Wake Up, America! Wake Up! PLEASE!!

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Here's one: I have realised that there are way More idiots in the USA than I previously thought.
nope, that wasn't rude - not rude a all.

Otherwise, why would they elect a misogynistic pathological liar who changes his mind more often than the wind changes direction. And then defend him, even in the face of ridicule from every 'corner' of the globe. Your country now has a huge image problem, but you are too close to the problem to see it.

It was far better than the alternative, which was a misogynistic pathological liar who gets people killed.
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THE NEW YORK TIMES??? Ha just like i said... misguided misinformed.

And that's it? An empty claim of misguided misinformed? A misinformed misguided that has been proven as being an actual factual? And heres me giving you the benefit of the doubt of having at least some intelligence... My mistake.

You clearly have some kind of issue in being able to research and correlate information. You see EVERYTHING I post can be backed up by multiple sources. Your empty blathering and meanderings are showing you up for what you are... Empty of self thought and deficient of intellectual process of fact. And the more you post the more you prove this very fact!

LOL. So as usual Trumps lackies cannot defeat the message so they go for the messenger so as to defame and cause mistrust.
Doesn't make much sense, But you usually don't.

Never thought it would to you trump supporters.. But hey being confused is what you people do best!

You see you people go through the five steps of posturing while saying absolutely nothing in the way of a rebuttal. You meander through your platitudes and self imposed superiour egotistic grandstanding rhetoric. Which. when viewed closely are shown to contain the usual nothing! No substance. No source. No intellectual content . Just the time honoured emptiness you display so well.

1. Disagree but offer nothing in support of your argument.

2. Attack the source as fake news. Or attack the author, presenter or person offering the information or rebuttal.

3. Offer nothing in the way of supporting material, but claim you use sources that say you're right.

4. Ignore the primary point of the comment or post and go on a completely different tack which has no baring on the original post.

5. When all else fails. Lie. Bullshit. Or just say its not true. Then wait for back up from the usual suspects to give that good old sense of righteousness and smugness. Yet all done without a single rebuttal or refute to anything posted.

So that hire is OK with you?

Once again you miss the whole point of the comment... Do you do it to troll or because you cannot offer a single rebuttal to the original quote of the comment.... My monies of the latter.

You, and the rest of your supporters are really good at ignoring the point and side tracking onto something you want to say, which 99% of the time has nothing to do with the original post. That's called subject ignorance transference. And your all masters at it.
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I read them the first time. I'm starting to think you and Sub are the same person.

As I said the five steps. Well done for proving that very point!

2. Attack the source as fake news. Or attack the author, presenter or person offering the information or rebuttal.

Also she doesn't have a point... She never did... But you caught that didn't you?... Well you did catch that no?...
Thought it might be the lingua franca when dealing with Trumpies.

I can only recommend you do some digging on the Clinton's. But your mind is already set in stone, so I bet you won't bother.

Is Trump a Liar? of course he is - name one president that isn't.
Is he a Dolt? you bet. But it's hard to dispute results, but the left sure tries. lol
I know Mike Pence, I can assure you, Trump is a far better choice.

So tell me why you think Hillary would be any better.
Never thought it would to you trump supporters.. But hey being confused is what you people do best!

You see you people go through the five steps of posturing while saying absolutely nothing in the way of a rebuttal. You meander through your platitudes and self imposed superiour egotistic grandstanding rhetoric. Which. when viewed closely are shown to contain the usual nothing! No substance. No source. No intellectual content . Just the tie honoured emptiness you display so well.

1. Disagree but offer nothing in support of your argument.

Oh, but I did. I posted an article where someone got fired for doing the same thing.
2. Attack the source as fake news. Or attack the author, presenter or person offering the information or rebuttal.
I didn't attack anyone. please refer to said attack.

3. Offer nothing in the way of supporting material, but claim you use sources that say you're right.
Didn't claim the sources were right, simply posted links that explained the situation. There are many more want me to post them all?

4. Ignore the primary point of the comment or post and go on a completely different tack which has no baring on the original post.
Again you make no sense.
5. When all else fails. Lie. Bullshit. Or just say its not true. Then wait for back up from the usual suspects to give that good old sense of righteousness and smugness. Yet all done without a single rebuttal or refute to anything posted.
Please refer to where and when I did this. Again, all I did was post some links and showed where some one else got fired for the same thing. NYT is in the wrong and being hypocritical.
Once again you miss the whole point of the comment... Do you do it to troll or because you cannot offer a single rebuttal to the original quote of the comment.... My monies of the latter.

You, and the rest of your supporters are really good at ignoring the point and side tracking onto something you want to say, which 99% of the time has nothing to do with the original post. That's called subject ignorance transference. And your all masters at it.

Wow, really getting defensive there. All I did was post a few links. I don't think what the NYT did was right, but obviously you do. Thanks for clarifying that -
As I said the five steps. Well done for proving that very point!

Also she doesn't have a point... She never did... But you caught that didn't you?... Well you did catch that no?...

You do realize you are doing the exact thing you claim I am doing? Probably not ... LOL
ROFLMAO. Wow talk about going on a tangent. This whole saga was to do with my original comment. You bring up your NYT article from left field and try to use it in the original comments...Which you continue to ignore by the way.

So once again your off on a tangent and not even on the original comment... Is it really that hard? Here let me help you....its NOT your NYT article as its NOT the original post. So either stick to the original comment to which I was referring and stop the subject ignorance transference or just plain be quiet and let the adults talk.

You, and the rest of your supporters are really good at ignoring the point and side tracking onto something you want to say, which 99% of the time has nothing to do with the original post. That's called subject ignorance transference. And your all masters at it.

And your subject ignorance transference post proves that very point!.

Lastly. Really defensive. Nope. Just fed up with you all that deflect and ignore the original post or comment and superimpose your own side track BS onto it.. Its not that hard to stick to the original comment.

Maybe you can explain to everyone why its that difficult for you when everyone else has no problem?
Wow, you really are butt hurt DaphneD... Lets try this again.

My original post,

So, do you have an opinion on what the NYT did or not? It's pretty straight forward. I posted it because I don't agree with their actions I don't know what tangent you are going on - but could care less. I am more curious about what people think about the actions of the NYT. Hiring this person only strengthens the belief of many that the NYT is a left biased news source.

ROFLMAO. Wow talk about going on a tangent. This whole saga was to do with my original comment. You bring up your NYT article from left field and try to use it in the original comments...Which you continue to ignore by the way.

Oh I see where you are confused. You think this is a reply to you (ego much?) commenting about the NYT with Latina. LOL typical. Nope, not at all. It is all new news just last night.
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Wow, you really are butt hurt DaphneD... Lets try this again.

Wow you really are this stupid and ignorant... Lets try this again.

REPLY TO MY ORIGINAL POSTS. Not your side track comment...

Oh I see where you are confused. You think this is a reply to you (ego much?) commenting about the NYT with Latina. LOL typical. Nope, not at all. It is all new news just last night.

Nope as you're the one imposing your comments on the NYT into the discussions while not staying on the original topic. Nothing to do with ego but your attempts at trying to create confusion by off topic comments.

what tangent you are going on - but could care less

Don't blame me for your intellectual ignorance.

. I am more curious about what people think about the actions of the NYT.

Your actions say otherwise. Being that your comment only came after the post of the NYT from me... Again deflection!
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