Wake Up, America! Wake Up! PLEASE!!

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When Bill Clinton was impeached everyone knew he was guilty, so I imagine that his followers accept the outcome. Is it wise for the losing party to Impeach a President like our Donald Trump when 50% or more will not accept the democrats findings because they are not the truth. If They think that our country is messed up now, it could tear our country apart, they could never regain confidence in our Government again.
When Bill Clinton was impeached everyone knew he was guilty, so I imagine that his followers accept the outcome. Is it wise for the losing party to Impeach a President like our Donald Trump when 50% or more will not accept the democrats findings because they are not the truth. If They think that our country is messed up now, it could tear our country apart, they could never regain confidence in our Government again.

well first off....they created a committee on impeachment,,,,found nothing......mad about finding nothing so they keep digging until they get him for a blowjob.....people not real happy for several reasons....but the main one being...the country was doing fine...people working and happy he was paying down the deficit....out side of a blowjob...everyone happy except the right....they just couldn't handle it...….and it took the 5years to discover the blowjob....imagine how much we can find on trump in 5 years...he is crying now and it's only been a couple...plus economy not that great...one lie after another.....popularity never did get over 40% so not a real popular figure....where as Clinton still popular with a lot of people....as for regaining confidence in our gov again.....trump has taken corruption to a whole new level.....just look at his golf trips for one....something he said he wouldn't have time to do...he takes off to one of HIS resorts...charges the gov big bucks for him to stay at his own place....then jacks up the price again for all the secret service to stay.....he is making millions off us just on golf trips....that is just the tip of the ice berg....if..IF they do go ahead and impeach him...be the best thing to happen to the country......if he should happen to get re-elected I think the impeachment will go forward
Both countries need to pour their efforts into strengthening the UN. USA can no longer be a global policeman because they aren't respected or trusted any longer sadly.

Don’t wanna be - USA ?? first - you Europeans forget - you’d all be sprechen zie Deutsch if not for us - you need us WAY more’n we need you.
Just as you happened ... mistake, I imagine! I'm American and I agree with Subby. He's right, and he's sugar coating his responses. Neither Subhub nor I will. Enough is enough ... we want the fucker "gone" ASAP!

Tuff shite - Taint happenin with crap candidates the left is fielding
well steel is just good for what trump was working on...part of it anyway....trying to improve our steel market...…..but the economy hinges on a couple of things and one has been slowing for a while now...and that is the housing market....people not buying...been slow for several months....and the other is manuf.....3 months in a row with a decline....that's what people are looking at
pay no attention ...all he knows is one liners in favor of trump....never has made a statement with anything requiring a period and really has no knowledge of anything that is going on...even when you explain it to him it just goes over his head.....brain dead!

Brain dead is - as brain dead does

Your propaganda postin must give you sum buzz

It causes me to burst into rhyme

To bust your balls some of the time

My knowledge of what is going on is great

It’s just not based on lefty hate

I try to defend our president from your constant flow of leftist crud

So if ya don’t like it that’s just too bad bud : }
I see we had to pull our top spy out of Russia because of concern over all the classified info trump gave them on 2 different meetings

sure makes you wonder just whose side he is working for....I still think he is intentionally trying to turn our allies against us......and his tariff thing......people seem to think how great an idea it is...and it is....but Russia sure reaping the rewards on that also....the more I hear the more I think we need to get him out of there
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