Wake Up, America! Wake Up! PLEASE!!

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just not pandering like you'd prefer

pandering has nothing to do with the facts....he has weakened the country from within....and with our allies....just like he stiffs contractors in his biz...….he is stiffing most of the world.....just like with his cabinet (the most corrupt in history)...he caters to dictators

how many times has he gone bankrupt?
why can't he get a loan in any US bank.
why can't he borrow from Germany anymore
why can't he borrow from China anymore.....he is corrupt and dishonest and his word/contract is no good...and he is doing the same with the country
why is it the only country that he gets money from is Russia...…...you don't think they want something in return...they know his history on money...so they must have another motive for "giving" him money.....

he is a whore for the money and has no allegiance to anything but the dollar
and like any whore would do he is fucking us for the money
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