Wake Up, America! Wake Up! PLEASE!!

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Already discussed our glorious economy. And plain workers? They're not so plain anymore. They're more class conscious than they've been in generations. The autoworkers contract lapses midnight, Sep 14. The UAW leadership is exposed and utterly discredited. Workers are justly outraged by bribed UAW sellout contracts and decades of attacks on wages, etc. They are readying for a fight, and in some places, workers are forming rank-and-file committees to conduct their OWN struggle. It isn't at all clear that the UAW will be able to suppress this one. If joined by teachers, logistic workers, Amazon warehouse workers, rail workers and dry dock workers, etc., things will get very ugly. As we agreed elsewhere, these things may not happen 'this time;' but they're coming as surely as the sun rises in the East.

Then there's that deficit. And that debt ... how much of it is owed to China?! It's not a comfortable place to be when you owe so much money that it makes economic sense to start a war to rationalize defaulting on your payments. It's no accident that since withdrawing from the INF treaty, the US is accelerating preparations for nuclear war with China and/or Russia by stockpiling new weapons in a nuclear arms race that the human race can never win.

I agree....I think there has to be something major happen to take back control of our gov and take it away from the moneyed people.….the middle class is about done....and trump is pretty much killing whatever was left of the middle class....we are going back to the 30"s when the workers just revolted.....don't see that happening...I think we will hit that brick wall with the deficit and no place to get money......the greedy corps will not help bail out the country so it is a serious recession....my opinion....from everything I read.....we are headed for a small one now......which will really hurt the middle class....poor in deep *******....but will take a year or so to get out of ...if they don't work to get us out of it and try more spending.....well there's that brick wall...not enough money to run the country.

if trump isn't careful he is going to have us in a war with china or even Iran....don't think he has a clue as to what he is doing.....when he gets in over his head someone tells him to shut up...he does backtrack a little...but just never shuts up...the other problem is if he tanks our economy...he will tank Europe and japan and a few others...OUR FRIENDS AND allies...can we count on them if the loud mouth gets us in a war

this guy is dangerous and I don't think he has any kind of a plan...….his ego is going to keep pushing the china thing...I think right now he is counting on money from the fed reserve....he has been padding and juggling the numbers for a while now

I think we are in more trouble than these trumptards realize
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if trump isn't careful he is going to have us in a war with china or even Iran....don't think he has a clue as to what he is doing.....when he gets in over his head someone tells him to shut up...he does backtrack a little...but just never shuts up...the other problem is if he tanks our economy...he will tank Europe and japan and a few others...OUR FRIENDS AND allies...can we count on them if the loud mouth gets us in a war

My admittedly fallible take is that the possibility of another world war is real and could be sparked in any one of a half dozen hot spots. War with Iran could easily metastasize into a region-wide war. No one on the Korean Peninsula doubts that Uncle Sam's real objective target there is China, and the Chinese doubt it least of all. Will our allies and friends support us? That's the thing. Under the Capitalist system of social organization, every ally is a potential foe, every foe a potential ally. Germany/France/Italy/Spain/etc. all have their own interests, and these stand at odds with US interests.

After the last great war, it was imperative that Europe be rebuilt. Otherwise, who would buy our exports? Rebuilding is long behind us and European states now present as economic competitors. Our imperious leader presumes to dictate US terms to them as it has for 75 years. That won't fly, especially with the US entering what I believe is terminal economic decline.

I believe our masters err grievously by presuming that economic decline can be offset by leveraging military superiority through an aggressive foreign policy. The military can certainly inflict very punishing damage; but I believe history suggests that economic factors are far more determinative than military contingencies in the long term. We have most unwisely concentrated vast measures of hard power in the least competent and smallest minds in the land. The scene displays like political vaudeville, cheered by those whose mentality cannot rise above the level of cheap sloganeering. 'Don't blink!' 'Don't show weakness!' 'Stare 'em down!' We are ruled by epistemological nihilists. Shakespeare put it best when he wrote, 'fools n'er had less wit in a year...'
this dip ******* is really trying to tank the economy.....under the pretense he is the "chosen one"

Trump raises tariffs on Chinese goods as trade war ...
12 hours ago · China has announced it will raise tariffs on $75 billion of U.S. products in retaliation for President Donald Trump's planned Sept. 1 duty increase in …

Trump to raise tariffs on $300 billion worth of China goods
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Aug 02, 2019 · President Donald Trump said Thursday he will impose an additional 10% tariff on $300 billion worth of Chinese imports starting Sept. 1 as talks aimed at easing tensions between the world's two ...
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fucking our friends around the world also,,,,,bet he gets a fucking earful at G7....although will he shut his mouth and control his ego...or alienate us more

Stocks plunge worldwide on US-China trade war worries
Aug 02, 2019 · Global stocks plunge on US-China trade war worries Trump’s announcement of 10% tariffs on $300 billion of Chinese goods surprised investors after …
  • Author: Joe Mcdonald
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I really doubt we will hear much from the trumptards this weekend...with all this going on.....but then who knows....they are not the sharpest knives in the drawer

Donald Trump’s supporters will never admit they were wrong ...


Jul 30, 2018 · Donald Trump’s supporters will never admit they were wrong — But they may soon be too embarrassed to defend him ... “Why, if it’s wrong to …
Liberals diarrhea of the mouth - IS - trying to tank the economy - rather see the country go down than President Trump re-elected. Media pushing recession constantly now - as is a certain lefty drone in here - even though most indicators show a healthy economy. Three pages of lefty propaganda prolly to follow ;}
Anybody - unpatriotic American or interloping foreigner that compares our President to Hitler is a complete and utter DOLT imho.
I have no doubt that Hitler was demon possessed, in the world today unbelieving people have either walked away God and His Holy word or have lost sight of good versus evil. People, mostly democrats and those others are condoning violence and the ******* of God's creation in the womb. Instead of blaming demonic possessed people for mass murders , many blame guns. Some now say that America was never great, maybe not fully great, but it has been the greatest free country in the world.
Ironic don’t you think - that the very same people comparing our pro-life President to Hitler are the same ones that are more concerned with illegal aliens being subject to our laws and advocate the ability to put viable infants to death - really makes you wonder how their minds work - or rather - don’t.
Common sense is so much more valuable than all the so called Internet postings claiming to be fact. This country was formed by God fearing people long before all these other opinions or theories on our existence ever appeared. Abortion is *******, life starts at inception. Building a wall to help secure the safety and protection of the lives of the American people born here or those that gained citizenship legally. What about the children, they cry out, Common sense says,where are the parents responsible for bringing these children into this world, we are held accountable for the safety and support of our children, God holds them responsible. We should help families if they need a hand up not hand outs, only if they come here legally.
I have no doubt that Hitler was demon possessed, in the world today unbelieving people have either walked away God and His Holy word or have lost sight of good versus evil. People, mostly democrats and those others are condoning violence and the ******* of God's creation in the womb. Instead of blaming demonic possessed people for mass murders , many blame guns. Some now say that America was never great, maybe not fully great, but it has been the greatest free country in the world.

You people need stopping with your really twisted ideas of right and wrong. Let's get something straight, your God, if it exists, is a cruel, vindictive and spiteful God. It allows children to die painfully of bone cancer, dysentery and starvation and you? You fixate on abortion and gun control, like the sheep you are.
There's only one person more dangerous than a 'demonic possessed' person and that's one with a gun. Guns don't ******* people? Yes they do. People with guns ******* people - and that's why the statistics are so stark and that's why your country is on my TV so often, because innocents have been gunned down by an idiot with a gun. Why doesn't God protect the innocents? Because it's a lie.

Your God and your love of it makes my ******* boil.
Liberals diarrhea of the mouth - IS - trying to tank the economy - rather see the country go down than President Trump re-elected. Media pushing recession constantly now - as is a certain lefty drone in here - even though most indicators show a healthy economy. Three pages of lefty propaganda prolly to follow ;}

do you know if ******* was snow....you would be a walking blizzard!
This country was built on belief in God.
Liberals are doing their level best to end religious beliefs. They’ll never succeed.
The second amendment was instituted because our framers never wanted the government to gain so much power that the people lost control. Though liberals would like to end free speech - the First Amendment - and defeat the Second Amendment - I believe neither will ever occur.
Guns are a tool - they can be used for good or evil - it is the person behind the gun that determines how they are used.
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