Wake Up, America! Wake Up! PLEASE!!

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and your posts?....what posts?...haven't a clue to what's going on nor anything of value to say so you......wah wah wah

NO - tis you and your ilk that do all the WAH’n - been a LONG time at it - the more ya LOSE - the more ya - WAH - think it’s about time ya shut the fuck up - just my opinion - and - as long as there is free speech in this country - which again you lefties continually try to stifle - I will say what I’m thinkin whether you like it or not.
He will be in 2024 good buddy. If anything about being POTUS is like Euchre he has all the TRUMP cards!

TRUMP = Right Bower,
Ivanka = Left Bower,
Don Jr = Trump Ace,
Jared = Trump King,
Melania = Trump Queen,
other Euchre fans can fill in the rest....

if he is such a sure thing.....why won't he do anything to stop the Russian meddling?....could it be he can't make it on his own....several have told him it is still going on....former homeland security gal brought it up in a cabinet meeting...she was fired 2 days later

and he sure seems worried about Biden for someone so confident!......if you remember right a lot left Obama because the economy just wasn't showing them anything in their pocket...…..it's not now with trump either...no matter how he paints a pretty picture...and that is what a lot of it is....card shuffling....sooner or later that joker is going to pop up and he is done....hopefully it will not be to late
NO - tis you and your ilk that do all the WAH’n - been a LONG time at it - the more ya LOSE - the more ya - WAH - think it’s about time ya shut the fuck up - just my opinion - and - as long as there is free speech in this country - which again you lefties continually try to stifle - I will say what I’m thinkin whether you like it or not.

free speech and you just told me to shut the fuck up...….you sound just like that Mussolini we have in the white house......just a hitler wanna be....with a bunch of suckers kissing his ass....keep your head buried who knows what you might find in there
Sorry slipped off the fence today and showing more Blacks wearing MAGA hats today...

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doesn't mean anything there are fools born everyday...and a few on here....you probably don't remember but he had a minority preacher supporting his sorry ass....and very public about his support...….got deported....wonder what he thinks now....look at how sold kayne was...until he figured out he was being used......look at the 2 sisters and all their support...come to find out they were getting paid...not that anyone on here is getting paid......just foolish in their support of a criminal and commie
if he is such a sure thing.....why won't he do anything to stop the Russian meddling?....could it be he can't make it on his own....several have told him it is still going on....former homeland security gal brought it up in a cabinet meeting...she was fired 2 days later

and he sure seems worried about Biden for someone so confident!......if you remember right a lot left Obama because the economy just wasn't showing them anything in their pocket...…..it's not now with trump either...no matter how he paints a pretty picture...and that is what a lot of it is....card shuffling....sooner or later that joker is going to pop up and he is done....hopefully it will not be to late
Say I had a magic wand ( think like Harry Potter and not the other one, HA:LOL: ) and I made you POTUS tomorrow, what could you do to stop Russia from meddling in 2020 @subhub174014 ?
doesn't mean anything there are fools born everyday...and a few on here....you probably don't remember but he had a minority preacher supporting his sorry ass....and very public about his support...….got deported....wonder what he thinks now....look at how sold kayne was...until he figured out he was being used......look at the 2 sisters and all their support...come to find out they were getting paid...not that anyone on here is getting paid......just foolish in their support of a criminal and commie
Not sure about which preacher got deported, but those mostly American preachers who I notice from America are all staunchly behind President Trump. Given your perspective it might turn your stomach but if you wish to see watch some Daystar and just about all of them are there. Then if you so choose you could write them all and debate them about their viewpoint? Each one of them reach thousands if not millions of Americans and their slant on things can and will influence American voters to vote for Trump, which is something you are trying to prevent I think?

If you choose to undertake that exercise it will be as if the unstoppable ******* confronts the immoveable object, something will happen.
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Say I had a magic wand ( think like Harry Potter and not the other one, HA:LOL: ) and I made you POTUS tomorrow, what could you do to stop Russia from meddling in 2020 @subhub174014 ?

they already have a system set up to block them.....and even return the favor....all they need is the pres ok.....look at the dutch….they are the ones that traced the hacking right to an office in the kremlin...it wasn't us that caught them...things have changed now and we have worked on that technology.....but like anything you do to another country has to go through the pres....and he won't give it the ok

if the dutch were able to figure that out 2 years ago......you don't think we have spent some time looking at all that
Not sure about which preacher got deported, but those mostly American preachers who I notice from America are all staunchly behind President Trump. Given your perspective it might turn your stomach but if you wish to see watch some Daystar and just about all of them are there. Then if you so choose you could write them all and debate them about their viewpoint? Each one of them reach thousands if not millions of Americans and their slant on things can and will influence American voters to vote for Trump, which is something you are trying to prevent I think?

If you choose to undertake that exercise it will be as if the unstoppable ******* confronts the immoveable object, something will happen.

not uncommon the religious right supports a republican...they always do......want to do away with Roe vs Wade....and getting close to that now.....but the latest supreme court appointee promised a couple of republicans he would not bring it up...not that he wouldn't vote against it if it came up...now all of a sudden you are starting to see some more abortion law suits hoping it goes to the supreme court and gets over turned....the religious right has always supported a republican ...nothing new there
they already have a system set up to block them.....and even return the favor....all they need is the pres ok.....look at the dutch….they are the ones that traced the hacking right to an office in the kremlin...it wasn't us that caught them...things have changed now and we have worked on that technology.....but like anything you do to another country has to go through the pres....and he won't give it the ok

if the dutch were able to figure that out 2 years ago......you don't think we have spent some time looking at all that
Turnabout is fair play. It was inevitable that Hillary won and then Trump is POTUS. Maybe with whatever is backing Trump making him POTUS may fail and someone else becomes POTUS? Time will tell. But I still feel Trump will win in 2020.
Turnabout is fair play. It was inevitable that Hillary won and then Trump is POTUS. Maybe with whatever is backing Trump making him POTUS may fail and someone else becomes POTUS? Time will tell. But I still feel Trump will win in 2020.

not without Russia's help and he knows it......he has been catering to the KKK and the religious right and the wealthy and the fools who believe.......but they are not enough....he has had a lot of people jump ship for one reason or another...the numbers are just not there for him......even some on the right said they would vote for Biden over trump...if some other dem wins they will just sit this one out...and that is a lot of how trump got in also...the Russian's had slammed Hillary so much and a lot of people bought into it......a lot of people didn't vote last pres election..voter apathy....that won't happen this time......they know they fucked up not voting

as for time will tell ...yes it will....eventually it will all come out...someone write a book and talk...whatever...the only reason trump is getting off now because no one steps up and says trump knows......but they have him pinned on several charges...but can't do anything with a sitting pres so that puts it on the congress

and he could pull it off...

but I do know more than blkdlaur
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not without Russia's help and he knows it......he has been catering to the KKK and the religious right and the wealthy and the fools who believe.......but they are not enough....he has had a lot of people jump ship for one reason or another...the numbers are just not there for him......even some on the right said they would vote for Biden over trump...if some other dem wins they will just sit this one out...and that is a lot of how trump got in also...the Russian's had slammed Hillary so much and a lot of people bought into it......a lot of people didn't vote last pres election..voter apathy....that won't happen this time......they know they fucked up not voting

as for time will tell ...yes it will....eventually it will all come out...someone write a book and talk...whatever...the only reason trump is getting off now because no one steps up and says trump knows......but they have him pinned on several charges...but can't do anything with a sitting pres so that puts it on the congress
True eventually there will be some kind of tell-all book but some Americans are really good with keeping secrets, just look at JFK and Roswell? It has been decades since both those events and everything is not out there for everyone to read where everything is declassified and unredacted? Of course the biggest secret of all beyond the JFK Conspiracy and extra-terrestrial life are Trump's high school grades. You would gladly live 1000 years to see that secret finally come out @subhub174014. Or maybe tear apart the POTUS Trump library to see if it would be stored there after it is built. :LOL:
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this guy just changes the laws to cover up his fraud and corruption

New York Attorney General Sues Trump Treasury Department, IRS

New York Attorney General Letitia James announced Monday that her office has filed a lawsuit against the Trump Treasury Department and its subsidiary, the Internal Revenue Service, for failing to respond to legally mandated records requests. The suit targets a reporting standard released in July 2018, which eliminates donor disclosure requirements for non-501(c)(3) tax-exempt groups for donors who give more than $5,000. The statement alleges that after James’ office sent a FOIA seeking more information about the decision to implement the standard, the IRS did not adequately respond within the mandated time limit. It also claims that the revised standards impede the AG’s ability to regulate those organizations.

My office depends on these critical donor disclosure forms to be able to adequately oversee non-profit organizations in New York,” James said in the statement. “Not only was this policy change made without notice, the Treasury and the IRS are now refusing to comply with the law to release information about the rationale for these changes. No one is above the law—not even the federal government—and we will use every tool to ensure they comply with these regulations to provide transparency and accountability.”

States Sue to Learn Why Trump Changed IRS Donor-Reporting Rules

New York and New Jersey have sued to find out why President Donald Trump’s administration scrapped an Internal Revenue Service rule requiring some tax-exempt organizations to disclose their donors.
The change, announced in July 2018, eliminates from federal and state filings a category of information the states rely on to identify potential self-dealing transactions, criminal conduct and other risks in the nonprofit sector, New York Attorney General Letitia James said in a statement

you always like to point out 2 times when Obama had a bad period....when he was asking for bailout money to save the country from the destruction the right put on us...…...and when he was pushing through the aca......which was not popular at the time but now most of the country wants....you have a bad habit of picking and choosing your facts not always very factual

and I suppose the rest of the facts will be straight from trump...after all he wouldn't lie!
If you had engaged any neurons and looked at that plot, you'd know when Obummer was "asking for bailout money" his approval was well over 50%. Also Obummer's approval numbers were under Trump's current number for over a third of his presidency, including much later in his presidency than the bailout and ACA passage.....for example, virtually the entire year of 2014.

But thanks for once again showing how little you and the TDS bubble heads care about facts and reality.
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