Wake Up, America! Wake Up! PLEASE!!

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I think you libs just need a big hug. It's goin be OK. So how has your life been "destroyed" as so many said would happen? What is different about your daily life routine since the best thing that has happened for this country in a long time? At least in my life, not one presidential election has impacted my life what so ever. I'm still the same person, I still go to work, I still enjoy life, I go on vacations, I'm still free, and I live in the best country in the world. Nothing has changed for me except I have a lot more money in my 401. But I will say some things have changed for others; They have jobs. The liberal ideology is dead. It's hate driven. If things don't go their way and if people don't agree with such a pathetic view we are racist and fascist. Imagine if some white conservative said the hateful things that bitch from NYT said. Gone in a second yet she's promoted. Blows me away. That other bitch from Congo saying the things she said about the best country in the world. Fuck em all. If this place is so bad then join the other liberal assholes who left the country after the election. Oh wait a minute I'm sorry I think they're still here. Hmmm. You can post all the articles you want about how bad Trump is, the things he's accused of, how horrible he is to those poor ******* (don't forget Obama's immigration nightmares), that he's a liar (He learned from the best, Obama and the Clinton's). The bottom line is life in our beautiful country is pretty damn good. In 2020 whoever gets elected (sorry to say I think we already know) I'll still be proud to be an American, accept the results of our democracy, and still get up in the morning and to pretty much the same damn thing I've been doing all my life. Fucking get over it! He won she lost (thank GOD). 2020 is only two years away. Again we're/it's goin to be OK.
'Fucking get over it!'. Well you wrote a lot. Said very little and then tried to insult... My advice to you is simple... Don't like the comments. Then stay away.. Its that simple. After all you people call everyone libs. Funny as it shows your lack of understanding of the issues....

If this place is so bad then join the other liberal assholes who left the country after the election.

Ah again with the insults, where only your opinion seems to count. Typical comment from someone lacking an intellectual stand point.

Hmmm. You can post all the articles you want about how bad Trump is, the things he's accused of, how horrible he is to those poor *******

And as usual you people ignore the ever increasing amount of evidence right in front of your face. All it does is prove you're blind and ignoarant of fact!

It's hate driven.

Says the one who told everyone that they were lib's and can fuck off out the country if they don't like it... hypocrite much?
The Affordable Care Act Thrives In North Carolina .... ohhhh nooooo! Say it ain't so! Would you believe they've cut the rates 4%
North Carolina ACA premiums went up:

29% in 2014
12% in 2015
25% in 2016
40% in 2017

Suddenly a 4% decrease after years of double digit increases is supposed to be proof that Obummercare is a success. I'd think even given your struggles with math, you see how deep that horseshit is.

How much did your industry spend lobbying the Fed's to make it illegal not to buy your product again? Years of double digit % increases on a product people can't not buy....I need to get in on a good racket like that...if only I had a half billion a year or so to buy off congress.


'Fucking get over it!'. Well you wrote a lot. Said very little and then tried to insult... My advice to you is simple... Don't like the comments. Then stay away.. Its that simple. After all you people call everyone libs. Funny as it shows your lack of understanding of the issues....

Ah again with the insults, where only your opinion seems to count. Typical comment from someone lacking an intellectual stand point.

And as usual you people ignore the ever increasing amount of evidence right in front of your face. All it does is prove you're blind and ignoarant of fact!

Says the one who told everyone that they were lib's and can fuck off out the country if they don't like it... hypocrite much?
'Fucking get over it!'. Well you wrote a lot. Said very little and then tried to insult... My advice to you is simple... Don't like the comments. Then stay away.. Its that simple. After all you people call everyone libs. Funny as it shows your lack of understanding of the issues....

Ah again with the insults, where only your opinion seems to count. Typical comment from someone lacking an intellectual stand point.

And as usual you people ignore the ever increasing amount of evidence right in front of your face. All it does is prove you're blind and ignoarant of fact!

Says the one who told everyone that they were lib's and can fuck off out the country if they don't like it... hypocrite much?
Telling someone to "fucking get over it" isn't an insult, saying "they should get the fuck out of the country" is not an insult. Calling the other liberals "assholes" would qualify as an insult which I said OTHER liberal assholes. I don't think all you liberals are assholes just very misguided and misinformed. Joy Behr, Nancy Pelosi, Whoppi, Senator Booker, Chuckie, Maxine disturbed Watters definately qualify and I could probably add many more. However, except for SubHub not being able to sleep at night because "of the commie in the white house" I'm guessing there's more issues there. He nor anyone else I ask can tell me how has their life gotten so fucked up since this country finally got someone with the balls to say enough is enough. I see you're from the Netherlands but assume you have friends in the US. Name one thing that has dramatically changed their life? I'm not talking issues either. There are always issues and viewpoints. I'm talking about before 2016 to present day. When people get up in the morning what has changed about their daily life routine? I'm going to go out on a limb and say "probably not a damn thing." We don't have to like our president. As I have stated many times, I voted for Obama in '08. I thought the dude was pretty cool. I was proud I was part of such an historic
event. Even brought tears to my eyes when they announced his victory. What I didn't like was his policies. But that didn't mean I wanted to harass those who supported him. SubHub says congress was the reason BO couldn't get anything done but he had two years with a majority. So what I did was accept the fact he was our president, waited until the next election and voted for Romney. Not a huge fan but I wanted to see change that BO promised and promised. Damn the luck BO won again. I still went to work did the same thing I'd been doing pretty much all my life. Nothing changed. I patiently waited for the next election. I would have voted for anyone except Sanders, Bush, and especially Clinton. That pretty much left me very little choice. I don't necessarily agree with all of his (Trump's) policies or his tweets, he's a bit arrogant but that's OK. What I do like is unemployment at it's lowest levels in many many years, the economy is booming even with the tariffs which will be worked out and we will benefit. No Pain No Gain. But you rarely hear about the good from the liberal media especially the Clinton News Network. Just about the doom and gloom. Who gives a ******* if he had sex with other women. Clinton did, Kennedy did, and I'll betcha ole Jimmy Carter did. OK probably not. So unless someone from the dems comes along in 2020 who is not like Clinton or Sanders I'll be pulling the handle for the orange haired guy in a heartbeat.
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Saw this article today. I kinda like how they are called Antifa protesters...anti fascist?? Really?

Not sure these people know what Fascism is? And no its not What Donald Trump is.

Seems they didnt like what another group of people were having a protest about and it turned violent....yeah then they busted up a Marine Corps recruit station. Interesting!
Telling someone to "fucking get over it" isn't an insult, saying "they should get the fuck out of the country" is not an insult. Calling the other liberals "assholes" would qualify as an insult which I said OTHER liberal assholes. I don't think all you liberals are assholes just very misguided and misinformed. Joy Behr, Nancy Pelosi, Whoppi, Senator Booker, Chuckie, Maxine disturbed Watters definately qualify and I could probably add many more. However, except for SubHub not being able to sleep at night because "of the commie in the white house" I'm guessing there's more issues there. He nor anyone else I ask can tell me how has their life gotten so fucked up since this country finally got someone with the balls to say enough is enough. I see you're from the Netherlands but assume you have friends in the US. Name one thing that has dramatically changed their life? I'm not talking issues either. There are always issues and viewpoints. I'm talking about before 2016 to present day. When people get up in the morning what has changed about their daily life routine? I'm going to go out on a limb and say "probably not a damn thing." We don't have to like our president. As I have stated many times, I voted for Obama in '08. I thought the dude was pretty cool. I was proud I was part of such an historic
event. Even brought tears to my eyes when they announced his victory. What I didn't like was his policies. But that didn't mean I wanted to harass those who supported him. SubHub says congress was the reason BO couldn't get anything done but he had two years with a majority. So what I did was accept the fact he was our president, waited until the next election and voted for Romney. Not a huge fan but I wanted to see change that BO promised and promised. Damn the luck BO won again. I still went to work did the same thing I'd been doing pretty much all my life. Nothing changed. I patiently waited for the next election. I would have voted for anyone except Sanders, Bush, and especially Clinton. That pretty much left me very little choice. I don't necessarily agree with all of his (Trump's) policies or his tweets, he's a bit arrogant but that's OK. What I do like is unemployment at it's lowest levels in many many years, the economy is booming even with the tariffs which will be worked out and we will benefit. No Pain No Gain. But you rarely hear about the good from the liberal media especially the Clinton News Network. Just about the doom and gloom. Who gives a ******* if he had sex with other women. Clinton did, Kennedy did, and I'll betcha ole Jimmy Carter did. OK probably not. So unless someone from the dems comes along in 2020 who is not like Clinton or Sanders I'll be pulling the handle for the orange haired guy in a heartbeat.

Once again a long winded angry rant with no substance. Not that I thought you had anything of substance to say.

You completely ignore what you dislike hearing. Your sort always do. But long winded empty replies.. Well you lot are masters at it!

I find it very disturbing you try to pass the habitual sexual assaults by Trump on women as something of the norm. Even quoting other presidents That says more about you than anything else you have ranted about.... Very very disturbing!
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there use to be an old saying "sleep well tonight the military has your back" I don't sleep well knowing there is a lying commie in the white house selling us out!

ignorance is bliss as they say!

not as much take home as they had a year ago...and a lot of people can't say that now with the tariffs!
and in your restricted circle...I'm sure you probably never read about the Army vet off fighting for this country...while his wife is being deported back to mexico

are you....you are being told what they want you to hear!

you might want to look around at some of past special elections and where some of the polls are.....looking like the right is killing off voters...those that pay attention to what is going on...how many big name republicans are dropping out to join the dems here lately?

Not so...….for us it is NOT party over country...we still believe in the American way and want to preserve it....not give it to some big rich corp who will take it overseas for a few bucks!

Facts have a funny way of effecting people!

now who is filled with hate?

pretty sure they are dedicated to the country and want to help save from this dictatorship!

that would be typical of you trumpies...stick your head in the sand when the facts roll out...can not stand to hear that your god might be tainted!

even if your man is nowhere to be found?

like the right did when Obama was president.....block everything...not pass anything....just obstruct...is that what you call accepting the vote?

pure opinion there and they are like asshole.....everyone has one...and some are bigger than others!

I'm sure you won't feel that way if trump isn't in the picture
there use to be an old saying "sleep well tonight the military has your back" I don't sleep well knowing there is a lying commie in the white house selling us out!

ignorance is bliss as they say!

not as much take home as they had a year ago...and a lot of people can't say that now with the tariffs!
and in your restricted circle...I'm sure you probably never read about the Army vet off fighting for this country...while his wife is being deported back to mexico

are you....you are being told what they want you to hear!

you might want to look around at some of past special elections and where some of the polls are.....looking like the right is killing off voters...those that pay attention to what is going on...how many big name republicans are dropping out to join the dems here lately?

Not so...….for us it is NOT party over country...we still believe in the American way and want to preserve it....not give it to some big rich corp who will take it overseas for a few bucks!

Facts have a funny way of effecting people!

now who is filled with hate?

pretty sure they are dedicated to the country and want to help save from this dictatorship!

that would be typical of you trumpies...stick your head in the sand when the facts roll out...can not stand to hear that your god might be tainted!

even if your man is nowhere to be found?

like the right did when Obama was president.....block everything...not pass anything....just obstruct...is that what you call accepting the vote?

pure opinion there and they are like asshole.....everyone has one...and some are bigger than others!

I'm sure you won't feel that way if trump isn't in the picture

I'm ever so grateful that I didn't waste my time reading the idiotic post you so brilliantly answered! I thank you prodigiously!
North Carolina ACA premiums went up:

29% in 2014
12% in 2015
25% in 2016
40% in 2017

Suddenly a 4% decrease after years of double digit increases is supposed to be proof that Obummercare is a success. I'd think even given your struggles with math, you see how deep that horseshit is.
Well, lets see, where to begin dismantling your snide ridicule of yet another post. We've had a Republican GA in NC since 2010 here as well. At that time the "Tea Bag" Republicans were flexing their strengths back then. All those promises they made of getting back to simple, small governance simply proved over the next 3 election cycles that they had no agenda other than going all the way with "trickle down" tax cuts and allowing the blue collar tax payers, and moneys earmarked for highway construction and the NC public school system pay for their loss of revenue through the implementation of usage taxes. For example, now the common workers with 5-10 year old cars pay another 8-10% for car repairs, something that the wealthier tax payers don't experience driving new cars all year.
..... But, that put aside, they blocked all efforts to apply the key points of ACA in the state, like competition of the carriers with the exchanges, picking up the very poorest citizens under the Medicaid expansion program, applying the penalty for not having ANY coverage, and strategically putting out "false TV advertisements" each month to completely confuse the citizens with THEIR promise to provide a much BETTER , LOW COSTING health plan ... which they never did, as you surely know. In FACT, oh ******* breath ... as this is HISTORY we're discussing here, not math, 64 times the Republicans, led by those Teas Baggers, made attempts to ******* the ACA. Not necessarily because it was a bad plan (as Mass. ACA plan was a Republican plan), but because the plan was sponsored by Democrats and Obama. Several times Republicans were invited (because they were the first with the ACA, Democrats elected to model the ACA after THEIR PLAN), to the meetings to set up the ACA and they ALL refused to attend the ACA meetings, mostly due to the Tea Baggers (sponsored by the mega bucks of the Koch Brothers), and some because they truly believed the Republicans could come up with a better plan than the Democrats.
..... So, the ACA moved forward without the Exchanges, without the Medicaid Expansion, with the lies Republicans were spreading about Obamacare, and without the state subsidies because REPUBLCANS (who held the NC-GA) wouldn't allow any of THAT. Afterall, their primary mission the next 6 years was to make Obama FAIL at all cost ... to prove THEIR point that those voting for a black man in an unfair election, were going to pay for their disloyalty to the mighty white race ... ohhhh yes, it WAS about RACE. If I could have a dollar for every racial slur I heard during Obama's first term campaign, I'd be on a white sand beach someplace sucking down native mai-tais and taking tarpon fishing trips. You see, oh "cumbreath", we don't have to LIE like Trump or Republicans to simply provide the events of HISTORY, do we? Unlike the Do-Nothing Republicans, who spent 6 years at holding hearings to discredit Obama and Clinton and getting NOTHING done for the voters who put them in office, Obama said he was going to install an affordable, national health plan that everyone could participate in ... what did the Republicans provide as an option? Just fucking up what others were trying to accomplish, and lying to their OWN constituents, as they are right now. So, those rate increases you show, I won't dispute ... I lived them, but I damn well know WHO caused them to happen ... you, however, are simply too ignorant (not naïve, as I know you better than that) to realize the party you pull for only has one interest in mind, cutting taxes for the wealthiest and swearing to God that those tax cuts will "trickle down" ... never have, never will. Trump's been in office 11/2 years and has only managed to increase both the national debt AND deficit spending ... 1.2 trillion of new National Debt and, cause the biggest scandal in the HISTORY (opps, there's that FACT word again) of our country, and all you ReTards can do is Lie, Deny, Redirect, and Obstruct.
..... And, to you ... comes my favorite part of respondng to YOU, H-H ...
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THE NEW YORK TIMES??? Ha just like i said... misguided misinformed.
Just out of curiosity, what medias ... of the thousands that exist, could you recommend as CREDIBLE SOURCES?
I'll allow you to include Fox News, but I want at least a dozen CREDIBLE SOURCES from you!
When people get up in the morning what has changed about their daily life routine? I'm going to go out on a limb and say "probably not a damn thing

I'm assuming you can read.....although not something that seems to concern you...since you seem to ignore so many articles on the subject...….but you do like to talk about it

AP FACT CHECK: Trump falsely claims economy, jobs best ever

WASHINGTON (AP) -- President Donald Trump is grossly overstating the extent of U.S. economic and job gains.
In a tweet Monday, he declares that the economy has "never been better" and jobs are at the "best point in history."
In fact, the economy and jobs are nowhere close to historic bests based on several measures. Economists have also warned that U.S. growth is largely fueled by government borrowing, as the federal deficit rises because of his tax cuts, and is thus unlikely to be sustainable after a few quarters.
A look at the claims:

TRUMP: "Great financial numbers being announced on an almost daily basis. Economy has never been better, jobs at best point in history."

THE FACTS: He's exaggerating. The economy is healthy now, but it has been in better shape at many times in the past.

(He fails to mention how many quarters it has been on the rise...he inherited a good economy from Obama!)

Growth reached 4 percent at an annual rate in the second quarter, which Trump highlighted late last month with remarks at the White House. But it's only the best in the past four years. So far, the economy is expanding at a modest rate compared with previous economic expansions. In the late 1990s, growth topped 4 percent for four straight years, from 1997 through 2000. And in the 1980s expansion, growth even reached 7.2 percent in 1984.

It's not clear what Trump specifically means when he declares that jobs are at the "best point in history," but based on several indicators, he's off the mark.

The unemployment rate of 3.9 percent is not at the best point ever — it is actually near the lowest in 18 years. The all-time low came in 1953, when unemployment fell to 2.5 percent during the Korean War. And while economists have been surprised to see employers add 215,000 jobs a month this year, a healthy increase, employers in fact added jobs at a faster pace in 2014 and 2015. A greater percentage of Americans held jobs in 2000 than now.

Trump didn't mention probably the most important measure of economic health for Americans — wages. While paychecks are slowly grinding higher, inflation is now canceling out the gains. Lifted by higher gasoline prices, consumer prices increased 2.9 percent in June from a year earlier, the most in six years. Wages grew 1.7 percent and inflation rose 2.9 percent

Adjusting for inflation, hourly pay for non-managers — about 80 percent of the workforce — fell 0.2 percent over the same period. Yet in 1998, for example, inflation-adjusted hourly pay growth topped 2.5 percent.
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Just out of curiosity, what medias ... of the thousands that exist, could you recommend as CREDIBLE SOURCES?
I'll allow you to include Fox News, but I want at least a dozen CREDIBLE SOURCES from you!
Thank you for giving me Fox. I watch and listen to only a few sources. Mainly Fox but for humor and to compare I’ll watch CNN, MSNBC, I read articles from the NYT, Hugfington Post, Rush Limbaugh is more entertaining but knows his *******, and my new favorite Mark Levin. That dude is awesome. He has invited the socialist Cortez from New York on his show and of course she refused. He said he’d be nice and just wants to ask her about the constitution and to provide evidence where socialism has worked. Why are liberals so afraid to be interviewed by conservative talk show hosts? Some do go on Fox with Tucker and most get ripped. Having said all that you gave me Fox, I cannot think of one reliable/ credible liberal news source. Sorry. Yahoo is my main page on my computer and the ******* they put out is laughable but i haven’t bothered changing it. What Is your go to liberal news source?
Unless I missed it. I’ve admittedly have had a few cocktails. But still no answer from anyone on how your day to day lives have changed since the current and next president has been in office. SubHub can’t sleep but that’s all I’ve got.
Unless I missed it. I’ve admittedly have had a few cocktails. But still no answer from anyone on how your day to day lives have changed since the current and next president has been in office. SubHub can’t sleep but that’s all I’ve got.
BTW please no articles from the NYT. I’m talking about you personally.
BTW please no articles from the NYT

already had a few cocktails?......what can't make it through life without something to prop you up?

like your god...can't handle the facts? For years they covered people and companies good and bad and they go to a lot of work to uncover your man's corruption and you don't want to hear it?
why is the NYT has uncovered bad ******* on Corps and told us about individuals for years...that was fine....but now they are digging on your pres and they are fake news....fine when it was other corps and companies and individuals....but all of a sudden your man in the hot seat...fake news...explain that?
you claim to like your Fox news and yet they are not allowed to be on during a regular news time in several countries because they LIE!...cable only...and yet you hate CNN....they cover and are accepted world wide....don't think that odd?

did you know that prior to his election Trump used to call into CNN and promote himself or offer an opinion or etc?

you don't like news that does investigative reporting? only ones that puts out the info your pres wants people to hear....Hitler used to work that way...and most dictators do it that way Put in didn't like the news that some Russia company put out...he threatened the owner...the owner fled the country for his life..Put in steps in and takes over ownership to put out the news he wanted people to hear....kind of a similarity there don't you think?

I’m talking about you personally
me personally...I'm now on a fixed income...it doesn't go up...and yet I am having to pay more...a lot more in gas! and that is just one!
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Unless I missed it. I’ve admittedly have had a few cocktails. But still no answer from anyone on how your day to day lives have changed since the current and next president has been in office. SubHub can’t sleep but that’s all I’ve got.

Here's one: I have realised that there are way More idiots in the USA than I previously thought. Otherwise, why would they elect a misogynistic pathological liar who changes his mind more often than the wind changes direction. And then defend him, even in the face of ridicule from every 'corner' of the globe. Your country now has a huge image problem, but you are too close to the problem to see it.
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