Wake Up, America! Wake Up! PLEASE!!

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correction...she is from a Democratic district......but anyway NY's do not like a show boat.....hence trumps unpopularity in NY now.....but either way she is on shaky ground...….NY is doing some redistricting and hers is one going to be changed...her re-election is very shaky

She shouldn’t have screwed with the most powerful woman in the country - Nancy wants her gone.
When was the last time have you heard Kim Jung-Un threaten America since Trump befriended him @MacNfries? Perhaps you would prefer condemning hundreds of brave American soldiers instead of discovering peaceful resolutions?

doesn't have to...he just keeps testing missels….disregarding any talks the two best buddies have....we already know trump will sell his soul....look at the Saudis...Iran....Russia........and many more....wake up and smell the roses!

Why is Trump palling around with dictators? - newsweek.com
This article first appeared on the Atlantic Council site. In his brief time in the White House, US President Donald J. Trump has made a point of bestowing praise on the world's leading autocrats.

Donald Trump's History of Praising Dictators - NBC News
Jul 06, 2016 · Donald Trump has offered praise to a number of authoritarian leaders since announcing his run for president. Donald Trump's History of Praising Dictators - NBC News Sections

Donald dreams of dictators - POLITICO
Jun 15, 2018 · analysis . Donald dreams of dictators. In the three years since he first descended his golden escalator to announce his presidential bid, Trump has made clear he …

Donald Trump's Love of Dictators and Hatred of Media Leads ...
Erdogan has 73 journalists behind bars, compared with 81 last year. When Trump met with Erdogan in September, he remarked that the autocratic leader was “getting very high marks” and said, “He’s become a friend of mine.”. In China, the number of journalists jailed rose from 38 to 41 in 2016.

6 Strongmen Donald Trump Keeps Praising : NPR
May 02, 2017 · 6 Strongmen Trump Has Praised — And The Conflicts It Presents. He invited the ******* Philippine leader, Rodrigo Duterte, to the White House during a "very friendly" phone call Sunday. On Tuesday, Trump has another call — this one with Russian President Vladimir Putin. Trump's invitation came despite Duterte's violent crackdown on *******,...

Will President Trump attempt to become a dictator? - Quora
It is possible but not probable. There a number of answers that say Trump can’t become a dictator because of the Constitution. However, when someone becomes a dictator of a country, they generally don’t stress about violating 200 year old document...
Racial views of Donald Trump - Wikipedia
Donald Trump, the 45th president of the United States, has a history of racist speech and actions that have widely been viewed as racially-charged. Many critics believe Trump has fueled racism in the United States. Trump has denied repeated accusations of racism and …

Donald Trump has the Design Taste of a Dictator - POLITICO ...
Every good brand needs a theme and an aesthetic, and President Donald Trump has spent decades cultivating both. The theme is success, wealth, winning, and the aesthetic is bright, brassy, loud ...

stiff...I'm sure now with all that I have just posted you will want to post another interview of someone on the street that supports trump
Just had to throw in one more....there are so many hard to decide which ones to post......but this one is nice

Malone Telegram | Trump wants to be a dictator
Jun 08, 2019 · Trump is so taken with the autocrats that he wants to be one. I just hope that whoever runs against him gives his insults back to him. On May 5 at 10:05 a.m. (former Trump lawyer Michael) Cohen said that Trump has become an autocrat. Stop and think about it. Trump only talks to the dictators of China, North Korea and Russia.
Just had to throw in one more....there are so many hard to decide which ones to post......but this one is nice

Malone Telegram | Trump wants to be a dictator
Jun 08, 2019 · Trump is so taken with the autocrats that he wants to be one. I just hope that whoever runs against him gives his insults back to him. On May 5 at 10:05 a.m. (former Trump lawyer Michael) Cohen said that Trump has become an autocrat. Stop and think about it. Trump only talks to the dictators of China, North Korea and Russia.
So Justin Trudeau is a dictator too because Trump talks to Canada? Or Macron is a dictator too because Trump talks to France? Or Angela Merkle is a dictator as well because Trump talks to Germany?

Good News, Trump Drones ... you may just qualify as the next Intelligence Director under your awesome President Donald J Trump.
Qualifications: Willing to LIE for the President. Willing to take the heat for HIS mistakes. Willing to do whatever the President says.​
View attachment 2760647
View attachment 2760645

Good News, Trump Drones ... you may just qualify as the next Intelligence Director under your awesome President Donald J Trump.
Qualifications: Willing to LIE for the President. Willing to take the heat for HIS mistakes. Willing to do whatever the President says.​

there is one on this very thread....well this thread and several other threads that would meet all those qualifications
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