Wake Up, America! Wake Up! PLEASE!!

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I am patiently waiting

The left has nothing but socialists and an over the hill Biden - they’re SOOOOO fucked :}
President Trump IS the President

Get used to it - you unabashed sore LOSERS
To you he'll always look like a president, but it takes more than "looks" to be a president, like intelligence, honesty, integrity, respect for others, truthfulness, empathy, et al, all of which the current occupier of the title badly lacks! In fact, every time he attempts to say anything intelligent he has an irresistible urge to lie and exaggerate, each of which only affirm his lack of intelligence and common sense!
Insofar as "unabashed LOSERS" are concerned, history is currently being written as to whom you refer! I strongly believe, and not too far in the future, you'll be looking back to these times with bewilderment and disgust for what you thought were truths about what this guy only to be greatly disappointed by the con artist you currently admire!
P.S. I'll also add, I'm not totally blaming you for whatever views you have of this guy, he's super good at what he does, ie, he has made BS'ing people an "art", the likes of which, hopefully I might add, this world will never ever have to witness again! I'd also like to reiterate that the only people I know of who keep harping about " ..... unabashed sore LOSERS" are the Trumpeteers echoing their Leader's chant!

what you following the teachings of stiff now and posting your propaganda on every thread?
don't cha think most here jump from thread to thread and will see it just fine on one?...I know stiff doesn't but he thinks he has a point to prove and by posting the same thing over and over on everythread might sway some opinion....but not going to happen
To you he'll always look like a president, but it takes more than "looks" to be a president, like intelligence, honesty, integrity, respect for others, truthfulness, empathy, et al, all of which the current occupier of the title badly lacks! In fact, every time he attempts to say anything intelligent he has an irresistible urge to lie and exaggerate, each of which only affirm his lack of intelligence and common sense!
Insofar as "unabashed LOSERS" are concerned, history is currently being written as to whom you refer! I strongly believe, and not too far in the future, you'll be looking back to these times with bewilderment and disgust for what you thought were truths about what this guy only to be greatly disappointed by the con artist you currently admire!
P.S. I'll also add, I'm not totally blaming you for whatever views you have of this guy, he's super good at what he does, ie, he has made BS'ing people an "art", the likes of which, hopefully I might add, this world will never ever have to witness again! I'd also like to reiterate that the only people I know of who keep harping about " ..... unabashed sore LOSERS" are the Trumpeteers echoing their Leader's chant!

Golly gee wiz I get all goosebumpy when ya call me a Trumpeteer - THANKS
what you following the teachings of stiff now and posting your propaganda on every thread?
don't cha think most here jump from thread to thread and will see it just fine on one?...I know stiff doesn't but he thinks he has a point to prove and by posting the same thing over and over on everythread might sway some opinion....but not going to happen
her being a hypocrite fit both
whats your reason in 2020
Do you really think Putin would support his favourite President for just one term! That would be nuts!
It's just not how an ex KGB agent thinks! Their's is long term planning!
Putin's compromising Moscow Mitch so that he'd obstruct every effort to protect the 2020 election wasn't just a whimsical passing thought!
he didn't win the first time he was a P.utin appointee

"Today, there was a call between Russian President Vladimir Poroshenko and President Trump. The call was all part of Poroshenko's annual employee review."
Its the Russian's way of letting both Trump AND the US know WHO controls the US elections. Obviously Republicans are fine with it as it keeps their power. I know in the Republican run states, they've taken no action to re-enforce their electronic voting booths. Here in NC we're using the same voting booths we used in the 1990's.
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