Wake Up, America! Wake Up! PLEASE!!

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you of all people want to talk about lying?

Report: Trump Has Told More Than 10,000 Lies Since Being ...
Apr 29, 2019 · Report: Trump Has Told More Than 10,000 Lies Since Being Inaugurated The situation vis-à-vis the president being a pathological liar is only getting worse. By

Warren vs. Trump, and the Winner Is … - Rasmussen Reports®
Oct 19, 2018 · The latest Rasmussen Reports national telephone and online survey finds that 46% of Likely U.S. Voters would vote for Warren, while 44% would vote for Trump’s reelection
We should double down fuck Chinese ******* products

as a country...as a not so strong economy....and just plain workers...…..have no where near the kind of funds china can put their hands on...….and one day soon that deficit is going to hit a brick wall and you conservatives are going to be in a real pile of *******!
There ya go comparing our President to Hitler again - can’t debate when ya start that ******* - so freaking ridiculous
Ahhhhh, is THAT what you're calling the last 50 or so pages of conversation with subhub ... a debate? I guess our definitions of debate are different here in the States! It simply NEVER ENDS with you people. Doesn't matter what is said as long as YOU get the last word in ... to YOU, that's winning a debate I guess. Gesh ... I got way more important things to do than going on and on with endless and pointless comments, especially when you never back anything up.
Freakin sore LOSERS - never gonna shut the fuck up - just whine whine whine . . .

watch this

Trump Supporters Admit They Were “Stupid” & “Tricked By ...


May 19, 2018 · Many Trump supporters in the Midwest are starting to realize how stupid their decision to vote for Donald really was. And those are the words that THEY are using. They admit to feeling “stupid …

Donald Trump has claimed that his presidency is fueling more interest in voting.”……... Just like herpes fuels more interest in Valtrex, for instance.
just cause you and bill want to fuck that hag doesn't mean the rest of us should have to deal with her

and what about the fucking your man is doing to the entire country...and if this tariff deal back fires he could take several countries down with us...….not making us real popular in the world...although he has about fucked us with every friend we have now
...let me take a wild guess and say they are a subsidiary of Briebart news

and no matter look what your man is doing to what was a good economy
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