Wake Up, America! Wake Up! PLEASE!!

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I have no doubt that Hitler was demon possessed, in the world today unbelieving people have either walked away God and His Holy word or have lost sight of good versus evil. People, mostly democrats and those others are condoning violence and the ******* of God's creation in the womb. Instead of blaming demonic possessed people for mass murders , many blame guns. Some now say that America was never great, maybe not fully great, but it has been the greatest free country in the world.

do you have any idea of what you are talking about?
did your parents have any children that lived or were they all born brain dead?

hitler and his ******* Trump are both possessed with nothing but evil….democrats condoning violence?.....guess you missed the fact that last few have been white supremist...following trumps guidance...….******* in the womb?.....well we could do like the right and stop that....and do nothing for them after they are born....won't even go into all that as I don't think you have the mental capacity to know what was said......demonic possessed people..not really...trump pushed the weak minded people into it.....guns? some...but we don't need weapons of war on the streets or in our homes...we have police and military for that....and that in no way changes anything within the second amendment!

we haven't been a great country in awhile now....and under trump and his fellow alligators we are all drowning in the swamp water he was going to drain
Ironic don’t you think - that the very same people comparing our pro-life President to Hitler are the same ones that are more concerned with illegal aliens being subject to our laws and advocate the ability to put viable infants to death - really makes you wonder how their minds work - or rather - don’t.

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  • Author: The Ring of Fire​

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Common sense is so much more valuable than all the so called Internet postings claiming to be fact. This country was formed by God fearing people long before all these other opinions or theories on our existence ever appeared. Abortion is *******, life starts at inception. Building a wall to help secure the safety and protection of the lives of the American people born here or those that gained citizenship legally. What about the children, they cry out, Common sense says,where are the parents responsible for bringing these children into this world, we are held accountable for the safety and support of our children, God holds them responsible. We should help families if they need a hand up not hand outs, only if they come here legally.

that explains it......you never read the facts....and have no common sense

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Your inane facts are total liberal propaganda and bullshit - you are so brainwashed by liberal media - you have NO clue - I think you’re a Russian plant trying to subvert our government - if President Trump were anything like Hitler - you’d be swinging from a meat hook in some basement somewhere after the Gestapo grabbed ya up.
I refuse to debate about God, My common sense is what convinces me of right and wrong through faith, Good and Evil. Just a question, if there isn't a God in which I have faith there is, or there isn't a God which others won't accept. What are the results in the end if believers are wrong and there isn't a God versus what will the results be if there is, who has something to lose?
You people need stopping with your really twisted ideas of right and wrong. Let's get something straight, your God, if it exists, is a cruel, vindictive and spiteful God. It allows children to die painfully of bone cancer, dysentery and starvation and you? You fixate on abortion and gun control, like the sheep you are.
There's only one person more dangerous than a 'demonic possessed' person and that's one with a gun. Guns don't ******* people? Yes they do. People with guns ******* people - and that's why the statistics are so stark and that's why your country is on my TV so often, because innocents have been gunned down by an idiot with a gun. Why doesn't God protect the innocents? Because it's a lie.

Your God and your love of it makes my ******* boil.
i see trucks running people over and lots of stabbingin your country on my tv people ******* people don't blame the tool
What happens when an idiot goes to college, he graduates an educated idiot. I have never been a certain party follower so that blows that theory out of the water. People who have absolutely nothing the win with, always in desperation turn to name calling because they are wrong and they know it.
This country was built on belief in God.
Liberals are doing their level best to end religious beliefs. They’ll never succeed.
The second amendment was instituted because our framers never wanted the government to gain so much power that the people lost control. Though liberals would like to end free speech - the First Amendment - and defeat the Second Amendment - I believe neither will ever occur.
Guns are a tool - they can be used for good or evil - it is the person behind the gun that determines how they are used.

more of that blizzard again
What happens when an idiot goes to college, he graduates an educated idiot. I have never been a certain party follower so that blows that theory out of the water. People who have absolutely nothing the win with, always in desperation turn to name calling because they are wrong and they know it.

there are a few of those on here...college grads...complete idiots...can not read nor comprehend or distinguish right from wrong
i see trucks running people over and lots of stabbingin your country on my tv people ******* people don't blame the tool
Trucks? Are you thinking about the south of France?

Stabbings? Well, it is true that there are more stabbings here than there used to be, but the numbers are still low compared to stabbings in the US and the ******* rate is higher in your gaff than it is in mine. With regard to stabbings, and this is where I explain that my politics are not necessarily 'liberal' at all, part of the problem is that we ordered the police to desist 'stop and search' on the grounds that it was racist. The policy was called racist by many, because the majority of people searched were black and our Afro-Caribbean population were up in arms over the perceived victimisation. I'm certain that most black Americans will nod when they read this.

Problem is that the stabbings increased massively when the stop and search ended. You can debate the reasons why, ad nauseam, but I won't be persuaded that applying policing techniques unevenly across 'racial groups' in our societies is right and, indeed, productive in the long term. This doesn't make me liberal - instead, I believe it makes me pragmatic. Justice works best when it is applied without prejudice and where, not only is justice applied well, but it is seen to be applied well.

Regarding firearms and their ready availability in the US compared to, say, the UK - I think I understand why you lot are so attached to them. Your founding fathers enshrined the possession of guns in your constitution and simultaneously, I think, gave you a fear of 'big government', which also explains why you seem to regard universal healthcare as a communist plot. I digress.

The shootings in the US cause shock and sadness over here - children gunned down in school. Crowds mowed down by psychos with guns. Of course, there needs to be a human behind the gun for it to *******. But to then twist the argument to say that the gun isn't responsible is nonsensical surely. You can have a psycho (there will always be psychos) with a stick or a knife and they may not even make the news. But give them a firearm and it is a tragedy. I think it is too late to fix though - can't see any government being able to take guns off the American public. So the killings will continue and likely get worse.
Trucks? Are you thinking about the south of France?

Stabbings? Well, it is true that there are more stabbings here than there used to be, but the numbers are still low compared to stabbings in the US and the ******* rate is higher in your gaff than it is in mine. With regard to stabbings, and this is where I explain that my politics are not necessarily 'liberal' at all, part of the problem is that we ordered the police to desist 'stop and search' on the grounds that it was racist. The policy was called racist by many, because the majority of people searched were black and our Afro-Caribbean population were up in arms over the perceived victimisation. I'm certain that most black Americans will nod when they read this.

Problem is that the stabbings increased massively when the stop and search ended. You can debate the reasons why, ad nauseam, but I won't be persuaded that applying policing techniques unevenly across 'racial groups' in our societies is right and, indeed, productive in the long term. This doesn't make me liberal - instead, I believe it makes me pragmatic. Justice works best when it is applied without prejudice and where, not only is justice applied well, but it is seen to be applied well.

Regarding firearms and their ready availability in the US compared to, say, the UK - I think I understand why you lot are so attached to them. Your founding fathers enshrined the possession of guns in your constitution and simultaneously, I think, gave you a fear of 'big government', which also explains why you seem to regard universal healthcare as a communist plot. I digress.

The shootings in the US cause shock and sadness over here - children gunned down in school. Crowds mowed down by psychos with guns. Of course, there needs to be a human behind the gun for it to *******. But to then twist the argument to say that the gun isn't responsible is nonsensical surely. You can have a psycho (there will always be psychos) with a stick or a knife and they may not even make the news. But give them a firearm and it is a tragedy. I think it is too late to fix though - can't see any government being able to take guns off the American public. So the killings will continue and likely get worse.

this site has more crazies pound for pound than political site around....you can't talk logic to them...they are trumpies
this site has more crazies pound for pound than political site around....you can't talk logic to them...they are trumpies
I'm probably one of them ha! I enjoy this site because I can engage robustly on issues and, by and large, there is an exchange of views - and that is all that you can hope for, I think.
I definitely speak more directly with Americans than I do with Europeans. Perhaps it is a language thing, but it also must be the shared history that compels complete honesty and that directness. I like to think that, if I met any of the guys I argue with on here in real life, we would get on well. I don't sound like Hugh Grant by the way, I am a scouser!
Trucks? Are you thinking about the south of France?

Stabbings? Well, it is true that there are more stabbings here than there used to be, but the numbers are still low compared to stabbings in the US and the ******* rate is higher in your gaff than it is in mine. With regard to stabbings, and this is where I explain that my politics are not necessarily 'liberal' at all, part of the problem is that we ordered the police to desist 'stop and search' on the grounds that it was racist. The policy was called racist by many, because the majority of people searched were black and our Afro-Caribbean population were up in arms over the perceived victimisation. I'm certain that most black Americans will nod when they read this.

Problem is that the stabbings increased massively when the stop and search ended. You can debate the reasons why, ad nauseam, but I won't be persuaded that applying policing techniques unevenly across 'racial groups' in our societies is right and, indeed, productive in the long term. This doesn't make me liberal - instead, I believe it makes me pragmatic. Justice works best when it is applied without prejudice and where, not only is justice applied well, but it is seen to be applied well.

Regarding firearms and their ready availability in the US compared to, say, the UK - I think I understand why you lot are so attached to them. Your founding fathers enshrined the possession of guns in your constitution and simultaneously, I think, gave you a fear of 'big government', which also explains why you seem to regard universal healthcare as a communist plot. I digress.

The shootings in the US cause shock and sadness over here - children gunned down in school. Crowds mowed down by psychos with guns. Of course, there needs to be a human behind the gun for it to *******. But to then twist the argument to say that the gun isn't responsible is nonsensical surely. You can have a psycho (there will always be psychos) with a stick or a knife and they may not even make the news. But give them a firearm and it is a tragedy. I think it is too late to fix though - can't see any government being able to take guns off the American public. So the killings will continue and likely get worse.
there must be something wrong with my fire arms they just lat there and haven't killed anyone
I spent most of the day with a bunch of real trumpies...it got off onto trump about 2 coments and then we changed the subject...we all get along fine on cars and etc......just don't do well on politics ….and pretty much have an agreement nothing political...........on here...some of these people are so die hard trump supporters and refuse to hear anything bad about it or face the facts........I get a chuckle digging up all the ******* I can just to piss them off....the more ******* I find and can throw in their face the more I chuckle
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