Wake Up, America! Wake Up! PLEASE!!

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Those MEAN OLE LIBERALS ... just look what THEY did, its terrible:
• They got both Women and Minorities the RIGHT TO VOTE (Republicans opposed them)
• They created social security (Republicans were against it)
• They ended segregation and passed the Civil Rights Act, the Voters Right Act, and Medicare (Republicans said NO WAY)
• They passed the Clean Air, and Clean Water Acts (Republicans were against those as well)
• Liberals gave us the minimum wage, workers safety, and consumer protection​

Yeah, we LIBERALS are mean and selfish, alright ... Liberals Are AGAINST:
• Using wealth to gain an unfair advantage on the common workers​
• Corporations who use their wealth to bribe Washington to establish unfair legislation just for THEM​
• Crony capitalism and fraudulent banking practices​
• Legalized fraud in the investment markets; we're not against Wall Street​
• Land, air, and water pollution; we're not against Energy​

Its interesting to know that the last two Democrat presidents were a Rhodes scholar and a Law Professor. The last two Republican presidents were a failed oil executive and a TV personality.

BIG MONEY contributors is the single worst problem in today's politics and elections. It was Democrats who voted for full, campaign finance transparency; it was Republicans who voted it down.
Every single Republican Supreme Court judge voted FOR Citizens United while every single Democrat Supreme Court judge voted against it.

So, IF you are AGAINST Socialism, which programs would you eliminate right now ...
♦ Public Schools, Fire, Police & EMS protection, Public Libraries, Federal Disaster Relief, Air Travel, Roads & Highways, TV & Radio, Cell Phones, the Internet, Patents, Public Parks, Corporate Subsidies, Safe Goods & Services, Insurances, Federal Disaster Relief just to name a few.​
Anyone see the new economic figures? Unemployment claims are at it’s lowest in half a century. Wages are up. Everyone’s wages across all ethnic and racial groups are up.

Mac, I have a question, if things are so bad under Trump, why is Obama trying to take credit?
CNN reports this mornin - unemployment rate has fallen to 3.6% - lowest number in over 50 years - that ain’t nuttin and taint horseshite.
I'll agree that Trump has had some impact on the jobs numbers, BUT, lets note some additional facts to go with it here:
• Job numbers have continually been climbing for the past 10 years. Some people don't realize how many jobs were lost in the last couple years of the Bush administration; the number 800,000 a month ring a bell? Trump inherited a recovering economy, did he not, from Obama? And, Trump has pretty much insisted on keeping the inflation number artificially low, even though indicators want to begin allowing some inflation to return. Eventually, inflation will return with a vengeance, and, there will be little that can be done to keep it at bay when it does. You'll be looking at double digit inflation for sure. Same with the stock market #s; due for a radical adjustment.​
• Trump's government spending #s to revenue are atrocious; have you seen the deficit spending numbers lately?​
•We should be very concerned with the stock market; measures were put into place to guard against another Wall Street crash as we had towards the end of the Bush administration (ie. Dodd-Frank); Trump & Republicans have been removing those safe guards. The next crash could be as bad, if not worse, than the last one. *see attachment
So, Mr pic_FoxNews2.jpg , what you got to say for that? GIF_GrouchoMarx.gif

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I'll agree that Trump has had some impact on the jobs numbers, BUT, lets note some additional facts to go with it here:
Job numbers have continually been climbing for the past 10 years. Some people don't realize how many jobs were lost in the last couple years of the Bush administration; the number 800,000 a month ring a bell? Trump inherited a recovering economy, did he not, from Obama? And, Trump has pretty much insisted on keeping the inflation number artificially low, even though indicators want to begin allowing some inflation to return. Eventually inflation will return, and with a vengeance and there will be little that can be done to keep it at bay when it does. Trump's government spending #s to revenue are atrocious; have you seen the deficit spending numbers lately?​
So, Mr View attachment 2582310 , what you got to say for that? View attachment 2582311

They only say jobs were lost but now where. How many jobs went over seas and how many were lost to automation?

The plant I am in used to have around 700 people to day it’s around 250. We are still turning out the same amount of stuff just with a lot of jobs automated out of existence in the last ten years
They only say jobs were lost but now where. How many jobs went over seas and how many were lost to automation?
The US is making a transition from a industrialized to technology based economy. We're doing 2 things wrong with it now:
• Not preparing/training our work ******* for this change; wanting to cut back on public education instead of adjusting the curriculums.​
• Giving our costly investments (R&D) into technologies to other countries "free" and they turn around and use it to compete against us.​

As Dr. Spock would say, "This is simply not logical".
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Under Trump, American jobs sent overseas hits five-year ...
Almost 100,000 jobs have been lost to overseas competition since Trump took office — a higher rate than at any time in the past five years. A new report shows that American jobs are going overseas at a higher volume than average, disproving Donald Trump’s claim that he is bringing jobs back to the U.S.

The Companies Offshoring Jobs at a Record Pace Under Trump
Apr 21, 2018 · Merck won $1.62 billion in federal contacts since Trump took office. Unfortunately, there were no guarantees about keeping that money — or the jobs it would theoretically create — inside the country. According to employment data, at least 254 Merck jobs left America since Trump’s election.

Number of jobs lost to foreign competition up since Trump ...
The number of U.S. jobs eliminated due to foreign competition since President Trump's election last year has largely kept pace with previous years, according to a new report.

Under Trump, US jobs are moving overseas even faster than ...
Dec 01, 2017 · Under Trump, US jobs are moving overseas even faster than before. All told, in the year since Trump was elected, more than 93,000 jobs have been certified by the Department of Labor as lost to outsourcing or trade competition, slightly higher than the …
I know with these trumpies…...it looks like trumps statement about standing in the middle of the street and shoot someone...and his supporters wouldn't care...……..well looks like we need to change that comment some...….trump can literally have secret meetings with and place personal phone calls to our greatest enemy and his supporters wouldn't care
The US is making a transition from a industrialization to technology based economy. We're doing 2 things wrong with it now:
• Not preparing/training our work *******; in fact, wanting to cut back on public education instead of adjusting the curriculums.​
• Giving our costly investments into technologies to other countries "free" and they turn around and use it to compete with us for GNP.​

As Dr. Spock would say, "This isn't logical".

some has to do with the tariffs...….especially the steel tariffs.....
They ended segregation and passed the Civil Rights Act, the Voters Right Act, and Medicare (Republicans said NO WAY)
Utter BULLSHIT as usual from you. Republican's voted in a greater percentage for the civil rights act and voting rights act than democraps.

Here's the actual vote totals you can review.

It was Democrap Senator Robert Byrd who filibustered the civil right act trying to prevent if from passing. Of course Democrap Robert Byrd was a former Exalted Cyclops in the KKK. With his KKK resume, he was able to rise in the Democrap party all the way to the position of President pro tempore of the Senate.


Yeah, we LIBERALS are mean and selfish, alright ... Liberals Are AGAINST:
Corporations who use their wealth to bribe Washington to establish unfair legislation just for THEM

Oh yeah...unless it is something like the health insurance industry bribing Democraps to make it illegal not to buy their product...

Utter BULLSHIT as usual from you. Republican's voted in a greater percentage for the civil rights act and voting rights act than democraps.

Here's the actual vote totals you can review.

It was Democrap Senator Robert Byrd who filibustered the civil right act trying to prevent if from passing. Of course Democrap Robert Byrd was a former Exalted Cyclops in the KKK. With his KKK resume, he was able to rise in the Democrap party all the way to the position of President pro tempore of the Senate.


Oh yeah...unless it is something like the health insurance industry bribing Democraps to make it illegal not to buy their product...

View attachment 2582383

that's all pretty well known....from the way back files......but has since changed his ways ..up until his death

it was still the dems that took care of the minorities....want the facts and numbers on the amount of stuff the right has killed or tried to ******* to help the people....and hell they are still going at it!
you can start with this one...and the right did all they could to get it stopped anyway...said it would hurt the country....couldn't stop it....so they robbed it!

The Republican record on Social Security – People's World
Oct 21, 2006 · The Republican record on Social Security October 21, 2006 5:53 AM CDT By AFL-CIO Then VP George H.W. Bush and President Ronald Reagan, leaders in the GOP war on Social Security. |

just keeping things more current here

100 Days, 100 Ways the Trump Administration Is Harming ...
Apr 25, 2017 · It has only been 100 days since President Trump took office, and millions of American women and families are already feeling the adverse impacts of his administration’s misguided agenda.

Senate Republicans Block Bill on Equal Pay - The New York ...
Apr 10, 2014 · Senate Republicans Block Bill on Equal PaySenate Republicans Block Bill on Equal Pay. WASHINGTON — Senate Republicans on Wednesday blocked legislation meant to close the pay gap between men and women, framing an election-year fight between the parties over whose policies are friendlier to women. The bill was an attempt by Democrats to press...

and how your fellow biz owners like 2bi....fucked the American worker

American Labor and Working-Class History, 1900–1945 ...
Early 20th century American labor and working-class history is a subfield of American social history that focuses attention on the complex lives of working people in a rapidly changing global political and economic system. Once focused closely on institutional dynamics in the workplace and electoral politics, labor history has expanded and refined its approach to include questions about the ...

start on that....which I know you won't...not what you want to hear...….but I can provide more on the ways the right has fucked the worker/middle class if needed

HH I think you went to the school the AG went to
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for those not interested in what's going on around them ...you could call it that
some people just strive to be in the dark
I'm sure you make your dad proud with all you don't know
as for HH ..he already knows he is a bloomin idiot....well maybe not quite in bloom...but close...he has yet to win and argument on here about anything...but is persistent with his bullshit
Mmmmm Turkey another of our supposedly "allies" buying arms from Russia.....don't suppose it was those tariffs trump put on them do you..and trying to destroy their economy...…....nah..couldn't be that....damn we are really making Russia's economy boom...they can hire more hackers now!

first oil...then soybeans...arms.....what next...wish we could have a giant pumpkin sale...close out even!
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So, IF you are AGAINST Socialism, which programs would you eliminate right now ...
♦ Public Schools, Fire, Police & EMS protection, Public Libraries, Federal Disaster Relief, Air Travel, Roads & Highways, TV & Radio, Cell Phones, the Internet, Patents, Public Parks, Corporate Subsidies, Safe Goods & Services, Insurances, Federal Disaster Relief just to name a few.

Someone doesn't understand the difference between Socialism and public services. We don't need a Socialistic government to have Public services, or even social programs. Who do you think wins in a Socialistic society Mac? Venezuela would be a good place to start. Only the wealthy and government are taken care of - the people are not. Bringing in more socialism will only strengthen the class that has all the power to begin with.
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