Wake Up, America! Wake Up! PLEASE!!

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The U.S. is growing millionaires faster than every country ...
Jun 10, 2014 · The U.S. is growing millionaires faster than every country in the world. ... Every other country in the top 15 of millionaires for 2013 is scrunched in under Switzerland. ... only China saw larger

Multi-millionaires make Bush's team richest in history ...
Feb 04, 2001 · Mr Bush's count of multi-millionaires dwarfs the seven appointed by Bill Clinton to his first administration, the six appointed by former president George Bush, the President's *******, and the seven who served under Ronald Reagan. It is further enhanced by Mr …
Where do you get this assumption? In this country the vast majority of "donations" come from right wing sources. I've never herd successful people blame the poor for anything. Maybe you watch too many movies. .... nah I think you just want to argue.

Please tell me where I defended our health insurance model. And yes, we are being ripped off, see "Healthcare" in the previous post.
You say there are only two ways to solve your healthcare system and i disagreed. But I admit that my understanding of single payer may not be yours. Are you saying that the mixture of public and private involvement is toxic and that you would rather have either fully private or fully public? If so, I disagree about the private bit because I believe that public health should be a function of government.
Tax Loopholes That Mainly Benefit The Rich - bankrate.com
The tax code contains many tax loopholes that disproportionately benefit the rich -- at everyone else's expense. Learn more about taxes at Bankrate.com.

Economic Growth, Not Redistribution, Most Benefits The ...
Nov 15, 2012 · Economic Growth, Not Redistribution, Most Benefits The Poor, Working People, And The Middle Class. But “from the mid-18 th century to today, life spans in the advanced countries jumped from less than 30 years to about 75 years.” Average life expectancy in the …

4 Ways We Ignore Poverty and Blame Poor People and What ...
Jul 03, 2013 · These same people don’t seem to notice that corporations like General Motors, Apple, and Verizon evade billions in taxes every year or that their monumentally rich CEO’s pay lower effective tax rates than their secretaries. That’s billions of dollars in revenue that the government doesn’t get.

thank you Ronald Reagan!

4 Ways Government Policy Favors the Rich and Keeps the ...
Sep 02, 2011 · “The biggest single way that the rich benefit from the tax system is that you pay your taxes before you get your money, they pay their taxes by and by,” David Cay Johnson, Reuters tax ...
Let's look at this.

Healthcare: provide healthcare free at the point of delivery and you have a healthy and productive population.

Poverty: in the US are poor people easier to 'control'? Over here, they're angry and determined to improve their circumstances. People who work hard and don't have time on their hands are 'easier to control'.

Debt: no good for anyone. I understand that in the US you like to burden your young with extreme debt so that they can get an education. Seems to me that it is an excellent way to control people - turn them into wage slaves. You have a system of bonded labour.

Gun control: no guns = safer and less paranoid population. Widespread gun ownership, coupled with a fear of 'big government' means you have large numbers of people prepared to confront their own law enforcement in the event of a tightening on laws. In other words, gun ownership encourages lawlessness.

Welfare: nobody wants to live on welfare. It is humiliating and the overwhelming majority want to be productive members of society.

Education: I find this a bit rich in a country where so many people don't believe in evolution and think the earth is 6000 years old or some such nonsense.

Religion: yes, stop telling our children fairytales.

That piece was written by a 'useful idiot'. Useful, because it is helping to keep the extreme right in ignorance.

Sounds like you like it in the U.K. - good
stay there and enjoy.

We like America like it is and don’t involve ourselves in your horseshite.
Most people here DON’T believe the earth is 6,000 years old you pompous arse.
Sounds like you like it in the U.K. - good
stay there and enjoy.

We like America like it is and don’t involve ourselves in your horseshite.
Most people here DON’T believe the earth is 6,000 years old you pompous arse.

speak for your self!.....go check your sock drawer

although it is not true that all conservative are stupid people.....it is true that most stupid people are conservatives...…………...John Stuart Mill

the end of democracy and the defeat of the American revolution will occur when government falls into the hands lending institutions and moneyed incorporations...….Thomas Jefferson 1816.....he must have forseen the republican party coming and the coming of trump!

America is no longer the land of the free anymore...it is all for sale to the highest bidder...Russia being a good example!
speak for your self!.....go check your sock drawer

although it is not true that all conservative are stupid people.....it is true that most stupid people are conservatives...…………...John Stuart Mill

the end of democracy and the defeat of the American revolution will occur when government falls into the hands lending institutions and moneyed incorporations...….Thomas Jefferson 1816.....he must have forseen the republican party coming and the coming of trump!

America is no longer the land of the free anymore...it is all for sale to the highest bidder...Russia being a good example!

F U too
Sounds like you like it in the U.K. - good
stay there and enjoy.

We like America like it is and don’t involve ourselves in your horseshite.
Most people here DON’T believe the earth is 6,000 years old you pompous arse.
Think I touched a nerve lol. :)

Seriously though, you have to be the most deluded and persistently wrong poster on here. Congratulations!
smart AND observant......
It is the dissembling when faced with an opposing viewpoint. He just accuses you of not reading his posts and tells you that he agrees with you but you're too stupid to see it. He attempts to distract and muddy the issue, instead of concentrating on the points.

He is right about one thing though, there IS lot of 'horseshite' over here in the UK at the moment. My country is split down the middle in the most fundamental way. Who are we? Are we British, or are we European?

I'm a leaver, my partner is a remainer. It's a common situation and many don't discuss the issues because passions run so high.
It is the dissembling when faced with an opposing viewpoint. He just accuses you of not reading his posts and tells you that he agrees with you but you're too stupid to see it. He attempts to distract and muddy the issue, instead of concentrating on the points.

He is right about one thing though, there IS lot of 'horseshite' over here in the UK at the moment. My country is split down the middle in the most fundamental way. Who are we? Are we British, or are we European?

I'm a leaver, my partner is a remainer. It's a common situation and many don't discuss the issues because passions run so high.

seems to be the way on here.....never seen so many trumpies….and hardcore...but then I can't understand why anyone voted for him in the first place....he tried running twice before and people just laughed at him...now all of a sudden he is some savior.....figure that one out

and then there are those on here that swear they don't like the man and yet defend everything he does.....never seen such a crazy conglomeration of people in my life
Funny how liberals assume they know who’s right and who’s wrong - from my perspective not only are you talkin out your arse but what goes on in our country really is none of your business.

well I would have to say your "god" likes to stick his nose in everyone's country.....and when he fucks with our economy it effects everyone's economy.....so your perspective is just that....ass gas!

didn't he just make fun of Teresa May and praise this trump like guy that they have now

so I guess Liberals just have their eyes open and not up some one's ass

go do your sock drawer
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