Wake Up, America! Wake Up! PLEASE!!

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oh come on flsubboy ... you don't remember ME? You and I go way, way back, I believe ... and you told ME the same thing. Now I bet you tell all the guys that. And to think, I thought I was special. We use to be like Bonnie & Clyde, Batman & Robin, Scully & Mulder, Lucy & Ethel, and Norm & Cliff ... what happened?
No, this person isn't like you at all. He is intentionally malevolent. You at least think you're funny. He has no redeeming quality.
Think about what you just said. I'll give you min ....... ...... .....

If Barr is full of ******* and wrong about what he said, Mueller would know. At least I would hope Mueller would know. So what is stopping Mueller from coming forward and saying "... no that's not what the report says..." Whats stopping Mueller from issuing another report? Why would he keep his mouth shut? Why hasn't Mueller given a press conference telling the American people to demand the report? What benefit does Mueller have by keeping his mouth shut? If you feel it is OK for Barr to release the full report, then it should be OK for Mueller to tell everyone what is says - but he hasn't.
This is just one big distraction to keep the divide as wide as possible, and obviously it's working.
Could the answer to all your questions be that AG Barr, is HIS BOSS! Where you been the last couple months on this?!
Hopefully you saw AG Barr's "under oath" questioning to the Senate today ... right? AG Barr admits he hasn't (that means as of TODAY) read the entirety of the Mueller report. When Mueller contacts Barr to discuss Barr's confusion of the investigative report, Barr calls him (conference call with witnesses) to discuss. When asked what they discussed and providing the minutes of the meeting, Barr says NO he won't. Mueller expressed concern to him that his letter did NOT capture the context, nature, or substance of the report .... nahhhhhhh, Trump's new attorney Barr surely wouldn't obstruct, now would he?
Barr also admits to the Senate that his letter did NOT exonerate the President. When asked if the President or anyone else in his administration had asked Barr to open an investigation ... "he couldn't remember!!!" .... lol Now isn't that something convenient to be unable to recall?
Let's see if Barr goes to the HOUSE for questioning?"? You think he will?
Let's see if Barr allows Mueller to be questioned on his report! You think he will?
Corruption runs really DEEP in the Trump administration. I wonder how deep it runs in the SCOTUS now that Trump has placed 2 judges there!
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Could the answer to all your questions be that AG Barr, is HIS BOSS!

oh please. lol so you are telling me that if YOUR BOSS was doing something, lets call it raciest, you wouldn't stand up because he is your boss?

No, I think if Mueller really believed there was something there he would be screaming like a stuck pig.

Corruption runs really DEEP in the Trump administration. I wonder how deep it runs in the SCOTUS now that Trump has placed 2 judges there!
I would agree to this except for the fact that you truly believe that corruption is only on he GOP side. How deep did it run when Obama placed 2 in the SCOTUS?

How many justices has President Obama appointed to the US Supreme Court?

As of December 25, 2010, President Obama has appointed two justices to the US Supreme Court. In 2009, he appointed Justice Sonia Sotomayor to succeed Justice David Souter; in 2010, he appointed Justice Elena Kagan to succeed Justice John Paul Stevens.
oh please. lol so you are telling me that if YOUR BOSS was doing something, lets call it raciest, you wouldn't stand up because he is your boss?

No, I think if Mueller really believed there was something there he would be screaming like a stuck pig.

I would agree to this except for the fact that you truly believe that corruption is only on he GOP side. How deep did it run when Obama placed 2 in the SCOTUS?

How many justices has President Obama appointed to the US Supreme Court?

As of December 25, 2010, President Obama has appointed two justices to the US Supreme Court. In 2009, he appointed Justice Sonia Sotomayor to succeed Justice David Souter; in 2010, he appointed Justice Elena Kagan to succeed Justice John Paul Stevens.

yes BUT his justices were appointed because of their legal smarts and fairness...…...trump has appointed his in hopes that if the time comes they will work for him...…kind of like the AG is doing now......also remember the pledge of not helping Obama at all....so yes he had to push or the right would have ******* it out for years...….big difference.....and with his 11 different law suits that are currently going on against him...he can just drag them out to the supreme court and walk!

although not sure if that is true with the criminal charges NY has against him
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oh please. lol so you are telling me that if YOUR BOSS was doing something, lets call it raciest, you wouldn't stand up because he is your boss?
No, I think if Mueller really believed there was something there he would be screaming like a stuck pig.
This is the PUBLIC sector we're discussing, not the Private sector. And, that's where you're so wrong, as are many of the die-hard sheep that follow the President. Barr sent in his resume personally to Trump practically begging Trump to consider him for the AG job ... surely you recall his reminding the President that he shared his beliefs on the Russian collusion matter, and of he's notorious past of protecting his boss's back. Trump has drained the swamp and removed all of the people in Washington jobs who held "at least" respectable honesty & integrity principles, only to replace them with low lifes with principles as low as his.
I would agree to this except for the fact that you truly believe that corruption is only on he GOP side.
Don't know where you made that assumption, but to even mention Obama in the same sentence as Trump, on the subject of corruption and dishonesty is truly a joke. Trump couldn't qualify to hold Obama's cock when he takes a piss. And certainly there is no comparison with voters.
Trump is beginning to prove that he'll become the worst President in American history before its all over. I wouldn't be surprise to see his wife leave him while he's still in office. No wonder she lives & sleeps on the opposite side of the White House.
As of December 25, 2010, President Obama has appointed two justices to the US Supreme Court. In 2009, he appointed Justice Sonia Sotomayor to succeed Justice David Souter; in 2010, he appointed Justice Elena Kagan to succeed Justice John Paul Stevens.
And exactly what is your point there?
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At least the Dems are still looking out for America and the people
the only ones putting America first.....not big biz or someone's pocket book

US House Passes First Climate Bill in Nearly a Decade ...
May 02, 2019 · The House approved its first climate change bill in nearly a decade Thursday, legislation that would prevent President Donald Trump from making good on his vow to …

House passes bill to ******* U.S. to stay in Paris climate ...
The Washington Post
17 hours ago · The House of Representatives passed a bill on Thursday designed to ******* the United States to stay in the Paris accord, in a rebuke to President Trump, who has promised to …

House backs Paris agreement in first climate bill in a ...
15 hours ago · The U.S. House of Representatives on Thursday passed its first climate-change bill in a decade, voting 231-190 to require that Trump administration keep the United States as a …
send the SOB to jail....others serving time for the same thing

Pelosi says AG Barr committed a 'crime' by lying to Congress
May 02, 2019 · Pelosi says AG Barr committed a 'crime' by lying to Congress Pelosi was referring to testimony the attorney general gave to Congress in April in …

Pelosi accuses Barr of committing a crime by lying to ...
19 hours ago · Speaker Nancy Pelosi on Thursday accused Attorney General William Barr of committing a crime by lying to Congress, blasting him in a closed-door meeting and later at a news conference.

Pelosi Calls Barr's Mueller Report Letter 'Condescending ...
Mar 28, 2019 · House Speaker Nancy Pelosi is heaping scorn on Attorney General William Barr, saying his letter about special counsel Robert Mueller’s report was “condescending.” Barr’s four-page
The whirling of the lefty propellers of spin on GRAND display !!!!
You're very good at criticizing, blkdlaur, but you post NOTHING of substance on here. Review the last 2 dozen or so of your posts ... you post NOTHING. This seems to pretty much be the MO of the Republicans these days ... they criticize Democrats, then offer NOTHING as an option. If you won't post anything, and you won't respond to any questions, exactly what is your positive function, here to validate your position? If you have articles or information that contradict what others post, by all means lets look at them, ok? Look at what they declare, who posted them, etc etc .
We have a President who has made tons of promises that he didn't deliver on ... in fact, had NO intention of delivering on.
He's lied, not only to the entire country, but worse, has lied to the very ones who put him in office.
►AG Barr just said, this week, that President Trump had not been exonerated. Trump still says he has. Who's right, and why?​
►AG Barr has now committed perjury by lying to the Senate this week, and refused to meet with the House for questioning. Thoughts?​
►AG Barr refuses to provide the minutes of his discussion with Mueller over his overview of the Mueller report.​
►Trump is blocking (obstruction again) anyone from meeting with Democrats, particularly McGahn & Mueller.​
►Trump now says he's been totally transparent in the investigation? Do you agree with that statement and why?​

All we ask is that you validate your position on what Trump & Barr are saying, and, your continual criticism of what others have posted.
If Trump declared that his gif_CRAP.gif tastes like Swiss Chocolate, would you agree with him?
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CNN reports this mornin - unemployment rate has fallen to 3.6% - lowest number in over 50 years - that ain’t nuttin and taint horseshite.
I think not

And I am not a dumbs hit ;}
Only commie fuckers I see are in your party!!!

I know I have posted this several times......but trump...McConnell ..Cruz...Rubio...and graham have all taken Russian money....do you really think they are serving our best interest?....spout stupid comments all you want...but it doesn't take a rocket scientist to know you go with who is paying you...and the pay we are giving is nothing compared to what Russia is giving!

so pull up trumps pants and try using your head for other purposes....

You have RUSSIA on the brain soon you’ll be hearing a lot about Ukraine - even the MSM is starting to nibble on that story.
You have RUSSIA on the brain soon you’ll be hearing a lot about Ukraine - even the MSM is starting to nibble on that story.

yeah I do have Russia on the brain.....I served 7 years in this man's army.....and NEVER considered Russia an ally

glad you keep up on that democratic news...….heaven knows you need it...….just to bad it seems to be going to waste

as for ukrain…...just another country the chump will hand over to p u t I n on a silver platter...in hopes of getting his tower in Russia

I wonder with all the treason he is pulling if he has given any thought to his family still having to live here...or hell who knows looks like some of them may be involved also
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CNN reports this mornin - unemployment rate has fallen to 3.6% - lowest number in over 50 years - that ain’t nuttin and taint horseshite.
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
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Liberal may refer to:
Look up Liberal, liberal, liberally, liberalism, liberality, liberalness, or liberalist in Wiktionary, the free dictionary.

3Places in the United States
4Arts, entertainment, and media
6Other uses
7See also
A supporter of liberalism, a socialist political philosophy founded on insane ideas that claim to promote liberty and equality toward the end of eventual power mongering.
Classical liberalism, a political or social philosophy advocating the freedom of the individual but which advocates limiting freedom of speech by those with whom they disagree., parliamentary systems of government, nonviolent but coercive modification of political, social, or economic institutions, and false governmental guarantees of individual rights and civil liberties meant to convince the masses into believing they get what they “deserve”.
Conservative liberalism, [Archaic] Was a variant of liberalism, combining liberal values and policies with conservative stances, or, more simply, representing the right-wing of the liberal movement. Also see "Joseph Biden".
Economic liberalism, the conservative ideological belief in organizing the economy on individualist lines, such that the greatest possible number of economic decisions are made by private individuals and not by collective institutions. The opposite of a “liberal” in the political realm where politicians seek to have government regulation and control of every aspect of the peoples’ lives including excessive taxation.
Social liberalism, the belief that liberalism should include social justice and that the legitimate role of the state includes addressing issues such as unemployment, health care, education, and the expansion of civil rights
Liberal, an adherent of a Liberal Party. Also, a non-politician who is uninformed.
Liberal democracy, a form of government based on limited majority rule. Limited in that informed decisions can not be made by a “constituency” due to the promotion of false information, thus, an oligarchy of power hungry despots must make decisions for them. Also see “Parental Control of adults” Also see "Hillary Clinton"
Liberal Democratic Party (disambiguation)
Liberalism (international relations), a theory of international relations based upon co-operation and mediation rather than power politics. Usually leads to economic downturn and eventual downfall and colapse of the country.
European liberalism
Liberals, a Swedish political party
In the U.S., the term liberalism can refer to either of the following:
Modern liberalism in the United States, the contemporary manifestation of the ideology, which dominates the Democratic Party. Also see: “Maxine Waters, Alexandria Acasio-Cortez, Elizabeth Warren, Nancy Pelosi, Chuck Schumer, Bernard Sanders and many other popular icons of the new liberal thinking.”
Progressivism in the United States, referring to left-wing politics, movements and factions in the Democratic Party
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