Wake Up, America! Wake Up! PLEASE!!

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I don't think he's forgetting. In the 1990's Trump was looking for a political party to be affiliated with ... remember, he "says" he was a Democrat before he became a Republican. Democrats didn't want to be affiliated him for many reasons, but Trump just needed a party to hitch his wagon to. He's not a real Republican, either ... do you think he gives a rat's ass about abortion, health care, or illegal immigration, or any issues of the country that don't impact him personally? Come on, Trump only cares about things that bring him wealth & power ... PERIOD. Tax cuts and Regulation cuts ... anything that helps him make MONEY. Hell, he'd probably turn his ******* in for a couple $billion. If he supports things like making abortion illegal, illegal immigration, healthcare ... its to secure a base of voters that will help keep him in office so he can continue running his con-game.
You folks are so gullible ... damn, when I was a street salesman, I'd love to have had a few thousand of you suckers to sell insurance to ...

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now I understand you had a profession that required you to screw innocent people so you see everyone in that way. You are a miserable self loathing person. But there is still time to change. I hope you find your way you can start in202o
I don't think he's forgetting. In the 1990's Trump was looking for a political party to be affiliated with ... remember, he "says" he was a Democrat before he became a Republican. Democrats didn't want to be affiliated him for many reasons, but Trump just needed a party to hitch his wagon to. He's not a real Republican, either ... do you think he gives a rat's ass about abortion, health care, or illegal immigration, or any issues of the country that don't impact him personally? Come on, Trump only cares about things that bring him wealth & power ... PERIOD. Tax cuts and Regulation cuts ... anything that helps him make MONEY. Hell, he'd probably turn his ******* in for a couple $billion. If he supports things like making abortion illegal, illegal immigration, healthcare ... its to secure a base of voters that will help keep him in office so he can continue running his con-game.
You folks are so gullible ... damn, when I was a street salesman, I'd love to have had a few thousand of you suckers to sell insurance to ...

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Take the time to watch Oprah’s 1988 interview with Donald Trump you’ll see that he’s amazingly consistent in his beliefs for this country.
and how many have I posted say otherwise?

and your facts are not really facts just your past postings that you post time and again....when at a loss for words or facts you post the same thing again....or else a picture of a black in a MAGA hat

you must have posted that same picture of the chump and chuck berry at least 4 times.....is this some kind of game to get me to post all the ******* trump has done?

like I said earlier I have shown where he is a crook and a liar and a thief…some one so low that he will steal from cancer patients.....and you still support him....what does that say for your morale character?
Busy again today so this will just be my only post for today. There is another example I can cite that is a noteable figure in the Black Community that believes Donald Trump is not a racist, he speaks with him personally, he is in touch with his administration frequently with advice, and if the situation arose he would do business with Trump.

The man who I speak is the first Black Billionaire, the founder of BET (Black Entertainment Television), Robert L Johnson. (So he does not need Trump's money). As evidence beneath is his wiki page as well as 3 videos from CNBC where he speaks about Donald Trump.

My Evidence:

Despite being another new example proving that Trump has friends who are from the Black community I know @subhub174014 , @Igotskillz27 , and others will still find fault with my example somehow? :unsure:
Busy again today so this will just be my only post for today. There is another example I can cite that is a noteable figure in the Black Community that believes Donald Trump is not a racist, he speaks with him personally, he is in touch with his administration frequently with advice, and if the situation arose he would do business with Trump.

The man who I speak is the first Black Billionaire, the founder of BET (Black Entertainment Television), Robert L Johnson. (So he does not need Trump's money). As evidence beneath is his wiki page as well as 3 videos from CNBC where he speaks about Donald Trump.

My Evidence:

Despite being another new example proving that Trump has friends who are from the Black community I know @subhub174014 , @Igotskillz27 , and others will still find fault with my example somehow? :unsure:

more pictures and movies...turning this into the political thread like carl and 2bi have done there......you have no facts or evideance and want someone else to say something in your defense when you have none!

more movies?..means nothing....I just read an article yesterday that 18% of blacks voted for trump......let me say that again 18%.....tht is NOT the majority of blacks.....and DOES NOT mean trump is not a racist!
trump is still making fun of Baltimore and cummings...and then calls a few blacks to the white house yesterday.....a little strange on the timing wouldn't you say....no of course you wouldn't trump is doing so much for blacks
more pictures and movies...turning this into the political thread like carl and 2bi have done there......you have no facts or evideance and want someone else to say something in your defense when you have none!

more movies?..means nothing....I just read an article yesterday that 18% of blacks voted for trump......let me say that again 18%.....tht is NOT the majority of blacks.....and DOES NOT mean trump is not a racist!
trump is still making fun of Baltimore and cummings...and then calls a few blacks to the white house yesterday.....a little strange on the timing wouldn't you say....no of course you wouldn't trump is doing so much for blacks

I have a vid of someone saying it is 1960....does that make it so?

that's as good as your argument
Busy again today so this will just be my only post for today. There is another example I can cite that is a noteable figure in the Black Community that believes Donald Trump is not a racist, he speaks with him personally, he is in touch with his administration frequently with advice, and if the situation arose he would do business with Trump.

The man who I speak is the first Black Billionaire, the founder of BET (Black Entertainment Television), Robert L Johnson. (So he does not need Trump's money). As evidence beneath is his wiki page as well as 3 videos from CNBC where he speaks about Donald Trump.

My Evidence:

Despite being another new example proving that Trump has friends who are from the Black community I know @subhub174014 , @Igotskillz27 , and others will still find fault with my example somehow? :unsure:

There are many black business men, as well as white businessmen, in fact race, colour or creed doesn't matter, who are always ready to sell their souls to the devil for the almighty buck! Allegiance to wife, family, country or religion be damned, albeit, D.J. Trump is a prime example.
Trump Tweets Faulty Black Approval Claim - FactCheck.org
Claim: “Trump approval ratings with Black Americans has doubled.”
Fact checked by factcheck.org
  • Author: Donald Trump

President Donald Trump’s approval ratings among African Americans have declined, not “doubled,” as the president claimed in a recent tweet.

The source of Trump’s boast appears to be a misreading of data from the online polling firm SurveyMonkey. Weekly surveys conducted by that organization show that his approval rating among black Americans has declined from 23 percent between Jan. 26 and Jan. 30, 2017, to 17 percent between Dec. 28, 2017, and Jan. 3, 2018. Polling by the Pew Research Center and Gallup show declines over a similar period, too.
There are many black business men, as well as white businessmen, in fact race, colour or creed doesn't matter, who are always ready to sell their souls to the devil for the almighty buck! Allegiance to wife, family, country or religion be damned, albeit, D.J. Trump is a prime example.

and there are those that are just plain gullible and buy the snake oil

Alas, at least you recognize the fact that "the liberals" do shed tears! Tears for the poor, the sick, the underpreveledged, the forgotten, the aged and even the downtrodden. This is so unlike many on the right whose only apparent concern is self concern and the almighty dollar accrued to oneself regardless if is at the expense of one, of many, or of country or soul!
Alas, at least you recognize the fact that "the liberals" do shed tears! Tears for the poor, the sick, the underpreveledged, the forgotten, the aged and even the downtrodden. This is so unlike many on the right whose only apparent concern is self concern and the almighty dollar accrued to oneself regardless if is at the expense of one, of many, or of country or soul!

Yeah? you want to put your money where your mouth is? How about you head to our Southern border and volunteer to take care of the refugees.
How about it? Prove to me you are indeed concerned beyond just bitching that "someone" should do something.

This respons simply pisses me off - it not that people on the right "don't care". We do care, we also care that they follow the rules. The rules that PREVIOUS administrations have put into place. What gives you the right to make the claim that people shouldn't be held accountable and they don't have to follow our rules? - Oh yeah - "feelings".
When someone "underprivileged" breaks into your home, eats your food, makes you provide a room to sleep, and makes you pay their medical bill - you fucking remember what you just said. It's no different.

If they come to this country legally, I'll gladly give them a hand. And by the way, remember this; If the democrats win in 2020, the border will become a non issue and will no longer be a talking point as if suddenly the problems went away.
Yeah? you want to put your money where your mouth is? How about you head to our Southern border and volunteer to take care of the refugees.
How about it? Prove to me you are indeed concerned beyond just bitching that "someone" should do something.

This respons simply pisses me off - it not that people on the right "don't care". We do care, we also care that they follow the rules. The rules that PREVIOUS administrations have put into place. What gives you the right to make the claim that people shouldn't be held accountable and they don't have to follow our rules? - Oh yeah - "feelings".
When someone "underprivileged" breaks into your home, eats your food, makes you provide a room to sleep, and makes you pay their medical bill - you fucking remember what you just said. It's no different.

If they come to this country legally, I'll gladly give them a hand. And by the way, remember this; If the democrats win in 2020, the border will become a non issue and will no longer be a talking point as if suddenly the problems went away.

I see "nowhere" in any of my comments on this site, or elsewhere, that the laws of any land "should not" be obeyed and/or enforced! On the contrary, without laws & law enforcement, which I wholeheartedly 100% support, only chaos and anarchy will prevail. This is NOT to say that Governments have the right to break the law in order to enforce the law, when it does, as aforementioned, only chaos and anarchy will prevail. The United Nations Charter, of which the United States is a signatory to, states that all peoples, not just some, have a right to be protected from persecution, starvation, et al. Likewise every family has a right, regardless of their situation, to remain as a unit! What right has ANY Government got to knowingly take children, even infants, from their parents and disperse these children across the country while deporting the parents! This is a sick, sick policy. No baby should be held accountable for the sins of their parents! I accept and recognize the southern border problem but I don't accept the ill conceived, if not evil remedy, used to attempt to resolve it. This "solution" is nothing less than an adrenaline power rush by none other than Mr. Trump himself. (Oopps! Did I hear someone say, President Trump?) Alas, the border situation is not the only situation I was addressing in my previous post, but my time is limited right now, so let's just mention a few, like the health care situation in the U.S., the only country in the free world, as well as many under socialists governments and dictatorships, NOT providing some form of medical coverage for ALL of its citizens! Oh, yes, then there's that McConnell character, yeah, that guy that controls the GOP in the senate, he doesn't want to pass appropriate legislation to protect the average American voter in the 2020 elections! Naw! Can't have that! It might jeopardize Trumps chances of another term by blocking Mr. Putin's efforts to lend a helping hand to a friend, or perhaps, a helpful hand from China, or wherever! I'll close by saying, you have a good day, you'll be having far fewer should Mr. Trump have his way, especially so if he continues on with the blind support of the poor blind souls such as yourself! Wake Up! Wake Up, America! Your destiny under the current administration has been greatly deminished! Listen to your once upon a time "greatest allies!"
I see "nowhere" in any of my comments on this site, or elsewhere, that the laws of any land "should not" be obeyed and/or enforced! On the contrary, without laws & law enforcement, which I wholeheartedly 100% support, only chaos and anarchy will prevail. This is NOT to say that Governments have the right to break the law in order to enforce the law, when it does, as aforementioned, only chaos and anarchy will prevail. The United Nations Charter, of which the United States is a signatory to, states that all peoples, not just some, have a right to be protected from persecution, starvation, et al. Likewise every family has a right, regardless of their situation, to remain as a unit! What right has ANY Government got to knowingly take children, even infants, from their parents and disperse these children across the country while deporting the parents! This is a sick, sick policy. No baby should be held accountable for the sins of their parents! I accept and recognize the southern border problem but I don't accept the ill conceived, if not evil remedy, used to attempt to resolve it. This "solution" is nothing less than an adrenaline power rush by none other than Mr. Trump himself. (Oopps! Did I hear someone say, President Trump?) Alas, the border situation is not the only situation I was addressing in my previous post, but my time is limited right now, so let's just mention a few, like the health care situation in the U.S., the only country in the free world, as well as many under socialists governments and dictatorships, NOT providing some form of medical coverage for ALL of its citizens! Oh, yes, then there's that McConnell character, yeah, that guy that controls the GOP in the senate, he doesn't want to pass appropriate legislation to protect the average American voter in the 2020 elections! Naw! Can't have that! It might jeopardize Trumps chances of another term by blocking Mr. Poroshenko's efforts to lend a helping hand to a friend, or perhaps, a helpful hand from China, or wherever! I'll close by saying, you have a good day, you'll be having far fewer should Mr. Trump have his way, especially so if he continues on with the blind support of the poor blind souls such as yourself! Wake Up! Wake Up, America! Your destiny under the current administration has been greatly deminished! Listen to your once upon a time "greatest allies!"

You seem to miss understand the difference between LEGAL and ILLEGAL. Legal immigration, the parents are not separated, asylum seekers often don't have papers so are they seeking asylum? - The ones that are separated are the ILLEGAL ones - Why? because the parents get ARRESTED. You said it yourself, the chi ld should not be punished for the crimes of the parents. So, should the chi ldren be arrested with the parents or not? Are you suggesting that ALL criminals should not be separated from their chi ldren? Because in this country (just as any country) when you get arrested, you are separated from your family. PERIOD. The other reason a chi ld might get separated is so we can verify that the chi ld belongs to that adult - thousands of chi ldren have been stopped from being sold into the chi ld sex ring this way. Or are we to just take your word for it?

"There are reasons for separating children from adults in border crossing situations that you may not realize or understand. This is where the issue of sex trafficking of children should come into our discussions.

Sex traffickers and people using children as ******* mules try to cross the border illegally daily. These people also try to claim asylum. Often, they will not have the correct documents or any documents. The men and women who are charged with protecting our borders are also charged with protecting the lives of others. They are on constant alert to watch for sex traffickers and those who would use children as ******* mules."

Not to mention this has been in ******* way before Trump - where was your outcry then? As long as a Democrat does it it is OK right? The rest of your reply is nothing but deflection rhetoric, Just want to point the discussion elsewhere.
McConnell character, yeah, that guy that controls the GOP in the senate, he doesn't want to pass appropriate legislation to protect the average American voter in the 2020 elections!

So then, you should be in support of Voter registration like in your own country and against allowing illegals immigrants to vote correct?
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