Wake Up, America! Wake Up! PLEASE!!

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and that is President Obummer to you...…..he is the last president we have had.....and probably is still our only president as he still travels the world trying to undo the damage ******* for brains trump has done

see post 15,549 in the political thread as to what the world thinks of ******* for brains

How the world sees the U.S. and Trump in 9 charts | Pew ...
Oct 09, 2018 · This year, confidence in Trump remains low in Germany, France and Spain – but it is up slightly in the UK. Of the 25 countries surveyed, a median of 70% lack confidence in Trump to do the right thing regarding world affairs. 2 Views of the U.S. are …

that's 70% of the world lack confidence in trump

Because he puts America first - instead of kissing arse like Obama did.
republicans really have done more to take this country back 100 years …….won't even go into civil rights......green.....how about the telephone?....how many even answer the telephone anymore because of the robo calls? ...and now getting that way on the cell phone....there was a bill to stop that ...but guess the right couldn't support it....so flagrant that even if you are on the gov do not call list you still get them
Because he puts America first - instead of kissing arse like Obama did.
America first....you didn't read all I posted yesterday.....70% of the world trusts p u t I n over trump....the majority of this country thinks he is a crook...that is not putting America first...that is putting trump first!
be curious to see how much his wealth has gone up since being pres...….his golf clubs have gone up several hundred percent since taking office....his hotel in DC?....Saudis and several others still stay there when they want to see him

No, Trump isn’t putting ‘America first.’ He’s putting ...
Nov 21, 2018 · In this case and many others, Trump is not being “frank” about his real priorities, and he is not putting America first.

you would be better off clicking your heels together 3 times and saying "I believe"
mmmmm even more of the trump team under investigation.....Adam Schiff.....Betsy Devos brother..facing criminal probe...needs to serve time over some of the ******* he pulled in IraQ
more Mmmmmm….Mueller wrote Bar a letter telling him he failed to interpret the full context of the investigation...….they have had a couple phone calls since...…..more to come.....

Keep on hoking, stroking and poking - you guys have NOTHING :}

Not only did he call Barr, Mueller wrote him a letter regarding his miss-representation of the report. You only write letters when you want a documentation. Barr is going to find himself on the WRONG SIDE of history; I can see him dismissed before the end of the year. Covering & lying for Trump is hazardous duty. Now, Barr will probably resign with a tarnished record.

Let's get this over with, get Trump's tax returns and foreign bank account records ... time to put a size 12 shoe up his ass!
You’re just going with what the MSM is reporting by taking Mueller’s letter out of context to further the left’s talking points - you’re soon going to find out how your side is going to be found on the wrong side of history.
You’re just going with what the MSM is reporting by taking Mueller’s letter out of context to further the left’s talking points - you’re soon going to find out how your side is going to be found on the wrong side of history.
Ah, so you feel that AG Barr is telling the truth, huh? Yet he won't allow anyone to see the un-redacted investigation given to him by Mueller. He already is saying he's not going to sit in front of the House for questioning. Barr hasn't indicated he'll allow Mueller to be questioned on his investigation. Already its determined Barr has made assumptions contrary to the information in the investigation which resulted in Mueller actually 'writing' Barr with his concerns. I'm sure you don't see a thing wrong here, but it would take a complete fool not to think Trump & Barr aren't hiding anything.
Tomorrow Barr meets with the Senate members, eight of which are Democrats. Let's see if he'll avoid answering their questions AGAIN. He's already lied twice in questioning: lied about had Trump seen the initial report, and he said NO. Lied about whether Mueller had any issues with his 4-page summary and he didn't say he DID even though he had already received Mueller's letter regarding his concerns with Barr's assumptions and determinations.
So, Mr blkdlaur, the longer Barr resists NOW ... the deeper HIS hole gets. He's not representing the USA, he's representing Trump. Just how long do you suppose Barr thought it would be before the TRUTH came out? He's now discredited himself and will probably be asked to step down, because he covered for a crooked President. They may just "go fetch the Master of Arms" to toss him in chains and drag his lying ass to a hearing. I know one thing, if I was one of the sitting Senate or House Republicans, I'd see the handwriting on the wall and be distancing myself from the alt-President before he drags THEM down.
would love to see Mueller take Barr in front of the bar and the bar revokes Barr's law lic...ending his discriminatory rulings!
this will be the 3rd pres he has buried the ******* on to save possible impeachment proceedings

several investigators have spoken up about Barr's ruling......but this with Mueller writing AND calling....could get interesting again....and lyin cheatin trump is going to have to bring up that witch hunt thing again to sway his loyal drones into buying his ******* over the facts
Yet he won't allow anyone to see the un-redacted investigation given to him by Mueller.

Think about what you just said. I'll give you min ....... ...... .....

If Barr is full of ******* and wrong about what he said, Mueller would know. At least I would hope Mueller would know. So what is stopping Mueller from coming forward and saying "... no that's not what the report says..." Whats stopping Mueller from issuing another report? Why would he keep his mouth shut? Why hasn't Mueller given a press conference telling the American people to demand the report? What benefit does Mueller have by keeping his mouth shut? If you feel it is OK for Barr to release the full report, then it should be OK for Mueller to tell everyone what is says - but he hasn't.

This is just one big distraction to keep the divide as wide as possible, and obviously it's working.
Think about what you just said. I'll give you min ....... ...... .....

If Barr is full of ******* and wrong about what he said, Mueller would know. At least I would hope Mueller would know. So what is stopping Mueller from coming forward and saying "... no that's not what the report says..." Whats stopping Mueller from issuing another report? Why would he keep his mouth shut? Why hasn't Mueller given a press conference telling the American people to demand the report? What benefit does Mueller have by keeping his mouth shut? If you feel it is OK for Barr to release the full report, then it should be OK for Mueller to tell everyone what is says - but he hasn't.

This is just one big distraction to keep the divide as wide as possible, and obviously it's working.

supposedly.....Mueller is only allowed to give his report to the AG and no one else....that kind of restricts what he can do legally....all of that came about after the star report!
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