Wake Up, America! Wake Up! PLEASE!!

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And the Democrats have done ???? I mean besides making it a criminal act if I don't give money to a greedy insurance corporation. How does it feel to work for what you claim so adamantly to be against?
.....Wow, I write 3 paragraphs full of detail, with 4 qualified attachments to back them up, and what I get from you is THAT? Pretty weak statement, don't you think? You keep making unsubstantiated remarks like that ... you honestly are starting to act & sound like Trump. Each state is different as to their ACA situation because each state (with their Republican or Democrat controlled legislators) approached the ACA a bit differently. I do know that many of the Republican run states that initially refused to expand Medicaid under the ACA are NOW doing it because they now realize the Republicans in Washington with their very 'fake' president have no intentions to really help them. And Blue Cross (our lone provider thanks to the Republicans) announced just yesterday that some areas of the state would see a drop of 'up to' 16% in their premiums.
.....If the government is to sponsor an affordable health plan that provides "guaranteed acceptance" and picks up pre-existing conditions, they need "healthy" money coming into the plan as well as "sick" money, otherwise the only ones enrolling under the plan would be those who were already sick and those who were just diagnosed with a sickness or medical condition, thus the premiums would be much higher as those folks, only, enroll. The margin of profit for health insurance carriers is less than 2%, and the marginal loss ratio keeps health insurance companies from pricing their products at premiums above 15-20% of their incoming claims. They have to give that money back to the insureds as over-charge, as they have each year thus far. It would be beneficial if the Republicans would have established and encouraged the Exchanges as that was one way of creating competition, to drive down cost (kind of capitalistic, don't you think?) but then, the Republicans didn't want to drive health insurance rates down, they wanted drive the rates UP ... so fewer people would want to enroll in the ACA health insurance. The Republicans also cut the number of days for enrollments into the ACA AND cut the advertisement time on announcing 'open-enrollments'.
.....Republicans have won the battles and lost the war on health insurance premiums. They removed the enrollment requirement and discouraged or stopped states from establishing their Exchanges, and they refused to use the Medicaid Expansion ... all safe guards to drive the rates downward. So, you know what your personal state has done for you ... maybe you should consider changing your voting in the upcoming mid-terms, TwoBi. Unfortunately, you seem to be a bit too boneheaded to admit the truth when you see it, and you'll probably keep doing what you have been doing but expecting a different results, I'm quite sure.
For 4 solid years I had to explain to right-nut employees the difference between the Affordable Care Act and the Obamacare plan. When employees would come into the room for their benefits reviews it was easy to identify the right-nuts ... they'd automatically walk in complaining about Obamacare and the fact that it sucked and they weren't going to sign up. I'd tell them we were enrolling them in the Affordable Care plan and they'd perk right up
You trying to educate employees on Obummercare....that's rich! You argued vociferously with me that there was no way I would have to meet my deductible before my sore throat visit would be covered....until I showed you right on the Obummercare website that this was the case. Not only that, but I showed you where large percentages of the Obummercare plans sold were exactly that same type of plan. I truly feel sorry for the poor slobs that had to get their info from you.

Yes they ARE, h-h. I'll say again, unless you're being admitted in the hospital for that sore throat, you should ONLY have to pay a frik'n co-pay NOT satisfy your calendar year deductible UNLESS your doctor orders a CATSCAN for your sore throat.

I wonder how many of those poor people actually bought the BS you were spreading.

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The 80/20 and 85/15 MLR has returned billions of dollars back to insureds

As we've been over umpteen times, the mlr is a key component of Obummercare which serves to drive UP costs. If MacNLies insurance pays 1 billion in claims, they get to keep 200 million from their clients premiums in an 80/20 plan. If MacNLies insurance manages to get their cost of care up to 2 billion a year....wooohoooo, Mac just made 400 million instead. Of course the people left paying for their more expensive coverage AND your doubled profit are those "right nuts" as you called them.

There's good reason when I was looking for an honorable profession, I skipped over insurance and used car sales.
damn Mac you are in trouble now......HH is here with little known facts only known to him
and to try and make you think he is going to win an argument on something...anything....hungry for a win in the argument dept!
If MacNLies insurance manages to get their cost of care up to 2 billion a year....wooohoooo, Mac just made 400 million instead.
Insurance companies don't set the cost of care you dingbat, the care providers do. What the fuck is wrong with you?
I wonder how many of those poor people actually bought the BS you were spreading.
Assuming you didn't spring for the cheap plan (Bronze) your plan has co-pays of which one is for doctor office visits, fuckhead.

Now the fun part ...
gif_Yellowball-finger.gif......... pic_GoFuckYourself3.jpg
Insurance companies don't set the cost of care you dingbat
I didn't say they set the cost of care. Don't waste your keystrokes trying to slip your strawman arguments past me. You aren't nearly clever enough to pull that off.

Insurance companies damn sure do have a huge influence in the cost of care though by pre-negotiated network rates, limiting what they will cover, requiring prior authorizations for treatments/medications, requiring ridiculous tests before a procedure can be authorized, requiring fail first treatments before allowing the treatment the doctor (who actually sees and examines the patient) believes is the appropriate treatment, placing medications on or off their formulary exclusion list, etc. etc. They have bureaucrats in cubicles that doctors have to deal with, playing the "mom may I" game. If Congress weren't bought off by all of your industry lobbying, maybe they'd have a spine and pass a law against this crap. It is likely illegal now as it borders on insurance bureaucrats practicing medicine without a license.

Assuming you didn't spring for the cheap plan (Bronze) your plan has co-pays of which one is for doctor office visits, fuckhead.
But YOU clearly didn't even know these "cheap" plans were out there, much less were a significant percentage of the Obummer care plans being sold.

Or were you purposely lying when you said this:

Yes they ARE, h-h. I'll say again, unless you're being admitted in the hospital for that sore throat, you should ONLY have to pay a frik'n co-pay NOT satisfy your calendar year deductible UNLESS your doctor orders a CATSCAN for your sore throat.
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Insurance companies damn sure do have a huge influence in the cost of care though by limiting what they will cover, requiring prior authorizations for treatments/medications, requiring ridiculous tests before a procedure can be authorized, requiring fail first treatments before allowing the treatment the doctor (who actually sees and examines the patient) believes is the appropriate treatment, placing medications on or off their formulary exclusion list, etc. etc. They have bureaucrats in cubicles that doctors have to deal with, playing the "mom may I" game. If Congress weren't bought off by all of your industry lobbying, maybe they'd have a spine and pass a law against this crap. It is likely illegal now as it borders on insurance bureaucrats practicing medicine without a license.

I'll do you one better, The doctor care I have currently, I must CALL FIRST before making an appointment with my doctor. "They" (the insurance company) will determine if I should see the doctor or not and if not, it's my expense. That is of course unless I want to drive 1.5 Hours to see "their" doctor. But I thought I could keep my doctor. I normally don't go to the doctor, I simply don't get sick, but yet I must have coverage.
Assuming you didn't spring for the cheap plan (Bronze) your plan has co-pays of which one is for doctor office visits, fuckhead.

So you want me to believe that the ACA helps people and lowers cost, then you rail anyone that is too cheap and springs for the Bronze plan. lol - seriously?

Lets see...
ME: The ACA does nothing to lower cost.
MAC: GOP this GOP that point the finger point the finger...
ME: It also doesn't cover *******.
MAC: Sure if your too cheap and by the Bronze plan.


All I can say is I hope you never loose your company paid for insurance, but I'm betting you know that.
Awwwwww.....are you gonna cry some more because you didn't get a 2nd place trophy?

what a fucking retard!
and you dirty the name hawkeye…..they stand for something good in the state...unity...leaving out paying seats so the ******* can watch the game....every good about that state......and you use that name with your childish and juvenile rants

you know the facts are......1 out of every 3 trumpies is just as fucking stupid as the other 2?
you are an example of why your state is the laughing stock of congress....J Mitchell and S. King...even other congressmen make fun of their stupidity....I think it was Cotton that said it best...he didn't want to become the Steven king of the senate....now we know how they got voted in...people like you......you might want to get off your tractor and look around...you have been sniffing to much herbicide!

you don't stand for anything...other than an embarrassment to your state using that name!

Now just sit back...shut up and wait for the paper to come out announcing while serving his prison sentence for treason and bunch of black gang bangers raped his sorry ass!
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what a fucking retard!
and you dirty the name hawkeye…..they stand for something good in the state...unity...leaving out paying seats so the ******* can watch the game....every good about that state......and you use that name with your childish and juvenile rants

you know the facts are......1 out of every 3 trumpies is just as fucking stupid as the other 2?
you are an example of why your state is the laughing stock of congress....J Mitchell and S. King...even other congressmen make fun of their stupidity....I think it was Cotton that said it best...he didn't want to become the Steven king of the senate....now we know how they got voted in...people like you......you might want to get off your tractor and look around...you have been sniffing to much herbicide!

you don't stand for anything...other than an embarrassment to your state using that name!

Now just sit back...shut up and wait for the paper to come out announcing while serving his prison sentence for treason and bunch of black gang bangers raped his sorry ass!
No, Hawkeyes actually suck at sports (like you I'm sure). Trump Derangement Syndrome is real and you are the poster boy. Get ready, another ass whoopin coming in 2020 libtard...LMAO!
So the U.S. pulls out of the Paris Accord because the U.S. Excuse for a President doesn't think the agreement was fair to the U.S., but more importantly, he's also reported to be of the opinion that weather change is a Democratic conceived boogyman! I wonder what the people of The North Eastern U.S. think of his logic after this weekends flash floods?
So the U.S. pulls out of the Paris Accord because the U.S. Excuse for a President doesn't think the agreement was fair to the U.S., but more importantly, he's also reported to be of the opinion that weather change is a Democratic conceived boogyman! I wonder what the people of The North Eastern U.S. think of his logic after this weekends flash floods?

he is only "for" what pays him to be for
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