Wake Up, America! Wake Up! PLEASE!!

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More right wing lies....and know they are lying!...but like trump and these Russian "bots" if they keep saying it enough the weak minded will believe...because they want to believe

Reality Check: Did millions vote illegally in the US ...
Jan 25, 2017 · The claim: Donald Trump would have won the popular vote in last year's US presidential election had it not been for people voting illegally. Reality Check …

Fact-check: Did 3 million undocumented immigrants vote in ...
Claim: \"Report: 3 million votes in presidential election cast by illegal aliens.\"
Fact checked by politifact.com

DOJ Finds 19 Illegal Voters, Not ‘Millions’ - nymag.com
Aug 25, 2018 · The president has famously claimed on more than one occasion that Democrats benefited from a vast number of illegal votes in 2016: In addition to winning the Electoral College in a …

Kris Kobach defends prosecution of voter fraud cases in ...
Apr 12, 2016 · Kobach announced three voter fraud cases last October and three more in January. One of the October cases resulted in a guilty plea in December, and one was dismissed last Friday.

Debunking the Voter Fraud Myth | Brennan Center for Justice
Jan 31, 2017 · A review of the 2016 election found four documented cases of voter fraud. Research into the 2016 election found no evidence of widespread voter fraud. A 2016 working paper concluded that the upper limit on double voting in the 2012 election was 0.02%. The paper noted that the incident rate was likely much lower, given audits conducted by the ...
its usually those that shrek from their responsibility that cry we do something

in my opinion....trickle down put them there...the right allowing all these jobs going overseas......not paying a living wage.....this is America and there is no reason for someone in this country to go to bed hungry!

11 Facts About Hunger in the US | DoSomething.org
1 in 6 people in America face hunger. The USDA defines "food insecurity" as the lack of access, at times, to enough food for all household members. In 2011, households with children reported a significantly higher food insecurity rate than households without children: 20.6% vs. 12.2%. Food insecurity exists in every county in America.
I see "nowhere" in any of my comments on this site, or elsewhere, that the laws of any land "should not" be obeyed and/or enforced! On the contrary, without laws & law enforcement, which I wholeheartedly 100% support, only chaos and anarchy will prevail. This is NOT to say that Governments have the right to break the law in order to enforce the law, when it does, as aforementioned, only chaos and anarchy will prevail. The United Nations Charter, of which the United States is a signatory to, states that all peoples, not just some, have a right to be protected from persecution, starvation, et al. Likewise every family has a right, regardless of their situation, to remain as a unit! What right has ANY Government got to knowingly take children, even infants, from their parents and disperse these children across the country while deporting the parents! This is a sick, sick policy. No baby should be held accountable for the sins of their parents! I accept and recognize the southern border problem but I don't accept the ill conceived, if not evil remedy, used to attempt to resolve it. This "solution" is nothing less than an adrenaline power rush by none other than Mr. Trump himself. (Oopps! Did I hear someone say, President Trump?) Alas, the border situation is not the only situation I was addressing in my previous post, but my time is limited right now, so let's just mention a few, like the health care situation in the U.S., the only country in the free world, as well as many under socialists governments and dictatorships, NOT providing some form of medical coverage for ALL of its citizens! Oh, yes, then there's that McConnell character, yeah, that guy that controls the GOP in the senate, he doesn't want to pass appropriate legislation to protect the average American voter in the 2020 elections! Naw! Can't have that! It might jeopardize Trumps chances of another term by blocking Mr. Poroshenko's efforts to lend a helping hand to a friend, or perhaps, a helpful hand from China, or wherever! I'll close by saying, you have a good day, you'll be having far fewer should Mr. Trump have his way, especially so if he continues on with the blind support of the poor blind souls such as yourself! Wake Up! Wake Up, America! Your destiny under the current administration has been greatly deminished! Listen to your once upon a time "greatest allies!"

careful there driller...even though this is your thread....you say something he doesn't like he will try and get you removed
Alas, at least you recognize the fact that "the liberals" do shed tears! Tears for the poor, the sick, the underpreveledged, the forgotten, the aged and even the downtrodden. This is so unlike many on the right whose only apparent concern is self concern and the almighty dollar accrued to oneself regardless if is at the expense of one, of many, or of country or soul!
According to philanthropy round table the evil top 1% are responsible for 1/3 of all charitable donations and the top 1.4% are responsible for 86% of charitable donations at death. Small towns and rural areas tend to give more which tend to be more red states and in 08 the 8 states that gave the most voted for McCain the seven lowest Obama. Of the Democrats running for president Booker is the only one it appears, according to Business Insider that has given more then 4% to charity one as low as .03%. All of them make over 100K and at least 3 are millionaires. Without tax returns Trump?
According to philanthropy round table the evil top 1% are responsible for 1/3 of all charitable donations

how much of those donations go here in the US......Look at Buffett for example...his money...to get clean drinking water in other parts of the world...a lot of those donations are not for good in this country

1.4% are responsible for 86% of charitable donations at death

Maybe.…..after they are dead want a park or something named after them....does it go to the cancer society or something to help others..NO...they want something visible with their name on it...like trumps wall

the middle class is the ones that give the most....ask any waitress who gives the tips and who doesn't

can you name one politician in any party that hasn't become a millionaire after their first term in office...they see that good lobbying money come their way and all are soon rich....been that way since we allowed lobbying to go on....they might listen to the people and do their job honestly if they weren't getting paid by others to do something they probably wouldn't do other wise
how much of those donations go here in the US......Look at Buffett for example...his money...to get clean drinking water in other parts of the world...a lot of those donations are not for good in this country

Maybe.…..after they are dead want a park or something named after them....does it go to the cancer society or something to help others..NO...they want something visible with their name on it...like trumps wall

the middle class is the ones that give the most....ask any waitress who gives the tips and who doesn't
It said donations in the US and of course you know where all the donations go. It seems Bill and Malinda Gates spend a lot overseas.

It must suck to be such a small minded, envious person. It seems a lot of the people looking to build monuments to themselves are in public office. How long did it take for the media to talk about Obama's legacy?
you should be in support of Voter registration like in your own country and against allowing illegals immigrants to vote correct?
And you should admit that the voter registration ID law is no more than a smoke screen for voter suppression by the Republicans. You can't explain how their cutting poling days, locations, times, removing party-line voting, same day registration, on- college campus registration, have anything to do with securing legal voting, can you? Its because it doesn't cut illegal voting, it simply suppresses voting, something that Republicans openly admit because low voter turnouts benefit THEM, a reason why they do it. They do it in NC because the General Assembly is controlled by the Republicans for now. And it works, the last 4 voting cycles the lines were over a block or more ... took well over an hour + to vote in the primaries, and we witnessed a lot of people get out of line and leave ... so, I guess ReThugs were happy, huh? The voice of the people not heard was good news for them, I guess.
Also, it helps to understand the DIFFERENCE between voter fraud and election fraud. And election fraud is what Republicans obviously support as they deny that Russia interfered with our voting system in 2016 & 2018. Voter fraud might exist, but it has as much to do with voting in the wrong precincts and is done by both party voters. What isn't a mistake is that election fraud, and the party being caught doing it is the Republican party. That's when a Republicans purposely goes around to the poling locations pulling OUT the opposition votes, and collecting and helping fill out absentee forms for the Republican party. McCrae Dowless (R) was HIRED by the Republican party to do just that, and already had a history of involvement in election fraud ... the ReThugs knew and hired him anyway. Wonder why? All I know is that almost two years later he's now being tried for election fraud TODAY in Raleigh courts. Maybe Trump will give him a pardon, you think?
Republicans have just found a new source of election fraud ... ask a foreign adversary to get involved then do NOTHING about it.
Why don't YOU research voter & election fraud in NC and see if I'm just blowing smoke up your ass, TwoBi?
Or, maybe read some FAKE NEWS from VOX, FactCheck, Care2.com There are plenty to choose from, just search Voter & Election Fraud in NC.


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According to philanthropy round table the evil top 1% are responsible for 1/3 of all charitable donations
wooooohoooooooo ... maybe that's because #1 the poor make @ or below a living income average ($22,700), and #2 Charitable giving is still a deductible expense for those who can itemize... and the poor (close to 48% of all wage earners) don't itemize.
Maybe you should look at it from THIS angle .... way more people, earning less than ... say $100,000 a year, give to charity than ALL of the 1%ers added together ... is THAT FAIR since you think you're statement is fair? The 1%ers may give a whole lot more in their individual donations, BUT, the poor & middleclass donate MORE OFTEN. Would you agree to that assumption?
Something else to keep in mind, when the government takes away the tax deduction for charitable giving, there will be a lot fewer 1%ers donating to charities. A lot of 1%ers, unlike the poor & middleclass, give to charity for a financial reason, not a charitable reason.
PS ... in fact, the Trumps use their charities to collect donations that they can spend on THEMSELVES ... go read about THAT ONE.
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According to philanthropy round table the evil top 1% are responsible for 1/3 of all charitable donations and the top 1.4% are responsible for 86% of charitable donations at death. Small towns and rural areas tend to give more which tend to be more red states and in 08 the 8 states that gave the most voted for McCain the seven lowest Obama. Of the Democrats running for president Booker is the only one it appears, according to Business Insider that has given more then 4% to charity one as low as .03%. All of them make over 100K and at least 3 are millionaires. Without tax returns Trump?

Figures d
careful there driller...even though this is your thread....you say something he doesn't like he will try and get you removed

I fear not! The people who have most to fear from what is said are those that babble and spread garbage the most!
Not unlike some within this thread and, if I may say so, not unlike that Dear Donald character!
And you should admit that the voter registration ID law is no more than a smoke screen for voter suppression by the Republicans. You can't explain how their cutting poling days, locations, times, removing party-line voting, same day registration, on- college campus registration, have anything to do with securing legal voting, can you? Its because it doesn't cut illegal voting, it simply suppresses voting, something that Republicans openly admit because low voter turnouts benefit THEM, a reason why they do it. They do it in NC because the General Assembly is controlled by the Republicans for now. And it works, the last 4 voting cycles the lines were over a block or more ... took well over an hour + to vote in the primaries, and we witnessed a lot of people get out of line and leave ... so, I guess ReThugs were happy, huh? The voice of the people not heard was good news for them, I guess.
Also, it helps to understand the DIFFERENCE between voter fraud and election fraud. And election fraud is what Republicans obviously support as they deny that Russia interfered with our voting system in 2016 & 2018. Voter fraud might exist, but it has as much to do with voting in the wrong precincts and is done by both party voters. What isn't a mistake is that election fraud, and the party being caught doing it is the Republican party. That's when a Republicans purposely goes around to the poling locations pulling OUT the opposition votes, and collecting and helping fill out absentee forms for the Republican party. McCrae Dowless (R) was HIRED by the Republican party to do just that, and already had a history of involvement in election fraud ... the ReThugs knew and hired him anyway. Wonder why? All I know is that almost two years later he's now being tried for election fraud TODAY in Raleigh courts. Maybe Trump will give him a pardon, you think?
Republicans have just found a new source of election fraud ... ask a foreign adversary to get involved then do NOTHING about it.
Why don't YOU research voter & election fraud in NC and see if I'm just blowing smoke up your ass, TwoBi?
Or, maybe read some FAKE NEWS from VOX, FactCheck, Care2.com There are plenty to choose from, just search Voter & Election Fraud in NC.

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And, MacNFries, may I suggest what about "GerryMandering". Did I not read about several court decisions directing and/or striking down defined and/or redrawn polling districts, all within GOP control, and favouring the Republicans candidates? Or am I wrong!?
wooooohoooooooo ... maybe that's because #1 the poor make @ or below a living income average ($22,700), and #2 Charitable giving is still a deductible expense for those who can itemize... and the poor (close to 48% of all wage earners) don't itemize.
Maybe you should look at it from THIS angle .... way more people, earning less than ... say $100,000 a year, give to charity than ALL of the 1%ers added together ... is THAT FAIR since you think you're statement is fair? The 1%ers may give a whole lot more in their individual donations, BUT, the poor & middleclass donate MORE OFTEN. Would you agree to that assumption?
Something else to keep in mind, when the government takes away the tax deduction for charitable giving, there will be a lot fewer 1%ers donating to charities. A lot of 1%ers, unlike the poor & middleclass, give to charity for a financial reason, not a charitable reason.
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PS ... in fact, the Trumps use their charities to collect donations that they can spend on THEMSELVES ... go read about THAT ONE.

Nothing bothers the tone deft more than the "truth", eh! Well stated, MacNFries?
Another interesting article I read while in New Zealand recently, it concerned charitable donations! It was about research as to why people gave to Charities! In all scenarios, please note, it clearly stated that there were exceptions to the rules and overall analysis! Interesting nonetheless. In the middle class, 80% + gave because they felt it was the right thing to do, another 12% gave because of personal experiences, ie., they gave to cancer research because someone within the family died of cancer, et al! On the other end of the spectrum, the wealthy & mega wealthy gave primarily with three/four factors in mind which were, and in no specific order: 1/. It was good for personal image. 2/. It was good for business! 3/. May as well give it to charity as to government to spend, and last but not least, 4/. I'll get it back eventually, ten fold!
I regret I only browsed through that article at the time and didn't keep it for it was well written and researched, should anyone have access to it, perhaps they could add some commentary.
And you should admit that the voter registration ID law is no more than a smoke screen for voter suppression by the Republicans.

Please do tell how it suppress votes? I want to here your racist comments on how poor people and the black man can't get an ID without help from the white man.
Please do tell how it suppress votes? I want to here your racist comments on how poor people and the black man can't get an ID without help from the white man.
No, no, there "Slick Sam" ... I never said Voter ID suppressed voting, now did I? Go back up and read that slowly. Voter ID is NOT the real issue. The issue is the purposely created changes to produce LONG LINES so people either don't vote or end up leaving after seeing the long lines ... that, my slick friend, is voter suppression. Most people working on hourly pay don't have the opportunity to stand for 1-2-3 hours to vote during the week. And on the weekends, they've cut the poling locations by a third, moved some outside the city, have discontinued on-site registration & school-property registrations, etc ... ALL in an effort to turn back a voter who is more likely to vote Democrat than Republican. Explain to me how making all these changes, just to create long lines, improves Voter ID laws?
I am attaching a bunch of articles on NC, but there were many more on Kansas, Georgia, Alabama, etc ... I don't expect you to read them because you're not looking for the truth to what's going on.
You should just understand, someday, if allowed to persist, they will come for your rights next, when it suits THEM. Voting is the only voice the people of the country have. We can't allow it to be taken away or we can't continue being an example to the world of strong democracy.

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No, no, there "Slick Sam" ... I never said Voter ID suppressed voting, now did I?

So just more deflecting tactics is all your spewing - got it, and for the record - you have in the past. We have had the same discussion over and over and you always default to your fucked up NC as if that is common place everywhere.
So just more deflecting tactics is all your spewing - got it, and for the record - you have in the past. We have had the same discussion over and over and you always default to your fucked up NC as if that is common place everywhere.
You see, you don't wish to admit that Republicans are purposely suppressing voters to WIN elections, and I mentioned in MY POST that it was also happening in Ka, Ga., Al etc .. did I not mention Tx and Mn, and PA .... ohhh my. I gave you the articles to read; how many more articles on other states do you want me to post to support my post that YOU WILL NOT READ anyway? And when we're through with Voter Suppression, we'll talk about Election Fraud and the GOP's decision to accept outside adversaries to help them win elections.
What you won't admit is that it is even happening, and primarily by Republicans ... their voting base shrinking so they CHEAT anyway possible.
Listen up, don't bother me with your "excuses" ... go read and go away.
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