Wake Up, America! Wake Up! PLEASE!!

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I still love America

I didn't say I didn't....I just don't like where it is going...…….first off by any other standards we have used for all the past presidents.....trump should have never been under consideration......pervert/infidelities/Russia and a lot more

second either he MIGHT have had good intentions at the start or he flat lied to the country from the start....first off the wall!....second his taxes!...…. third not going to make money off the country!....we pay him thousands every month for the use of HIS hotels....going to be the most transparent president? what happened to that...…..Not have enough time to golf going to be to busy working for us!.....and the best one of all.....going to drain the swamp!....lobbyist are paid by big corps to bribe our elected officials…….under trump the number of those people has tripled.....wanting to appoint only the best people for his cabinet...….he has not had one yet that hasn't been involved of some type of corruption

he has corrupted gov so bad I doubt we can repair it in our lifetimes....but hell even if we did we still have our children paying for the deficit.....something the right always complains about when there is a dem in the white house and yet always run it up when a repub in the white house

no I fought for and still love my country....just the right has it for sale.....and this president has taken corruption to all new levels
plus I consider him a Traitor for his ties to russia

did that about cover everything....I'm sure there is more but that's enough for now...….next I could start on the republican party....but the would take several pages
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Maybe you should give it a listenits funny how time goes by but song still rings true

yeah....was at a car show last sat...…..normally have pledge of allegiance before show......after the pledge some guy got up and tried to sing the lee greenwood song proud to be American...…. ….and butchered it to death....people wanted to boo him off the platform but didn't because of the song
Blackmails our allies for info to blackmail his opponents...….just another day in the life of corruption in this presidency

Trump Whistleblower Complaint Concerns Multiple Actions
13 hours ago · A whistleblower complaint filed over President Donald Trump’s talks with a foreign leader extended beyond just a single conversation, according to a new report. “We are told by multiple ...

Whistleblower complaint, reportedly on Trump 'promise' to ...
19 hours ago · A whistleblower complaint that reportedly involved allegations President Trump made a troubling and unspecified "promise" to a foreign leader touched off …

Whistleblower complaint about President Trump involves ...
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10 hours ago · A whistleblower complaint about President Trump made by an intelligence official centers on Ukraine, according to two people familiar with the matter, which has set off a struggle between Congress ...
  • Author: Ellen Nakashima, Shane
Colt to stop making AR-15 rifles for civilian use, citing ...
Sep 19, 2019 · Gun manufacturer Colt on Thursday said it will no longer make rifles for sale to civilians — including the controversial AR-15 used in several U.S. …

Colt suspends production of AR-15 rifles for civilians
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Sep 19, 2019 · Gunmaker Colt Manufacturing said Thursday it is temporarily halting production of rifles for the civilian market, including the popular AR-15. In a statement, Colt CEO Dennis
Blackmails our allies for info to blackmail his opponents...….just another day in the life of corruption in this presidency
Not surprising in the least if true, and only with Trump, probably is. He, himself, was the one who openingly announced he could ******* someone on 5th Ave and get away with it. Not only can he not be arrested for crime while President, he can't even be investigated while President, because HE SAYS SO. Millions of tax payer dollars that WE TAX Payers are being ****** to defend this creep.
He's definitely etching his own self into the history of the Presidents of the USA.
Not surprising in the least if true, and only with Trump, probably is. He, himself, was the one who openingly announced he could ******* someone on 5th Ave and get away with it. Not only can he not be arrested for crime while President, he can't even be investigated while President, because HE SAYS SO. Millions of tax payer dollars that WE TAX Payers are being ****** to defend this creep.
He's definitely etching his own self into the history of the Presidents of the USA.

very true...….but in time it will all come out....always does......
plus right now he is using taxpayer money AND campaign money to defend himself......after he leaves office what then? No income from campaigns...no white house lawyers....no way of blocking people from testifying....and not the office to protect him from lawsuits......going to be crying the blues and hopefully all the way to jail
very true...….but in time it will all come out....always does......
plus right now he is using taxpayer money AND campaign money to defend himself......after he leaves office what then? No income from campaigns...no white house lawyers....no way of blocking people from testifying....and not the office to protect him from lawsuits......going to be crying the blues and hopefully all the way to jail

would love to see some of this cover-up hit mcconnell and graham also
Just an example of the bigger problem we face in this country.

"An alleged fight over a girl involving over 50 teenagers has left a 16-year-old student dead after being stabbed in the chest and an 18-year-old student charged in his death while many of the other teens took videos of the victim dying rather than helping to save his life. "

In April 2010, former student athlete Drew Clark hit a man who was fighting his friend with a fire extinguisher in Arnos Vale, Bristol, England. Clark took the fire extinguisher and bashed the man twice on the head, breaking his skull. The man died three days later in the hospital.

There have been several cases of ******* by chair but probably the most outrageous is the one that happened in London in December 2013. A gang of six teenagers attacked Donald McNicol with a chair outside a community center after an argument over a shared computer. The victim suffered a serious head injury and died two weeks later.

In April 2006, 61-year-old Jimmy Hackley from Jacksonville, Florida strangled 29-year-old Patricia Ann McCollum with a pair of sweatpants. He was charged and found guilty of first-degree *******.

37 Children Die in Hot Cars in the U.S. Each Year, Report ...
Jun 12, 2018 · 37 Children Die in Hot Cars in the U.S. Each Year, Report Says ... with another story of a baby dying after being left in a hot car, the number of incidents ... a baby unattended in a car, if ...
Colt to stop making AR-15 rifles for civilian use, citing ...
Sep 19, 2019 · Gun manufacturer Colt on Thursday said it will no longer make rifles for sale to civilians — including the controversial AR-15 used in several U.S. …

Colt suspends production of AR-15 rifles for civilians
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Sep 19, 2019 · Gunmaker Colt Manufacturing said Thursday it is temporarily halting production of rifles for the civilian market, including the popular AR-15. In a statement, Colt CEO Dennis

Colts are overpriced anyways - been losing market share to other manufacturers for years in the civilian sector.
Media last night:

Whistleblower - Whistleblower - Whistleblower


Lefty media’s mindset - if at first you don’t suckseed keep on sucking til ya do suckseed.
Trump Is A Disaster - PaulCraigRoberts.org
May 11, 2018 · Trump is a disaster for the environment, for wildlife, and for human life. Trump has handed over to polluters oil and mineral rights in US National Monuments. Mining will now deface what was before Trump protected national monuments, and oil drilling will destroy the Arctic National Refuge.

Trump Is A Disaster - foreignpolicyjournal.com
May 12, 2018 · Trump is a disaster for the environment, for wildlife, and for human life. Trump has handed over to polluters oil and mineral rights in US National Monuments. Mining will now deface what was before Trump protected national monuments, and oil drilling will destroy the Arctic National Refuge.

No Exit: The Perpetual Disaster of the Trump ...
Jan 12, 2018 · Trump’s presidency may be a dysfunctional disaster, but there’s no apparent way to end it. ... It is as though the United States is stumbling, never quite falling on its face but never fully .

Why is the Trump presidency such a rolling disaster? - The ...
Mar 16, 2017 · Why is the Trump presidency such a rolling disaster? ... Trump on Thursday will unveil a budget plan that calls for a ... that this man is actually president of the United States

Donald Trump is indisputably the worst president in ...
Jun 20, 2018 · It is increasingly difficult to find one nice thing to say about President Trump. ... political leverage — a humanitarian disaster on our border with Mexico. ... most of us, then, is that Trump ...

Opinion | The Trump Disaster Chronicle - The New York Times
Jun 18, 2016 · But we can be confident that if a disaster fell upon us during a Trump presidency, he would somehow blame it on American Muslims. If there was a hurricane, it’d be their fault for not issuing

Donald Trump’s G7 summit is already such a disaster for ...
Aug 24, 2019 · Either way, the United States has a president who – in addition to being a racist, a criminal, a dimwit, and a traitor – simply can’t handle the basic rigors of the job. If Donald Trump is already in hiding on the first day of the G7 summit, he needs to …

DISASTER: Germany Hints US No Longer an Ally Under Trump
May 16, 2019 · --In the growing geopolitical disaster that is the Trump administration, German Chancellor Angela Merkel implies that the US is increasingly an adversary of Europe's, not an ally Want
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