Wake Up, America! Wake Up! PLEASE!!

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Mmmmm Koback from Kansas.....HH from Kansas...snakes of a feather..naw that's not right..they definitely aren't in the bird category...guess just have to go with snakes travel in pairs....naw that won't work because where does 2bi fit in?.and maybe submission52..naw he is just to stupid and just a product of bad fox programing
this is all so confusing
I'm starting to feel like a conservative
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MacNfries, you're pushing water uphill and trying to spill it in a very leaky bucket! Save yourself the frustration and direct your comments toward those with at least 1/2 a brain!
..... Thing is, h-h is the only person I'm rude to these days, and I don't like being rude, I swear. But, after so long, he just got to touching my buttons. Even when I'd suggest he contribute instead of just critique posts, he simply won't stop. Maybe he doesn't know the difference. Maybe he wants to be confrontational. Maybe he just can't help himself. He gets ill ... I get ill, and we end up in a back & forth with him always insisting on having the last comment. His humongous EGO simply won't allow it .... so much like Trump in a way .... "sad, so sad". :(
..... Conservatives are seeing their party turn to fascism and most don't seem to be the least bit concerned, and the ones that are, are quitting politics. For Democracy to work, we need two viable parties, and we don't have that right now with all the polarization and outside influences. I won't sit idly by, however, and watch our country end up in a dictatorship over the likes of Trump.
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It was once written, and I quote, "No country is destroyed from without unless it is first destroyed from within!"
I can only suggest, "Wake up! Take time out to smell the roses! Please recognize what's going on around you!"

I really don't want to bemoan the obvious but the credibility of the United States has obviously reached an all
time low, at least it's obvious to most people around this world! Neither am I taking political sides in the current
debate, I'm past that point, however what's currently going on within your borders affects everyone living outside
your borders! Unfortunately that affect is all negative! Sadly, when all is said and done, it's the United States that
will eventually suffer the most! Your current leader(s) is/are determined to attack and isolate your closest friends
and allies as they snuggle up to those dictators around the world who would like to see your country denigrated
to less than a third world poverty stricken isolationist piece of real estate!

I'll close by saying, especially for those Ostriches who may be capable of reading but not understanding, "burying
your head in the sand is no longer an option", the situation is past that, just look at the happenings of this past
week! (week ending July 20/18). I won't denigrate myself by including defamatory adjectives to the "one" person
hell bent on destroying any and all influence, good will and integrity the U.S. had enjoyed, so hard won and
justifiably earned through the supreme sacrifices of its many military! Unfortunately this demise is being perpetuated
and led by someone who had refused to serve! THINK ABOUT IT! PLEASE! BEFORE IT'S TOO LATE!

P.S. I have family and friends who have served in the U.S. Military, several of whom have paid the Supreme Price, so
if it's your intent to throw stones and ignore the facts, please make sure you're not living in a glass house, because you are! Whether you want to believe it or not is another matter.
You must watch CNN, Rachel MADow, listen to despicable people like Maxine Waters, nacy Pelosi, senator Booker. We have the best economy in years, unemployment amongst black and Hispanic brothers the lowest in many years, 401’s earning money, North Korea coming to its senses, the EU making a deal for no tariffs except on autos but that will come, the presidents approval ratings up double digits among blacks and Hispanics. Which tells me they are doing exactly what you suggest America do. They are waking up to the miserable leftist way of thinking. The hate is pathetic. I voted for Obama in 08. Didn’t in 12. But when he won i accepted him as our president. I think he was one of the worst presidents but I’d never ever thin to attack people from his cabinet or incite violence because i didn’t like him. What’s going on now is pure desperation from liberals. So tell me one country where socialism has worked. It didn’t and doesn’t work in Baltimore, Detroit, Chicago, and keep going. The ******* Obama did with immigration is never mentioned. Ever watch the show cops or Live PD? when a parent has their baby in the car and ends up getting arrested for what most would think is minor. Well they end up being separated from their *******. I’ve seen the ******* screaming and crying as the parent is led away in handcuffs. NEWS FUCKING FLASH.. they broke the fucking law.
And YOU were replying to MY post to TwoBi ... can't keep your nose out of the conversation
And the post you responded to was a post from twobi to subby.....you couldn't keep your nose out of their conversation. Oh your hypocrisy is entertaining.

Notice it said ... LAST ELECTION HERE?
Yes, as I said, you used 2016 as AN example, but the topic of the post from 2bi was election fraud in general. Again....words....would be good for you to learn to comprehend some.

Whoops ... wrong again, h-h ... we weren't talking about 441 open cases of felons voting
Actually, if you would pay attention, the conversation YOU stuck your nose into between 2bi and subby WAS about ILLEGAL VOTING BY FELONS. Here's the story that started the discussion:


It was post 659 in this thread that started the 2bi subby conversation if you care to refresh your memory.

Do you get tired of my being rude to you, h-h?
No, frankly I don't give a flying fuck how you act towards me.

..... Thing is, h-h is the only person I'm rude to these days, and I don't like being rude, I swear. But, after so long, he just got to touching my buttons. Even when I'd suggest he contribute instead of just critique posts, he simply won't stop. Maybe he doesn't know the difference. Maybe he wants to be confrontational. Maybe he just can't help himself. He gets ill ... I get ill, and we end up in a back & forth with him always insisting on having the last comment. His humongous EGO simply won't allow it .... so much like Trump in a way .... "sad, so sad". :(

Oh sure, I'm the only one you're rude to....except when you're being rude to others, like this:

Right, dumbnuts, that's exactly what I said.

Perhaps if you weren't so rude and childish on here, your like to post ratio wouldn't be lower than mine ;)
Judge upholds ruling that DACA must be restored
By Tal Kopan and Dan Berman, CNN

Updated 1307 GMT (2107 HKT) August 4, 2018

Current Time 0:43
Duration Time 2:30

(CNN)A federal judge on Friday upheld his order that the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals program should be fully restored, setting a 20-day deadline for the administration to do so.
C District Judge John Bates said the Trump administration still has failed to justify its proposal to end DACA, the Obama-era program that has protected from deportation nearly 800,000 young undocumented immigrants brought to the US as children.
But Bates agreed to delay his ruling for 20 days to give the administration time to respond and appeal, if it chooses.

DHS stands by DACA rescission in court-requested filing

The ruling sets up potentially conflicting DACA orders from federal judges by the end of the month.
The decision comes less than a week before a hearing in a related case in Texas. In that case, Texas and other states are suing to have DACA ended entirely, and the judge is expected to side with them based on his prior rulings.

Justice Department spokesman Devin O'Malley indicated the department would take further action, suggesting that an appeal might be filed. He reiterated the Justice Department still believes the same reasoning the judge rejected, that DACA is "an unlawful circumvention of Congress," and DHS has the authority to end it.

"The Justice Department will continue to vigorously defend this position, and looks forward to vindicating its position in further litigation," O'Malley said in a statement.

Previous court rulings in California and New York have already prevented the administration from ending DACA, but they only ordered the government to continue renewing existing applications. Bates' ruling would go further and order the program reopened in its entirety. The earlier decisions are pending before appeals courts.
Bates on Friday upheld a ruling he had issued in April that ordered the administration to begin accepting DACA applications again. He had postponed that order for 90 days to give the government time to offer a better legal justification for its decision last September to end the program.

Judge orders reopening of DACA, after 90-day delay

The Department of Homeland Security followed up by largely reiterating its previous argument: that DACA was likely to be found unconstitutional in the Texas case if it were challenged there and thus it had to end. Homeland Security Secretary Kirstjen Nielsen also said in the DHS response that the agency had the discretion to end the program, as much as its predecessors had the discretion to create it.
Bates, a George W. Bush appointee, found that explanation unsatisfactory, and said the DHS could not invent a new justification for his court, either. He said most of the arguments "simply repackage legal arguments previously made" and fail to pass muster.

"Although the Nielsen Memo purports to offer further explanation for DHS's decision to rescind DACA, it fails to elaborate meaningfully on the agency's primary rationale for its decision," Bates wrote. "The memo does offer what appears to be one bona fide (albeit logically dubious) policy reason for DACA's rescission, but this reason was articulated nowhere in DHS's prior explanation for its decision, and therefore cannot support that decision now."

DACA ruling further complicates complex legal path forward

Bates said the administration had created a "dilemma" for itself by both trying to rely on its previous decision and offering a new one.
"The government's attempt to thread this needle fails," he wrote.

CNN's Ariane de Vogue contributed to this report.
..... Thing is, h-h is the only person I'm rude to these days, and I don't like being rude, I swear. But, after so long, he just got to touching my buttons. Even when I'd suggest he contribute instead of just critique posts, he simply won't stop. Maybe he doesn't know the difference. Maybe he wants to be confrontational. Maybe he just can't help himself. He gets ill ... I get ill, and we end up in a back & forth with him always insisting on having the last comment. His humongous EGO simply won't allow it .... so much like Trump in a way .... "sad, so sad". :(
..... Conservatives are seeing their party turn to fascism and most don't seem to be the least bit concerned, and the ones that are, are quitting politics. For Democracy to work, we need two viable parties, and we don't have that right now with all the polarization and outside influences. I won't sit idly by, however, and watch our country end up in a dictatorship over the likes of Trump.
View attachment 2016339View attachment 2016335

MacNfries, I agree with you 100%!
Idiots however will never be reasoned with, that's why they're idiots in the first place! They all share the Kelly-Ann mantra, "You may be factually correct, but I don't believe you, besides I have my alternative facts!", thus by their very own definition, an alternative fact is in itself "a lie!" Alas, MacNfries, responding to such idiots is merely giving them a platform to sprout off on! Save yourself the frustration and let them rationalize in their own void world of make-belief and keep their heads up their asses where the sun don't shine!
You must watch CNN, Rachel MADow, listen to despicable people like Maxine Waters, nacy Pelosi, senator Booker. We have the best economy in years, unemployment amongst black and Hispanic brothers the lowest in many years, 401’s earning money, North Korea coming to its senses, the EU making a deal for no tariffs except on autos but that will come, the presidents approval ratings up double digits among blacks and Hispanics. Which tells me they are doing exactly what you suggest America do. They are waking up to the miserable leftist way of thinking. The hate is pathetic. I voted for Obama in 08. Didn’t in 12. But when he won i accepted him as our president. I think he was one of the worst presidents but I’d never ever thin to attack people from his cabinet or incite violence because i didn’t like him. What’s going on now is pure desperation from liberals. So tell me one country where socialism has worked. It didn’t and doesn’t work in Baltimore, Detroit, Chicago, and keep going. The ******* Obama did with immigration is never mentioned. Ever watch the show cops or Live PD? when a parent has their baby in the car and ends up getting arrested for what most would think is minor. Well they end up being separated from their *******. I’ve seen the ******* screaming and crying as the parent is led away in handcuffs. NEWS FUCKING FLASH.. they broke the fucking law.

Damn...talk about mind fucked!
you have not made one factual statement...not a one.....must have just got back from a trump rally!

Trump’s ‘best economy in history’ left workers with less money in their pockets than a year ago

The hole in the Trump economy

Trump Takes Undue Credit on Black Unemployment

North Korea?


Layoffs from Trump tariffs are piling up. So are calls for more bailouts.

Our mass delusion of American prosperity and national well-being is killing U.S.

Trump’s Tax Cuts Didn’t Benefit U.S. Workers, Made Rich Companies Richer, Analysis Finds

FINANCE PROFESSOR: Trump's 'failed trade economics' could push the US back into recession by 2018

AP FACT CHECK: Trump falsely claims historic turnaround

The EU won Trump’s trade deal and other comments

it would take over an hour to break down your lifetime of stupidity but that will have to do....not going to devote that much time to someone so stupid and you probably won't read / believe any of it anyway
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The Trump administration is headed for a gigantic debt headache

    • Debt levels are piling up in the government, pushing borrowing costs higher.

    • The Treasury Department announced Wednesday that it will be increasing the size of its auctions to help pay for burgeoning budget deficits.

    • While the Trump administration has said that economic growth would make up for shortfalls from tax cuts and spending increases, the early results do not bear that out.
Jeff Cox| @JeffCoxCNBCcom
Published 2:40 PM ET Thu, 2 Aug 2018 Updated 5:28 AM ET Fri, 3 Aug 2018 CNBC.com

JP Morgan's Jamie Dimon says the market is dealing with something it’s never seen before
2:30 PM ET Thu, 2 Aug 2018 | 01:16

Swelling government debt levels are shaping up to be the biggest economic challenge for President Donald Trump, a problem that could spill into the stock market.

This week's Treasury Department announcement that it would have to increase the amount of bond auctions over the next three months was a low-key reminder that the government IOU is only getting bigger and will start influencing interest rates sooner rather than later.

As more product comes to market, investors could be expected to demand higher yields to snap up all the supply. And those higher yields mean higher costs at a time when taxpayers already have shelled out nearly half a trillion dollars this year in debt service.

Put it all together and it raises questions about how long the spurt in economic growth will continue, what will happen the next time the economy falls into recession and what impact it all will have on financial markets.

"We're applauding strong growth — yet have no choice but to borrow the largest amount of money since the financial crisis a decade ago," Bernard Baumohl, chief global economist at The Economic Outlook Group, said in a note. "And that's just the start, the US will [be] running trillion dollar deficits as far as the eye can see."
The price tag keeps growing

The total U.S. debt just passed the $21.3 trillion mark, of which $15.6 trillion is owed by the public. The Treasury announced Wednesday that it will be adding $1 billion each to auctions of 2-, 3- and 5-year debt over the next three months, and $1 billion each for 7- and 10-year note and 30-year bond auctions in August. In addition, the department is issuing a new two-month note to help assure liquidity in the fixed income market.

The changes will add $30 billion to the debt issuance for the quarter. On the overall, the Treasury said it expects to borrow $769 billion in the second half of the year, a projected 63 percent increase from 2017.

Markets reacted to the move, as the 30-year bond yield topped 3 percent for the first time in nearly two months and rates moved higher for most durations.

Timothy A. Clary | AFP | Getty Images
Donald Trump
Over the short term, the debt issue likely will be superseded by other news, particularly the strong burst of growth and the tariff battles the U.S. has launched against its trading partners around the world. Ironically, the Trump administration has promised that breakout economic performance will help take care of the rising debt load brought on by tax cuts and higher spending, but the early results don't seem to bear those hopes out.

"Booming economic growth has not been sufficient to lower the budget deficit — in fact, the deficit and Treasury borrowing are headed sharply higher, and virtually no one in Washington seems to care," Greg Valliere, chief global strategist at Horizon Investments, said in his daily note Thursday.

Indeed, the Congressional Budget Office projects the deficit to be just a shade under $1 trillion in 2019 and then pass that level in 2020 and eclipse $1.5 trillion by 2028. The cost to finance all that debt has continued to grow, hitting $458 billion in fiscal 2017 and already at $415 billion in 2018 with three months left in the fiscal year.

Revenue receipts, meanwhile, are lagging.

Tax and withholding payments from individuals and corporations have come in at $1.752 trillion in calendar 2018, about $17 billion below the same point in 2017, a difference of about 1 percent, according to DataTrek Research. That's also below the 0.2 percent gain in revenue the government had projected.
The market impact

The debt increase and push on interest rates is coming as companies report near-record growth, with profits for S&P 500 companies tracking 24 percent higher year over year for the second quarter of 2018.

Corporations also happen to have more than $9 trillion in outstanding debt. At some point, investors may wonder when higher financing costs will start cutting into profitability.

Does U.S. debt matter? 7:53 AM ET Thu, 26 July 2018 | 04:25
"Pulling this discussion back to US equity prices, we have one question from all this: are markets ready for higher US Treasury rates if they are caused by incremental issuance and (perhaps) overly optimistic revenue estimates?" Nick Colas, DataTrek's co-founder, said in a note. "Long-term rates are important mechanisms that allow the economy to self-correct in a recession. And whenever that comes, deficits will be larger than during any other non-recessionary period in history."

All of these factors will have to be weighed by the Federal Reserve, which has been raising interest rates and is expected to take its benchmark target rate a half point higher before the end of the year. The central bank voted Wednesday to hold the line on rates, but an increase is expected in September and again in December.

Central bank officials have privately discussed the debt issue, and Chairman Jerome Powell on multiple occasions has said the fiscal trajectory is "unsustainable."
WATCH: Ron Paul on federal spending

Jeff Cox
Finance Editor

3 Aug 2018 CNBC.com
Damn...talk about mind fucked!
you have not made one factual statement...not a one.....must have just got back from a trump rally!

Trump’s ‘best economy in history’ left workers with less money in their pockets than a year ago

The hole in the Trump economy

Trump Takes Undue Credit on Black Unemployment

North Korea?

View attachment 2016737

Layoffs from Trump tariffs are piling up. So are calls for more bailouts.

Our mass delusion of American prosperity and national well-being is killing U.S.

Trump’s Tax Cuts Didn’t Benefit U.S. Workers, Made Rich Companies Richer, Analysis Finds

FINANCE PROFESSOR: Trump's 'failed trade economics' could push the US back into recession by 2018

AP FACT CHECK: Trump falsely claims historic turnaround

The EU won Trump’s trade deal and other comments

it would take over an hour to break down your lifetime of stupidity but that will have to do....not going to devote that much time to someone so stupid and you probably won't read / believe any of it anyway

Your closing paragraph says it all!
Stupidity knows no master and is incapable of comprehending
the simplest facts no matter what the proof!
I say, let fools wallow in their own folly!
Why Americans are buying into rabid pro-Trump conspiracy theories

A conspiratorial pro-Trump subculture known as QAnon is lurking in mainstream political culture while spreading baseless accusations against big names in business and culture.

The internet movement began gaining traction with some of the president’s supporters last fall. At President Trump’s recent rally in Tampa, Fla., attendees were photographed wearing QAnon shirts in the crowds.

They really don’t feel like they’re winning’
QAnon began with “Q,” a persona claiming to be someone within the government, promising to expose how dark forces are working against Trump and his administration. The “Anon” part comes from Q’s readers, who decipher Q’s “clues” on message boards and build outlandish interpretations. Posters named “Q” have been instigating unfounded theories on social networks including 4Chan, 8Chan, and Reddit.

“[Conspiracy theories] like this fill an important psychological role for many people,” Thomas J. Wood, an assistant professor of Political Science at Ohio State University who has studied how conspiracy theories gain public support, told Yahoo Finance. “It tends to sway those who have chronic anxiety and feel disaffected by politics by providing a symbolic and intuitive story for them.”

Previous research, summarized by the New York Times, has found that people who believe in conspiracy theories “are more likely to be cynical about the world in general and politics in particular. Conspiracy theories also seem to be more compelling to those with low self-worth, especially with regard to their sense of agency in the world at large. Conspiracy theories appear to be a way of reacting to uncertainty and powerlessness.”


Trump supporters’ fixation on QAnon shows that they really don’t feel like they’re winning, even as they hold the reins of power,” Paul Musgrave, an assistant professor at the University of Massachusetts Amherst, recently wrote in the Washington Post. “The mystique of QAnon is yet another example of how Trumpism is built on the politics of resentment.”

‘The top six results for Cemex accused the company …’
In June, the QAnon phenomenon targeted Mexican cement giant Cemex (CX). Several Reddit threads and YouTube videos accused the company, one of the world largest cement manufacturers, of baby sex trafficking.

On Monday, July 30, NBC reporter Ben Collins tweeted a screenshot of what happens when you search for Cemex on YouTube. QAnon created videos accusing the giant Mexican company of being connected to baby trafficking.

“The top six results for Cemex accused the company of helping to run a baby sex ring,” Collins reported. “YouTube’s search bar also autocompleted ‘Cemex baby trafficking’ when a user searched for Cemex.” YouTube fixed the autocomplete issue after multiple news outlets asked for comment.

The YouTube videos about Cemex, Wood said, suggest that the people behind them are “deeply unstable.” (Various celebrities were also targeted with similar allegations.)

Reddit threads linked the Cemex allegations to Democrats being against the construction of Trump’s proposed border wall. One thread is titled: “Sex Camps found on Cemex properties.. Soros is invested 41Mil into Cemex.. Cemex gave to Clinton foundation.. Same company that didn’t want the wall.? In Tucson home of Mayor Rothschild?? CABAL MUCH?!?!?”


Collins noted that the internet conspiracy theories targeting Cemex led to a group called “Veterans On Patrol” to physically stake out a homeless encampment for months while live-streaming the unfounded protest on YouTube and Facebook. (Police arrested the leader of the group for trespassing, and Facebook shut down the page.)

‘A collective populous moving further away from critical thinking’
Much of the traction stems from a distrust in the media and the government. QAnon appears to be an evolution of Pizzagate, the internet conspiracy theory that led one man to bring a gun to a pizza shop because he thought there were baby slaves in the basement.

Wood said there’s always a chance of unfounded allegations like these picking up steam, possibly even spilling into the mainstream like Pizzagate or Obama birtherism (i.e., the notion that the former president was born outside of the U.S.).

“It’s not coincidental the ones that have worked,” he explained. “Folks have an ethnocentric impulse and to some, a foreign company such as Cemex makes it more plausible.”

Based on Wood’s research, groups like QAnon rely on the attention they receive from the public, particularly the media. “For the theory to cross over and gain mainstream currency, it can’t just exist in the pockets of a chatroom,” he said.

The question remains if whether or not this will have an impact on Cemex’s image. As of Aug. 2, the company’s stock had not changed significantly. Cemex did not respond to multiple requests for comment.

According to Ryan McCormick, co-founder and media relations specialist of Goldman McCormick Public Relations, a situation like this can have a very negative impact on a company.

“With a collective populous moving further away from critical thinking and only absorbing bits of information, allegations like this may stick,” he said.


It will continue to happen’
The conditions that created birtherism, Pizzagate, and QAnon will continue to exist for the foreseeable future.

“We live in a free society and in that, people are allowed to offer their opinions, regardless of whether or not they’re music to our ears,” McCormick said. “It’s a part of our culture and it will continue to happen.”

Consequently, various parts of American society — including businesses, social media platforms, the voting public, and the press — may find themselves seeing internet-fueled conspiracy campaigns like QAnon going into midterm elections and beyond.

After all, President Trump himself is a fan of making unfounded declarations and even dabbling in conspiracy theories.
that's where all these Russian "bots" come in to play and a lot of these radical sites come in
they already know that a lot of the race relation problems are attributed to the Russians stirring the hate and discontent in the country

between the greed of the right and their support for trump
the "bad" sites promoting a lot of foul *******
the Russians pushing hate with the race card
a lot of the protests and black lives matter was mostly started by russia
we will self destruct!
Interesting that these articles showed up in the Sunday paper of the News & Observer, Raleigh, NC- Both defeat what you Trump drones have been swearing to the entire past week ... I'll be kind to your "reading for comprehension" disabilities, and not fill the screen with these articles. Read them at your OWN RISK! They're HERE ... the lastest news, and they boink your purposely deaded perceptors on inner denial.
Voter Fraud in 2016 Election ....
The Affordable Care Act Thrives In North Carolina .... ohhhh nooooo! Say it ain't so! Would you believe they've cut the rates 4% and announced if it wasn't for the Trump administration the rate cut would have been 15%????? This after Trump has thrown everything at the ACA but the kitchen sink to make it fail. Republicans haven't been successful at ANYTHING thus far but spend tax payers money on themselves.
Read 'em and weep, TwoBi and H-H ...
We're still waiting on that fabulous health plan Trump promised he would deliver ... along with that WALL built by Mexico.

"Trump, Trump, tell us what to believe!" ........................ "We believe you, Trump, ******* taste just like Swiss Dark Chocolate!"
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I think you libs just need a big hug. It's goin be OK. So how has your life been "destroyed" as so many said would happen? What is different about your daily life routine since the best thing that has happened for this country in a long time? At least in my life, not one presidential election has impacted my life what so ever. I'm still the same person, I still go to work, I still enjoy life, I go on vacations, I'm still free, and I live in the best country in the world. Nothing has changed for me except I have a lot more money in my 401. But I will say some things have changed for others; They have jobs. The liberal ideology is dead. It's hate driven. If things don't go their way and if people don't agree with such a pathetic view we are racist and fascist. Imagine if some white conservative said the hateful things that bitch from NYT said. Gone in a second yet she's promoted. Blows me away. That other bitch from Congo saying the things she said about the best country in the world. Fuck em all. If this place is so bad then join the other liberal assholes who left the country after the election. Oh wait a minute I'm sorry I think they're still here. Hmmm. You can post all the articles you want about how bad Trump is, the things he's accused of, how horrible he is to those poor ******* (don't forget Obama's immigration nightmares), that he's a liar (He learned from the best, Obama and the Clinton's). The bottom line is life in our beautiful country is pretty damn good. In 2020 whoever gets elected (sorry to say I think we already know) I'll still be proud to be an American, accept the results of our democracy, and still get up in the morning and to pretty much the same damn thing I've been doing all my life. Fucking get over it! He won she lost (thank GOD). 2020 is only two years away. Again we're/it's goin to be OK.
What is different about your daily life routine since the best thing that has happened for this country in a long time?

there use to be an old saying "sleep well tonight the military has your back" I don't sleep well knowing there is a lying commie in the white house selling us out!

At least in my life, not one presidential election has impacted my life what so ever. I'm still the same person, I still go to work, I still enjoy life, I go on vacations, I'm still free, and I live in the best country in the world.

ignorance is bliss as they say!

But I will say some things have changed for others; They have jobs.
not as much take home as they had a year ago...and a lot of people can't say that now with the tariffs!
and in your restricted circle...I'm sure you probably never read about the Army vet off fighting for this country...while his wife is being deported back to mexico

I'm still free

are you....you are being told what they want you to hear!

The liberal ideology is dead

you might want to look around at some of past special elections and where some of the polls are.....looking like the right is killing off voters...those that pay attention to what is going on...how many big name republicans are dropping out to join the dems here lately?

It's hate driven
Not so...….for us it is NOT party over country...we still believe in the American way and want to preserve it....not give it to some big rich corp who will take it overseas for a few bucks!

Imagine if some white conservative said the hateful things that bitch from NYT said. Gone in a second yet she's promoted. Blows me away

Facts have a funny way of effecting people!

Fuck em all.

now who is filled with hate?

If this place is so bad then join the other liberal assholes who left the country after the election.

pretty sure they are dedicated to the country and want to help save from this dictatorship!

Hmmm. You can post all the articles you want about how bad Trump is, the things he's accused of, how horrible he is to those poor *******

that would be typical of you trumpies...stick your head in the sand when the facts roll out...can not stand to hear that your god might be tainted!

In 2020 whoever gets elected (sorry to say I think we already know) I'll still be proud to be an American, accept the results of our democracy, and still get up in the morning and to pretty much the same damn thing I've been doing all my life.

even if your man is nowhere to be found?

accept the results of our democracy

like the right did when Obama was president.....block everything...not pass anything....just obstruct...is that what you call accepting the vote?

He won she lost (thank GOD

pure opinion there and they are like asshole.....everyone has one...and some are bigger than others!

2020 is only two years away. Again we're/it's goin to be OK.
I'm sure you won't feel that way if trump isn't in the picture
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