Wake Up, America! Wake Up! PLEASE!!

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  • Author: Adewebs

    1. New York City. Dirtiest Cities In America is New York City. New York, the city that never sleeps, …
    2. Los Angeles. The second filthiest city in the US is Los Angeles. The city of Angels is famous for its …
    3. Riverside-San Bernardino. The 3 city on this list of Dirtiest Cities In America 2019 is Riverside-San …
    4. Chicago. The city of Chicago has plenty of filthy neighborhoods. The Midwest doesn’t get much …
  • See all full list on informativeupdate.com

In the past you spoke a lot about how Trump inherited a great economy from the Democrats @subhub174014 . Would it also be possible that Trump also inherited that legacy of broken "dirty" cities from the Democrats too? Otherwise I will need additional evidence from you where Trump flies over these cities with his helicopter, his jet, and Air ******* One dropping trash on it, if it exists? :unsure:
In the past you spoke a lot about how Trump inherited a great economy from the Democrats @subhub174014 . Would it also be possible that Trump also inherited that legacy of broken "dirty" cities from the Democrats too? Otherwise I will need additional evidence from you where Trump flies over these cities with his helicopter, his jet, and Air ******* One dropping trash on it, if it exists? :unsure:

how long have those cities been dirty ...under how many administrations....again I just went over this......with the rights trickle down economics and the cities having no money

but again in your undying devotion to support your man...you over look the point

there are a lot of cities far worse than Baltimore...….his disdain for Baltimore is because it is predominately black

something you refuse to understand....the man is a racists....how many times can we show you the facts...post articles...and you still refuse to see it....you have been drinking the trump kool aid far to long and just can not tell right from wrong!
how long have those cities been dirty ...under how many administrations....again I just went over this......with the rights trickle down economics and the cities having no money

but again in your undying devotion to support your man...you over look the point

there are a lot of cities far worse than Baltimore...….his disdain for Baltimore is because it is predominately black

something you refuse to understand....the man is a racists....how many times can we show you the facts...post articles...and you still refuse to see it....you have been drinking the trump kool aid far to long and just can not tell right from wrong!

Divided houses don't stand as Reverend Jesse Jackson introduced Donald Trump as a "friend" back in 1999 where Trump helped Jackson's "Rainbow Coalition". You appear to be forgetting how Trump was a "good guy" in 1999 but now he is a "bad guy" in 2019? Why is that? Hmmmm?


My Proof:
Divided houses don't stand as Reverend Jesse Jackson introduced Donald Trump as a "friend" back in 1999 where Trump helped Jackson's "Rainbow Coalition". You appear to be forgetting how Trump was a "good guy" in 1999 but now he is a "bad guy" in 2019? Why is that? Hmmmm?

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My Proof:

republicans will support a snake as long as he is a republican....they want wages low so profits are good....and don't want to have to give anymore than they have to in taxes and prefer that left to the middle class.....so a republican supporting the ass is understandable...but you?

I have posted article after article about his corruption...scams...being a racist....crook ..even to the point he will steal from cancer patients....

and your only answer is to post a pic with a blackman or one in a MAGE hat that may or may not be altered

tell me...just what is he going to do for you!
and even better yet name one good thing he has done for anyone
republicans will support a snake as long as he is a republican....they want wages low so profits are good....and don't want to have to give anymore than they have to in taxes and prefer that left to the middle class.....so a republican supporting the ass is understandable...but you?

I have posted article after article about his corruption...scams...being a racist....crook ..even to the point he will steal from cancer patients....

and your only answer is to post a pic with a blackman or one in a MAGE hat that may or may not be altered

tell me...just what is he going to do for you!
and even better yet name one good thing he has done for anyone
Again I keep providing facts that Trump is not a racist as you or anyone reading this can see right here as I am heavily repeating myself:

And from the evidence above he has helped the Black Reverend Jesse Jackson with his "Rainbow Coalition" in 1999, A$AP Rocky, and help to free Black basketball players from UCLA from China after they committed crimes there, greeted Blacks at the White House, and he has pardoned Blacks as well. And that is what I have uncovered so far. I wish Trump spoke for himself more with this kind of evidence? Or appoints me as the B2W press secretary as it is becoming a full time job defending from from you @subhub174014 , LOL!! :ROFLMAO: :ROFLMAO: :ROFLMAO:

Not being an American I don't expect his help to me personally, I wish!, but from afar standing for Israel and being against Planned Parenthood suffices for me.

Divided houses don't stand as Reverend Jesse Jackson introduced Donald Trump as a "friend" back in 1999 where Trump helped Jackson's "Rainbow Coalition". You appear to be forgetting how Trump was a "good guy" in 1999 but now he is a "bad guy" in 2019? Why is that? Hmmmm?

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My Proof:

Donald Trump does it because he craves the attention and the spectacle – how he can surround himself with his adoring base, and convince himself that his presidency means something – instill in them the illusion that he cares about them and that he gets things done .This is one more instance of hypocrisy from his celebrity tweeting days that has become a staple of his presidency, the same way he accused Obama of playing too much golf.
Donald Trump’s outrageous executive orders may finally be ...

Donald Trump actually loves the media - money.cnn.com
Jun 01, 2016 · Trump craves media attention and courts it doggedly. He consumes coverage of himself voraciously. The media is his lifeline. "He's an attention junkie.

Barnes - Trump's obsession with attention
10 days ago · Trump gives no hint of worrying about this. He craves attention. And there’s a strategy, I believe, behind his demand for it. He takes up such a big chunk of public space that other leaders …

Donald Trump Has a Bigtime Inferiority Complex - YouTube


Jul 09, 2019 · Donald Trump has a big time Inferiority Complex. He's a empty bottomless pit of envy, need and selfish consumption with no compassion for people. Trump jealous of Obama, craves the attention and ...
  • Author: Janet Stradford
Again I keep providing facts that Trump is not a racist as you or anyone reading this can see right here as I am heavily repeating myself:

And from the evidence above he has helped the Black Reverend Jesse Jackson with his "Rainbow Coalition" in 1999, A$AP Rocky, and help to free Black basketball players from UCLA from China after they committed crimes there, greeted Blacks at the White House, and he has pardoned Blacks as well. And that is what I have uncovered so far. I wish Trump spoke for himself more with this kind of evidence? Or appoints me as the B2W press secretary as it is becoming a full time job defending from from you @subhub174014 , LOL!! :ROFLMAO: :ROFLMAO: :ROFLMAO:

Not being an American I don't expect his help to me personally, I wish!, but from afar standing for Israel and being against Planned Parenthood suffices for me.

and how many have I posted say otherwise?

and your facts are not really facts just your past postings that you post time and again....when at a loss for words or facts you post the same thing again....or else a picture of a black in a MAGA hat

you must have posted that same picture of the chump and chuck berry at least 4 times.....is this some kind of game to get me to post all the ******* trump has done?

like I said earlier I have shown where he is a crook and a liar and a thief…some one so low that he will steal from cancer patients.....and you still support him....what does that say for your morale character?
and how many have I posted say otherwise?

and your facts are not really facts just your past postings that you post time and again....when at a loss for words or facts you post the same thing again....or else a picture of a black in a MAGA hat

you must have posted that same picture of the chump and chuck berry at least 4 times.....is this some kind of game to get me to post all the ******* trump has done?

like I said earlier I have shown where he is a crook and a liar and a thief…some one so low that he will steal from cancer patients.....and you still support him....what does that say for your morale character?
Well if supporting Trump makes me immoral, I have at least 4 pastors ( and more ), one of which is a Democrat being the Reverend Jesse Jackson, that would aid me spiritually with my weaknesses. None of us are perfect and there are undoubtedly other benevolent acts that Trump has done for Blacks. Might I remind you that we are arguing on a porn site @subhub174014 ? That suggests that we are not perfect either. I just have to repeat myself not just for you, but for any other new people stumbling on my posts.

Those Black guys in the MAGA hats come from the associated link associated with that post. For the benefit of other newbies like @Igotskillz27 it was back here:
Well if supporting Trump makes me immoral, I have at least 4 pastors ( and more ), one of which is a Democrat being the Reverend Jesse Jackson, that would aid me spiritually with my weaknesses. None of us are perfect and there are undoubtedly other benevolent acts that Trump has done for Blacks. Might I remind you that we are arguing on a porn site @subhub174014 ? That suggests that we are not perfect either. I just have to repeat myself not just for you, but for any other new people stumbling on my posts.

Those Black guys in the MAGA hats come from the associated link associated with that post. For the benefit of other newbies like @Igotskillz27 it was back here:

Jesse Jackson: Jesus Wouldn't Let Trump Into Heaven
Sep 01, 2017 · Jesse Jackson: Jesus Wouldn’t Let Trump Into Heaven. President Donald Trump may want to tighten requirements on who can immigrate to the United States, but Rev. Jesse Jackson thinks he should instead worry about his own citizenship in heaven. “Trump says you must be able to speak the language of English, [be] qualified,...

Jesse Jackson once sang Donald Trump’s praises
Aug 31, 2016 · Jesse Jackson once sang Donald Trump’s praises. The Rev. Jesse Jackson once praised Donald Trump for being a “friend” who embraced “the under-served communities.” “We need your building skills, your gusto . . . for the people on Wall Street to represent diversity,” Jackson, a civil-rights leader, said at a Rainbow Push Coalition event in 1999.

Opinion | Jesse Jackson on Race Relations, Trump and the ...
Apr 07, 2018 · Jesse Jackson on Race Relations, Trump and the Right to Vote. Mr. Jackson: Yes, the Trump administration has demonstrated in word and deed that it is an advocate for authoritarianism, not democracy, and white supremacy, not multiculturalism. He must be defeated. We have many more tools today to fight such extremism,...
  • Author: Jesse Jackson
Well if supporting Trump makes me immoral, I have at least 4 pastors ( and more ), one of which is a Democrat being the Reverend Jesse Jackson, that would aid me spiritually with my weaknesses. None of us are perfect and there are undoubtedly other benevolent acts that Trump has done for Blacks. Might I remind you that we are arguing on a porn site @subhub174014 ? That suggests that we are not perfect either. I just have to repeat myself not just for you, but for any other new people stumbling on my posts.

Those Black guys in the MAGA hats come from the associated link associated with that post. For the benefit of other newbies like @Igotskillz27 it was back here:

well in that case I guess we should all save everything we post...…..and repost it the next week for any newbies?

and yes this is a porn site and no one perfect....but this guy has gone out of his way his whole life to fuck people

most of us just got into fucking others here recently!

I would guess that we all do it for enjoyment...us for the sex...him for the love of fucking people out of money...just a little difference there wouldn't you say?

well no of course not you are a Rump supporter

please feel free to contact me if you need anymore proof this guy is a crook....there are pages of it all over the net if you look...but will be glad to point them out
well in that case I guess we should all save everything we post...…..and repost it the next week for any newbies?

and yes this is a porn site and no one perfect....but this guy has gone out of his way his whole life to fuck people

most of us just got into fucking others here recently!

I would guess that we all do it for enjoyment...us for the sex...him for the love of fucking people out of money...just a little difference there wouldn't you say?

well no of course not you are a Rump supporter

please feel free to contact me if you need anymore proof this guy is a crook....there are pages of it all over the net if you look...but will be glad to point them out
At least you are not calling Trump a racist as I find more evidence I will gladly share as well @subhub174014 bye for now.
Divided houses don't stand as Reverend Jesse Jackson introduced Donald Trump as a "friend" back in 1999 where Trump helped Jackson's "Rainbow Coalition". You appear to be forgetting how Trump was a "good guy" in 1999 but now he is a "bad guy" in 2019? Why is that? Hmmmm?

View attachment 2752739

My Proof:

that proves nothing....you are getting as bad as a couple others now...….first that is just a pic....and we all know trump is a publicity hound...wanting to be seen with everyone and anyone...so the pic means ZILCH even for the 4th or 5th time you have posted it
second….reciting a verse from the bible means NOTHING...you think trump was around back then?...there are black preachers that recite vs that say trump is the demi god also....goes to whatever verse you want to believe...as for proof.....NOT...NOTHING
I think they where sneaking in other ******* under guise of voter tampering
So what your response is saying is you don't know? This is just YOUR OPINION, right?
And since your opinion supports what he did, it must be factual? You don't think Trump (who still believes Russia did NOT infiltrate our voting processes in 2016 & 2018) had anything to do with Mitch McConnell's response?
You appear to be forgetting how Trump was a "good guy" in 1999 but now he is a "bad guy" in 2019? Why is that?
I don't think he's forgetting. In the 1990's Trump was looking for a political party to be affiliated with ... remember, he "says" he was a Democrat before he became a Republican. Democrats didn't want to be affiliated him for many reasons, but Trump just needed a party to hitch his wagon to. He's not a real Republican, either ... do you think he gives a rat's ass about abortion, health care, or illegal immigration, or any issues of the country that don't impact him personally? Come on, Trump only cares about things that bring him wealth & power ... PERIOD. Tax cuts and Regulation cuts ... anything that helps him make MONEY. Hell, he'd probably turn his ******* in for a couple $billion. If he supports things like making abortion illegal, illegal immigration, healthcare ... its to secure a base of voters that will help keep him in office so he can continue running his con-game.
You folks are so gullible ... damn, when I was a street salesman, I'd love to have had a few thousand of you suckers to sell insurance to ...

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I don't think he's forgetting. In the 1990's Trump was looking for a political party to be affiliated with ... remember, he "says" he was a Democrat before he became a Republican. Democrats didn't want to be affiliated him for many reasons, but Trump just needed a party to hitch his wagon to. He's not a real Republican, either ... do you think he gives a rat's ass about abortion, health care, or illegal immigration, or any issues of the country that don't impact him personally? Come on, Trump only cares about things that bring him wealth & power ... PERIOD. Tax cuts and Regulation cuts ... anything that helps him make MONEY. Hell, he'd probably turn his ******* in for a couple $billion. If he supports things like making abortion illegal, illegal immigration, healthcare ... its to secure a base of voters that will help keep him in office so he can continue running his con-game.
You folks are so gullible ... damn, when I was a street salesman, I'd love to have had a few thousand of you suckers to sell insurance to ...

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you know what is really sad...…..I read where 48% of middle aged white males.....like his views on race and Baltimore and etc....that is a whole lot of white supremacy he has pushed and continues to push....and with them being middle aged just how long is the race thing going to go on?....he has pushed things that will now be around for a while

I also read where 18% of blacks voted for this man....and 27% of latino's…...will they still support trump now?

I also read where he knows he can not win the majority of the country and has focused on the ones that actually vote!
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