Wake Up, America! Wake Up! PLEASE!!

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You say there are only two ways to solve your healthcare system and i disagreed. But I admit that my understanding of single payer may not be yours. Are you saying that the mixture of public and private involvement is toxic and that you would rather have either fully private or fully public? If so, I disagree about the private bit because I believe that public health should be a function of government.

Our government sold out to big Pharma and Insurance companies. Our health care skyrocketed after the ACA. If the government wanted to help, they should have either made it all public (single payer) or left it private but regulated the insurance companies, hospitals, and Phama. to keep them from falsely inflating prices. Before the ACA the only people that didn't have insurance were either unemployed, or made less than 35K a year most of which then qualified for Medicaid. There were issues with that also, doctors wouldn't take patients without insurance so people were clogging up the emergency system. But really all we needed to do was increase medicaid tax 2 or 3%, and give free medical to everyone making less than 40K a year and go after the big Pharma. Let those that could afford it pay their own insurance. Instead we sold out and now require everyone to buy a product (insurance) from private companies, which is also against our constitution. One example as a result, the price of insulin has skyrocketed. Just to show you how fucked up our medical systems is, A unemployed ******* addict can now get free Narcan, but a hard working diabetic has to pay $1000 for insulin. Figure that one out. So yes, the mix of government and private insurance is a highly toxic combination. Now insurance is lobbing our government to require dental and eye care as well, and some are even talking about requiring pet insurance.

There are those here that like to blame only the republicans, but the fact is, our health care system was fucked up prior to the ACA and is even more fucked up now, and even less affordable than before. BOTH parties have had ample time to fix the problem but haven't. I hold both parties responsible.
Our government sold out to big Pharma and Insurance companies. Our health care skyrocketed after the ACA. If the government wanted to help, they should have either made it all public (single payer) or left it private but regulated the insurance companies, hospitals, and Phama. to keep them from falsely inflating prices. Before the ACA the only people that didn't have insurance were either unemployed, or made less than 35K a year most of which then qualified for Medicaid. There were issues with that also, doctors wouldn't take patients without insurance so people were clogging up the emergency system. But really all we needed to do was increase medicaid tax 2 or 3%, and give free medical to everyone making less than 40K a year and go after the big Pharma. Let those that could afford it pay their own insurance. Instead we sold out and now require everyone to buy a product (insurance) from private companies, which is also against our constitution. One example as a result, the price of insulin has skyrocketed. Just to show you how fucked up our medical systems is, A unemployed ******* addict can now get free Narcan, but a hard working diabetic has to pay $1000 for insulin. Figure that one out. So yes, the mix of government and private insurance is a highly toxic combination. Now insurance is lobbing our government to require dental and eye care as well, and some are even talking about requiring pet insurance.

There are those here that like to blame only the republicans, but the fact is, our health care system was fucked up prior to the ACA and is even more fucked up now, and even less affordable than before. BOTH parties have had ample time to fix the problem but haven't. I hold both parties responsible.
Thanks - I understand better now. We are absolutely determined over here to resist the American health providers, who want to buy up our National Health Service.
Many people fear Brexit exactly for this reason, because they think that a US UK trade deal would mean opening up health provision in the UK to American companies.

you worry about that.....and yet this doesn't bother you

How much does the government spend at Trump properties ...
May 18, 2018 · During Trump's first year in office, he spent at least 38 of his first 52 weekends staying at his golf courses or eating dinner at the Trump International Hotel in downtown Washington, D.C ...

Who is paying for Trump to stay at his own properties when ...
Jul 25, 2018 · Trump obviously doesn’t pay to stay at his own properties, so the answer to the question is “no one.” What SHOULD concern every taxpayer in America is that the people who work for him and who accompany him on those vacations are NOT comped for sta...

Here Are the Ways Trump Cashes In on Being President
Jan 14, 2019 · From the public records and other reports, it’s clear where and how Trump is making money off the office. Here are the ways Trump is cashing in on the presidency. 1. Trump’s hotels.

Trump received $1.6 million from Secret Service - POLITICO
2016. Trump received $1.6 million from Secret Service. The agency pays to travel with all presidential nominees, but in Trump’s case, that money went to one of his companies.
you worry about that.....and yet this doesn't bother you

How much does the government spend at Trump properties ...
May 18, 2018 · During Trump's first year in office, he spent at least 38 of his first 52 weekends staying at his golf courses or eating dinner at the Trump International Hotel in downtown Washington, D.C ...

Who is paying for Trump to stay at his own properties when ...
Jul 25, 2018 · Trump obviously doesn’t pay to stay at his own properties, so the answer to the question is “no one.” What SHOULD concern every taxpayer in America is that the people who work for him and who accompany him on those vacations are NOT comped for sta...

Here Are the Ways Trump Cashes In on Being President
Jan 14, 2019 · From the public records and other reports, it’s clear where and how Trump is making money off the office. Here are the ways Trump is cashing in on the presidency. 1. Trump’s hotels.

Trump received $1.6 million from Secret Service - POLITICO
2016. Trump received $1.6 million from Secret Service. The agency pays to travel with all presidential nominees, but in Trump’s case, that money went to one of his companies.
Did you read article
I could ask you the same....you pointed out corruption and so did I …….why is yours worse?
I pointed to the guy supposed to be setting an example.....he is...only for crooks!....and you have no concern for that
i pointed out government funds being funneled and used for a different purposes you took that got on your soap box and ranted about your own topic
He is nothing if not the rant meister.

Master of the avatar.

And Deflection - as with most Dems IS indeed his middle name ;}
Yeah i learned in army dont touch another mans sock. Near end of deployment they set up laundry service on base Chinese ladies had to seperate and count socks. Fuckers stood up on there own
Thanks - I understand better now. We are absolutely determined over here to resist the American health providers, who want to buy up our National Health Service.
Many people fear Brexit exactly for this reason, because they think that a US UK trade deal would mean opening up health provision in the UK to American companies.

he is not entirely accurate on a few things.....got that republican twist to the facts....but he is more than right about the med companies

******* Industry Spent a Record Amount on Lobbying in the ...
Jul 24, 2019 · The Pharmaceutical Research and Manufacturers of America, a leading industry trade group, spent $16.1 million on lobbying in the first six months of the year, up 4% from the $15.5 million it spent ...
Oct 19, 2017 · The pharmaceutical industry, which has about two lobbyists for every member of Congress, spent $152m on influencing legislation in 2016, …

How big pharma's money – and its politicians – feed the US ...
Oct 19, 2017 · The pharmaceutical industry, which has about two lobbyists for every member of Congress, spent $152m on influencing legislation in 2016, …

US ******* Prices vs The World - drugwatch.com

One 40 mg pill costs $7.78 in the U.S. compared to $3.37 in Canada. The price drops even more to $2.21 in the U.K., Australia and New Zealand. In India and Turkey, the same pill costs less than 37 cents. Abilify is also sold at a significantly higher price in the U.S. than elsewhere in the world.
i pointed out government funds being funneled and used for a different purposes you took that got on your soap box and ranted about your own topic

l told you having comp troubles and won't open some sites...…...but you wanted to bring up corruption so I just threw in a big one......but you want to over look that one....now who is on a soap box

go eat your veggies and don't come back till you do
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