Wake Up, America! Wake Up! PLEASE!!

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most of it now is just repeating trumps own words....and fact checking them......which causes a stir in the WH because he thinks everyone should be like his followers and flat believe anything he says

like his one statement a few months ago...….don't believe what you see and read believe what I tell you...one of his more famous quotes

Trump to veterans: Don’t believe what you’re reading or seeing
"Just remember, what you are seeing and what you are reading is not what's happening," Trump said. "Just stick with us, don't believe the crap you see from these people, the fake news."

Trump tells supporters, 'What you're seeing ... is not ...
Trump tells supporters, ‘What you’re seeing … is not what’s happening’ ... “Politicians have used you and stolen your votes. They have given you nothing. ... And that voice is now ...

everytime he opens his mouth it just starts another comedy hour for those that know better....for his supporters it just draws sympathy....
and you wonder why the news is so funny anymore

Tracking all of President Trump’s false or misleading ...
May 19, 2017 · In 801 days, President Trump has made 9,451 false or misleading claims The Fact Checker’s ongoing database of the false or misleading claims made by President Trump since assuming office.

Trump Has Now Lied To The Public More Than 1,000 Times ...
Has Now Lied To The Public More Than 1,000 Times Since Taking Office. As of today, right now, he’s over 1,050 total lies that he has told to the American public since being sworn in. But more than 1,000 lies in less than seven months if he hit this mark August 4th or 5th, as Washington Post claims. Washington Post, as most people know, has been keeping track of all of Donald Trump lies since

All of Donald Trump's Lies - billmoyers.com
Jun 26, 2017 · For the Record All of Donald Trump’s Lies. The New York Times has printed every lie Donald Trump has told since taking office. The effort deserves the Pulitzer Prize for …

and yet there are those on here that still believe and support the man....and I use that word loosely....I would call him more of a prick...but can't even do that because even a prick has a head
and you wonder why the news has such a field day with him so much

How many laws has Donald Trump broken since becoming president?
what possible crimes has trump committed
significant changes trump has done since becoming pres

the reason the news is so bad anymore....just a reflection on the president.....ever see any other pres stir this much *******...cause this much hate and discord?...…….kissing the ass of our enemies....while pissing off our allies....not only trouble here he is an ass world wide...no wonder the news has little time left to cover the nations news
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Kamala Harris Guts Barr Like a Fish, Leaves Him Flopping ...
May 01, 2019 · Kamala Harris Guts Barr Like a Fish, Leaves Him Flopping on the Deck It took just eight minutes for Harris to destroy the attorney general’s “no obstruction”

Watch Sen. Kamala Harris Eat Attorney General William Barr ...
4 days ago · Watch Sen. Kamala Harris Eat Attorney General William Barr for Lunch The presidential candidate flustered and cornered the Trump loyalist during his …

Kamala Harris says AG Barr representing president, not US
Associated Press
6 hours ago · DETROIT (AP) — Capping a week in which her testy exchange with Attorney General William Barr went viral, Sen. Kamala Harris on Sunday told a crowd of thousands gathered at a dinner hosted by the country’s oldest NAACP chapter that Barrlied to Congress” and “is clearly more interested in representing the president than the American people.”

Kamala Harris Dunked on Attorney General William Barr. So ...
May 02, 2019 · Presidential candidate Kamala Harris exposed William Barr as Donald Trump's toady. But shaming the Attorney General isn't enough. Kamala Harris Dunked on Attorney General William Barr.
Kamala Harris Guts Barr Like a Fish, Leaves Him Flopping ...
May 01, 2019 · Kamala Harris Guts Barr Like a Fish, Leaves Him Flopping on the Deck It took just eight minutes for Harris to destroy the attorney general’s “no obstruction”

Watch Sen. Kamala Harris Eat Attorney General William Barr ...
4 days ago · Watch Sen. Kamala Harris Eat Attorney General William Barr for Lunch The presidential candidate flustered and cornered the Trump loyalist during his …

Kamala Harris says AG Barr representing president, not US
Associated Press
6 hours ago · DETROIT (AP) — Capping a week in which her testy exchange with Attorney General William Barr went viral, Sen. Kamala Harris on Sunday told a crowd of thousands gathered at a dinner hosted by the country’s oldest NAACP chapter that Barrlied to Congress” and “is clearly more interested in representing the president than the American people.”

Kamala Harris Dunked on Attorney General William Barr. So ...
May 02, 2019 · Presidential candidate Kamala Harris exposed William Barr as Donald Trump's toady. But shaming the Attorney General isn't enough. Kamala Harris Dunked on Attorney General William Barr.

“Much ado about NOTHING “
“Much ado about NOTHING “
just more in the trump dicktator ship...…..getting revenge on his enemies like any third world country would do...he wants to show there is punishment for speaking out against him...like in N.K....or Russia...or any of those other dictatorships he likes to model himself and America after....but then you see no fault in the man so naturally your response....what little it is means nothing
just more in the trump dicktator ship...…..getting revenge on his enemies like any third world country would do...he wants to show there is punishment for speaking out against him...like in N.K....or Russia...or any of those other dictatorships he likes to model himself and America after....but then you see no fault in the man so naturally your response....what little it is means nothing

The Left :

Trump wins the 2016 Election

Shortly thereafter

Mueller Report released

What a bunch of freaking crying baby SORE LOSERS - America HATES whiners !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Anyone see the new economic figures? Unemployment claims are at it’s lowest in half a century. Wages are up. Everyone’s wages across all ethnic and racial groups are up.

Mac, I have a question, if things are so bad under Trump, why is Obama trying to take credit?
The liberal arguments he presents are all fallacious. You can refute them one by one easily. Do you really want to argue about it? Liberals turned this country into a hayday for the international community and our banking system to profit eventually leading to the collapse of the American economy and the outing of many U.S. workers in 2008. Today, we have the strongest economy and lowest unemployment figures in recent American History.
The liberal arguments he presents are all fallacious. You can refute them one by one easily. Do you really want to argue about it? Liberals turned this country into a hayday for the international community and our banking system to profit eventually leading to the collapse of the American economy and the outing of many U.S. workers in 2008. Today, we have the strongest economy and lowest unemployment figures in recent American History.

like I did yours and you cried ever since about what a rotten person I was....you know nothing of facts let alone refuting anything!
you might want to look again at all those comments you posted............Clinton brought the country back to prosperity...the right fucked it!....Bush and trickle down is what put us in the hole......banks were failing auto industry failing....Obama had to bail things out or we would have gone into a depression...….and in case you didn't read any earlier posts which I am sure you didn't...goes against what you believe.....strongest economy...….that's because after the trump tax cuts for the wealthy all these big biz are buying back their own stock...making the market look good for now...but that is short term....and lowest unemployment...that's true...because most people are working 2 jobs to make ends meet.....and the majority of workers are living off their credit cards right now which also catch up to things in a matter of time....wages for the worker has not even kept up with inflation!....that's not a good economy.....trump has juggled things to look good...but it is all temp.....just like he wants to lower interest rate...and I am sure he will try before the election...that also is just a short term fix....also trump took off the restrictions on banks again that Obama put on there...why are they on there? so banks don't loan money to people who can't pay it back.....and the country have to bail out the banks again...but now with no restrictions the banks are back to loaning money.....example being the credit card...max it out..call the bank and get it raised....sooner or later it catches up

so no the economy is not great...all just white wash!
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Not good news for the TDS crowd....latest poll numbers from the left leaning Gallup poll shows Trump now has higher approval % than Obummer did at the same point in his presidency.

Better cry Russia Russia Russia again....maybe that'll stir up the useful idiots....

you always like to point out 2 times when Obama had a bad period....when he was asking for bailout money to save the country from the destruction the right put on us...…...and when he was pushing through the aca......which was not popular at the time but now most of the country wants....you have a bad habit of picking and choosing your facts not always very factual

and I suppose the rest of the facts will be straight from trump...after all he wouldn't lie!
The Left :

Trump wins the 2016 Election

Shortly thereafter

Mueller Report released

What a bunch of freaking crying baby SORE LOSERS - America HATES whiners !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

and your posts?....what posts?...haven't a clue to what's going on nor anything of value to say so you......wah wah wah

5 reasons George W. Bush is still one of the worst ...
  • Author: Matthew Rozsa

    1. He failed on September 11. Few would disagree that the September 11 terrorist attacks were a …
    2. His policies caused the Great Recession. When Bush took office, he inherited a strong economy …
    3. He eroded American civil liberties to an unprecedented degree. When Sen. Russ Feingold (D …
    4. He bungled his response to Hurricane Katrina. Believe it or not, it isn’t that difficult for a president …
  • See all full list on dailydot.com
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Economic policy of the George W. Bush administration ...
The economic policy of the George W. Bush administration was characterized by significant income tax cuts in 2001 and 2003, the implementation of Medicare Part D in 2003, increased military spending for two wars, a housing bubble that contributed to the subprime mortgage crisis of 2007–2008, and the Great Recession that followed.

Obama had to fix the Bush failures on his own with no help from the right at all

Bush vs. Obama on the Economy, In 3 Simple Charts [UPDATED ...
Dec 08, 2014 · Bush vs. Obama: Unemployment Rate. Under Bush, the employment-population ratio dropped 3.8 percentage points, from 64.4 percent to 60.6 percent. Under Obama, it fell another 2.4 percentage points by October 2013, but since has regained two-thirds of that loss and now sits at 59.7 percent, slightly short of where Bush left off.

The Economic Consequences of Mr. Bush | Vanity Fair
The Economic Consequences of Mr. Bush The next president will have to deal with yet another crippling legacy of George W. Bush: the economy. A Nobel laureate, Joseph E. Stiglitz, sees a generation ...
  • Author: Joseph E. Stiglitz
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get your facts straight

How Barack Obama rescued the US economy | Financial Times
Jan 10, 2017 · How Barack Obama rescued the US economy. ... Yet President-elect Donald Trump might not be in a position to bully automakers today if they had not been rescued back ... Get alerts on Barack Obama ...

President Obama's Economic Policies and Accomplishments
Obama's Advisers. Many of them helped formulate the policies he outlined during his 2008 campaign platform, including an aggressive fiscal stimulus plan to put the country back on track. He was applauded for appointing former Federal Reserve Chairman Paul Volcker as the head of the Economic

and I know that the republican that likes to boast so much will not read...but facts are....

Fact Check: Is Trump or Obama Behind Booming Economy? : NPR
Sep 12, 2018 · Fact Check: Is Trump or Obama Behind Booming Economy? President Trump and former President Obama both claim credit for the economy. Democrats argue that Trump inherited an economy that was already ...
Trump can't play at one of his local golf clubs; oh no. Gotta drag a few dozen secret service to Florida a few times a month. Here's the TAB:

..... and yet another one of Trump's advisors gets indicted. This President is dangerous. Anyone he does business with goes to jail.
"Oh yeah, drain the swamp, Trump, drain THAT SWAMP!"
old ...yes......but the most sensible person to run in 2020

face it....needle dick is on the way OUT!
He will be in 2024 good buddy. If anything about being POTUS is like Euchre he has all the TRUMP cards!

TRUMP = Right Bower,
Ivanka = Left Bower,
Don Jr = Trump Ace,
Jared = Trump King,
Melania = Trump Queen,
other Euchre fans can fill in the rest....
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