Wake Up, America! Wake Up! PLEASE!!

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these right wingers like to preach it's not the firearms.....true...….it's the mental people who get ahold of them...yet they don't want to do anything to prevent that......AND....what party cut all the funding for the centers that took care of people that had "issues"

and so if they do not want to do anything to take care of those 2 issues....guess we need to take the guns!
that's republican logic...…..easy fix......but one costs work and money can't do that we just gave big tax breaks to the rich........the other?????do nothing and let it go on
When I started this thread on July 20th/2018, it was because of my concern of the way the politics of the U.S. was becoming so divisive under President Trump, as well as his approach toward allies of the U.S., etc. etc., his damn lying to boot! I've read some great posts on here, as well as some not so great! I'm as guilty as many others on this thread of posting comments from time to time which were perhaps ill advised! However that's the nature of debate and is not always necessarily a bad thing. What is bad however, as well as disgusting, when someone brings religion, in fact "God" into the equation whether you believe in God or not, is absolutely repugnant! This thread is for a political discourse and NOT religious comment in any form whatsoever! So I strongly suggest that the person(s) who have done so, please either:
a/ edit your post and remove any inference to God and/or Religion, or
b/ remove your post entirely.
I would also ask everyone else to ignore such comments, as well as the one(s) posting such comments.
In lieu of corrective action aforementioned, I will undertake whatever action is necessary to have this matter resolved successfully!
The kind cooperation of everyone is kindly requested and sincerely appreciated!
Thank You!
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I'm interested. Can you cite some tangible negative consequences please? I'd really like to be more informed. Who is this evil person you suggest? Tell me more about why America, and the citizens of America, should concern themselves more with what other countries think?
I bet he means president Trump.
The Evangelicals control a big part of the Republican party, Driller. Its going to be hard not to occasionally bring up God in political topics because that's the premise of that faction of the party. Against abortion but all out support for the death penalty. You've seen how they haven't said a word to Trump's splitting of Hispanic families along the border. Haven't said a word against Trumps dismantling of the ACA and cutting of programs that benefit poor ******* like SNAP, etc. These Evangelicals only want one thing ... reversal of Roe vs Wade and they dangle their MONEY at the Republicans to get them to side with legislation that removes a woman's right to control her own body. That's a big reason why its difficult to debate conservative values ... so many factions within the main party and just as you start "going back & forth" with some conservatives, they're like chameleons, and change colors on you ... one that maybe is strong "gun ownership" or "anti-immigration" or "anti-health care", etc.
I could go on and on here, but this is not a popular discussion only because its so hypocritical by those who claim to be so religiously 'far-right'. You might as well be wasting your time pounding sand down a rat hole.
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I completely agree. If someone brings up sky fairies, however, I'm going to comment.
All is fair just so long as it is within the frame work of subject matter and doesn't cross the line into religion and/or religious beliefs! Please remember, "two wrongs don't make a right!"
So you want to talk about how were wrong but not what we believe. Im not a real religious person . But some are . This country was founded by very religious people. So how can you debate laws with ending up there .you should have expected it.
The Evangelicals control a big part of the Republican party, Driller. Its going to be hard not to occasionally bring up God in political topics because that's the premise of that faction of the party. Against abortion but all out support for the death penalty. You've seen how they haven't said a word to Trump's splitting of Hispanic families along the border. Haven't said a word against Trumps dismantling of the ACA and cutting of programs that benefit poor ******* like SNAP, etc. These Evangelicals only want one thing ... reversal of Roe vs Wade and they dangle their MONEY at the Republicans to get them to side with legislation that removes a woman's right to control her own body. That's a big reason why its difficult to debate conservative values ... so many factions within the main party and just as you start "going back & forth" with some conservatives, they're like chameleons, and change colors on you ... one that maybe is strong "gun ownership" or "anti-immigration" or "anti-health care", etc.
I could go on and on here, but this is not a popular discussion only because its so hypocritical by those who claim to be so religiously 'far-right'. You might as well be wasting your time pounding sand down a rat hole.

I don't disagree with you MacNfries, however my reference is invoking "God" into the equation, and/or a specific religion or faith! The start of the slippery slope started with an individual invoking "God" into his (her) comments. That's a step too far in my view! I'm sure there are many many alternative sites on the net that are accessible if someone wants to talk about "God", whether they believe/don't believe, etc. etc. The subject of abortion is a seperate issue which has both a political and religious element to it! I'm saying "stick to politics" and let "the religious" deal with the religious aspect "elsewhere" other than on this site, and more specifically, on this thread! I'm sure there are many sites on the net more appropriate for such religious commentary!
So you want to talk about how were wrong but not what we believe. Im not a real religious person . But some are . This country was founded by very religious people. So how can you debate laws with ending up there .you should have expected it.
It's never a debate...it's the search recognition of their 7th place ribbon.
I'm saying "stick to politics" and let "the religious" deal with the religious aspect "elsewhere" other than on this site, and more specifically, on this thread! I'm sure there are many sites on the net more appropriate for such religious commentary!
As Clinton use to say "I feel your pain" ... but, you'll never stop the Evangelical part of conservatives to comment any other way ... unless you finally do get control of this thread as the official OP.
Here ya go, a nifty little badge to wear ...

How has Canada molded the world lately we finally have a president that doesn't pander to foreign countries. Is that your issue

no we saw that in his last news conference with Russia...…"p.utin says he didn't meddle in our elections and I believe him after all I don't see any reason why he would"

now that's balls!

as for molding the world....do you mean when he promised food and etc to the people of Venuz...even the wife of the once going to be new leader visited here....Russia puts troops in and we pull out...wanna bet that new leader and his wife are no longer around now......or Syria......our promise to support the rebels and the Kurds...…..yet he wanted to pull out a year ago and took heat from congress...and Ukraine.....on and on with his show of strength.... he is just p.utins lap dog!

how about Iraq...how many troops did we lose there....and now it is a stronghold for Isis....what is he doing about that?...nothing the guy is an orange cunt!
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Funny how liberals want to keep religion and God out of a debate on politics in a country founded by religious people who came for religious freedom.
How has Canada molded the world lately we finally have a president that doesn't pander to foreign countries. Is that your issue
If "in your illusion" it's a matter of being about "pandering" the problem is yours, not mine or that of Canada, or any other country for that matter. Your statement is certainly a confirmation of what has gone wrong not only with U.S. politics, but global politics which is being "spearheaded by an U.S. political agenda lead by the Dear Donald!"
Funny how liberals want to keep religion and God out of a debate on politics in a country founded by religious people who came for religious freedom.

you just want to narrow it down to something you can cry about....this country was founded on a lot more than religious freedoms....how about freedom of speech and freedom of the press 2 things you people want to do way with!

but if you insist on talking religion on a porn site and political thread.....go here....

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we would rather discuss things with someone who actually participates in a conversation anyway
no we saw that in his last news conference with Russia...…"p.utin says he didn't meddle in our elections and I believe him after all I don't see any reason why he would"

now that's balls!

as for molding the world....do you mean when he promised food and etc to the people of Venuz...even the wife of the once going to be new leader visited here....Russia puts troops in and we pull out...wanna bet that new leader and his wife are no longer around now......or Syria......our promise to support the rebels and the Kurds...…..yet he wanted to pull out a year ago and took heat from congress...and Ukraine.....on and on with his show of strength.... he is just p.utins lap dog!

how about Iraq...how many troops did we lose there....and now it is a stronghold for Isis....what is he doing about that?...nothing the guy is an orange cunt!
Well stated!
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