Wake Up, America! Wake Up! PLEASE!!

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How come it’s ok for Biden to threaten to withhold 1.5 billion in aid if the Ukraine doesn’t fire the prosecutor investigating his ******* - but it’s a huge NO NO for President Trump to wanna get to the bottom of that ???

Explain PLEASE !!!!
must really be afraid of Biden...…..anything he can twist at all

Trump Hammers Joe Biden for *******'s Financial 'Relationship ...
Jun 11, 2019 · Trump Hammers Joe Biden for *******’s Financial ‘Relationship’ with China 6,193 Jim Watson/AFP/Getty, Spencer Platt/Getty Charlie Spiering 11 Jun 2019. President Donald Trump said Tuesday that former Vice President Joe Biden is a “dummy” for his dovish stance on countering China’s economic subterfuge against the United States.
Yes, You Should Be Comparing Trump to Hitler – The Forward

Yes, You Should Be Comparing Trump to Hitler. From images of caged migrant children sleeping under space blankets to parents facing deportation proceedings alone, the federal government’s forcible separation of families at the border has shocked Americans’ consciences in a …

Propaganda extraordinaire
Poll: Biden leads Trump by 13 percentage points nationally
Jun 12, 2019 · Poll: Biden leads Trump by 13 percentage points nationally in head-to-head matchup. Biden also remains the front-runner in the sprawling 2020 Democratic presidential field.

turns out fox news was fake all along also

Trump knocks Fox News after poll shows him losing to Biden ...
Kate Bedingfield, Biden's deputy campaign manager, added, "You seem nervous." Trump had praised a separate poll by the network just a day before, highlighting its finding that voter ratings on the ...
Didn't Chris Wray ….trumps own appointed FBI director once say anyone with knowledge of another country trying to influence our election should contact the appropriate authorities?.....wonder why trump and Giuliani didn't rat on each other

How come it’s ok for Biden to threaten to withhold 1.5 billion in aid if the Ukraine doesn’t fire the prosecutor investigating his ******* - but it’s a huge NO NO for President Trump to wanna get to the bottom of that ???

Explain PLEASE !!!!

you need to quit looking up your anal pipeline for an answer to support your leader...…….there were several countries investigating Ukraine at the time for corruption....countries giving them money and the money????????
I have seen it many times - I’m sure you have to - or hopefully you will soon.

Maybe not most of the lefty media has prolly not show that vid.

Google - “Biden bragging about getting prosecutor fired” it comes up on You Tube and also a lot of print articles on it.

wishful thinking on your part
why did the pres of Ukraine say several years ago he had no proof either one of the bidens did anything wrong?
I'm sure you have seen the vid
The Latest: Biden critical of Trump for urging Ukraine probe
6 p.m. President Donald Trump urged the new leader of Ukraine to investigate the ******* of former Vice President Joe Biden. The push to damage a political rival is at the heart of a whistleblower ...

Trump Repeatedly Pressed Ukraine President to Investigate ...
Trump Repeatedly Pressed Ukraine President to Investigate Biden's ******* This is a political forum that is non-biased/non-partisan and treats every persons position on topics equally. This debate forum is not aligned to any political party.

How Trump and Giuliani pressured Ukraine to investigate ...
1 hour ago · Yuri Lutsenko, the former Ukrainian prosecutor general, told Bloomberg News in May that there was no evidence of wrongdoing by Joe or Hunter Biden. [As vice president, Biden said Ukraine should ...

In May of this year.....when Biden had no control over anything in Ukraine

Giuliani, Ukraine, and Joe Biden: Trump's lawyer is being ...
In May, the Ukrainian attorney general said that nothing illegal was found in the actions of Joe Biden and his *******. Hunter Bailen joined the board of directors of Burisma Holdings in 2014, shortly after his *******'s visit to Ukraine. Then the White House said that there was nothing inappropriate.

Ukraine's top prosecutor says he has no evidence of ...
May 17, 2019 · Yuriy Lutsenko, Ukraine’s prosecutor general, said this week that he had no evidence of wrongdoing against former Vice President Joe Biden or his *******, Hunter, over the latter’s involvement ...
he is seeking help from Ukraine on this election...…….yet he didn't seek help from Russia on the last one?
MMMMMMMmmmmm smell anything fishy here.....and wouldn't that be collusion?
Hey I'm sure you trumptards just got something more to be proud of...……

this has to be the first time the pres of this country has asked another country to start an investigation of a citizen of this country…...wow....a whole new...High? for you folks
You liberals prove yourself more and more ridiculous by the day - unbelievable really.

us? ….it is your god that is proving more and more corrupt everyday.....this should be enough to send him out the door....but have a feeling he will hang in there...….but how long can the right keep quiet about all this?

but i'm sure for you trumptards……...he just set another record huh...Hooray!

btw that little vid you refed to was kind of misleading....only showing part of the conversation...…..funny how the right works that......biden took the guy in front of his own gov for corruption...….his gov voted in their house to fire him.....biggest sentence you have made in ages...…..and it was wrong and misleading....I swear you trumptards just don't give up
Libtards only see what they wanna see - hopefully truth be coming out soon enough - no thanks to the media - funny you were unaware of that video. It was on you tube not politically motivated that I could see - just the vid of Biden bragging about getting the prosecutor fired that was investigating the company that was making massive payments to his ******* Hunter. There were also myriad print articles on that story - right below the You Tube vid.
Libtards only see what they wanna see - hopefully truth be coming out soon enough - no thanks to the media - funny you were unaware of that video. It was on you tube not politically motivated that I could see - just the vid of Biden bragging about getting the prosecutor fired that was investigating the company that was making massive payments to his ******* Hunter. There were also myriad print articles on that story - right below the You Tube vid.

I know.….this guy just makes your chest swell doesn't he?

I got news for you...that's not pride.....it's *******!
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