Wake Up, America! Wake Up! PLEASE!!

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You see, you don't wish to admit that Republicans are purposely suppressing voters to WIN elections, and I mentioned in MY POST that it was also happening in Ka, Ga., Al etc .. did I not mention Tx and Mn, and PA .... ohhh my. I gave you the articles to read; how many more articles on other states do you want me to post to support my post that YOU WILL NOT READ anyway? And when we're through with Voter Suppression, we'll talk about Election Fraud and the GOP's decision to accept outside adversaries to help them win elections.
What you won't admit is that it is even happening, and primarily by Republicans ... their voting base shrinking so they CHEAT anyway possible.
Listen up, don't bother me with your "excuses" ... go read and go away.

And you never acknowledge that I said they weren't either but that alludes you because of "talking points" - I'm sure they do try to rig it in there favor but what you also fail to acknowledge is that that the left does their fair share of rigging themselves.

Now - back to the point. Anyone that wants to bitch about rigging elections, then proof of citizenship should be at the top of your list.

More deflection in 3...2...1...
No, no, there "Slick Sam" ... I never said Voter ID suppressed voting, now did I? Go back up and read that slowly. Voter ID is NOT the real issue. The issue is the purposely created changes to produce LONG LINES so people either don't vote or end up leaving after seeing the long lines ... that, my slick friend, is voter suppression. Most people working on hourly pay don't have the opportunity to stand for 1-2-3 hours to vote during the week. And on the weekends, they've cut the poling locations by a third, moved some outside the city, have discontinued on-site registration & school-property registrations, etc ... ALL in an effort to turn back a voter who is more likely to vote Democrat than Republican. Explain to me how making all these changes, just to create long lines, improves Voter ID laws?
I am attaching a bunch of articles on NC, but there were many more on Kansas, Georgia, Alabama, etc ... I don't expect you to read them because you're not looking for the truth to what's going on.
You should just understand, someday, if allowed to persist, they will come for your rights next, when it suits THEM. Voting is the only voice the people of the country have. We can't allow it to be taken away or we can't continue being an example to the world of strong democracy.

And then there's the Dumb, Dumber, and immediately followed by the Dumbest!! ?
Some days, if not most days, MacNFries, speaking truth to the Dumb is like pissing into the wind, eh!
As usual, nothing informational or factual provided by Allfor or blkdlaur ... just opinion & rhetoric.
I'd prefer just giving this crap a rest until the Democrats get their prospective presidential nominee down to 2 or 3; that's probably not possible, as the Trumptards prefer living in their fantasy until the hammer comes down, and it is gonna come down on Trump.
I'm really hoping Trump's tax records for the past 5-10 years become public between now and Christmas so EVERYONE can see what a FAKE this guy is.
We'll see, want we? I'm just wondering if you fools will be around by December of next year.
And then there's the Dumb, Dumber, and immediately followed by the Dumbest!! ?
Some days, if not most days, MacNFries, speaking truth to the Dumb is like pissing into the wind, eh!

So tell us oh brilliant one - what is required of YOU to vote in Canada? You're the one that started it all - bashing a Senator for not wanting to safeguard our elections. I simply state we should have Voter ID to help safe guard our elections and Mac comes to your defense like a fly to *******. Its funny how the left complains how Russia influences the election but is against any law that will prevent illegal immigrants from influencing our elections. Why do you think that is oh grate one?
As usual, nothing informational or factual provided by Allfor or blkdlaur ... just opinion & rhetoric.
I'd prefer just giving this crap a rest until the Democrats get their prospective presidential nominee down to 2 or 3; that's probably not possible, as the Trumptards prefer living in their fantasy until the hammer comes down, and it is gonna come down on Trump.
I'm really hoping Trump's tax records for the past 5-10 years become public between now and Christmas so EVERYONE can see what a FAKE this guy is.
We'll see, want we? I'm just wondering if you fools will be around by December of next year.

Well - the hammer hasn’t come down yet even though you guys been swinging the hell outta it ;}
So tell us oh brilliant one - what is required of YOU to vote in Canada? You're the one that started it all - bashing a Senator for not wanting to safeguard our elections. I simply state we should have Voter ID to help safe guard our elections and Mac comes to your defense like a fly to *******. Its funny how the left complains how Russia influences the election but is against any law that will prevent illegal immigrants from influencing our elections. Why do you think that is oh grate one?
So tell us oh brilliant one - what is required of YOU to vote in Canada? You're the one that started it all - bashing a Senator for not wanting to safeguard our elections. I simply state we should have Voter ID to help safe guard our elections and Mac comes to your defense like a fly to *******. Its funny how the left complains how Russia influences the election but is against any law that will prevent illegal immigrants from influencing our elections. Why do you think that is oh grate one?

You should first learn how to write in the English language before putting your fingers to the key board, ie, your last sentence, I quote: (or should I say, copy & pasted): "Why do you think that is oh grate one?" More specifically, " .... grate one?" You just flunked grade 2 English Grammer: you probably meant " ..... great one?" There is a difference that perhaps your not aware of! Like for instance, grate is a noun (an object, like a steel grate) or a verb (like grate the cheese), "great" is an adjective, (like she's a great singer) or (.... oh great one)!
Ooopppsss! Sorry! Those explanations are way above your grade level! I apologize prodigiously! Comprenez-vous?

P.S. Seriously, I forgot to ask, are you a graduate of Trump University or did you flunk! Just ask'n!
more pictures and movies...turning this into the political thread like carl and 2bi have done there......you have no facts or evideance and want someone else to say something in your defense when you have none!

more movies?..means nothing....I just read an article yesterday that 18% of blacks voted for trump......let me say that again 18%.....tht is NOT the majority of blacks.....and DOES NOT mean trump is not a racist!
trump is still making fun of Baltimore and cummings...and then calls a few blacks to the white house yesterday.....a little strange on the timing wouldn't you say....no of course you wouldn't trump is doing so much for blacks
It is testimony from a Black Billionaire that speaks with Donald Trump personally. And furthermore my source was CNBC which for the record is a business channel and they don't really have any political alignment. Furthermore Robert L Johnson openly supported Donald Trump on CNN too. He is speaking from his heart, not motivated by any monetary bribes as Robert L Johnson is very rich. So I added that as new evidence that POTUS Donald Trump is not a racist. Plus to accumulate that sum of money Robert L Johnson is not a foolish man either as he can judge people by their character for business. So that indirectly illustrates too that Donald Trump is not a crook either. Honestly @subhub174014, @Igotskillz27 and a few others that desire to remain nameless if somehow Jesus himself appeared calling Donald Trump a fair and just man who was not racist you would look for fault there too? I know there is no convincing you just for those who are voting capable Americans who are fence-sitting political agnostics that are looking for a reason to believe in POTUS Trump in 2020.

My Evidence for anyone new to this thread:
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So tell us oh brilliant one - what is required of YOU to vote in Canada? You're the one that started it all - bashing a Senator for not wanting to safeguard our elections. I simply state we should have Voter ID to help safe guard our elections and Mac comes to your defense like a fly to *******. Its funny how the left complains how Russia influences the election but is against any law that will prevent illegal immigrants from influencing our elections. Why do you think that is oh grate one?

The only thing required of anyone to vote in Canada is that you're a Canadian Citizen. Race, colour ot creed is never referenced. The voters list is produced by Elections Canada and each and every eligible voter is provided, weeks in advance I might add, with a voters card before the election date. This card provides voter ID, location of Election Day Polls, Advance Polls, instructions on Voting on Line, absentee voting procedures, even information how to register on/or before Election Day should your name been omitted, inadvertently or otherwise. There is even a system in place to allow shut-ins to vote! It you wish, which I doubt, you can find additional information on the following link: https://www.howtovote.online/regist...MIwrf0jIng4wIVl5OzCh1QqQbhEAAYASAAEgI7GfD_BwE

Now to your second point, "You're the one that started it all - bashing a Senator for not wanting to safeguard our elections." No, Almighty & Elightened One! I absolutely DID NOT start it all by bashing a Senator .... that came much later, in fact only recently, this thread was actually started by me on July 20th., 2018, that's over a year ago for your information. Then again a mere fact has no place when alternate facts might suffice, eh!
The only thing required of anyone to vote in Canada is that you're a Canadian Citizen.

And that is all I am asking of this country, but for some reason people like yourself and Mac think that is suppressing votes and racisit for our country to have voter ID cards.

I absolutely DID NOT start it all by bashing a Senator .

Um, yes you did in this post = Arrogant to think I was talking about the entire thread.
then there's that McConnell character, yeah, that guy that controls the GOP in the senate, he doesn't want to pass appropriate legislation to protect the average American voter in the 2020 elections!

By the way, when one can't stand on their own facts, they attack the others grammar and spelling.
You should first learn how to write in the English language before putting your fingers to the key board, ie, your last sentence, I quote: (or should I say, copy & pasted): "Why do you think that is oh grate one?" More specifically, " .... grate one?" You just flunked grade 2 English Grammer: you probably meant " ..... great one?" There is a difference that perhaps your not aware of! Like for instance, grate is a noun (an object, like a steel grate) or a verb (like grate the cheese), "great" is an adjective, (like she's a great singer) or (.... oh great one)!
Ooopppsss! Sorry! Those explanations are way above your grade level! I apologize prodigiously! Comprenez-vous?

P.S. Seriously, I forgot to ask, are you a graduate of Trump University or did you flunk! Just ask'n!

Yeah - well you’ve misused “deft” twice now - no one is perfect

Ceptin for liberals - and only in their own minds
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