Wake Up, America! Wake Up! PLEASE!!

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If you had engaged any neurons and looked at that plot, you'd know when Obummer was "asking for bailout money" his approval was well over 50%. Also Obummer's approval numbers were under Trump's current number for over a third of his presidency, including much later in his presidency than the bailout and ACA passage.....for example, virtually the entire year of 2014.

But thanks for once again showing how little you and the TDS bubble heads care about facts and reality.

wrong again there trump nut muncher.....Obama was not popular during the bailout...….don't suppose you remember that statement going around..."bailing out wall street on the backs of main street".....but then you trumpies never were known for facts

and yes you are still 0fer in winning any arguments here....but keep trying....you entertain...as long as it doesn't embarrass you to be so consistently wrong and the butt of so many jokes....keep going by all means

with your constant ability to be wrong so much I think you should change your line of work....maybe something more suited to your abilities...….like being a skin-diver for roto-rooter
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Gallup says otherwise, but you obviously don't give a flip about reality. He was at or above 50% for that entire first year while your liberal cronies were crying about wall street vs mainstreet:


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I think I'm starting to understand why you and the rest of the TDS crown on here have so much trouble with reality.....

View attachment 2585619
would that be a line-up for a trump rally?
I'm sure you would know

he was unpopular when asking for the money...people even complained about the gov owning GM...I remember seeing signs in the dealership......after things started working out his popularity went up.....then came the ACA and it went back down...and then went back upo again to numbers trump will NEVER achieve
I think Trump’s numbers will go up once the full story of the plot to subvert his presidency comes out.
If the plot WAS to subvert Trump's presidency, why would Trump continually obstruct the investigation from Day One?
Trump always agrees with what "favors" him, and calls anything that doesn't "fake news".
Barr, whom he is suppose to trust, said the Mueller investigation DID NOT exonerate the President; why does the President still say it DOES?
Why does practically EVERYONE now agree that Russia interfered with the 2016 election, yet Trump continues to side with MrPutin that Russia did not interfere?
Why does Trump continue asking others to lie/obstruct for him?
So everyone else is WRONG and Trump is RIGHT? OR, do you agree with Trump simply because you dislike liberals even when it is so obvious that Trump is either wrong or lying?
Why do you never require Trump to prove/fulfill his statements? ie. his tax returns, testifying under oath, etc?
For example, Trump's claim that more people attended his inauguration than did with Obama's ... aerial photographs totally proved Trump's claim false, yet both Trump & his administration were willing to publicly declare the opposite FOR Trump.
So many other stories where Trump is recorded saying one thing, then proven wrong by a recording. So, you think Trump was STILL telling the truth? ie. the ****** money and phone conversations?
What EXACTLY will it TAKE to prove to YOU that Trump is a liar, traitor, and con man? ie: the WALL that Mexico would pay for, better Healthcare plan
He's now surpassed 10,000 recorded lies & exaggerations since becoming President ... anyone disagree?
If so, why would you believe a man that currently lies 7-8 times a day, every day?
Why do you refuse to actually discuss these topics or answer these questions?
Why would you be so willing to LIE & DENY these things to yourselves?
If once Trump's tax returns come out AND the entirety of the investigation, and they prove him wrong, will you be willing to ADMIT IT?


words_FoolMeOnce.jpg .... but, fool me EVERY TIME, plant me in the garden and water me daily.

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Still nothing more than a criminal at large

Ex-prosecutors: Trump would've been charged if not ...
13 hours ago · Ex-prosecutors: Trump would've been charged if not president. 1 / 17. Back to Gallery WASHINGTON (AP) — Hundreds of former federal prosecutors have signed onto a letter saying President Donald …

Ex-DOJ prosecutors: Trump would have been charged with ...
13 hours ago · Nearly 400 federal prosecutors on Monday said they believe President Donald Trump would have been charged with obstruction of justice if not for a …

US: 500 ex-prosecutors say Trump should be charged with ...
News US: 500 ex-prosecutors say Trump should be charged with obstruction. Donald Trump tried to fire Robert Mueller and intimidate witnesses, hundreds of US ex-prosecutors said in a letter.

Trump would have been charged with obstruction were he not president, hundreds of former federal prosecutors assert

More than 450 former federal prosecutors who worked in Republican and Democratic administrations have signed on to a statement asserting special counsel Robert S. Mueller III’s findings would have produced obstruction charges against President Trump — if not for the office he holds.

The statement — signed by myriad former career government employees as well as high-profile political appointees — offers a rebuttal to Attorney General William P. Barr’s determination that the evidence Mueller uncovered was “not sufficient” to establish that Trump committed a crime.

I think Trump’s numbers will go up once the full story of the plot to subvert his presidency comes out.

the only popularity that man will even have is when he is behind bars!
it irritates the hell out of him that he is not as popular as Obama......he has went out of his way to destroy anything Obama did for the country...no matter what the consequences to the country
Trump praises witness who refuses to testify against him ...
Dec 03, 2018 · WASHINGTON (AP) - President Donald Trump praised a key witness in the Russia investigation Monday for having the "guts" not to testify against him, and said his former lawyer - …

Trump Scared to Let Mueller Testify, Despite ‘Exoneration’
New York Magazine
1 day ago · Trump Scared to Let Robert Mueller Testify, Despite ‘Exoneration’ This Is Billy McFarland’s Fyre Festival Comeback Plan Jerry Falwell Jr. Wants to Extend Trump’s Term by Two Years As ...

Trump will not let McGahn testify before Congress
Jan 27, 2018 · President Trump said Thursday that he won't allow former White House counsel Don McGahn to testify before Congress. "I don't think I can let

Trump Vows Stonewall of ‘All’ House Subpoenas, Setting Up ...
Apr 24, 2019 · WASHINGTON — The Trump administration escalated its defiance of Congress on Wednesday, as the Justice Department refused to let an official testify on Capitol Hill and President Trump vowed to ...

Donald Trump praises William Barr for 'fantastic' performance

May 01, 2019 · More: Attorney General William Barr refuses to testify at House hearing about special counsel Robert Mueller While he hadn't heard about the calls for Barr's resignation, Trump dismissed them as ...
Donald Trump’s Tax Returns: What We Might Learn - The New ...
Apr 10, 2019 · Democrats are hoping that President Trump’s federal tax returns will serve as a Rosetta stone to unlock the secrets of his murky finances. Mr. Trump, on …

Donald Trump says he won't give his tax returns to Congress
Apr 10, 2019 · Donald Trump says he won't give his tax returns to Congress. House Democrats have asked the IRS to provide Trump's tax records, and say they are willing to go to court to get them.

Trump Biographer Says Tax Returns Will Show President ...
A biographer of President Donald Trump said that the commander-in-chief's tax returns would show that he "has the lifestyle of a billionaire, but he doesn’t have any kind of wealth." While …

If several states pass that law...and are talking about it.....you can not run for pres in that state without showing your tax returns...that could end his hopes for re-election

Trump's tax returns: Proposed state laws would bar him ...
In refusing to release his tax returns, President Trump bucked decades of tradition and set off a Democrat hunt to obtain them. Now several statehouses are looking at making their release a ...
Donald Trump has reneged on a promise he made nearly four years ago to release his tax returns publicly. By keeping his returns hidden, he has broken the precedent every president and major party nominee for president has followed over the past 40 years. His actions also heighten concerns about what he could be hiding

just more corruption to hide the facts

Has Trump Been Grooming the I.R.S.’s Top Lawyer to Hide ...
Apr 05, 2019 · Has Trump Been Grooming the I.R.S.’s Top Lawyer to Hide His Tax Returns? A new report indicates the president fast-tracked the confirmation of Michael Desmond, chief counsel of …

Will John Roberts Let Trump Hide His Tax Returns Forever ...
Apr 09, 2019 · Will John Roberts Let Trump Hide His Tax Returns Forever? The president is building a constitutional case to keep the documents out of Congress' hands.

What’s Trump hiding by refusing to release his tax returns ...
Jun 09, 2016 · What Donald Trump is doing on the campaign trail. It seems he has put less effort into actually giving his own money away. The discrepancy provides one more reason that Mr. Trump should release his tax returns. The Post reported in April that Mr. Trump claimed to have given $102 million to charity over the past five years,...
The left as it is represented by you two seems to be hopelessly insane raving lunatics suffering from massive Trump Derangement Syndrome - good thing your numbers are small and I believe getting smaller - your party seems lost to me and your candidates weak.
So typical of lefties to supplant what has been said and replace it with their own horseshite - prima facia evidence of your corrupt thought patterns and need to stifle any opposing point of view - beginning to realize you people are really sick :|
Really easy for you to take a cheap shot at one's opinion post (#5365), its a whole lot different, however, to have to post a rebuttal to a crafted post like (#5366) isn't it? You simply can NOT and will NOT do it because you have no foundational evidence to disapprove them, do you?.
Why not take a shot at it, pea brain. Un-validate the questions I asked in that post. Can you even attempt to keep a straight face as you deny any part(s) of it?
Go ahead, blkdlaur, "impress us liberals!" Try using some facts with your opinion! OR, are you too gif_chicken3.gif
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The left as it is represented by you two seems to be hopelessly insane raving lunatics suffering from massive Trump Derangement Syndrome - good thing your numbers are small and I believe getting smaller - your party seems lost to me and your candidates weak.
So typical of lefties to supplant what has been said and replace it with their own horseshite - prima facia evidence of your corrupt thought patterns and need to stifle any opposing point of view - beginning to realize you people are really sick :|

it is pretty hard to stifle someone's point of view when they never say anything that requires them to have one...just mutter a couple of one-liners....says a lot about someone who has nothing in the way of constructive input
The left as it is represented by you two seems to be hopelessly insane raving lunatics suffering from massive Trump Derangement Syndrome - good thing your numbers are small and I believe getting smaller - your party seems lost to me and your candidates weak.

and what would you know? you haven't shown much to date!

your buddy is going out of his way to make sure Russia has every opportunity to play a role in the next election...and he seems to be worried about a couple of Dems...if so confident he wouldn't need Russia and he could run on his …….???????...honesty!
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