Wake Up, America! Wake Up! PLEASE!!

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well hopefully these 2 court dates he has on that will bring it all to light...he tried blocking them but the judge threw that out!

I read about that! How sweet it is!
It would be sweet revenge to see him and his ilk all dressed in prison garb, shackled at the wrists and ankles!
these tariffs are working great.....for other countries!

Tariffs Shut Out U.S. Window-Makers in Favor of Colombian Company
Ezra Fieser

President Donald Trump’s tariffs on aluminum imports are giving Colombian window-exporter Tecnoglass Inc. a leg up on its U.S. competition.
The Barranquilla, Colombia-based company has seen rivals raise prices as much as 10 percent as tariffs increased the cost of importing aluminum to the U.S., said Chief Operating Officer Christian T. Daes. Tecnoglass doesn’t have to pay the duty, since it mainly sells windows assembled in Colombia.
"I love Trump for that," Daes said, lifting his hands emphatically into the air, during an interview in his office on Colombia’s Caribbean coast. “The tariffs made everyone else’s prices go up.”
Major Television Manufacturer Closes Plant Because Of Trump Tariffs

The Trump administration earned international criticism earlier this year, thanks to the imposition of steep tariffs on imported steel and aluminum. The president has stood firm, tweeting as recently as Sunday about how great the tariffs supposedly are — but South Carolina manufacturing workers would disagree.

shoot off your mouth a lot with nothing really to say......people like you come and go on here...nothing of any substance....just like a baby bird...all mouth and ass!

Sub they never can back their toll comments up... When they try they just repeat what has been proven to be BS and false. Yet they call it 'sources' LOL

Also the only ass kicking that is going to happen is mid terms the gullible cons lose their majority, their supporter base wonder why and cry fake. Trump finds he is under investigation from multiple sides. Hell the Brits, Dutch and Spanish intelligence services gave solid proof Trump was having dangerous contacts with the Russians and the GOP ignored the evidence and are now paying for it across the board.. Also the steel document is being proven to be damn accurate at 90% so far. So the noose is closing on Trump big time..
Don't waste your keystrokes
Now THAT is the best suggestion you've made on here to date ... I won't!
Except, I can't resist; but, I'm in a good mood today so I'll say it nicely .....
gif_Yellowball-JerkingOff.gif ...... "Go Make Love To Yourself, your right hand is lonely". See, isn't that better than "go fuck yourself" ....???

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Lets see...
ME: The ACA does nothing to lower cost.
MAC: GOP this GOP that point the finger point the finger...
ME: It also doesn't cover *******.
MAC: Sure if your too cheap and by the Bronze plan.
If you're going to attempt to quote me, TwoBi, for god sakes don't use poor English and spellling; English is something I take pride in doing quite well, thank you.
If you're going to attempt to quote me, TwoBi, for god sakes don't use poor English and spellling; English is something I take pride in doing quite well, thank you.
View attachment 2034867

Wasn't an attempt - it was a direct quote. You repeat yourself so much I could recite you in my sleep, I even know what your going to say and how you will respond to every post. You people on the left are so predictable it's pathetic. At least I don't need to point out spelling and grammar errors (on a forum for Christ sake) to make myself look and feel smart. (nor do I need to compare likes in our profiles.)

Like I stated many times before, I would support the ACA if it actually reformed health care - but it doesn't, It's Just another tax.

I would support the ACA if it actually reformed health care

not supposed to...never was the purpose!
It was set up to give people without access to health care...some health care......and it did and was a big success doing what it was supposed to
not sure how you right wingers can be so stupid......but it shows up all the time...health insurance does not improve health care..it is what it is a big corporation milking money out of the public......just like the right intended for corps to do....there was a hope that if enough signed up the premiums might go down...but the again the right did everything they could to keep people off!...and they are still working towards that end

you have been crying about it for a year now....same thing over and over...trying to put words in our mouths....and we explain it to you...how many times now? keep out of the fucking Kool-Aid and pay attention...….the facts are what they are!
you have car insurance....did it lower the cost of your car?
using your logic......my wife bought a new car this spring...I should have told them I have insurance and demanded a better car!
you have home insurance....did it lower the cost of your home?
use your head and get a life....one with health care!
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I even know what your going to say and how you will respond to every post
then why waste your time and ours since you already know what will be said....you must just like wasting print?

You people on the left are so predictable it's pathetic
why because we give you facts and you can't understand them....would it help if we used crayons?

HH...never won an argument in how long now.....and you bring up the same subject over and over...maybe expecting different facts?....you people on the right are so predictable!

with you guys it's Bill Murray's "ground hog day" over and over!

sure hope I didn't hurt your feelings....but then I have never known someone on the right to have any
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If you're going to attempt to quote me, TwoBi, for god sakes don't use poor English and spellling; English is something I take pride in doing quite well,

Yeah TwoBi, Mac says plenty of substantively ignorant things on here, like his claim that there was no way I'd have to meet my calendar year deductible before my insurance would cover a sore throat visit. There's really no need to tease him about his "crappie" English ;)

And IF your plan doesn't provide a co-pay, its very crappie coverage
Obama did too - so whats that tell you?

<next comes whiny excuses>

he pushed it through.....gave America what they needed...health care for all...it was a success..until the right got ahold of it and started dismantling it

it did have some flaws and needed more work...but the right unwilling to do any of that....go back and look at social security and the original medicare...they needed work and got it.....until it was a working program....did the right do any of that for the ACA?
I think you know the answer there!
Social Security; Medicare-Medicaid; Peace Corps; unemployment insurance; welfare (for the poor and corporate); civil rights; student grant and loan programs; safety laws (OSHA); environmental laws; prevailing wage laws; right to collective bargaining (which brought about paid medical insurance, paid vacations, pensions, etc.); workers' compensation; Marshall Plan; flood-disaster insurance; School Lunch Program; women's rights.

the Fair Labor Standards Act, which established a minimum wage, instituted baby labor laws, and set up time-and-a-half pay for over a 40-hour week.

FHA-HUD with its public housing, urban renewal and 44 million residential homes (before WWII almost 70 percent of our nation were renters; by the 1970s this had been reversed).

And farm-conservation subsidies -- USDA programs, Farmers Home Administration (the bankers didn't want to make rural loans), small flood-control lakes , rural water districts, rural electricity (REA).

The GI Bill was passed, which the Republicans at the time bitterly opposed. They were salivating over millions of returning veterans to hire as cheap labor. More than 8 million have used college benefits, creating millions of entrepreneurs; most of us had never dreamed of college. For the unemployed GI, there was $20 a week for 52 weeks to help get started (a lot of money in those days). The Veterans Administration provided more than 2 million home loans.

For the bankers the liberals saved their industry with the creation of FDIC and FSLIC, insuring their deposits, and saved Wall Street with the establishment of the Securities Exchange Commission.

The oil men came on bended knees to FDR at a time when East Texas oil was 4 cents a barrel and begged him to save their industry. He did; prorationing overturned the rule of capture and the days of flush production were over. Prorating has served this great industry (and nation) well.

"I'm sure your party has authored one or two comparable bills from time to time, but I can't think of any, and apparently you can't either. What it boils down to is this: the liberals dragged you into the 20th century scratching and screaming with your heels in the mud, fighting anything that's progressive, everything that's made this country great.

You Republicans have never understood that the spending power of blue-collar workers, obtained through Democrats and unions, is what really made this country great. You really believe "The Good Life" was obtained from your own endeavors. You cloak your greed in religion and patriotism, railing against any form of tax, never comprehending that these programs have benefited all of us and our country."
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Obama did too - so whats that tell you?

<next comes whiny excuses>
Yep, and Obummer even had the filibuster proof supermajority in the Senate early on in his term. The Republicans only have a 51 to 49 majority in the Senate. So democrats have managed to block tons of progress in the Senate. In the 2015/2016 Senate, the democraps managed to block 68 items via filibuster. That's roughly the same amount that republicans blocked per session back when they were in the minority in the early part of the decade. Funny back then we had to hear Mac drone on and on about the how terrible all the filibustering was. Wonder why we don't hear anything from ole MacNLies about current filibusters???

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