Wake Up, America! Wake Up! PLEASE!!

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Ex-US attorney believes Trump can be charged for conspiring with foreign powers

Chuck Rosenberg, a former U.S. attorney, dropped a bombshell conclusion Tuesday night, saying that he believes that the available evidence indicates that President Donald Trump or members of his campaign should be charged with conspiring with Russians to influence the 2016 election. He made the comments Tuesday night on MSNBC while speaking about the special counsel Robert Mueller's Russia investigation with host Nicolle Wallace. "Are you seeing enough pieces come to light in just what is public-facing in this investigation that you believe there will be enough to charge someone with conspiracy to coordinate or receive assistance from a hostile foreign power?" Wallace asked. "Yeah. It's an educated ...
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Why isn't an adult citizen allowed to vote in the USA?

Again - read the article.
The man was arrested because he broke the law, NOT because he voted. When you break our laws, you forfeit your rights.
The head line is a play on words to get people like you all excited - and it works every time.
Funny...Shep Smith works at Fox news and is a real newscaster...hannitey most know and is a republican proagandist
fuuny vid

AWKWARD! Watch Sean Hannity Keep Getting Corrected By Shep Smith In New Supercut
Ed Mazza,HuffPost

Fox News hosts Shep Smith and Sean Hannity are often worlds apart, with Smith using his broadcast to correct some of the claims Hannity has made on his.
Earlier this year, Smith complained that the network’s opinion hosts, such as Hannity, “don’t really have rules.”
“Some of our opinion programming is there strictly to be entertaining,” Smith told Time magazine. “I get that. I don’t work there. I wouldn’t work there. I don’t want to sit around and yell at each other and talk about your philosophy and my philosophy.”
Hannity was none too happy about the dig.
“While Shep is a friend with political views I do not share, and great at breaking news, he is clueless about what we do every day,” Hannity fired back.
Again - read the article.
The man was arrested because he broke the law, NOT because he voted. When you break our laws, you forfeit your rights.
The head line is a play on words to get people like you all excited - and it works every time.

and in your eyes there is no gerrymandering nor any voter suppression......isn't that how the right sees it!
and in your eyes there is no gerrymandering nor any voter suppression......isn't that how the right sees it!

Again, nothing to do with it. If you commit a felony you loose your right to vote. If you are on felony probation in NC, you loose your right to vote. It's that simple. Why is it the left thinks they are above all laws?
If you fail to see how you are being manipulated then I feel sorry for you. I will waste no more time on your moronic BS replies.
The media twisted it, I simply corrected it.

And you didn't read the article either - it's not about "blocking votes. What he did was illegal, already on the books, been that way for years.
YOU might want to read the article again...….yes he was pulled over for running a red light
the voting thing is something the republican county prosecutor is taking advantage of with him and several others...to suppress the vote!
call it what you want....WHITE WASH it all you will facts are it all boils down to more voter suppression!
Again, nothing to do with it. If you commit a felony you loose your right to vote. If you are on felony probation in NC, you loose your right to vote. It's that simple. Why is it the left thinks they are above all laws?
If you fail to see how you are being manipulated then I feel sorry for you. I will waste no more time on your moronic BS replies.

a true felon can simply write the gov and ask to have his voting rights re-instated.....but again it all goes back to voter suppression...the article said they have several just like him trying to prosecute....ok he was on probation for a felony conviction...but 2 years in jail for voting...I think the headlines had it right...jailed for voting!
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Again - read the article.
The man was arrested because he broke the law, NOT because he voted. When you break our laws, you forfeit your rights.
The head line is a play on words to get people like you all excited - and it works every time.
You are very rude.
Funny...Shep Smith works at Fox news and is a real newscaster...hannitey most know and is a republican proagandist
fuuny vid

AWKWARD! Watch Sean Hannity Keep Getting Corrected By Shep Smith In New Supercut
Ed Mazza,HuffPost

Fox News hosts Shep Smith and Sean Hannity are often worlds apart, with Smith using his broadcast to correct some of the claims Hannity has made on his.
Earlier this year, Smith complained that the network’s opinion hosts, such as Hannity, “don’t really have rules.”
“Some of our opinion programming is there strictly to be entertaining,” Smith told Time magazine. “I get that. I don’t work there. I wouldn’t work there. I don’t want to sit around and yell at each other and talk about your philosophy and my philosophy.”
Hannity was none too happy about the dig.
“While Shep is a friend with political views I do not share, and great at breaking news, he is clueless about what we do every day,” Hannity fired back.

I just have to pass along what I overheard a couple of teenagers discussing while browsing the net on a laptop at a cafeteria at the airport a short while ago. Evidently they were looking at something wherein Sean Hannity was the subject of their interest. One young lady called him a "stupid ass!" The second young lady replied, and I quote, "No! No! He just lacks morals! Maybe someone should give him a fresh start and get him a new name, let's say like, Sean Insanity! With a name like that everyone can recognize just how insane he is!" For a couple of 13-15 year olds, I commend them, not so much for their solution, but having the intellect to recognize Hannity for what he is!
they WANT the illegal vote, thats the only way they can win
.... Are you going to start that lame ass discussion AGAIN? Conservatives love to beat a dead horse. I'll speak for NC, since I live here; there IS no fraudulent voting of any amount that matters. Last election HERE, the one that put Dumbnuts in power, we had one fraudulent vote, and guess what, he was a Republican. If you're going to have voter fraud, you're a whole lot more likely to get it in absentee voting, not fraud in the voting lines, and guess what again ... that's the ONE THING that Republicans didn't want to touch. Our Republican General Assembly changed the voting locations, they eliminated voting locations, shortened voting times, eliminated party-line voting, eliminated same day registration and on-campus registration at colleges, ALL under the premise of their "voter fraud". And I keep asking, but NEVER getting an answer, .... what do any of those things have to do with Voter Fraud? Conservatives keep thinking if they repeat a LIE often enough, people will believe them. It is working against Republicans now ... they keep lying and people have quit listening to them. Personally, I do believe that everyone should have to prove their identity to vote, but that's not the reason for the IDs with Republicans and you know it. Its to suppress voting. The Republican party's registered voter base is shrinking and they realize THAT. They simply have no agenda or platform that the voters want .. . Trickle Down does NOT work, and the reason they want that is to shift taxes away from the wealthiest and cut entitlements for the poorest. And THAT is exactly what they have done for 35 years now. NOW, they've resorted to cheating to get what they want ... now tell me THAT AIN'T SO!

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Trump’s ‘best economy in history’ left workers with less money in their pockets than a year ago

According to the jobs report that was released on Friday, average hourly earnings for American workers increased 2.7 percent from July 2017 to July 2018. But that increase lags behind the increase in prices, which went up by 2.9 percent from June 2017 to June 2018, the most recent period for which prices data is available. That means that the economy Trump described on Tuesday as “the best economy in the history of our country” has actually left workers with less money in their pockets than they had a year ago. And Trump’s trade war means the rate of price increases isn’t likely to abate anytime soon. As Business Insider details, the price of consumer applications shot up after Trump announced ...
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View attachment 2013943
.... Are you going to start that lame ass discussion AGAIN? Conservatives love to beat a dead horse. I'll speak for NC, since I live here; there IS no fraudulent voting of any amount that matters. Last election HERE, the one that put Dumbnuts in power, we had one fraudulent vote, and guess what, he was a Republican. If you're going to have voter fraud, you're a whole lot more likely to get it in absentee voting, not fraud in the voting lines, and guess what again ... that's the ONE THING that Republicans didn't want to touch. Our Republican General Assembly changed the voting locations, they eliminated voting locations, shortened voting times, eliminated party-line voting, eliminated same day registration and on-campus registration at colleges, ALL under the premise of their "voter fraud". And I keep asking, but NEVER getting an answer, .... what do any of those things have to do with Voter Fraud? Conservatives keep thinking if they repeat a LIE often enough, people will believe them. It is working against Republicans now ... they keep lying and people have quit listening to them. Personally, I do believe that everyone should have to prove their identity to vote, but that's not the reason for the IDs with Republicans and you know it. Its to suppress voting. The Republican party's registered voter base is shrinking and they realize THAT. They simply have no agenda or platform that the voters want .. . Trickle Down does NOT work, and the reason they want that is to shift taxes away from the wealthiest and cut entitlements for the poorest. And THAT is exactly what they have done for 35 years now. NOW, they've resorted to cheating to get what they want ... now tell me THAT AIN'T SO!
View attachment 2013942

As usual, you are WRONG.

Put on your thinking cap and try to remember. It was only last year I schooled you on this. In YOUR state of NC, scientific peer reviewed research showed illegal aliens voting swung the NC electoral votes to Obummer. Not only that, but the research showed a high probability that Senator Franken was also elected that year thanks to the illegal alien vote.....which was the 60'th vote Obummer needed to ram his heath care crap up our asses, against the will of the people.


From the study "These results allow us to estimate the impact of non-citizen voting on election outcomes. We find that there is reason to believe non-citizen voting changed one state's Electoral College votes in 2008, delivering North Carolina to Obama"


"In addition, the analysis suggests that non-citizens' votes have changed significant election outcomes including the assignment of North Carolina's 2008 electoral votes, and the pivotal Minnesota Senate victory of Democrat Al Franken in 2008."
As usual, you are WRONG.

Put on your thinking cap and try to remember. It was only last year I schooled you on this. In YOUR state of NC, scientific peer reviewed research showed illegal aliens voting swung the NC electoral votes to Obummer. Not only that, but the research showed a high probability that Senator Franken was also elected that year thanks to the illegal alien vote.....which was the 60'th vote Obummer needed to ram his heath care crap up our asses, against the will of the people.


From the study "These results allow us to estimate the impact of non-citizen voting on election outcomes. We find that there is reason to believe non-citizen voting changed one state's Electoral College votes in 2008, delivering North Carolina to Obama"


"In addition, the analysis suggests that non-citizens' votes have changed significant election outcomes including the assignment of North Carolina's 2008 electoral votes, and the pivotal Minnesota Senate victory of Democrat Al Franken in 2008."

for that completely false statement you earned another like from your fellow right winger....you two keep passing the likes back and forth you might get up to.....??? 15 or 20
As usual, you are WRONG.
Put on your thinking cap and try to remember. It was only last year I schooled you on this. In YOUR state of NC, scientific peer reviewed research showed illegal aliens voting swung the NC electoral votes to Obummer.

From the study "These results allow us to estimate the impact of non-citizen voting on election outcomes. We find that there is reason to believe non-citizen voting changed one state's Electoral College votes in 2008, delivering North Carolina to Obama"
You know, you are one dumb SOB, h-h. First of all, Obama didn't run in 2016, you dipwad. Second, I clearly was talking about the LAST election. If you recall it was Trump declaring the hugh voter fraud going on around the various states, and I clearly said I live in NC so I can speak for this state. Turns out the BIGGEST fraud of them all was TRUMP. But, because you like to "platform" yourself in forums to make yourself look INFORMED and to try to minimize and play down the importance of a liberal posts, I'm going to purposely shove this right up your dirty smelling ASS ...
2016 Voter Fraud Reports

Read the Post Election audit report below .... slimeball, for precise details. The Wikipedia is an excellent overview of what went on in NC voter fraud in 2016. Ohhhh, and I was wrong, however, I said there was ONE case of voter fraud proven .... there were actually .... wait for it .... wait for it .... TWO! That's 2 fraudulent voters out of 4,711,014 total voters. Think YOU can do the math to that one?
Now, as usual, to you h-h .....pic_FuckOff2.jpg..........gif_Yellowball-finger.gif
By the way, all the Voter Fraud hype by Republicans in NC was mainly from the sitting Republicans Gov Pat McCrory and the NC GOP Think Tank 'Civitas' Susan Myrick .... reporting that there were thousands, then NEVER proving it. Two BIG LOSERS in NC.


  • NC 2016 Post-Election_Audit_Report.pdf
    2.8 MB · Views: 4
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You know, you are one dumb SOB, h-h. First of all, Obama didn't run in 2016, you dipwad. Second, I clearly was talking about the LAST election. If you recall it was Trump declaring the hugh voter fraud going on around the various states, and I clearly said I live in NC so I can speak for this state. Turns out the BIGGEST fraud of them all was TRUMP. But, because you like to "platform" yourself in forums to make yourself look INFORMED and to try to minimize and play down the importance of a liberal posts, I'm going to purposely shove this right up your dirty smelling ASS ...
2016 Voter Fraud Reports

Read the Post Election audit report below .... slimeball, for precise details. The Wikipedia is an excellent overview of what went on in NC voter fraud in 2016. Ohhhh, and I was wrong, however, I said there was ONE case of voter fraud proven .... there were actually .... wait for it .... wait for it .... TWO! That's 2 fraudulent voters out of 4,711,014 total voters. Think YOU can do the math to that one?
Now, as usual, to you h-h .....View attachment 2014496..........View attachment 2014497
By the way, all the Voter Fraud hype by Republicans in NC was mainly from the sitting Republicans Gov Pat McCrory and the NC GOP Think Tank 'Civitas' Susan Myrick .... reporting that there were thousands, then NEVER proving it. Two BIG LOSERS in NC.

MacNfries, you're pushing water uphill and trying to spill it in a very leaky bucket! Save yourself the frustration and direct your comments toward those with at least 1/2 a brain!
First of all, Obama didn't run in 2016, you dipwad
This sentence is a perfect example of your typical post here. I didn't say Obama ran in 2016. As usual you make poor attempts at strawman arguments when you have nothing to stand on.....followed by childish name calling when that fails.

Second, I clearly was talking about the LAST election.
Actually, you were clearly replying to 2bi's statement about illegal voting in elections in general....not specific to any particular election. Then you tried to use 2016 as one example. Words have meaning...it would behoove you to learn to comprehend them.

Ohhhh, and I was wrong, however, I said there was ONE case of voter fraud proven .... there were actually .... wait for it .... wait for it .... TWO!
Did you even bother to read any of your reference? The audit you gave to support your BS claim says you're off by orders of magnitude. From your reference:

441 open cases of voting by suspected active felons.

41 non-citizens with legal status (green card, etc.) cast ballots.

24 substantiated cases of double-voting initiated through tips and data audits.

Two cases of voter impersonation referred to prosecutors.

Irregularities affecting absentee by-mail voting in Bladen County. The State Board voted unanimously late last year to refer an investigation into suspected criminal activity to federal p

It is illustrative how you fail to even attempt to refute the scientific peer reviewed research I provided proving your states electoral votes were flipped to Obummer by illegal votes in 2008.
Report: Trump commission did not find widespread voter fraud

PORTLAND, Maine (AP) — The now-disbanded voting integrity commission launched by the Trump administration uncovered no evidence to support claims of widespread voter fraud, according to an analysis of administration documents released Friday.

In a letter to Vice President Mike Pence and Kansas Secretary of State Kris Kobach, who are both Republicans and led the commission, Maine Secretary of State Matthew Dunlap said the documents show there was a "pre-ordained outcome" and that drafts of a commission report included a section on evidence of voter fraud that was "glaringly empty."

"It's calling into the darkness, looking for voter fraud," Dunlap, a Democrat, told The Associated Press. "There's no real evidence of it anywhere."

Republican President Donald Trump convened the commission to investigate the 2016 presidential election after making unsubstantiated claims that between 3 million and 5 million ballots were illegally cast. Critics, including Dunlap, reject his claims of widespread voter fraud.

The Trump administration last month complied with a court order to turn over documents from the voting integrity commission to Dunlap. The commission met just twice and has not issued a report.

Dunlap's findings received immediate pushback Friday from Kobach, who acted as vice chair of the commission while Pence served as chair.

"For some people, no matter how many cases of voter fraud you show them, there will never be enough for them to admit that there's a problem," said Kobach, who is running for Kansas governor and has a good chance of unseating the incumbent, Jeff Colyer, in the Republican primary Tuesday.

"It appears that Secretary Dunlap is willfully blind to the voter fraud in front of his nose," Kobach said in a statement released by his spokesman.

Kobach said there have been more than 1,000 convictions for voter fraud since 2000, and that the commission presented 8,400 instances of double voting in the 2016 election in 20 states.

Had the commission done the same analysis of all 50 states, the number would have been exponentially higher," Kobach said.
In response, Dunlap said those figures were never brought before the commission, and that Kobach hasn't presented any evidence for his claims of double voting. He said the commission was presented with a report claiming over 1,000 convictions for various forms of voter misconduct since 1948.

"The plural of anecdote is not data," Dunlap said in his Friday letter to the shuttered commission's leaders.

Pence's office did not immediately respond to a request for comment Friday.

Dunlap said he is unsure whether the administration has released all relevant documents, and said the matter is in litigation. He said he was repeatedly rebuffed when he sought access to commission records including meeting materials, witness invitations and correspondence.

Dunlap released his findings on a website .

Emails released by Dunlap and promoted by the nonprofit American Oversight, which represented Dunlap, include examples of Republican voting integrity commissioners emailing each other as they worked on information requests without including Democrats.

"Indeed, a very few commissioners worked to buttress their pre-ordained conclusions shielded from dissent or dialogue from those commissioners not included in the discussions," Dunlap said in his Friday letter.

In a June 2017 email, commissioner Christy McCormick unsuccessfully tried to suggest that the commission hire a statistician she knew. "When I was at DOJ, we had numerous discussions that made me pretty confident that he is conservative (and Christian, too)," said McCormick, in reference to the U.S. Department of Justice.

The emails also show some commission members had planned to ask for an interstate database used to identify duplicate voter registrations, as well as lists of individuals deemed ineligible for federal jury service due to death, relocation, convictions or lack of citizenship. It wasn't clear in the emails whether or not such requests ended up being fulfilled, Dunlap said.

In two November 2017 emails, Republican commission member and election lawyer J. Christian Adams emailed all members and said there hadn't been any prosecutions for double voting or any non-citizen voting in years. "Understanding the extent of un-prosecuted and known election crimes can inform the commission's recommendations," Adams said.

Adams also called for U.S. Customs and Immigration Services to obtain metadata from citizenship applications as well as a list of individuals removed from the U.S. due to their unlawful participation in elections.

"Many applicants note they have been registered to vote and are voting," Adams said.
you were clearly replying to 2bi's statement about illegal voting in elections in general....not specific to any particular election
And YOU were replying to MY post to TwoBi ... can't keep your nose out of the conversation, BUT, my statement looks pretty specific to ,me:
I'll speak for NC, since I live here; there IS no fraudulent voting of any amount that matters. Last election HERE, the one that put Dumbnuts in power, we had one fraudulent vote
Notice it said ... LAST ELECTION HERE?
Did you even bother to read any of your reference?
Of course I READ the references. We were talking about voter fraud and I initially said ONE, then realized it was TWO voter fraud cases ... whoopee! I even corrected myself. So lets see what the references had to say about voter fraud in the 2016 election ....
  • Two cases of voter impersonation referred to prosecutors.
Whoops ... wrong again, h-h ... we weren't talking about 441 open cases of felons voting or 24 reported cases of double voting etc These were "reported" not verified .... verified makes them F-A-C-T oh Einstein.
Do you get tired of my being rude to you, h-h? Then quit addressing only liberal posts where you find fragments of error. I post a lot in the forums and you are the only one that ONLY POSTS when you wish to ridicule or disqualify a statement I've made. I've suggested this many, many times and you keep ignoring it ... either quit posting your smart ass remarks at me OR start initiating conversations in the political forums instead of ridiculing what others post. Otherwise, I'll just keep on saying what I always say to you at the end of my conversations with you ...

gif_Yellowball-Finger2.gif pic_FuckOff3-option2.jpg
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