Wake Up, America! Wake Up! PLEASE!!

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although pity the country if and when pence gets in......look what he did in his own state...they wanted rid of the guy...he'd really fuck things up under the name of religion!
Topic is Obummercare price increases and you start spewing on about tax cuts, racism, national debt, even cost of car repairs.
..... h-h, you're the one who posted the past rate increases and started crying about the $6,ooo deductible after I posted the news from our only ACA health provider for the ACA in NC announcing a premium decrease for 2019 and the fact that it would be much larger decrease if it weren't for President Trump. I simply am reminding you WHO you need to be bellyaching to and why. The Republicans and Trump made it their mission to ******* the ACA and have had votes against it 64 times in Congress ... yet it still survives. Had the Republicans simply stayed out of the way (assuming they had no intention to provide a national health plan of their own) you would have lower deductible plans, the plans would be way, way less expensive. It was Republicans who set out to sabotage the ACA ... and they looked like a fool doing it, of course ... 7 years they've had to provide a better, less costly plan and they STILL haven't done it because they had no intent of providing one. Yet, they scammed the voters with a promise to provided one.
..... Buying insurance across state lines is not a good idea. States who have few or no mandates would be lower in cost BUT the coverages would not follow any real guidelines. Benefits would be indemnified and very very limited, if covered at all. Each state, has their own guidelines for pre-existing, underwriting, etc. Insurance companies would crowd to the states with the fewest guidelines to protect consumers ... a license to steal. Many people buying the policies wouldn't know they had no/limited cover for a medical condition UNTIL they tried to file a claim.
..... You buy a new car from a dealership ... it develops a problem ... you take it back .... and THEY fix it for you. Not if it is a REpublican ... no, they get their car FIXED by the dealer ... then purposely tear something else up ... take it to the dealership and bitch about IT too ... and refuse to allow the dealership to fix it so they can sit outside the dealership and cry and bitch about it to every customer who comes onto the dealerships lot.
Democrats & Obama built the ACA ... modeling it after a Republican health plan thinking Republicans might be more likely to support it .... but noooooooooo ... instead Republicans purposely sabotaged and created new problems. So it is safe to say you're crying and bitching at the wrong people about your health insurance problem.
Now to my favorite part .... gif_yellowball-FuckOFF.gif
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South Carolina company blames Trump's tariffs for possible plant closure, layoffs

President Trump's fresh tariffs on $34 billion in Chinese goods set the stage for price increases hitting American companies and consumers. So how does it affect the everyday American? We explain. A South Carolina television-making company says it might be ****** to shut down a plant and lay off its employees because of the ongoing trade war between the U.S. and China. The Element Electronics plant in Winnsboro, one of the biggest employers in Fairfield County, said unless its parts are removed from the tariff list, it will be ****** to close down and layoff 126 people. President Donald Trump has beefed up his war with China over trade, threatening to more than double tariffs on $200 billion
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These Old Mike Pence Columns On How A President Should Behave Have Not Aged Well
Lee Moran,HuffPost Tue,

At the height of the Monica Lewinsky scandal, Mike Pence penned two opinion columns calling for former President Bill Clinton to quit or be removed from office.
But the current vice president’s moralistic writings from the late ’90s and early 2000s, which CNN unearthed from the Wayback Machine internet archive on Monday, have not aged well.
Pence’s preachy prose on how presidents should behave, in particular, seems irreconcilable with the conduct of President Donald Trump.


In the above column, titled “The Two Schools Of Thought On Clinton” that was posted on the now-deleted website for Pence’s Indiana talk radio show, Pence argued the office of president required its incumbent to be of the highest integrity.
Pence wrote:
If you and I fall into bad moral habits, we can harm our families, our employers and our friends. The President of the United States can incinerate the planet. Seriously, the very idea that we ought to have at or less than the same moral demands placed on the Chief Executive that we place on our next door neighbor is ludicrous and dangerous. Throughout our history, we have seen the presidency as the repository of all of our highest hopes and ideals and values. To demand less is to do an injustice to the ******* that bought our freedoms.​
In another column on his congressional campaign website, titled “Why Clinton Must Resign Or Be Impeached,” Pence condemned Clinton’s affair with college intern Monica Lewinsky and the subsequent attempts to lie about it.
Pence concluded:

Our leaders must either act to restore the luster and dignity of the institution of the Presidency or we can be certain that this is only the beginning of an even more difficult time for our land.​
It’s unclear whether Pence still believes what he wrote in his old essays. Trump is accused of multiple extramarital affairs and coverups with hush money payments. And he was recorded bragging about sexually assaulting women.
Donald Trump digs himself into deeper trouble — and his voters are finally noticing
Salon.com Tue, Aug

This past weekend, President Donald Trump tweeted a confession to the world that his top campaign operatives, Donald Trump Jr., Paul Manafort and Jared Kushner. had knowingly met with emissaries of the Russian government to receive information on his opponent, which he characterized as perfectly legal and routine, while also insisting that he knew nothing about it. In a previous era, this would have been a shocking development that would likely lead to impeachment. Regardless of the legality (and plenty of experts say it was indeed illegal) it was certainly unethical and unpatriotic. There have been other cases in which campaigns were given stolen information. They went to the authorities with ...
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These Old Mike Pence Columns On How A President Should Behave Have Not Aged Well
Lee Moran,HuffPost Tue,

At the height of the Monica Lewinsky scandal, Mike Pence penned two opinion columns calling for former President Bill Clinton to quit or be removed from office.
But the current vice president’s moralistic writings from the late ’90s and early 2000s, which CNN unearthed from the Wayback Machine internet archive on Monday, have not aged well.
Pence’s preachy prose on how presidents should behave, in particular, seems irreconcilable with the conduct of President Donald Trump.


In the above column, titled “The Two Schools Of Thought On Clinton” that was posted on the now-deleted website for Pence’s Indiana talk radio show, Pence argued the office of president required its incumbent to be of the highest integrity.
Pence wrote:
If you and I fall into bad moral habits, we can harm our families, our employers and our friends. The President of the United States can incinerate the planet. Seriously, the very idea that we ought to have at or less than the same moral demands placed on the Chief Executive that we place on our next door neighbor is ludicrous and dangerous. Throughout our history, we have seen the presidency as the repository of all of our highest hopes and ideals and values. To demand less is to do an injustice to the ******* that bought our freedoms.​
In another column on his congressional campaign website, titled “Why Clinton Must Resign Or Be Impeached,” Pence condemned Clinton’s affair with college intern Monica Lewinsky and the subsequent attempts to lie about it.
Pence concluded:

Our leaders must either act to restore the luster and dignity of the institution of the Presidency or we can be certain that this is only the beginning of an even more difficult time for our land.​
It’s unclear whether Pence still believes what he wrote in his old essays. Trump is accused of multiple extramarital affairs and coverups with hush money payments. And he was recorded bragging about sexually assaulting women.

And you believe that photo is Mike Pence? Looks more like this guy

Not disputing the article, MP is a #1 Jack Ass and about 90% of those that hide behind the "Good Book" are just as hypocritical as liberals. So not surprised. But I got to say that photo looks a bit off, even if it is an older picture.
And you believe that photo is Mike Pence? Looks more like this guy

Not disputing the article, MP is a #1 Jack Ass and about 90% of those that hide behind the "Good Book" are just as hypocritical as liberals. So not surprised. But I got to say that photo looks a bit off, even if it is an older picture.

Just an article I found of yahoo...and doesn't surprise me

liberals don't hide behind the good book.....like your right wingers do!
Didn't say you hid behind it, I said you are just as hypocritical. Again proving the liberal comprehension skill level. ;)

ok ok...my point...libbers do things out of good conscious to try and improve things for others...the right does things to improve things for themselves while hiding behind the bible...big difference!...hypocritical......maybe......but big difference!
and if you want to look...or ask your local minister..or just pay attention....you will notice a lot less youth in church these days...….nowdays it's more about a political forum than it is religion...and todays youth is learning politics!
2 of my neighbors the other day both talking same thing..one a Baptist the other a catholic......how to get the young back into church!.....I made my comment..the catholic smiled...think he knew...the Baptist just "everything politics with you"...I told him to quit using the pulpit to tell people how to vote!
.. h-h, you're the one who posted the past rate increases
Yes, I posted about the drastic rate increases under Obummercare as a direct response to your horseshit post trying to suggest it is a success because of one small rate decrease after years of double digit increases.
Had the Republicans simply stayed out of the way (assuming they had no intention to provide a national health plan of their own) you would have lower deductible plans
No I would not. I HAD a lower deductible plan, but Obummer lied umpteen times about "if you like your plan you can keep your plan" Obummer said my plan was too good, and was going to slap my company with a 40% Cadillac tax. So my plan went to obummers dumpster and we got stuck with the only options being high deductible "crappie plans" as you put it.
Why Republicans Hate Obamacare So Much

When President Barack Obama was first sworn into office in January 2009, he immediately began the process for passing his key policy issue - reforming the country’s expensive and haphazard health insurance industry. The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act, which would eventually be known as the Affordable Care Act, the ACA, or simply “Obamacare,” was then introduced in the fall of 2009. By November, it passed with a mere five-vote majority in the House, and the following month, it passed the Senate 60 to 39.

In both chambers, not one single Republican voted in favor of the bill.

It didn’t have to be that way. Health-care reform was an issue both parties were in favor of and previous efforts had enjoyed bipartisan support. The most hopeful-looking option was the “Healthy Americans Act,” a reform bill introduced by Sen. Ron Wyden, a Democrat from Oregon, and Sen. Robert Bennett, a Republican from Utah. The 2007 bill had multiple co-sponsors on both sides of the aisle but never managed to make it out of committee.
Still, when it came to the Affordable Care Act, Republican politicians were lockstep in their refusal to so much as consider any sort of common ground - even though many aspects of the plan were quite similar to a 2006 Massachusetts law developed and signed by Republican Gov. Mitt Romney. Their opposition was immediate, total, and relentless, to the point where many find themselves wondering just what do they hate so much about Obamacare?

Based solely on official conservative principles, there are actually a number of issues that the GOP legitimately would have with the ACA. Just like Social Security, Medicaid, and Medicare, they view Obamacare as an entitlement program they would be more than happy to discontinue, believing that the government should never be involved in assuring minimum standards of living are met. “ome conservatives oppose it for the same reason that liberals favor it. Through the Medicaid expansion and the exchanges, it subsidizes insurance coverage for people of modest means by raising taxes on people of less-modest means,” explains Reilhan Salam at Slate, adding, “Conservatives tend not to be enthusiastic about redistribution, and they’re particularly skeptical about redistribution that isn’t transparent.”
The industry regulations that are a part of the Affordable Care Act are also another stumbling block for fiscal conservatives who believe that businesses should always be allowed to govern themselves and are justified in gaining as much profit as they can for shareholders. As part of health-care reform, insurance agencies were ****** to spend 85 percent of all revenues on medical care rather than administration costs or bonuses or perks. They could also no longer cap how much they spend per patient in coverage due to medical conditions or other need for chronic care, either on an annual or lifetime basis. These restrictions on profitability are opposed by Republicans who think free market principles will keep businesses in check.

And of course there were issues with reproductive health care such as abortion and birth control. Anti-abortion groups claimed the Affordable Care Act to be “the largest expansion of abortion since Roe v. Wade” due to the inclusion of some insurance plans in the exchange that allowed coverage for elective abortions. They considered plans purchased on state and federal exchanges to be a means of forsing other taxpayers to “subsidize” elective abortion coverage, despite the fact that the government set up additional steps to ensure that federal funding to private insurance plans that cover abortions remain separate, and the president’s additional executive order reaffirming the Hyde Amendment’s federal ban on abortion funding. They also demanded exceptions for all companies - for-profit and nonprofit - who had religious objections to birth control. The birth control mandate declared contraception an essential service for women’s health and required all companies to offer plans that included hormonal birth control, emergency contraception, long-acting birth control methods, and female sterilization procedures. Religious institutions were allowed a conscientious objection to the coverage, but social conservatives wanted the loophole extended to any business or organization whose owners disapproved of any birth control use for moral reasons – regardless of how many of their own employees or other insurees may have different opinions on the issue
Yet while the GOP has strenuously opposed all of these individual aspects of the ACA, it was the individual mandate that appeared to irk them the most - and had the least reason to do so. Republicans, using language that originated with the conservative Heritage Institute, were advocating for a requirement that all people be required some form of health insurance as long ago as the late 1980s and it was championed by GOP Congress members during much of the early 1990s. It was even a key component in the Massachusetts health care law approved by Gov. Romney in 2006. But the individual mandate instead went from being something that Republicans were willing to support in order to bring down the costs of insurance to a policy they claim strips personal liberty and is even tantamount to slavery.

So what flipped the switch? Election Day, 2008. When Obama won his first presidential election, that also put both the House and Senate into Democratic control. The House Democrats outnumbered Republicans 257 to 178, and Democrats and their two independent allies outnumbered the Senate Republicans 59 to 41. According to the Brookings Institute’s Thomas Mann, GOP strategy experts decided that the best way to win back majorities would be to keep their entire conservative block united in rejecting any legislation that could potentially be viewed as a Democratic success if it passed. Congressional Republicans were urged to filibuster any bill that came before the Senate and harshly criticize any law that they couldn’t stop in an attempt to make what did pass as unpopular as possible. That decision doomed any chance for bipartisan health-care reform.
The GOP’s refusal to vote in favor of Obamacare’s passage and their aggressive opposition to every element of the bill - even those they had agreed with in the past - served to help them sweep into power in both Congress and a number of state legislatures when the 2010 midterms came around. And by taking over a number of state legislatures and governors’ mansions, Republicans could then block portions of the ACA from going into effect, further hampering the reforms. Red-state legislatures often refused to expand Medicaid so more people could receive subsidized insurance plans, leaving their residents with far more expensive out-of-pocket costs than blue-state counterparts. They also often opted out of opening their own state exchanges, forsing the uninsured to enroll through the federal exchange instead, which limited their coverage options and put a greater burden on the federal site. By first refusing to support Obamacare and then purposefully trying to make it fail, Republicans believed any consumer dissatisfaction would rest completely on the shoulders of the Democrats, since they were the only ones to vote in favor of the law.

So do Republicans really despise the Affordable Care Act? Despite the fact that they have voted in some way, shape, or form to repeal some or all of the ACA more than 60 times in the six years since it was signed into law, the answer may surprisingly be no. Or at least, not as much of it as they claim. But they do hate the “Obamacare” that was passed solely with Democratic votes and signed by a Democratic president, and they will do anything to tear that down completely. And when they later replace it with a new plan that has a surprising number of policies similar to the law they just undid, well, then we will know the thing they hated most about Obamacare was always Obama.
.... The Affordable Care plan IS turning out to be a better plan than expected ... it survived the onslaught of Republican obstruction for years and still survived. It will survive Donald Trump, too. Maybe after these thugs & traitors are removed from office, this country can make the changes they needed to get the health plan everyone wants. OR, maybe Trump will get tired of playing President and spend the rest of his term on the golf courses.
.... For 4 solid years I had to explain to right-nut employees the difference between the Affordable Care Act and the Obamacare plan. When employees would come into the room for their benefits reviews it was easy to identify the right-nuts ... they'd automatically walk in complaining about Obamacare and the fact that it sucked and they weren't going to sign up. I'd tell them we were enrolling them in the Affordable Care plan and they'd perk right up. I rarely ever had one leave the room unhappy after it was explained. Our problem in NC was the Republican General Assembly and all the fake ads and lies being run causing so much confusion ... exactly what Republicans wanted. Republicans kept dogging it and swearing they'd provide a better plan to the point that I was actually starting to look forward to seeing what they came up with. Of course their intentions wasn't to come up with anything, and when they finally did, everyone was greatly disappointed. Trump on the podium swearing his plan was better ... you'd need to be blind, deaf, and dumb to compare the two plans "Obamacare" and "Trumpcare" as any resemblance of "equal". Still, with no real plan, Trump & Republicans were determined to ******* the ACA leaving millions of uninsurables again without a health plan.
.... Republicans could have attended the meetings and added some of the constructive decisions for the ACA but chose, instead, to be obstructive & destructive under their new leaders Newt Gingrich & Grover Norquist ... and their "Party Of No". I even recall the list of Republican names ( I still have that list) of all the Republicans who chose to sign the form to decline any form of tax increase, even returning tax cuts from Bush back to their original amounts even when the tax cuts were due to expire as agreed upon.
.... If November's election turns out as one-sided as they predict, I hope the Democrats follow the habit of the Roman Legions ... and go around and give the final coup de gras to the surviving Republicans after the battle. Take no prisoners ... let their bodies lay and rot the ground and feed the wolves.
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funny...they had the chance to get rid of it...and didn't!
they have the chance to repair it...and haven't!
they have had a long time to come up with one of their own...and haven't!
they have had plenty of opportunity to cry about it...and used every minute of it!
Yes, I posted about the drastic rate increases under Obummercare as a direct response to your horseshit post trying to suggest it is a success because of one small rate decrease after years of double digit increases.

No I would not. I HAD a lower deductible plan, but Obummer lied umpteen times about "if you like your plan you can keep your plan" Obummer said my plan was too good, and was going to slap my company with a 40% Cadillac tax. So my plan went to obummers dumpster and we got stuck with the only options being high deductible "crappie plans" as you put it.

It's not just the cost either. The crap my ******* went through over the past couple years, and the way Hospitals are required to operate now because of Odumba Care is ridiculous. The requirements on Hospitals actually increase the cost of care. The bill goes far beyond just cost. The younger generation is in for a surprise.

I find it ironic that the liberals hate capitalism and the "huge corporations", but embrace insurance - probably one of the largest public scam companies of the world. I could support government health care if it meant the destruction of all health insurance companies - but we all know THAT'S not going to happen.

First reason I don't like OC because it forces people to buy things they can't use, don't want or can't afford. I don't have ******* at home anymore, I shouldn't be ****** to pay for dental care for a minor. I'm a Man, I shouldn't be ****** to pay for Prenatal care. I pay my own doctor visits and prescriptions, but yet I am ****** to pay insurance for those as well, Having just hospitalization insurance is no longer enough. I can go on and on. All the ACA does is line pockets of the insurance companies - isn't that right Mac?

Second Reason is because "Affordable Care Act" is a lie. NOTHING in the bill does squat to make it "affordable" NOTHING in the bill controls cost. A more appropriate name for the bill would be "HUGE tax on the Middle class to give healthcare to the Poor". Mac - you know you favorite saying right? Don't piss down my back....

I don't have a problem giving healthcare to the poor - In fact, they already got free health care before ACA. Anyone could walk into the ER and get treatment. If it over crowded the ER, then simply require doctor offices to take new patients with or without insurance. The ACA is nothing more than a unconstitutional tax on the American people. Why do you think the GOP hasn't done anything about it? they know what it is, they know what they have - Lets get serious here. This is a huge cash flow into the government and I am just positive that our good government will use all that money JUST for health care, I'm sure of it. <sarcasm>. The GOP isn't going to stop it, they have no intention of stopping it. All this talk of repeal is just that - TALK. Lip service to their voters base.

You can say the two sides aren't working together if you want to believe that, but I think both sides know exactly what they are doing.
and the way Hospitals are required to operate now because of Odumba Care is ridiculous.

that has nothing to do with ACA....it used to be the hospital's main concern was the patient....now it's the shareholder and patient be damned!

I find it ironic that the liberals hate capitalism and the "huge corporations", but embrace insurance - probably one of the largest public scam companies of the world.
don't embrace insurance at all...just feel that we should have the same entitlement every other civilized country has....but yet we can't...and it all boils down to greed...and yes insurance companies are a major scam and need some kind of regulation....but we know how trump and the right takes care of regulations now don't we

(note: here in Okl they just go infront of a board and say they need to raise prices because of Tornado losses and the ins commission gives it to them...automatically every year....someone finally figured out we have the highest rates in the country and it wasn't granted this year...a first!)

First reason I don't like OC because it forces people to buy things they can't use, don't want or can't afford. I don't have ******* at home anymore, I shouldn't be ****** to pay for dental care for a minor. I'm a Man, I shouldn't be ****** to pay for Prenatal care. I pay my own doctor visits and prescriptions, but yet I am ****** to pay insurance for those as well, Having just hospitalization insurance is no longer enough. I can go on and on. All the ACA does is line pockets of the insurance companies - isn't that right Mac?

I think you may be embellishing there just a bit....BUT your party IS IN CONTROL and certainly has the chance to take care of all that....and yet they don't why is that?......Isn't that the question you should be asking instead of still going back on Obama?

I don't have a problem giving healthcare to the poor - In fact, they already got free health care before ACA

Not so...if you are on social security or medicare or something yes.....but not so for the Wal-Mart and McDonalds and etc workers...they just went without....I think you know this just want to still complain about the ACA...when you should be complaining about your parties lack of concern for fixing the problem

Anyone could walk into the ER and get treatment. If it over crowded the ER, then simply require doctor offices to take new patients with or without insurance

Not so...….here and in most places the hospital checks your insurance way before you ever see a DR. if you don't have any they refer you to someplace else....and no guarantee you get anything there either....same applies to a lot od Dr.s offices....no insurance no care....or maybe MAYBE the bare minimum to get rid of you

look at the stats on women giving birth.....some even with good insurance...anymore they really don't care about the patient..it's just a job....we lead the civilized world in maternity deaths! and the number of women scared for life after giving birth!

The ACA is nothing more than a unconstitutional tax on the American people.

that's already been settled in court...…..they can tax you on that same as social security and etc....just something else the right wants to cry about

that has nothing to do with ACA....it used to be the hospital's main concern was the patient....now it's the shareholder and patient be damned!

don't embrace insurance at all...just feel that we should have the same entitlement every other civilized country has....but yet we can't...and it all boils down to greed...and yes insurance companies are a major scam and need some kind of regulation....but we know how trump and the right takes care of regulations now don't we

(note: here in Okl they just go infront of a board and say they need to raise prices because of Tornado losses and the ins commission gives it to them...automatically every year....someone finally figured out we have the highest rates in the country and it wasn't granted this year...a first!)

I think you may be embellishing there just a bit....BUT your party IS IN CONTROL and certainly has the chance to take care of all that....and yet they don't why is that?......Isn't that the question you should be asking instead of still going back on Obama?

Not so...if you are on social security or medicare or something yes.....but not so for the Wal-Mart and McDonalds and etc workers...they just went without....I think you know this just want to still complain about the ACA...when you should be complaining about your parties lack of concern for fixing the problem

Not so...….here and in most places the hospital checks your insurance way before you ever see a DR. if you don't have any they refer you to someplace else....and no guarantee you get anything there either....same applies to a lot od Dr.s offices....no insurance no care....or maybe MAYBE the bare minimum to get rid of you

look at the stats on women giving birth.....some even with good insurance...anymore they really don't care about the patient..it's just a job....we lead the civilized world in maternity deaths! and the number of women scared for life after giving birth!

that's already been settled in court...…..they can tax you on that same as social security and etc....just something else the right wants to cry about


You obviously have not had much experience with doctors and hospitals. And I find it funny how you ignore my response to why the GOP does nothing - ******* more cool-aid please. You obviously haven't had enough.
that has nothing to do with ACA....it used to be the hospital's main concern was the patient....now it's the shareholder and patient be damned!

My ******* passed a few months ago, we have been dealing with his health issues since 2000. Wh have experienced first hand the transition from Pre-ACA to Post-ACA. I can assure you, it is 100% because of the ACA. The share holders have always been there that part hasn't changed.
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