Wake Up, America! Wake Up! PLEASE!!

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republicans hating this and trying to block him...they have in a few states...but not all....it would show weakness in the party and the number of republicans dis-satisfied with trump

Mark Sanford to challenge Donald Trump in Republican primary.
1 hour ago · Former Rep. Mark Sanford made it official Sunday, announcing he will pursue a longshot primary challenge against President Donald Trump for the 2020 Republican nomination. “I …

Mark Sanford becomes third Republican to challenge Trump in primary
Fusion GPS transcripts reveal two things—the corruption of ...

Jan 10, 2018 · The National Rifle Association (NRA) has long been hemorrhaging money. ... two things—the corruption of Trump, the treachery of the Republicans ... single question—focused on trying to find ...

The transcript of Fusion GPS founder Glenn Simpson testifying before the Senate Judiciary Committee released to the public by Dianne Feinstein (D-CA) is both the entire congressional investigation in brief, and a revealing insight into why Republicans have been so anxious to keep this information under lock and key.

Every question asked by Republicans in the meeting—every single question—focused on trying to find information they could use to demean and defame the witness. They wanted to paint Fusion GPS as a “Democratic operation.” They were determined to turn Christopher Steele’s visit to the FBI into a partisan act. They used every moment of their time to find something Fusion had done wrong, or that Steele had done wrong … some way that both the company and the information they had gathered could be dismissed. In a day-long interview that was supposed to further the investigation into connections between the Trump campaign and Russian officials, no Republican expressed the slightest interest in that topic.

Instead, surfacing any information related to Trump’s activities in Russia was left to Democrats. Not that Democrats didn’t spend a good portion of their time tying to illuminate the motives behind Fusion’s actions. They did. Democrats also walked carefully through the information that made Christopher Steele feel that he had to go to the FBI. But they also spent time on the topic that was supposed to be the point of the hearing.

By the end of the transcript, a few things were clear: Even before they hired Christopher Steele, Fusion GPS was well aware of Trump’s numerous connections to crime bosses in Russia and in former Soviet states. Steele was hired, not to generate information, but to fill in the gaps around relationships that were already obvious from the public record and Trump’s own statements.

And almost from the moment he began investigating, Steele came across a flood of confirmation—information that included deliberate efforts on the part of the Russian government to influence the United States election. Information so disturbing that Steele felt it was requisite on him, as a professional with decades of experience in intelligence, to take what he had learned to American authorities and inform them of a grave and growing danger. When he did, Steele was relieved to find that the FBI was already on the topic and taking it seriously, thanks to information that originated inside Trump’s campaign.

Most of all, the transcript revealed just why Senator Chuck Grassley (R-IA) was so determined to keep it hidden. Because the clear words on the page made it obvious that the criminal charges leveled at Steele by Grassley and Senator Lindsey Graham (R-SC) went beyond political showboating and into the realm of egregious obstruction. The transcript makes it dead clear that Republicans have no interest in finding the truth, or in protecting the nation.

The transcripts revealed the reasons that Republicans have been so determined to dismiss the “Steele dossier” and the other information put together by Fusion GPS. They did so because the information collected by Fusion confirmed what investigations at the Financial Times made public months ago—Donald Trump was deeply involved with Russian mobsters, who were largely responsible for his finances. In fact, much of Trump’s claimed wealth was simply inexplicable, apparently unmoored from any legitimate source. Donald Trump, successful real estate tycoon, was a fiction.

Steele’s network of contacts and years of relationship-building, along with his entry into Russia at a point where the connection between Trump and this international criminal underground had not yet become a topic of general discussion, allowed him to gather a great deal of information quickly. That information made it clear that the Russian government was determined to assist Trump, if for no other reason than to harm Hillary Clinton. It also became clear from the outset that Trump’s activities in Russia had opened him to potential blackmail, putting an American presidential candidate under the thumb of Russian operatives both fiscally and personally.

Christopher Steele and the partners at Fusion GPS weren’t cackling together over vague, salacious rumors and spinning out tales of Trump’s wild nights in Moscow. They were confronted by a mountain of evidence that showed Trump was both financially dependent on, and personally compromised by, Russian oligarchs with connections both to criminal families—and to the corrupt Russian government.

What we learned from the release of the transcripts only confirmed what we’ve seen in public hearings: Republicans are
doing everything they can to protect Trump, even if that means attacking people who only did their best to uncover the truth.
Republicans are even willing to press criminal charges against a man who put himself at personal risk and brought what he had learned to the attention of the FBI because what he found was such a threat to America, and possibly to the world.

What the transcripts reveal is that, in investigating connections between Donald Trump and corrupt governments overseas, Fusion GPS demonstrated that the government right here in the United States is equally corrupt. Equally willing to trade truth for power. Equally ready to condemn those whose only crime is uncovering information which those in charge want thoroughly buried.

The information collected by Fusion GPS is an indictment of Donald Trump as a front man for mobsters and corrupt governments whose crooked dealing and personal excesses left him open to easy manipulation.
But the Fusion GPS transcripts are an indictment of the Republican Party, as an entity that has lost any concern for the nation, fairness, or the facts—an entity addicted to power by any means, and willing to use that power to close the mouths of those they view as threats.
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I know in the Republican run states, they've taken no action to re-enforce their electronic voting booths. Here in NC we're using the same voting booths we used in the 1990's.
Well that's interesting. In 2002, the Republican trifecta at the Federal level passed the Help America Vote Act which required significant enhancements to the voting hardware including elimination of the old punch card types that caused so much chaos in FL 2000 as well as requiring all electronic machines to produce an audit trail. The Republican trifecta allocated money to fund the states in their required upgrades. State and local governments are the ones who actually run the elections. So who was controlling North Carolina when the Republican trifecta gave them new requirements for upgrading machines and provided funding to accomplish this.....oh yeah, NC was in the early years of a 12 year Democrap trifecta.

But of course somehow in liberal loonyland it is the Republican's fault you haven't upgraded your systems from the 1990s.

Interesting side note: When the Help America Vote Act finally passed the Senate, there were only 2 no votes....Democraps Hillary Clinton and Chuck Schumer

Well that's interesting. In 2002, the Republican trifecta at the Federal level passed the Help America Vote Act which required significant enhancements to the voting hardware including elimination of the old punch card types that caused so much chaos in FL 2000 as well as requiring all electronic machines to produce an audit trail. The Republican trifecta allocated money to fund the states in their required upgrades. State and local governments are the ones who actually run the elections. So who was controlling North Carolina when the Republican trifecta gave them new requirements for upgrading machines and provided funding to accomplish this.....oh yeah, NC was in the early years of a 12 year Democrap trifecta.

But of course somehow in liberal loonyland it is the Republican's fault you haven't upgraded your systems from the 1990s.

Interesting side note: When the Help America Vote Act finally passed the Senate, there were only 2 no votes....Democraps Hillary Clinton and Chuck Schumer

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wrong again there oh defender of the republican party....Rubio said the money was given out AS NEEDED...not just handed out like you and the law implied.....and I guess you chose to ignore all the gerrymandering in that state?....and your republican party voted to not fund any upgrades to voting systems that might prevent Russian hacking...why is that?

funding? what funding?

Republicans refused to spend more to secure states ...
Jul 19, 2018 · House Republicans sparred with Democrats on Wednesday over whether a new spending bill would include additional funds to help states secure their polling systems in advance of midterm voting

and what is this?

Experts: States need help to protect voting machines from ...
Nov 30, 2017 · Experts: States need federal help to protect voting machines from Russian hackers. Most of those attempts failed, and there was no evidence that any votes were changed. However, in Illinois, the Russian hackers gained entry to the state's voter database and to the personal information of more than 90,000 voters, including their dates of birth and driver's licenses.
Mmmm 21states Russian hackers were known to have attempted entry...….and still the right not worried...why is that?
funding? what funding?
The Federal government has already given $3.6 billion to the states under the Help America Vote Act which includes the $380 million additional funds just authorized by Trump.....first money added to the HAVA funding since 2010.....yep, Obummer went through the last 3/4th of his administration without dropping a dime on HAVA.

But you don't give a ******* about facts and reality.....just mindlessly argue anything. The question to MacNLies is why didn't his Democrap trifecta through 2010 use any of these funds to get rid of his claimed 1990s equipment.

Through September 30, 2018, a total of $3,628,946,231 in federal funds has been awarded to 50 states, the District of Columbia and four U.S. territories (American Samoa, the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico, Guam and the United States Virgin Islands) hereinafter referred to as the “States.”
The Federal government has already given $3.6 billion to the states under the Help America Vote Act which includes the $380 million additional funds just authorized by Trump.....first money added to the HAVA funding since 2010.....yep, Obummer went through the last 3/4th of his administration without dropping a dime on HAVA.

But you don't give a ******* about facts and reality.....just mindlessly argue anything. The question to MacNLies is why didn't his Democrap trifecta through 2010 use any of these funds to get rid of his claimed 1990s equipment.

Through September 30, 2018, a total of $3,628,946,231 in federal funds has been awarded to 50 states, the District of Columbia and four U.S. territories (American Samoa, the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico, Guam and the United States Virgin Islands) hereinafter referred to as the “States.”

well there storm trooper breath...like most of the right on here you didn't read did you...and just like stiff you will go on for days until people just give up...not meaning you are right....you have yet to win an argument on here...but get persistent at times...where as some on here are complete idiots and fools...….you are just a pompous ass...and I mean that with the utter most efucktion

your case......just a little to little and to late!

The Department of Homeland Security deemed election systems part of the nation’s critical infrastructure in January 2017, putting voting machines in the same category as our energy and transportation infrastructure. The refusal to spend more to update clearly outdated critical election infrastructure is akin to leaving a giant security hole in the electrical grid so that a hack could result in tens of millions of Americans without power. Perhaps Republicans worry that acknowledging the vulnerability of U.S. election systems to cyberattacks would be a tacit admission that the 2016 election could have been hacked, too. Or maybe, like the president, Russian election meddling is simply something that doesn’t bother them

your answer here...…...if interested!
The last time Congress sent money to the states to upgrade their voting infrastructure was in 2002, when it passed the Help America Vote Act (HAVA). That law set aside $3.6 billion to replace the punch-card voting machines that nearly caused a constitutional crisis in the 2000 election. The three hundred and eighty million dollars that Congress recently authorized come from unspent HAVA grants, and are intended to replace the replacement machines purchased a decade and a half ago, most of which have outlived their use-by date. Some of these machines are so old that their manufacturers have gone out of business; according to the Brennan Center, as of 2015, forty-three states and the District of Columbia were using machines that are no longer in production. Some of these machines are so old that their operating systems can’t be patched when security flaws are found, and replacement parts must be scrounged up on eBay.
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there is a better than even chance she will be the next pres......although most still like Joe and want Joe...he is showing not up to the rigors of campaigning...and it is hurting him.....Sanders is out no matter what he might think......harris lost support when she stabbed Biden....that leaves Warren...she is gathering support.....problem is independents won't vote for her...most had enough of trump...so just like last election...a lot will stay home....that leaves it to the diehard republicans and trump supporters verses the die hard anti trump democrats....although a long ways to go yet someone else could sneak in...but don't think most of the independent's will vote trump no matter what...to many lies last time
The last time Congress sent money to the states to upgrade their voting infrastructure was in 2002, when it passed the Help America Vote Act (HAVA). That law set aside $3.6 billion to replace the punch-card voting machines that nearly caused a constitutional crisis in the 2000 election.
You should really try to read and comprehend what you post rather than just spew something, anything to make it look like you're making some kind of salient argument. Of course there are dolts on here that will fall for any BS you regurgitate.

Thank you for providing support for my point that the Republican trifecta passed the Help America Vote Act and allocated $3.6 billion to fund election system improvements. Still no answer as to why MacNLies is supposedly voting on 1990's gear given the available Federal funding offered to his state's Democrap trifecta.
You should really try to read and comprehend what you post rather than just spew something, anything to make it look like you're making some kind of salient argument. Of course there are dolts on here that will fall for any BS you regurgitate.

Thank you for providing support for my point that the Republican trifecta passed the Help America Vote Act and allocated $3.6 billion to fund election system improvements. Still no answer as to why MacNLies is supposedly voting on 1990's gear given the available Federal funding offered to his state's Democrap trifecta.

well you can keep your ten dollar words and your holier than thou attitude.....once again you vary from your original statement rather than admit you are some kind of retard....you implied the states were given money to fix...not so!

you said an original amount was awarded...partially true....not all...no where near all made it to the states as there were restrictions....also what did make it was nowhere near enough...more needed but your communist party would not grant that
so you provided a partial amount ..no where near enough had you read the articles...some machines are so old they have to get used parts elsewhere....and that was only for the states that would meet a certain criteria....so get your bobble head working again and regurgitate your original statement....
not even going into the gerrymandering....I'll let mac dig you a new ass on that one
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Trump's policy in North Korea? Not working.
Iran? Not working.
Syria? Not working.
Afghanistan? Not working.
Trade wars? Not working.
At home? Coming off the rails.
International relations? Definitely not working.

Guys, what do the trumpsters feel is going well?
Trump's policy in North Korea? Not working.
Iran? Not working.
Syria? Not working.
Afghanistan? Not working.
Trade wars? Not working.
At home? Coming off the rails.
International relations? Definitely not working.

Guys, what do the trumpsters feel is going well?

they like that he speaks up!....although his speaking up has us just about with no allies... and destroying what creditability we had around the world....we don't honor contracts....we don't honor commitment's to our friends.....he lets dictators make a fool of him.....will soon let Israel push us into a war with iran…..he weakens our national security and takes money from the military to build a wall only his supporters want....we are losing jobs overseas at the highest rate ever....pushed inflation up for those just getting by as it is...….pushed the deficit up to where even our grandchildren will still be paying on it.....given breaks and benefits to those that DON'T need it.....he has taken more golf trips then any 5 pres put together all just to put money in his own pocket since he stays at his own resorts forsing secret service and etc to rent rooms at his price...….is making millions off the office by screwing the country...……….out side of that....doing a great job!
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