Wake Up, America! Wake Up! PLEASE!!

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I just read this little accolade referencing the VP's support for anything "Trump", including spending tax payers money to support "Trump Hotels & Resorts!" I'm of the opinion that there's absolutely nothing wrong with VP supporting Trump's Political Agenda .... but supporting Trump's Business Agenda at Tax Payer's Expense is a "stretch!", if not illegal!

We Always Knew Mike Pence Was Irrelevant, and Now We Know He’s Corrupt, Too
Until Vice President Mike Pence chose to stay at a Trump hotel 180 miles from where his meetings in Ireland were taking place, he fell somewhere in the middle of vice presidents: those who did so little to distinguish the office no one remembers them—Elbridge Gerry, Hannibal Hamlin, Dan Quayle—and those who did so much to disgrace the office—Calvin Coolidge, Spiro Agnew, Dick Cheney—that we can’t forget them.
Pence has moved from the first category to the second, not for dismissing claims that Trump paid off a porn star as baseless. It’s because rather than impose his Bible-thumping religion, with its commandment “Thou shalt not steal” on Trump, he has let Trump corrupt him. A glance at Trivago would reveal numerous hotels smack dab in the middle of where Pence’s meetings were taking place, and yet when Trump said, according to Pence’s chief of staff Marc Short, “Why don’t you stay at my place?” he said yes.
When I invite someone to stay at my place, even if they chip the wedding china and ******* all the good wine during their visit, I don’t bill them. But what “staying at my place” means when it’s Trump doing the inviting is that the taxpayer will pay dearly—likely six figures for the whole entourage (a suite with ocean view, high-count thread sheets, in-floor heat, and bespoke decor goes for $1,000 per night), and that’s without the cost of the commute by helicopter, or the bar tab.
Somebody’s gotta keep the lefty propaganda flow going I guess while the number 1 regurgitator is fishing - he would give ya a well done ;}

Daily Beast as left biased as ya can get
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Somebody’s gotta keep the lefty propaganda flow going I guess while the number 1 regurgitator is fishing - he would give ya a well done ;}

Daily Beast as left biased as ya can get

WOW! Amazing how the willfully deaf, dumb and blind can, or cannot assess realities to suit their own distorted belief system! I not only read the posting, I saw the news on TV showing Pence make an ass of himself trying to explain the unexplainable relative to his visit to Trump's property in Ireland, and make a complete idiot of himself! It was laughable to later see White House staff and Trump add to the "ridiculous" by trying to unexplain what Pense tried his damnest to explain! Now you guys come along and add your absurdity to the equation! "PROPAGANDA?", if it is "propaganda" it's well enscribed into the fictional world of Trump and his Trumpeteers!
You may deserve more pity than criticism, however I don't think so!
I admit I know very little about Mike Pence. The government spending tax payers money, nothing new there. This thread has gone way past reality. Is the information on the internet, propaganda, conspiracy theory's true and false? 50/50 % chance of them being correct or incorrect. Opinions rock this world we live in today. Most of the information may not be propaganda as such, but most of it is not worth reading.
WOW! Amazing how the willfully deaf, dumb and blind can, or cannot assess realities to suit their own distorted belief system! I not only read the posting, I saw the news on TV showing Pence make an ass of himself trying to explain the unexplainable relative to his visit to Trump's property in Ireland, and make a complete idiot of himself! It was laughable to later see White House staff and Trump add to the "ridiculous" by trying to unexplain what Pense tried his damnest to explain! Now you guys come along and add your absurdity to the equation! "PROPAGANDA?", if it is "propaganda" it's well enscribed into the fictional world of Trump and his Trumpeteers!
You may deserve more pity than criticism, however I don't think so!

“Trumpeteers”- by Jove - I LIKE that !!!!!!

Undt - I thankee !!!!
“Trumpeteers”- by Jove - I LIKE that !!!!!!

Undt - I thankee !!!!

it was meant to be trumpapeters…….because they lack being full sized and useful!

almost a complete sentence...not quite close enough yet for periods....but then what can we expect

If you really spoke your mind, you'd be speechless.
WOW! Amazing how the willfully deaf, dumb and blind can, or cannot assess realities to suit their own distorted belief system! I not only read the posting, I saw the news on TV showing Pence make an ass of himself trying to explain the unexplainable relative to his visit to Trump's property in Ireland, and make a complete idiot of himself! It was laughable to later see White House staff and Trump add to the "ridiculous" by trying to unexplain what Pense tried his damnest to explain! Now you guys come along and add your absurdity to the equation! "PROPAGANDA?", if it is "propaganda" it's well enscribed into the fictional world of Trump and his Trumpeteers!
You may deserve more pity than criticism, however I don't think so!
WOW! Amazing how the willfully deaf, dumb and blind can, or cannot assess realities to suit their own distorted belief system! Any Trump supporter can turn those words around on any Democrats, correctly I might add.
WOW! Amazing how the willfully deaf, dumb and blind can, or cannot assess realities to suit their own distorted belief system! Any Trump supporter can turn those words around on any Democrats, correctly I might add.

not hardly....I was just about to edit my last post and give you a little credit on fairly accurate statement you made....but will pass for now....I won't even go into detail on this statement although you are leaving yourself wide open
Strange how those changed figures match Stiff’s poll in here - EXACTLY - very interesting

easily amused?...like watching grass grow......have you never looked around and tried to learn what is going on around you?
stiff....one of your hero's has a habit of altering things to appeal to those that can't think for them selves

people like you exist as a punishment to people with actual sense.
Funny I feel that way about you - however - if that’s the way ya wanna play it - I’m your Huckleberry : }
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