Wake Up, America! Wake Up! PLEASE!!

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Guess now under this president even the national Weather Service is now fake news
The only "truth" Trump knows is an "alternative truth!"
For the Trumpeteers who undoubtedly wouldn't comprehend, an "alternative truth" is in the same category as Kelly Ann's "alternative facts"! ?
The only alternative truth is that which the lame Lefty Main Street Media doles out daily to demented drooling dipshite Democrats which they immediately gobble up and regurgitate in here :}
The only alternative truth is that which the lame Lefty Main Street Media doles out daily to demented drooling dipshite Democrats which they immediately gobble up and regurgitate in here :}

you don't really think your orange leader is all facts do you?

I don't think you are stupid. You just have a bad luck when thinking
Perfect example of lefty facts.

Actually in the movie those lines are from “Tombstone” - Doc drills Ringo through the brain - he loses coherence stumbles and falls dead.
Perfect example of lefty facts.

Actually in the movie those lines are from “Tombstone” - Doc drills Ringo through the brain - he loses coherence stumbles and falls dead.
yes the one with Kurt Russell....the best of the 3 tombstone movies out......Kevin Costner did one and James garner did one...and there was an old one in blk and white...but Kurts was the best...….and actually doc went to a crazy house......and ringo went on to "better things"...isn't that what I said?

you just twist the facts....ringo was stumbling looking for his way to heaven....you need to pay more attention to detail
Your facts have a way of skirting reality and just supporting your position - clearly illustrated here.

what? how can you say that....some people do stumble getting on their knees to seek help from the almighty

in that movie val Kilmer played doc....in the one with James garner it was Kirk douglas who played Doc......in the one with Costner...can't think of his name..has 2 other brothers...he was pretty good also

with Russell the movie was Tombstone
with Costner it was Wyatt Earp
with James garner it was gunfight at the OK corrall
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The only alternative truth is that which the lame Lefty Main Street Media doles out daily to demented drooling dipshite Democrats which they immediately gobble up and regurgitate in here :}

just feeding it to those not smart enough to pay attention to their surroundings....and the ******* they are being feed by the right
My situational awareness is excellent - the only ******* I see people being fed is by the totally biased Main Street Media - I tend to avoid ******* whenever possible - the most I’m exposed to is when I come in here and read your posts : }
My situational awareness is excellent - the only ******* I see people being fed is by the totally biased Main Street Media - I tend to avoid ******* whenever possible - the most I’m exposed to is when I come in here and read your posts : }

wrong...how can you see any ******* other than your own with your head up your ass...

just like the main street media....I give you the facts...…..they are just not what you want to hear....so you plead ignorance by calling it fake news

It's better to let someone think you are an Idiot than to open your mouth and prove it
My situational awareness is excellent - the only ******* I see people being fed is by the totally biased Main Street Media - I tend to avoid ******* whenever possible - the most I’m exposed to is when I come in here and read your posts : }

If you're so concerned about being exposed to so much ******* that you tend, or would be inclined to avoid, the easiest way to resolve your nightmare is get the hell off this thread, especially so since you're a major source of the ******* you complain about! Au Revoir mon ami!
Although the ******* that is flung by the left is unpleasant and there are heaps of it flung in here “liberally” - free speech has not as yet been expunged by your ilk and until you people manage to end it - I will defend the President of our country against your most strident attempts at subversion.
Although the ******* that is flung by the left is unpleasant and there are heaps of it flung in here “liberally” - free speech has not as yet been expunged by your ilk and until you people manage to end it - I will defend the President of our country against your most strident attempts at subversion.

Mmmmm who is trying to ******* free speech?.....this main street media as you call it has been reporting the news for years....and have always dug out the ******* on any politician that runs for office....then along comes Atilla the None and doesn't want anything put out…so all of it is fake news....and all of his minions follow suit...….what happened to "I'm going to be the most transparent pres ever?".....guess that went the way of showing his tax returns after the election......I won't have time to play golf will be to busy working for you.....and his best....Mexico is going to pay for the wall...….now it turns out we have to go to court to see who he is doing biz with.....his golfing trips are costing the US millions in room rentals and etc at his resorts...…….and he is going to weaken our nations security and cost thousands of jobs for his monumental campaign promise......I guess even Hitler had his supporters when he wanted to take over the world.....do you have a bunker when the time comes?

and BTW Briebart and Fox and a few others were considered to far to the right to have any creditability…..until your man made them so....some nothing but white supremacy papers....but your man watches and supports them so now they are considered main street media.....do you know Briebart has a special section on blacks and their promotion of violence?

If I wanted to ******* myself I'd climb your ego and jump to your IQ.
Although the ******* that is flung by the left is unpleasant and there are heaps of it flung in here “liberally” - free speech has not as yet been expunged by your ilk and until you people manage to end it - I will defend the President of our country against your most strident attempts at subversion.

Oh how the truth hurts, eh! My comment has, or had, nothing to do with free speech but rather with the freedom of choice! I recommended that if you don't like the "*******", go do something about it! Firstly, stop fermenting the "*******" that you and your Trumpeteer friends are intoxicated on and spreading before expecting others to do likewise! Secondly, failing that option, don't participate and go elsewhere, ie., if you can't stand the heat get the hell out of the kitchen!
well said, a country like the USA, cannot be destroyed from the outside, it can and will be destroyed from the inside. I am reminded of a quote often attributed to Benjiman Franklin and the signing of the constitution, he walked out of independence hall and was asked by a lady "Mr Franklin, what type of government do we have". His reply a democracy if you can keep it"

those very words have never been more important than they are today.
A Republic... if you can keep it!!
He’d never say democracy! He and our founding fathers hated democracy!
I’m History Professor, trust me!
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