Wake Up, America! Wake Up! PLEASE!!

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l told you having comp troubles and won't open some sites...…...but you wanted to bring up corruption so I just threw in a big one......but you want to over look that one....now who is on a soap box

go eat your veggies and don't come back till you do
if i said the sky is cloudy you would say that fucking trump it was all blue when Obama was in
l told you having comp troubles and won't open some sites...…...but you wanted to bring up corruption so I just threw in a big one......but you want to over look that one....now who is on a soap box

go eat your veggies and don't come back till you do

Geez - Sir Rant Meister you’re REALLY sounding more and more like a mutha ;}
nope....just never watched war movies....I did see sands of iwo jima…….years ago....that's about it.....I did watch Hogan's heros...and Black sheep squadron and Mcails navy....do they count

go finish your veggies and don't come back til you do
the war never really gets there more of waiting preparing
I'm trying my hardest to raise my children to love and appreciate this great nation like I do

I fought for it also.....voluntarily......think anymore it is all about the money....corruption in wash crazy...the right trying to control at any cost.....we used to have standards...…..they are gone......we had laws this pres is just doing away with them

remember the boston tea party.....no taxation without representation.....and yet the right is taking away voting right s for thousands under the guise of voter fraud....when even this pres appointed another crook to investigate and found none....

the health care debacle..letting them flat buy our politicians to keep prices up so most can't afford and our politicians willing to let people die so the Pharm comp can get richer.....in 2003 Bush signed into law preventing our gov from negotiating better prices from pharm comp...….don't think he got paid to fuck America do you?
in 2012 the pharm industry employed 2,500 loddiest and spent 306 million dollars in/on congress and the bush signed the law that forbids medicare from negotiating ******* prices.....we pay the highest ******* prices in the world.....pharm industry spent 4 billion to try and ******* the ACA.....in the past 25 years pharm companies have paid 35 billion for fraud and settlements or misconduct fines...

we are getting worse than some third world countries.....no social security / no medicare / no minimum wage / no worker protections …..same as most 3rd world countries

remember in 2001 the conservatives told us that the bush tax cuts would bring down the deficit…...we went right into a recession.....and what did trump and right just do last year?

people forget or are paid to for profit that corporations are not concerned with the common good....they exploit, pollute,impoverish,******* and lie to make money....they throw poor people out of homes let the sick die....wage wars for profit....slash social programs....gut public education....plunder the us treasury ( bush and Reagan finacing their wars)
crush movements that seek to help or aid the needy......all in the name of greed and profits

republicans say any regulations on wall street is communism….but yet moving jobs over seas is just old fashioned capitalism....china can not just take American jobs without some greedy rich fucker giving the jobs to them

I could go on with the republican hierocracy and corruption but would take most of the day!
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