Wake Up, America! Wake Up! PLEASE!!

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As one crook backs another....Trump ensuring our presence in the middle east will be trashed for years

Israeli PM convenes Cabinet in West Bank ahead of election ...
1 day ago · Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu convened his final pre-election Cabinet meeting on Sunday in a part of the West Bank he has vowed to annex if re-elected and laid out a …

Anger at Netanyahu’s West Bank annexation pledge – Raw Story
Sep 12, 2019 · Arab and Muslim countries Wednesday led a wave of outcry after Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu vowed to annex a key part of the occupied West Bank if re-elected. Netanyahu

Netanyahu vows to begin annexing West Bank settlements
Sep 10, 2019 · JERUSALEM (AP) — Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu vowed on Tuesday to annex the heart of the West Bank if he wins re-election next week, a move that could inflame the Middle East and extinguish any remaining Palestinian hope of establishing a separate state. Arab leaders angrily condemned Netanyahu’s remarks, and a U.N. spokesman warned […]
Donald Trump’s strategy for minority Americans? Don’t let ...
Oct 11, 2016 · Don’t let them vote. Donald Trump speaks during a rally in Wilkes-Barre, Pa. WITH DONALD Trump’s polling numbers in a tailspin, he has doubled down in calling on Republican vigilantes to take matters into their own hands to thwart what many of them are primed to regard, without proof, as a
Are Trump and Pence Really Planning to Suppress Votes ...
May 20, 2017 · How Republicans would suppress the Vote . This would be achieved through a set of “recommendations” for “voting reform” or “ballot security” that the commission would make. The recommendations would form the basis for “vote reform” legislation; the Republicans would try to push through Congress.

National Socialist that tore down Statues.
Banned Free speech.
Blamed economic hardships on one group.
Instituted gun control.
Nationalized health care.

placed strict regulations on Industry.

Oh wait, that the new democratic party.
10 Socialist Policies Implemented In The United States ...
Mar 04, 2015 · by Josh Guckert. The U.S. May Be More Socialist Than You Think 1. Social Security. Social Security was begun in 1935 as a means of taking care of older generations.
Trump and the Republicans offer socialism for the rich ...
Feb 12, 2019 · Trump and the Republicans offer socialism for the rich, capitalism for everyone else ... and thinking like this is what allows Republicans to keep winning elections which is what allows them to keep imposing socialism for the rich and capitalism for everyone else. ... Frankly I wouldn’t be surprised if these people pushing the narrative that ...
Let's look at this.

Healthcare: provide healthcare free at the point of delivery and you have a healthy and productive population.

Poverty: in the US are poor people easier to 'control'? Over here, they're angry and determined to improve their circumstances. People who work hard and don't have time on their hands are 'easier to control'.

Debt: no good for anyone. I understand that in the US you like to burden your young with extreme debt so that they can get an education. Seems to me that it is an excellent way to control people - turn them into wage slaves. You have a system of bonded labour.

Gun control: no guns = safer and less paranoid population. Widespread gun ownership, coupled with a fear of 'big government' means you have large numbers of people prepared to confront their own law enforcement in the event of a tightening on laws. In other words, gun ownership encourages lawlessness.

Welfare: nobody wants to live on welfare. It is humiliating and the overwhelming majority want to be productive members of society.

Education: I find this a bit rich in a country where so many people don't believe in evolution and think the earth is 6000 years old or some such nonsense.

Religion: yes, stop telling our children fairytales.

That piece was written by a 'useful idiot'. Useful, because it is helping to keep the extreme right in ignorance.
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Let's look at this.

Healthcare: provide healthcare free at the point of delivery and you have a healthy and productive population.

Poverty: in the US are poor people easier to 'control'? Over here, they're angry and determined to improve their circumstances. People who work hard and don't have time on their hands are 'easier to control'.

Debt: no good for anyone. I understand that in the US you like to burden your young with extreme debt so that they can get an education. Seems to me that I'd an excellent way to control people - turn them into wage slaves. You have a system of bonded labour.

Gun control: no guns = safer and less paranoid population. Widespread gun ownership, coupled with a fear of 'big government' means you have large numbers of people prepared to confront their own law enforcement in the event of a tightening on laws. In other words, gun ownership encourages lawlessness.

Welfare: nobody wants to live on welfare. It is humiliating and the overwhelming majority want to be productive members of society.

Education: I find this a bit rich in a country where so many people don't believe in evolution and think the earth is 6000 years old or some such nonsense.

Religion: yes, stop telling our children fairytales.

That piece was written by a 'useful idiot'. Useful, because it is helping to keep the extreme right in ignorance.

and posted by someone that buys into all of it and defends it
I think it is just a matter of time before the damn breaks.....and it all comes out.....trump will set another record...…..more people sent to jail than the Watergate scandal

they seem to be chipping away at it even thought the entire republican party doing what the can to obstruct....of course when the ******* hits they can just say they didn't know....work for some...but not all
Healthcare: provide healthcare free at the point of delivery and you have a healthy and productive population.
Can't argue that. I'm all for affordable health care. But right now our government is bought by the insurance companies. Cost are only going to sky rocket. There are only 2 ways out, either tell the government to get out of health care and let doctors and hospitals compete, or go full blown single payer. The ACA added so much red tape it's responsible for about 15% cost increase in premiums and administrative services (paper work).

Poverty: in the US are poor people easier to 'control'? Over here, they're angry and determined to improve their circumstances. People who work hard and don't have time on their hands are 'easier to control'.
Yes, the poor are easy to control because they become complacent in their position. I don't understand where you get the idea that people who work hard are easy to control. You say that as if being a hard working American is a bad thing. Not following you on that one. Over here the poor are the ones screaming for "free stuff" and are all too eager to chase that dangling carrot

Debt: no good for anyone. I understand that in the US you like to burden your young with extreme debt so that they can get an education. Seems to me that it is an excellent way to control people - turn them into wage slaves. You have a system of bonded labour.
The debt they refer to is the government debt, and yes, it is always used as an excuse to raise taxes. The kool-aid drinkers always agree to higher taxes because they are under the false pretense that it is only the rich that will pay when in reality it is the working class that foots the bill, thus creating more poverty. Also if you knew any of the history in student debt you would see that the student debt more than tripled once the government got involved. Basically it goes like this, before subsidies tuition 10K, after subsidies tuition 30K. get the picture?

Gun control: no guns = safer and less paranoid population. Widespread gun ownership, coupled with a fear of 'big government' means you have large numbers of people prepared to confront their own law enforcement in the event of a tightening on laws. In other words, gun ownership encourages lawlessness.
Simply incorrect with no forethought. There is no data to back it up. 99.99% of all guns DID NOT commit a crime. Your claim is total BS.

Welfare: nobody wants to live on welfare. It is humiliating and the overwhelming majority want to be productive members of society.
For the most part you are correct, people generally do want to be productive. However the left make it impossible to get out of welfare once they have you. There are thousands of single moms living alone with their chi ld simply because if the ******* lived with them, she would loose ALL benefits. Want to get a job to try and get ahead? forget it - you will loose your benefits. Want to get an education to learn a trade or skill to get a better paying job? not going to happen. The system ensures you stay in poverty and stay dependent on the government. I'm all for helping people but it needs to be structure to help those in need get back on their feet, not provide for life. Paying off student debt, providing housing, transportation, food, healthcare only encourages people to stay in poverty. There is all kinds of data to back this up, just look up countries that have tried a universal basic income.

Education: I find this a bit rich in a country where so many people don't believe in evolution and think the earth is 6000 years old or some such nonsense.
Oh please, Again your grasping for straws LOL. only the very small percent of the religious freaks think that BS.

Religion: yes, stop telling our children fairytales.
It's called freedom of choice. But a serf wouldn't know what that is. If people want to believe in God, what harm is it causing you? Religious fanatics make up the minority of all protesting (and even less in protesting that turn violent), so what does that say about the rest of you?

Deny it all you want but the things listed ARE happening in this country. Even more so people are being divided more every day.
Can't argue that. I'm all for affordable health care. But right now our government is bought by the insurance companies. Cost are only going to sky rocket. There are only 2 ways out, either tell the government to get out of health care and let doctors and hospitals compete, or go full blown single payer. The ACA added so much red tape it's responsible for about 15% cost increase in premiums and administrative services (paper work).

Yes, the poor are easy to control because they become complacent in their position. I don't understand where you get the idea that people who work hard are easy to control. You say that as if being a hard working American is a bad thing. Not following you on that one. Over here the poor are the ones screaming for "free stuff" and are all too eager to chase that dangling carrot

The debt they refer to is the government debt, and yes, it is always used as an excuse to raise taxes. The kool-aid drinkers always agree to higher taxes because they are under the false pretense that it is only the rich that will pay when in reality it is the working class that foots the bill, thus creating more poverty. Also if you knew any of the history in student debt you would see that the student debt more than tripled once the government got involved. Basically it goes like this, before subsidies tuition 10K, after subsidies tuition 30K. get the picture?

Simply incorrect with no forethought. There is no data to back it up. 99.99% of all guns DID NOT commit a crime. Your claim is total BS.

For the most part you are correct, people generally do want to be productive. However the left make it impossible to get out of welfare once they have you. There are thousands of single moms living alone with their chi ld simply because if the ******* lived with them, she would loose ALL benefits. Want to get a job to try and get ahead? forget it - you will loose your benefits. Want to get an education to learn a trade or skill to get a better paying job? not going to happen. The system ensures you stay in poverty and stay dependent on the government. I'm all for helping people but it needs to be structure to help those in need get back on their feet, not provide for life. Paying off student debt, providing housing, transportation, food, healthcare only encourages people to stay in poverty. There is all kinds of data to back this up, just look up countries that have tried a universal basic income.

Oh please, Again your grasping for straws LOL. only the very small percent of the religious freaks think that BS.

It's called freedom of choice. But a serf wouldn't know what that is. If people want to believe in God, what harm is it causing you? Religious fanatics make up the minority of all protesting (and even less in protesting that turn violent), so what does that say about the rest of you?

Deny it all you want but the things listed ARE happening in this country. Even more so people are being divided more every day.
I absolutely, fundamentally and comprehensively disagree. Your outlook is highly cynical my friend.

The right in this country are similarly cynical and devoid of empathy - always blaming those less fortunate than themselves for their own plight, whilst patting themselves on the back for their own enterprise and gumption.

It's nonsense; it's about recognising that opportunity isn't equal and life choices for many are compromised from the get go. Poor people don't want free stuff, the majority just want a level playing field and the benefit traps you mention are not beyond the wit of man to put right.

Your health insurance model doesn't work by the way. The prices are stratospheric. You're being ripped off mate.
I absolutely, fundamentally and comprehensively disagree. Your outlook is highly cynical my friend.

Odd, I agreed with a lot of what you said. Maybe you didn't even read it? Or you simply want to disagree.

ahh - it was the gun part part wasn't it, i got'tcha
always blaming those less fortunate than themselves for their own plight, whilst patting themselves on the back for their own enterprise and gumption.

Where do you get this assumption? In this country the vast majority of "donations" come from right wing sources. I've never herd successful people blame the poor for anything. Maybe you watch too many movies. .... nah I think you just want to argue.

Your health insurance model doesn't work by the way. The prices are stratospheric. You're being ripped off mate.

Please tell me where I defended our health insurance model. And yes, we are being ripped off, see "Healthcare" in the previous post.
Odd, I agreed with a lot of what you said. Maybe you didn't even read it? Or you simply want to disagree.

ahh - it was the gun part part wasn't it, i got'tcha
You agreed with very little - I read every word carefully. Want to disagree? No. I crave common ground with you, actually.
all of what's listed below might have something to do with it

WEF: U.S. Ranks 23rd Out of 30 for Inequality - The Atlantic
Jan 16, 2017 · U.S. Ranks 23rd Out of 30 Developed Countries for Inequality. The U.S. joins Brazil, Ireland, Japan, Mexico, Nigeria, and South Africa as countries with inclusive-development rankings that fall below their GDP per capita rankings, a sign that their economic growth is not being shared, the report says. The U.S. had the largest gap between the two measures.
  • Author: Gillian B. White
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Map: U.S. Ranks Near Bottom on Income Inequality - The ...
Sep 19, 2011 · The U.S., in purple with a Gini coefficient of 0.450, ranks near the extreme end of the inequality scale. Looking for the other countries marked in purple gives you a quick sense of countries with comparable income inequality, and it's an unflattering list: Cameroon, Madagascar, Rwanda, Uganda, Ecuador.

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