Wake Up, America! Wake Up! PLEASE!!

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It is testimony from a Black Billionaire that speaks with Donald Trump personally. And furthermore my source was CNBC which for the record is a business channel and they don't really have any political alignment. Furthermore Robert L Johnson openly supported Donald Trump on CNN too. He is speaking from his heart, not motivated by any monetary bribes as Robert L Johnson is very rich. So I added that as new evidence that POTUS Donald Trump is not a racist. Plus to accumulate that sum of money Robert L Johnson is not a foolish man either as he can judge people by their character for business. So that indirectly illustrates too that Donald Trump is not a crook either. Honestly @subhub174014, @Igotskillz27 and a few others that desire to remain nameless if somehow Jesus himself appeared calling Donald Trump a fair and just man who was not racist you would look for fault there too? I know there is no convincing you just for those who are voting capable Americans who are fence-sitting political agnostics that are looking for a reason to believe in POTUS Trump in 2020.

My Evidence for anyone new to this thread:

you really are wasted...….how much stuff and links and etc do I have to post....you ignore them all and post a pic of one or two people that like trump......your evidence is just another pic or movie of the same thing you post every time...means nothing!

check the go trump thread!.....I have posted all kind of FACTS about your man...not some pic of someone wearing a MAGA hat...….the gut is a total waste of skin......not an ounce of any good in him...he just has the knack of brainwashing those that will buy a bridge if he asks
HA - good thing I just had a wizz or I’d a prolly had an accident laughin so hard - thanks for that - nothing like a GOOD laugh!!!!!!!!!!
for some reason people like yourself and Mac think that is suppressing votes and racisit for our country to have voter ID cards.
Its becoming more apparent that you just like to lie, TwoBi ... you know darn well I've corrected you on that accusation several times now. I'll say again, then the next time I'm just going to call you a liar, "its not the ID itself, its the changing to the voting that the Republicans have implemented in NC and other Republican run states ... changing the hours, days, registration, removal of party-line option voting, etc ... and like YOU, Republicans only mention the ID law when Democrats complain about voter suppression. WHY do YOU keep doing that? Why do you refuse to recognize & acknowledge the changes Republicans have made to create long lines and discourage minorities from voting.
If you do this again, I'm flat out calling you a LIAR.
Not a chance who do you think will run 2024

you guys need to have a back up plan....don't think you do.....pretty sure it will be Biden on the dem side....as time goes on trump feeling more and more heat....who knows what will happen...he could get re-elected and keep those doors shut somehow...but think it is just a matter of time...….I also think there are to many repubs afraid of him...because McConnell backs trump also..(he is getting that Russian money also)
you really are wasted...….how much stuff and links and etc do I have to post....you ignore them all and post a pic of one or two people that like trump......your evidence is just another pic or movie of the same thing you post every time...means nothing!

check the go trump thread!.....I have posted all kind of FACTS about your man...not some pic of someone wearing a MAGA hat...….the gut is a total waste of skin......not an ounce of any good in him...he just has the knack of brainwashing those that will buy a bridge if he asks

It is testimony from a Black Billionaire that speaks with Donald Trump personally. And furthermore my source was CNBC which for the record is a business channel and they don't really have any political alignment. Furthermore Robert L Johnson openly supported Donald Trump on CNN too. He is speaking from his heart, not motivated by any monetary bribes as Robert L Johnson is very rich. So I added that as new evidence that POTUS Donald Trump is not a racist. Plus to accumulate that sum of money Robert L Johnson is not a foolish man either as he can judge people by their character for business. So that indirectly illustrates too that Donald Trump is not a crook either. Honestly @subhub174014, @Igotskillz27 and a few others that desire to remain nameless if somehow Jesus himself appeared calling Donald Trump a fair and just man who was not racist you would look for fault there too? I know there is no convincing you just for those who are voting capable Americans who are fence-sitting political agnostics that are looking for a reason to believe in POTUS Trump in 2020.

My Evidence for anyone new to this thread:
you guys need to have a back up plan....don't think you do.....pretty sure it will be Biden on the dem side....as time goes on trump feeling more and more heat....who knows what will happen...he could get re-elected and keep those doors shut somehow...but think it is just a matter of time...….I also think there are to many repubs afraid of him...because McConnell backs trump also..(he is getting that Russian money also)

I guess you failed to watch those links I provided @subhub174014 as neither of those CNBC videos nor the CNN video I provided did Robert L Johnson ever wear a MAGA hat? Perhaps you saw him elsewhere where he did wear a MAGA hat? If so please provide a link to that video where he did. Robert L Johnson was speaking from his perspective as a Black businessman that knows Trump personally. Not from the perspective that you, and others that desire to remain nameless, provide the link of an anonymous pastor that did some biased one-sided research against Trump as seen below while neglecting all the good that Trump is doing. And Robert L Johnson also stated he provides advice to Trump's administration frequently.

If you need another reason to hear about all the good Trump is doing did you hear very recently how Trump helped keep America safe, and indirectly the world safe while you @subhub174014, and others that desire to remain nameless, got your horsey ride riding on Trump's back? Giddy-Up Trump YeeHaw!!! This is Trump's back-up plan that guarantees Trump's second term that you were looking for @subhub174014 as well as those that desire to remain nameless.

Hamza Bin Laden, who I previously mentioned here (https://www.blacktowhite.net/threads/politics-politics-politics.35353/page-461#post-1391225), ******* of Osama Bin Laden, seething with revenge against America for killing his dad was killed undoubtedly preventing another 9/11! Way to go Trump! As my proof I credit the UK's "The Guardian" as seen below. I guess CNN is not covering it due to the DNC debates going on tonight?

My Evidence For Those That Are Objective To Verify What I Am Saying:
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I guess you failed to watch those links I provided @subhub174014 as neither of those CNBC videos nor the CNN video I provided did Robert L Johnson ever wear a MAGA hat? Perhaps you saw him elsewhere where he did wear a MAGA hat? If so please provide a link to that video where he did. Robert L Johnson was speaking from his perspective as a Black businessman that knows Trump personally. Not from the perspective that you, and others that desire to remain nameless, provide the link of an anonymous pastor that did some biased one-sided research against Trump as seen below while neglecting all the good that Trump is doing. And Robert L Johnson also stated he provides advice to Trump's administration frequently.

If you need another reason to hear about all the good Trump is doing did you hear very recently how Trump helped keep America safe, and indirectly the world safe while you @subhub174014, and others that desire to remain nameless, got your horsey ride riding on Trump's back? Giddy-Up Trump YeeHaw!!! This is Trump's back-up plan that guarantees Trump's second term that you were looking for @subhub174014 as well as those that desire to remain nameless.

Hamza Bin Laden, who I previously mentioned here (https://www.blacktowhite.net/threads/politics-politics-politics.35353/page-461#post-1391225), ******* of Osama Bin Laden, seething with revenge against America for killing his dad was killed undoubtedly preventing another 9/11! Way to go Trump! As my proof I credit the UK's "The Guardian" as seen below. I guess CNN is not covering it due to the DNC debates going on tonight?

My Evidence For Those That Are Objective To Verify What I Am Saying:

you have your head to far up trumps rump to see anything but the ******* he feeds you!
done arguing with you...posted fact after fact with links...you ignore and come up with something really stupid like someone who likes trump and has the same opinion as you...…..which does not change the facts...talk to someone else!...I don't see anyway of getting through to a rock!
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Its becoming more apparent that you just like to lie, TwoBi ... you know darn well I've corrected you on that accusation several times now. I'll say again, then the next time I'm just going to call you a liar, "its not the ID itself, its the changing to the voting that the Republicans have implemented in NC and other Republican run states ... changing the hours, days, registration, removal of party-line option voting, etc ... and like YOU, Republicans only mention the ID law when Democrats complain about voter suppression. WHY do YOU keep doing that? Why do you refuse to recognize & acknowledge the changes Republicans have made to create long lines and discourage minorities from voting.
If you do this again, I'm flat out calling you a LIAR.

Mac- YOU are the Liar. You have repeated time and again that voter ID law suppress votes. You haven't corrected me at all, all you do is post your talking points I AM TALKING ABOUT VOTER ID, not what the republicans are doing to supress the vote - NEVER SAID THEY WEREN'T. keep up with the conversation. You keep trying to Redirect the conversation to turn it into something it's not about.

Proof that YOU are the liar.

Why do you have such a problem admitting that the purpose of the Voter ID law wasn't to prevent a non-existent, wide-spread voter fraud, BUT rather to discourage voters from turning out by creating long lines where voters stand for 3-4-5-6 HOURS to frik'n vote. Is discouraging voters to vote something that YOU SUPPORT?

Blacks & Hispanics ... Voter Suppression ... and don't mention ID laws ...

Yesterday the US Supreme Court shot down our Gov. McCrory's attempt to get the suppressive voter ID law reinstated in NC for the upcoming election.

Now, until you want to admit that you think voter ID laws suppress the vote - Don't reply to me.
wooooohoooooooo ... maybe that's because #1 the poor make @ or below a living income average ($22,700), and #2 Charitable giving is still a deductible expense for those who can itemize... and the poor (close to 48% of all wage earners) don't itemize.
Maybe you should look at it from THIS angle .... way more people, earning less than ... say $100,000 a year, give to charity than ALL of the 1%ers added together ... is THAT FAIR since you think you're statement is fair? The 1%ers may give a whole lot more in their individual donations, BUT, the poor & middleclass donate MORE OFTEN. Would you agree to that assumption?
Something else to keep in mind, when the government takes away the tax deduction for charitable giving, there will be a lot fewer 1%ers donating to charities. A lot of 1%ers, unlike the poor & middleclass, give to charity for a financial reason, not a charitable reason.
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PS ... in fact, the Trumps use their charities to collect donations that they can spend on THEMSELVES ... go read about THAT ONE.
Wow words in caps and bold text and everything all most like your yelling. Lets all play along with the ignorant liberal game and start at the bottom.
I bet none of the money from the Clinton Foundation ever found its way in their bank account. As with everything on this phony ass web site Trump is the devil, Republicans hate women, immigrants, children, the planet, the gay community. They rat hole every dime they have ever made oh sorry stolen from people that have no money. Since I am not a liberal I don't profess to know what motivates everyone who donates to charities nor do I care. The simple fact is if not for the top 1 or 2% there would be fewer art museums, cultural centers, additions to hospitals and collages. As far as my statement being fair or not its #1 neither fair or unfair and #2 not my statement as I stated where the information came from. I am not the one who thinks every corp. or person with more then me is evil. I find it humorous liberals are the self appointed champions of the poor. It would appear the liberal stance is elect a old rich white guy that will take money away from the people they dislike and give what is left to the people they think will keep them in office and that will make low income peoples lives better. After of course they form committees appoint a looser family member to hand out whats left.............
P.S. I didn't use any bold text because I stole it from inner city ******* and I want it all to myself the periods I paid for................................
You have repeated time and again that voter ID law suppress votes. You haven't corrected me at all, all you do is post your talking points I AM TALKING ABOUT VOTER ID,
Nope, sorry you can't understand what I'm saying ... maybe because you refuse to understand, I don't know.
The Voter ID law does NOT stand on its own ... if it did, the other attachments to the law (voting changes to slow down voting) would be filed separately and the Republicans could NOT talk around and deny the voter suppression smoke screen. That's what I'm saying.
If it was ONLY about the Voter ID not even half the people would be yelling about it.
Now, STFU ... geesh! You're as dense as space.
Wow words in caps and bold text and everything all most like your yelling.
I wasn't yelling, if I was, I would capitalize the letters in bold type, compendia'? I bold type parts of a sentence or words that I want to emphasize the points of the post. Look at TwoBi's last post ... now THAT'S yelling.
I don't agree or disagree with your post in general, but I believe you understand my points. The 1%ers make sure everyone knows when they make a big contribution, and they wouldn't make near as many if the contributions weren't deductible.
The Trumps are under investigation for taking money out of their charity and spending it on personal things, like a huge oil painting of whoelse, Trump. They've already closed the charity and as soon as Trump is no longer President, he goes to NY state to face multiple state charges.
Nope, sorry you can't understand what I'm saying ... maybe because you refuse to understand, I don't know.
The Voter ID law does NOT stand on its own ... if it did, the other attachments to the law (voting changes to slow down voting) would be filed separately and the Republicans could NOT talk around and deny the voter suppression smoke screen. That's what I'm saying.
If it was ONLY about the Voter ID not even half the people would be yelling about it.
Now, STFU ... geesh! You're as dense as space.

Yeah - I thought so.
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