, U.S. health care spending would increase by $3.25 trillion over 10 years under "Medicare for all." It works out to about 5 percent more.
That's far different from Sanders' assurance that his plan "will lead" to huge spending reductions.

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