Wake Up, America! Wake Up! PLEASE!!

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Wow you really are this stupid and ignorant... Lets try this again.

REPLY TO MY ORIGINAL POSTS. Not your side track comment...

Nope as you're the one imposing your comments on the NYT into the discussions while not staying on the original topic. Nothing to do with ego but your attempts at trying to create confusion by off topic comments.

Don't blame me for your intellectual ignorance.

Your actions say otherwise. Being that your comment only came after the post of the NYT from me... Again deflection!

I could care less about the discussion that you and Latina had going on. If I was replying to those comments I would have quoted your last post, or one of Latinas post on the subject (you see, that is how you keep things on topic), but I didn't, Nor did I direct my statement to you directly or indirectly. It is a NEW TOPIC, get over yourself.

If you don't want to comment on the subject that the NYT hired a racist, that's fine by me. I know where you stand anyways.
If you don't want to comment on the subject that the NYT hired a racist, that's fine by me. I know where you stand anyways.

No you don't. You can think you do , you can imagine you do. But like everything you have no idea. You don't think or talk for me. You can offer no opinions from me as you are not me. So stop trying to be something you are clearly incapable of being.

You see, your opinion about me means nothing. You don't know me, don't know my politics, don't know who or what I believe in. The fact you consider you have to make some kind of statement really shows your insecure and immature intellect thought processes.

Me I just laugh even harder when I read silly comments like that. That and your inability to produce anything of a structured nature.

Plus, it obviously isn't fine by you as you continually whine on and on about it... So proving yet another of the points.

As for the rest of your meanderings comments. I don't need to get over myself as you clearly have an inflated opinion of yourself that far exceeds those of anyone else. But I have learn't one thing about you that is deeply disturbing. I might even let you know what it is one day. Until then.
already had a few cocktails?......what can't make it through life without something to prop you up?

like your god...can't handle the facts? For years they covered people and companies good and bad and they go to a lot of work to uncover your man's corruption and you don't want to hear it?
why is the NYT has uncovered bad ******* on Corps and told us about individuals for years...that was fine....but now they are digging on your pres and they are fake news....fine when it was other corps and companies and individuals....but all of a sudden your man in the hot seat...fake news...explain that?
you claim to like your Fox news and yet they are not allowed to be on during a regular news time in several countries because they LIE!...cable only...and yet you hate CNN....they cover and are accepted world wide....don't think that odd?

did you know that prior to his election Trump used to call into CNN and promote himself or offer an opinion or etc?

you don't like news that does investigative reporting? only ones that puts out the info your pres wants people to hear....Hitler used to work that way...and most dictators do it that way Put in didn't like the news that some Russia company put out...he threatened the owner...the owner fled the country for his life..Put in steps in and takes over ownership to put out the news he wanted people to hear....kind of a similarity there don't you think?

me personally...I'm now on a fixed income...it doesn't go up...and yet I am having to pay more...a lot more in gas! and that is just one!
No. I like to *******. Celebrating the good times we live!
No you don't. You can think you do , you can imagine you do. But like everything you have no idea. You don't think or talk for me. You can offer no opinions from me as you are not me. So stop trying to be something you are clearly incapable of being.


and by the way, you just hit all 5 on your list, and still ignored the topic at hand. ;)
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Here's one: I have realised that there are way More idiots in the USA than I previously thought. Otherwise, why would they elect a misogynistic pathological liar who changes his mind more often than the wind changes direction. And then defend him, even in the face of ridicule from every 'corner' of the globe. Your country now has a huge image problem, but you are too close to the problem to see it.
"Otherwise, why would they elect a misogynistic pathological liar who changes his mind more often than the wind changes direction."

Because so many millions of citizens of this great country got sick and tired of the same worn out theme and to prevent that lying criminal Hillary from fucking things up. Had she won I would have been very disappointed but would have continued to live my life.

"And then defend him, even in the face of ridicule from every 'corner' of the globe."

You nailed it. That's all they have left. By that I mean ridicule, harassment, promoting violence if someone doesn't agree with their views. It's called desperation. And when people get desperate they do pretty stupid things. Had that crazy woman (Clinton) won and I saw someone with a hat on that said "FUCK UP AMERICA AGAIN" I wouldn't dream of knocking it off their head, nor would I yell obscenities at members associated with her administration in a public restaurant. Those types of things that are happening like never before speak volumes of the mentality of liberals.

" Here's one: I have realised that there are way More idiots in the USA than I previously thought." (see above) you nailed it again!

Here's liberalism/socialism at work. I work in San Jose which is home to some of the wealthiest liberal companies around, Yahoo, ebay, Google, Apple etc...right around the corner is littered (no pun intended) with camp after camp of homeless. I rent a place in San Jose during my work week and live east of Sacramento. I occasionally take the train and what you see in the images is what I see along the train tracks for about the entire route. California's liberal ideology is destroying this state and eroding quality of life for many of its citizens. It cannot sustain.
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Here's liberalism/socialism at work. I work in San Jose which is home to some of the wealthiest liberal companies around, Yahoo, ebay, Google, Apple etc...right around the corner is littered (no pun intended) with camp after camp of homeless. I rent a place in San Jose during my work week and live east of Sacramento. I occasionally take the train and what you see in the images is what I see along the train tracks for about the entire route. California's liberal ideology is destroying this state and eroding quality of life for many of its citizens. It cannot sustain.

The family I have in CA announced a few weeks ago they will be moving out of CA. The democrats there have raised taxes to the point it is not sustainable. They have also criminalized just about every day to day task, forsing people to pay fees for just about everything. They have even rumored about a Mowing Tax and parking fee to park in your own driveway. You know, 'cause people who mow their lawn and drive cars are killing the earth.

It's funny you mention Apple as most liberals like to tweet about jobs going to china on their iPhone. The last time i was over there I was in a hotel a few miles from where the iPhone was made. Over 4000 employees walking to work every morning (including Saturday) and every evening 4000 walking back. The 1000 or so that lived on campus would have about $60 per month to spend after the company took room and board. Every factory in China looks like a prison and you are searched when you enter and searched when you leave. You can try to scale the walls if you want but your not getting past the razor wire.
The family I have in CA announced a few weeks ago they will be moving out of CA. The democrats there have raised taxes to the point it is not sustainable. They have also criminalized just about every day to day task, forsing people to pay fees for just about everything. They have even rumored about a Mowing Tax and parking fee to park in your own driveway. You know, 'cause people who mow their lawn and drive cars are killing the earth.

It's funny you mention Apple as most liberals like to tweet about jobs going to china on their iPhone. The last time i was over there I was in a hotel a few miles from where the iPhone was made. Over 4000 employees walking to work every morning (including Saturday) and every evening 4000 walking back. The 1000 or so that lived on campus would have about $60 per month to spend after the company took room and board. Every factory in China looks like a prison and you are searched when you enter and searched when you leave. You can try to scale the walls if you want but your not getting past the razor wire.
I am retiring soon and I am getting out of this state as fast as I can. It's disgusting. If Gavin Newsom gets elected as govenor look out. The pictures I posted are going to look like paradise if he gets the keys to the capitol.
Trump sets a mile stone...for real...probably only one he will set!
well except treason by a president

City passes proposal to remove Trump's star from Hollywood Walk of Fame
KARMA ALLEN,Good Morning America
The city of West Hollywood approved a proposal to remove President Donald Trump's star from the Hollywood Walk of Fame on Monday, citing recent costly vandalism and recent demonstrations around the star.

West Hollywood’s five-member city council passed the measure unanimously on Monday evening, allowing it to move forward with a request to remove the star, which has been vandalized several times since Trump took office last year.

It now plans to send a formal letter to Los Angeles Mayor Eric Garcetti, the Los Angeles City Council and the Hollywood Chamber of Commerce for consideration. The Chamber of Commerce would have the final say in removing the star.

Brought forth by West Hollywood council members John D'Amico and Lindsey Horvath, the proposal cited the president’s treatment of women and his views on climate change as catalysts.

"Similar to how certain members of the entertainment community have been removed from the Academy of Motion Pictures, due to their actions toward women, reflecting a stance on their values by the Academy, this is an opportunity for decision-makers to take a stand on their values in support of women and against disturbing treatment of women," the West Hollywood City Council said ahead of Monday’s vote.

The members also noted Trump’s policies, including a decision to withdraw from the Paris Climate Agreement, a ban on transgender military officers and the separation of families at the U.S. border with Mexico, among reasons for the removal.

The president received a star on the Walk of Fame in 2007 for his work as producer of the Miss Universe Pageant.

Trump co-owned the Miss Universe Organization, which also included the Miss USA and Miss Teen USA pageants, for nearly 20 years.

There have been campaigns to remove stars in the past, but it hasn’t happened in the Walk’s 40-year history.
I can only recommend you do some digging on the Clinton's. But your mind is already set in stone, so I bet you won't bother.

Is Trump a Liar? of course he is - name one president that isn't.
Is he a Dolt? you bet. But it's hard to dispute results, but the left sure tries. lol
I know Mike Pence, I can assure you, Trump is a far better choice.

So tell me why you think Hillary would be any better.
Nobody could be worse than trump. Clinton has a good name over here because he helped broker the good Friday agreement and end the violence in northern Ireland.
Trump is an embarrassment to your great country when he ventures abroad. It also looks very much like he's been compromised by Put in and it amazes me that he's still in office.
Trump sets a mile stone...for real...probably only one he will set!
well except treason by a president

City passes proposal to remove Trump's star from Hollywood Walk of Fame
KARMA ALLEN,Good Morning America
The city of West Hollywood approved a proposal to remove President Donald Trump's star from the Hollywood Walk of Fame on Monday, citing recent costly vandalism and recent demonstrations around the star.

West Hollywood’s five-member city council passed the measure unanimously on Monday evening, allowing it to move forward with a request to remove the star, which has been vandalized several times since Trump took office last year.

It now plans to send a formal letter to Los Angeles Mayor Eric Garcetti, the Los Angeles City Council and the Hollywood Chamber of Commerce for consideration. The Chamber of Commerce would have the final say in removing the star.

Brought forth by West Hollywood council members John D'Amico and Lindsey Horvath, the proposal cited the president’s treatment of women and his views on climate change as catalysts.

"Similar to how certain members of the entertainment community have been removed from the Academy of Motion Pictures, due to their actions toward women, reflecting a stance on their values by the Academy, this is an opportunity for decision-makers to take a stand on their values in support of women and against disturbing treatment of women," the West Hollywood City Council said ahead of Monday’s vote.

The members also noted Trump’s policies, including a decision to withdraw from the Paris Climate Agreement, a ban on transgender military officers and the separation of families at the U.S. border with Mexico, among reasons for the removal.

The president received a star on the Walk of Fame in 2007 for his work as producer of the Miss Universe Pageant.

Trump co-owned the Miss Universe Organization, which also included the Miss USA and Miss Teen USA pageants, for nearly 20 years.

There have been campaigns to remove stars in the past, but it hasn’t happened in the Walk’s 40-year history.
The city of West Hollywood approved a proposal to remove President Donald Trump's star from the Hollywood Walk of Fame on Monday, citing recent costly vandalism and recent demonstrations around the star.

That is fucking funny. The crime ridden, ******* infested cities run by liberals and all they can come up with is to remove Trump's star. FLMFAO. You can't make this ******* up.
Here's liberalism/socialism at work

Oh really...another of your factual biased statements....where have you been?...this has been going on since reagonomics and trickle down...you are getting as bad as 2bi and his non-factual blunderings...anything said against the left he is right on the bandwagon....with little or no facts...just like you
must be something about these trump supporters that just make up facts....wonder where they get that from?...the white house?

care to explain how the 10 poorest states in America...are all red states.....lack in pay...education...health care...standard of living on and on...all republican controlled and have been for a long time!
so tell me again how it is the liberals at fault?

one of the poorest counties in the country...is in Kentucky......91% white....97% republican
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Well, lets see, where to begin dismantling your snide ridicule of yet another post. We've had a Republican GA in NC since 2010 here as well. At that time the "Tea Bag" Republicans were flexing their strengths back then. All those promises they made of getting back to simple, small governance simply proved over the next 3 election cycles that they had no agenda other than going all the way with "trickle down" tax cuts and allowing the blue collar tax payers, and moneys earmarked for highway construction and the NC public school system pay for their loss of revenue through the implementation of usage taxes. For example, now the common workers with 5-10 year old cars pay another 8-10% for car repairs, something that the wealthier tax payers don't experience driving new cars all year.
..... But, that put aside, they blocked all efforts to apply the key points of ACA in the state, like competition of the carriers with the exchanges, picking up the very poorest citizens under the Medicaid expansion program, applying the penalty for not having ANY coverage, and strategically putting out "false TV advertisements" each month to completely confuse the citizens with THEIR promise to provide a much BETTER , LOW COSTING health plan ... which they never did, as you surely know. In FACT, oh ******* breath ... as this is HISTORY we're discussing here, not math, 64 times the Republicans, led by those Teas Baggers, made attempts to ******* the ACA. Not necessarily because it was a bad plan (as Mass. ACA plan was a Republican plan), but because the plan was sponsored by Democrats and Obama. Several times Republicans were invited (because they were the first with the ACA, Democrats elected to model the ACA after THEIR PLAN), to the meetings to set up the ACA and they ALL refused to attend the ACA meetings, mostly due to the Tea Baggers (sponsored by the mega bucks of the Koch Brothers), and some because they truly believed the Republicans could come up with a better plan than the Democrats.
..... So, the ACA moved forward without the Exchanges, without the Medicaid Expansion, with the lies Republicans were spreading about Obamacare, and without the state subsidies because REPUBLCANS (who held the NC-GA) wouldn't allow any of THAT. Afterall, their primary mission the next 6 years was to make Obama FAIL at all cost ... to prove THEIR point that those voting for a black man in an unfair election, were going to pay for their disloyalty to the mighty white race ... ohhhh yes, it WAS about RACE. If I could have a dollar for every racial slur I heard during Obama's first term campaign, I'd be on a white sand beach someplace sucking down native mai-tais and taking tarpon fishing trips. You see, oh "cumbreath", we don't have to LIE like Trump or Republicans to simply provide the events of HISTORY, do we? Unlike the Do-Nothing Republicans, who spent 6 years at holding hearings to discredit Obama and Clinton and getting NOTHING done for the voters who put them in office, Obama said he was going to install an affordable, national health plan that everyone could participate in ... what did the Republicans provide as an option? Just fucking up what others were trying to accomplish, and lying to their OWN constituents, as they are right now. So, those rate increases you show, I won't dispute ... I lived them, but I damn well know WHO caused them to happen ... you, however, are simply too ignorant (not naïve, as I know you better than that) to realize the party you pull for only has one interest in mind, cutting taxes for the wealthiest and swearing to God that those tax cuts will "trickle down" ... never have, never will. Trump's been in office 11/2 years and has only managed to increase both the national debt AND deficit spending ... 1.2 trillion of new National Debt and, cause the biggest scandal in the HISTORY (opps, there's that FACT word again) of our country, and all you ReTards can do is Lie, Deny, Redirect, and Obstruct.
..... And, to you ... comes my favorite part of respondng to YOU, H-H ...
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And of course....lose the topic at hand and ole Mac will deflect into a Gish Gallop...along with typical elementary school playground namecalling. Topic is Obummercare price increases and you start spewing on about tax cuts, racism, national debt, even cost of car repairs.

As pointed out umpteen times before, Obummer had a supermajority in Congress. He could have made Obummercare anything he wanted and republicans couldn't do a thing about it.

But I should know better than to expect a reasonable answer from you about insurance. It wasn't long ago you argued vociferously that there was no way I would have to satisfy my $6k deductible before insurance would start paying for a simple sore throat doctors office visit. Then I pointed out that even the Obummercare website showed that to be true in a simple graphic even a cursing sixth grader could comprehend. I also showed you where in areas nearly 2/3 of the Obummercare policies sold were the same (as YOU called it) "crappy coverage" I was ****** into by Obummer.


And IF your plan doesn't provide a co-pay, its very crappie coverage

Well you actually said crappie coverage, but I'd hope you didn't think I was getting fish insurance....
Donald Trump throws his eldest ******* under the bus: And yes, this “collusion” could be criminal

In the great Aaron Sorkin and Rob Reiner film "A Few Good Men," Jack Nicholson’s character, Col. Nathan R. Jessup famously snaps under questioning and blurts the truth in court about who ordered a violent and ultimately deadly assault against another Marine. It’s difficult to know exactly why Donald Trump pulled a Jessup on Twitter this past weekend, but he did. Instead, Trump committed a form of filicide, incriminating his first born *******, Donald Trump Jr., as well as his *******-in-law, Jared Kushner -- along with his former campaign chairman Paul Manafort, who’s already neck-deep in legal jeopardy. You might recall that a little more than a year ago, when the news of the June 9, 2016, meeting at Trump Tower first broke, President Trump for some reason dictated a statement on his *******’s behalf saying that the meeting was strictly about Russian adoptions. ...
Read more
Nobody could be worse than trump. Clinton has a good name over here because he helped broker the good Friday agreement and end the violence in northern Ireland.
HE isn't the one that was running. I didn't mind Bill. Didn't like some of his policies <NAFTA *cough*>, but he was an OK press.

Trump is an embarrassment to your great country when he ventures abroad. It also looks very much like he's been compromised by Put in and it amazes me that he's still in office.

Well I can't really argue that he is a bit of an embarrassment, like I said, he's a Dolt. Not sure which is more embarrassing, Trump and his stupid tweets or the liberals and their behavior over the whole thing.

Compromised? nah - he's just trying to play both sides to protect his business interest. The left would do far better to try the "conflict of interest" angle than to try and prove collusion. The reason he is still in office is because we have something called "Due Process" and Innocent until proven guilty. We can't remove him from office simply because some people "think" he is in bed with PUT. It's been over 2 years now. Don't you think they would have found some shred of evidence by now? If there is some, then they need to come forward with it so we can start the "due process" and get it over with. Again, Facts come before feelings.
HE isn't the one that was running. I didn't mind Bill. Didn't like some of his policies <NAFTA *cough*>, but he was an OK press.

I think she would have had a lot of his policy makers in there....I wasn't really a Hillary fan...just thought she was by far the better choice....I would still like to see Kerry make another go for it...as for NAFTA...that was started by Reagan and worked on by Busch and others...big push in congress for it and it was bi partisan...but it SUCKED! and Clinton was the man at the time

Well I can't really argue that he is a bit of an embarrassment
that is being nice!
the whole world laughing.....even put in I'd bet!

The left would do far better to try the "conflict of interest" angle than to try and prove collusion.

he has several suits going on that right now.....and being dragged out he tried to get them stopped but the judge said no...they go forward...so time will tell.....he has pretty much already admitted to collusion...he has done a lot less than Nixon did but the right just sits on their hands...party over country

I suppose most Dems and Libbers have their own reason for disliking the guy....for me..it's all about conspiring with the enemy! and Russia is the enemy!
no matter how big a crook he is...or all the laws he passes to fuck the working man or destroy the environment or anything else...to me he is put in's pet!...and should be tried as such...never happen...but that's my opinion
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