Wake Up, America! Wake Up! PLEASE!!

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I honestly believe its Trump's desire to cause the US government to collapse as Russia did when Reagan was playing his Arms Race gamble with our country's security. I imagine MrPutin would have a BIG interest in seeing that happen ... wash clean the social security obligation and get rid of the Medicare/Medicaid programs, any hope of a national health plan .... but of course he would take care of the "orange man" for doing it. We've got to have the stupidest congress in the entire WORLD that allows this loser to continue with dragging our country down. There's not a dungeon deep and dark enough to put the likes of Trump in that would satisfy most the people who despise this idiot. Trump wants to be remembered as putting his "mark" on US History ... he certainly will. He'll be remembered forever as the worst US President to serve the USA.
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Trump Has Lost the Most Support in These States Since ...
He’s been losing support even among his voters. | Mark Wallheiser/Getty Images Since winning the 2016 election, President Trump hasn’t won much support from outside of his base .

Trump Loses Support In 13 Key Red States | The Daily Caller
President Donald Trump has loss support from 13 states he won in the 2016 presidential election, according to an analysis of Gallup statewide approval ratings published Thursday morning

Trump’s Popularity Has Dipped Most In Red States ...
https://fivethirtyeight.com/features/trumps-popularity-has-dipped-most-in-red-states/ · Jul 18, 2019

funny he bragged prior to the election he would turn some blue states red...well they are going back to blue......and he is now turning some red states blue!
I honestly believe its Trump's desire to cause the US government to collapse as Russia did when Reagan was playing his Arms Race gamble with our country's security. I imagine MrPutin would have a BIG interest in seeing that happen ... wash clean the social security obligation and get rid of the Medicare/Medicaid programs .... and take care of the "orange man" for doing it. We've got to have the stupidest congress in the entire WORLD to allow this loser continue with dragging our country down. There's not a dungeon deep and dark enough to put the likes of Trump in that would satisfy most the people who despise this idiot.

I agree I think that is his ultimate plan...….to tank the US and make Russia that much stronger!...and he is doing it with the help of these greedy right wing fools
Trump Has Lost the Most Support in These States Since ...
He’s been losing support even among his voters. | Mark Wallheiser/Getty Images Since winning the 2016 election, President Trump hasn’t won much support from outside of his base .

Trump Loses Support In 13 Key Red States | The Daily Caller
President Donald Trump has loss support from 13 states he won in the 2016 presidential election, according to an analysis of Gallup statewide approval ratings published Thursday morning

Trump’s Popularity Has Dipped Most In Red States ...
https://fivethirtyeight.com/features/trumps-popularity-has-dipped-most-in-red-states/ · Jul 18, 2019

funny he bragged prior to the election he would turn some blue states red...well they are going back to blue......and he is now turning some red states blue!
Keep believing it will hurt more
If you remember right trump offered a whole private floor if p.utin would let him build his trump tower there...p.utin turned him down....trump keeps trying to sweeten the pot while still drawing money from them....proves some people can't be bought.....while others will sell their soul
Hitler came to power using Americas Democratic Party as his blueprint. Google it!

doubt it!...here is one for you!.....notice the "right wing groups"

How Adolf Hitler Rose to Power and Seduced Germany | Live ...
In 1921, Hitler was voted chairman of the party and took total control. The once-tiny group began to draw new members, absorbing other right-wing groups, Schleunes said. Hitler remained a cold ...
sound familiar?....like anyone we might know?

How did Hitler get control - answers.com
first had substantial control of Germany on January 30th 1933, when he becomes Chancellor of Germany but it wasn't until 2nd August 1934 when the German President Paul Von Hindenburg died ...

People voted for him because they didn't realize how extreme his ideas truly were and they liked his other policies which didn't include exterminating all of Jews. The Germans were scorned and they liked his plans to completely erase Communism so he rose to power with his crazy plans intact. What a nutter. People voted for him because they didn't realize how extreme his ideas truly were and they liked his other policies which didn't include exterminating all of Jews. The Germans were scorned and they liked his plans to completely erase Communism so he rose to power with his crazy plans intact. What a nutter.
I know these die hard trump fools don't have a clue in the world what is going on......

Donald Trump’s supporters will never admit they were wrong ...


Jul 30, 2018 · Donald Trump’s supporters will never admit they were wrong — But they may soon be too embarrassed to defend him ... “Why, if it’s wrong to …

but I wonder how long these republican senators will stick with him...or try to distance them selves from him and his policies....right now he is at a 39% wanting him re-elected....and 57% wanting him out......those are not good numbers when running for re-election....and his big deal about the economy....is starting to turn to *******
as a not so strong economy....and just plain workers...…..have no where near the kind of funds china can put their hands on...….and one day soon that deficit is going to hit a brick wall and you conservatives are going to be in a real pile of *******!

Already discussed our glorious economy. And plain workers? They're not so plain anymore. They're more class conscious than they've been in generations. The autoworkers contract lapses midnight, Sep 14. The UAW leadership is exposed and utterly discredited. Workers are justly outraged by bribed UAW sellout contracts and decades of attacks on wages, etc. They are readying for a fight, and in some places, workers are forming rank-and-file committees to conduct their OWN struggle. It isn't at all clear that the UAW will be able to suppress this one. If joined by teachers, logistic workers, Amazon warehouse workers, rail workers and dry dock workers, etc., things will get very ugly. As we agreed elsewhere, these things may not happen 'this time;' but they're coming as surely as the sun rises in the East.

Then there's that deficit. And that debt ... how much of it is owed to China?! It's not a comfortable place to be when you owe so much money that it makes economic sense to start a war to rationalize defaulting on your payments. It's no accident that since withdrawing from the INF treaty, the US is accelerating preparations for nuclear war with China and/or Russia by stockpiling new weapons in a nuclear arms race that the human race can never win.
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