Wake Up, America! Wake Up! PLEASE!!

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not sure others would agree with you

The Tragedy of Trump’s Foreign Policy – Foreign Policy
Mar 05, 2019 · More than two years into his first term, Trump most visible foreign-policy “achievement” is a steady and sharp decline in America’s global image. And that’s the real tragedy.

The slow-motion disaster of Trump’s foreign policy - The ...
In Cuba, Trump undid the Obama administration’s policy of opening up ties and encouraging economic development, the result being more misery for Cubans for no purpose whatsoever.

The Long-Term Disaster of Trump's Foreign Policy
"America first" foreign policy is a symptom of a more permanent, shift: the passing of the generation of leaders formed by World War II and their replacement by a new crop of politicians, who no longer understand the vital importance of American global leadership.

Trump’s Foreign Policy Is A Disaster | HuffPost
For all the dysfunction at home, it is Donald Trump’s ad-hoc, chaotic foreign policy that stands to do the most damage. Trump is pursuing an equally brain-dead, self-defeating course with Iran. As I wrote months ago, reasonable people disagreed about the wisdom …

Trump’s foreign policy is in shambles and proving to be a ...
May 13, 2019 · Trump’s foreign policy is in shambles and proving to be a humiliating failure across the board It has been a disastrous week for President Donald Trump’s foreign policy. Shares
Saddam had to go its been fucked there since Lawrence of arabia

did he really?....you have had the Bush mindfucking……….for all his atrocities we support or turn our heads on others some of whom done worse......he did keep iran in check....now with him gone you see iran moving in and making their power that much stronger...they have a large ally now.....we fucked up sticking our nose in....but since we did....we should have done the same there that we did in any other country we have had to go in...…...we should have built a base there to keep an eye on things instead of letting them kick us out....we supposedly gave them freedom where do they get off dictating terms....the whole thing was a disaster
That's a decent piece to be fair. I really like the description of the challenges facing the world, but I find it disturbing that they are presented as problems just facing the US. No wonder trump seems to have forgotten that America has family on the other side of the Atlantic and no wonder he's not that bothered about alienating friends and allies.

Chinese suppression of its own people is going to turn out to be huge in scale when it all comes out in the wash. And they have taken the piss for years in ripping off western consumer goods etc. A more effective policy would have been to persuade the EU, India, Japan and south America to come on side, using diplomacy and stealth, before brandishing the big stick with his tariffs. If, when he stood up to China, he had the other main trading blocks standing up alongside him then probably China would be more cooperative by now. He didn't, however, and the mood music isn't great right now.

I don't agree with the author about North Korea. Kim and trump just look like a pair of crazies when they prance around in their photo ops, grinning and hugging. Then trump goes home and claims success before it becomes clear to the rest of the world that actually nothing has been accomplished and that trump is just 'playing to the gallery' for domestic political reasons. Frankly, he looks like a clown, not a statesman.

Saudi - what a depressing place that is. Sadly, I agree that the west has little choice than to ally ourselves with them at present, but what a horrible taste it leaves in your mouth. The UK does it as well. Sickening.

Last thing I'll say is that he should stop tweeting like he does. Clearly, there's nobody around him who can tell him to stop being a dickhead , which is worrying. I'm not against using Twitter as a presidential communication tool per se, but the tweets should be carefully crafted, or edited at least, by diplomats. Maybe people could be persuaded to take him more seriously on foreign policy, if he could be tethered somewhat and he could remember that the USA is very close to losing the full support of some historic allies, especially in Europe. I know his appeal seems to be rooted, in the minds of some anyway, in his novel approach of running the US like one of his companies, but it should be noted that even the most successful CEO has a PR or media department so that they don't have to do it all themselves.

Margaret Thatcher had an image problem and they brought in an expert to voice coach her and subtly alter her appearance. These things are important. Trump needs an image consultant. Badly.
That's a decent piece to be fair. I really like the description of the challenges facing the world, but I find it disturbing that they are presented as problems just facing the US. No wonder trump seems to have forgotten that America has family on the other side of the Atlantic and no wonder he's not that bothered about alienating friends and allies.

Chinese suppression of its own people is going to turn out to be huge in scale when it all comes out in the wash. And they have taken the piss for years in ripping off western consumer goods etc. A more effective policy would have been to persuade the EU, India, Japan and south America to come on side, using diplomacy and stealth, before brandishing the big stick with his tariffs. If, when he stood up to China, he had the other main trading blocks standing up alongside him then probably China would be more cooperative by now. He didn't, however, and the mood music isn't great right now.

I don't agree with the author about North Korea. Kim and trump just look like a pair of crazies when they prance around in their photo ops, grinning and hugging. Then trump goes home and claims success before it becomes clear to the rest of the world that actually nothing has been accomplished and that trump is just 'playing to the gallery' for domestic political reasons. Frankly, he looks like a clown, not a statesman.

Saudi - what a depressing place that is. Sadly, I agree that the west has little choice than to ally ourselves with them at present, but what a horrible taste it leaves in your mouth. The UK does it as well. Sickening.

Last thing I'll say is that he should stop tweeting like he does. Clearly, there's nobody around him who can tell him to stop being a dickhead , which is worrying. I'm not against using Twitter as a presidential communication tool per se, but the tweets should be carefully crafted, or edited at least, by diplomats. Maybe people could be persuaded to take him more seriously on foreign policy, if he could be tethered somewhat and he could remember that the USA is very close to losing the full support of some historic allies, especially in Europe. I know his appeal seems to be rooted, in the minds of some anyway, in his novel approach of running the US like one of his companies, but it should be noted that even the most successful CEO has a PR or media department so that they don't have to do it all themselves.

Margaret Thatcher had an image problem and they brought in an expert to voice coach her and subtly alter her appearance. These things are important. Trump needs an image consultant. Badly.

working on giving him one....it is called impeachment!
I see today pence starting to speak up against trump....means one of 2 things....he knows trump wants to replace him so what does he have to lose...….or he sees impeachment coming and trying to hold the door open for himself.....surprised that little marriage has lasted that long...Pence's wife hates trump a lot!....guessing the same would apply to pence and might be starting to show
I'm not surprised!

My point is, it is clear that the guy has wayyyyyy too much power if he's able to present himself as such a fool and nobody stops him. He is the public face of America!

the right lets him go for one major reason....money...he is putting money in the wealthy pockets...….also Russia owns several other key politicians ...McConnell Rubio Graham and Cruz for a start...they all took money from Russia on their election campaigns.....everything has to go through McConnell and he cock blocks or stops most....and he is drawing big bucks from Russia.... this country is for sale and the republicans are taking advantage of it

Mitch McConnell’s Ties to Russian Oil Money - The ...
The Democratic Coalition’s ongoing investigation just uncovered the following evidence linking GOP Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) to Russian oil money, some of which we first...

Mitch McConnells Ties to Russian Oil Money - Discussionist
Aug 03, 2019 · His action directly benefits one of the GOP leader’s major donors, whose fortune comes from Russian oil. The Senate Leadership Fund, a super PAC run by Sen. McConnell’s former Chief of Staff, received a total of $3,500,000 ($2,500,000 in 2016 and $1,000,000 in 2017) via Access Industries and a subsidiary.

McConnell Received $3.5M In Campaign Donations From ...
Dec 24, 2018 · Blavatnik, whose family emigrated to the U.S. in the late 1970s, is a longtime business associate of Russian oligarchs Oleg Deripaska and Viktor Vekselberg, both of whom have ties to Russian President Vladimir Putin. Along with McConnell, Republican Senators Marco Rubio and Lindsey Graham received hefty sums from Blavatnik as well.

Mitch McConnell Busted In $2.5M Putin Money Funnel; FBI ...
May 09, 2018 · Thanks to the hard work of Democratic pundit Scott Dworkin, it’s beginning to look like every Republican politician has some kind of link to Russia. Dworkin has revealed that several Republican senators — including John McCain, Ted Cruz, and Marco Rubio — have accepted money from Russian donors.
it is clear that the guy has wayyyyyy too much power if he's able to present himself as such a fool and nobody stops him. He is the public face of America!
Don't rub it in, we know that, unfortunately. Comes with electing "eunuchs" to congress.
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