Wake Up, America! Wake Up! PLEASE!!

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You can bet there is exactly zero chance the republicans will get a 2/3 majority of both the House and Senate which would be required to pass a constitutional amendment to change the presidential term limits in the 22nd amendment.
.... and the little Republican duckies line up in a row as they take turns sniffing the crackhole of the great Alt-President of the USA ... should Trump win a second term, and acquire, again, a trifecta in Washington, Trump will feel empowered to do just about anything he wants to do. And you can scratch any amendments and other protocols he would need to have, because he'd lie, cheat, steal, oh yes, and FIRE as is his normal MO for doing anything. Trump said he could go to Time Square and ******* someone and get away with it ... he most definitely thinks he could. I put nothing past him.
says the person posting fake pictures:
Actual photo from NY Times:
Are you starving that badly to try to make it appear that I meant that photo alteration seriously? I got it from the same place YOU GOT IT, fart breath, and NO WHERE did I indicate it as serious. Even dumbnuts like you! Oh, but wait, that's not the purpose. Your purpose is to try to discredit me in any way you can, isn't it? To harass me enough to get me kicked off this site. Your puppy, non-golfer, has already tried to do just that. The little "tattletale" failed at that, just like Republicans fail at everything else they do. Mr Bozo, every photo, practically, I post has some photo shop alteration(s) to it. Geesh, where you been the past 5-6 years?
Hoping Hubby, poor, old man with no job, no wife, no life ... its ok., but I do suggest you get some 'help' for your loneliness. When you finally get around to dialing suicide prevention, maybe they will put you on hold for a couple minutes before telling you that you're doing the best thing. If you'd like, I'll supply you with the 9mm and hollow point to do it right the first time. Nowwwwww, buzz the hell off, brainless one, and leave me alone.
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.... and the little Republican duckies line up in a row as they take turns sniffing the crackhole of the great Alt-President of the USA ... should Trump win a second term, and acquire, again, a trifecta in Washington, Trump will feel empowered to do just about anything he wants to do. And you can scratch any amendments and other protocols he would need to have, because he'd lie, cheat, steal, oh yes, and FIRE as is his normal MO for doing anything. Trump said he could go to Time Square and ******* someone and get away with it ... he most definitely thinks he could. I put nothing past him.

Are you starving that badly to try to make it appear that I meant that photo alteration seriously? I got it from the same place YOU GOT IT, fart breath, and NO WHERE did I indicate it as serious. Even dumbnuts like you! Oh, but wait, that's not the purpose. Your purpose is to try to discredit me in any way you can, isn't it? To harass me enough to get me kicked off this site. Your puppy, non-golfer, has already tried to do just that. The little "tattletale" failed at that, just like Republicans fail at everything else they do. Mr Bozo, every photo, practically, I post has some photo shop alteration(s) to it. Geesh, where you been the past 5-6 years?
Hoping Hubby, poor, old man with no job, no wife, no life ... its ok., but I do suggest you get some 'help' for your loneliness. When you finally get around to dialing suicide prevention, maybe they will put you on hold for a couple minutes before telling you that you're doing the best thing. If you'd like, I'll supply you with the 9mm and hollow point to do it right the first time. Nowwwwww, buzz the hell off, brainless one, and leave me alone.
View attachment 2567341

Such venom - must have touched a nerve.

Trying to get someone banned from the site for their political views really SUX if true - it would be boring in here without you raving lefties - I’d really miss your rants :{ and the rebuttals - wouldn’t be much point to the political threads at all without opposing points of view.
.... and the little Republican duckies line up in a row as they take turns sniffing the crackhole of the great Alt-President of the USA ... should Trump win a second term, and acquire, again, a trifecta in Washington, Trump will feel empowered to do just about anything he wants to do. And you can scratch any amendments and other protocols he would need to have, because he'd lie, cheat, steal, oh yes, and FIRE as is his normal MO for doing anything. Trump said he could go to Time Square and ******* someone and get away with it ... he most definitely thinks he could. I put nothing past him.

Are you starving that badly to try to make it appear that I meant that photo alteration seriously? I got it from the same place YOU GOT IT, fart breath, and NO WHERE did I indicate it as serious. Even dumbnuts like you! Oh, but wait, that's not the purpose. Your purpose is to try to discredit me in any way you can, isn't it? To harass me enough to get me kicked off this site. Your puppy, non-golfer, has already tried to do just that. The little "tattletale" failed at that, just like Republicans fail at everything else they do. Mr Bozo, every photo, practically, I post has some photo shop alteration(s) to it. Geesh, where you been the past 5-6 years?
Hoping Hubby, poor, old man with no job, no wife, no life ... its ok., but I do suggest you get some 'help' for your loneliness. When you finally get around to dialing suicide prevention, maybe they will put you on hold for a couple minutes before telling you that you're doing the best thing. If you'd like, I'll supply you with the 9mm and hollow point to do it right the first time. Nowwwwww, buzz the hell off, brainless one, and leave me alone.
View attachment 2567341

Why don't you try to refrain from name calling and suggesting gun violence?

I reported this post as well. And again, I made it clear I didn't want you kicked off, but the rant about hollow point bullets could potentially cause harm to the site, and site owners.

I'm not sure what kind of assets the board owners have, or don't have, but I am sure that they probably don't want anyone making posts suggesting violence, such as your post above clearly does.
Just make sure it's not an "assault weapon" or a "semi-Auto" because those hurt more.
oh one 9mm hollow point, first, to clean out the sinuses. However, with h-h, he might should consider a larger caliber to make sure he hit that tiny brain of his. Probably should consider a 44 mag hollow point. gif_YellowBall-laughing6.gif I'd suggest he go 'outside' ... kind of messy.
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Such venom - must have touched a nerve.

The left don't like Facts. ;)

I still have not seen anything Trump has proposed that -
1. Promotes Fascism or a dictatorship.
2. Enforced Racism or any kind against citizens of this country. Wanting foreigners to go though our laws an process is not racism.
3. incites violence and division.

However I have seen all three of those from the Left, and strongly in the past 3 years.
1. There are a few even here that dictate to others how they should think and try to bully those with opposing views into submission. Barney Thinks Bread lines are a good thing. People don't understand that Socialism takes away individuals rights and freedom to improve their own situation. You will forever be what you are born into. Socialism is just a dictatorship built on lies and dangling carrots controlled by a few instead of just one. Tell people what they can and can't say, jailing you in some cases is nothing short of Dictatorship.
2. The left talks down to minorities as if they are less educated. The whole "woke" BS is nothing but a way to cater to the minorities to gain favor. Hillary is a good example of this. The promise of reparations for slavery is just another dangling carrot. What are they going to do, Discriminate by taxing only the rich white man? What about those of us that has no family history of owning slaves? Why should I pay?
3. Maxine Waters - AOC - ANTIFA - BLM - need I say more?
is that anything like the gunman that went into the NYC pizza parlor and held people hostage demanding to be shown the basement where the **THIS IS A SPAM, REPORT PLEASE*** is...….it was all over twitter so it must be true.....

he is now serving time

you are even worse than 2bi....and he is bat ******* crazy in some of the remarks he makes supporting his lord and master
In all the time I have spent on this site, you are the most insulting and judgemental person I have come across.. But there really is no good reason for your animosity. I wonder what it is in your life that causes you to be intentionally disagreeable and rude? "It's all in fun" won't be a good answer.
You will be the first person ever that I had to put on ignore. Congratulations.
In all the time I have spent on this site, you are the most insulting and judgemental person I have come across.. But there really is no good reason for your animosity. I wonder what it is in your life that causes you to be intentionally disagreeable and rude? "It's all in fun" won't be a good answer.
You will be the first person ever that I had to put on ignore. Congratulations.
oh come on flsubboy ... you don't remember ME? You and I go way, way back, I believe ... and you told ME the same thing. Now I bet you tell all the guys that. And to think, I thought I was special. We use to be like Bonnie & Clyde, Batman & Robin, Scully & Mulder, Lucy & Ethel, and Norm & Cliff ... what happened?
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Such venom - must have touched a nerve.

Trying to get someone banned from the site for their political views really SUX if true - it would be boring in here without you raving lefties - I’d really miss your rants :{ and the rebuttals - wouldn’t be much point to the political threads at all without opposing points of view.
and yet when we post them you complain....mmmmmm...go figure
The left don't like Facts. ;)

I still have not seen anything Trump has proposed that -
1. Promotes Fascism or a dictatorship.
2. Enforced Racism or any kind against citizens of this country. Wanting foreigners to go though our laws an process is not racism.
3. incites violence and division.

However I have seen all three of those from the Left, and strongly in the past 3 years.
1. There are a few even here that dictate to others how they should think and try to bully those with opposing views into submission. Barney Thinks Bread lines are a good thing. People don't understand that Socialism takes away individuals rights and freedom to improve their own situation. You will forever be what you are born into. Socialism is just a dictatorship built on lies and dangling carrots controlled by a few instead of just one. Tell people what they can and can't say, jailing you in some cases is nothing short of Dictatorship.
2. The left talks down to minorities as if they are less educated. The whole "woke" BS is nothing but a way to cater to the minorities to gain favor. Hillary is a good example of this. The promise of reparations for slavery is just another dangling carrot. What are they going to do, Discriminate by taxing only the rich white man? What about those of us that has no family history of owning slaves? Why should I pay?
3. Maxine Waters - AOC - ANTIFA - BLM - need I say more?

this from a guy that has NEVER posted anything factual in his life......for you posting facts is posting a you tube vid
In all the time I have spent on this site, you are the most insulting and judgemental person I have come across.. But there really is no good reason for your animosity. I wonder what it is in your life that causes you to be intentionally disagreeable and rude? "It's all in fun" won't be a good answer.
You will be the first person ever that I had to put on ignore. Congratulations.

not sure what brought this on but......
thank you....with some people I just go out of my way to be "cordial".....you must have just taken a different path and missed it...or else just to dumb for me to give a ******* about.....when you spout ******* that is not factual and do not make any attempt to verify what you post...got to be scatter brained and that is a judgemental call and sometimes requires the use of four letter words...bigger words if I thought you had any idea what they meant

disagreeable and rude?....I guess that would all be just a frame of mind...….and your mind should be framed...something that small should be viewed for flaws

It's all in fun would never have been my answer

I have said this several times....politics is NOT a friendly topic....and there is no one here going to change the others mind about what they believe....that just leaves the nut cuttin!

BTW..just so you know....the ignore tab went by the way side last time they changed servers...so there is no such thing.....unless it got changed again....but used to be able to just click on "show ignored content"...and saw everything that was posted

you want to ignore me....you will have to do it on your own...but I don't think you have that much fortitude....
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The Clinton Foundation which is a known Alien hotbed. But that is mere speculation.

that literally has to be the dumbest statement I have ever heard...…..Clinton foundation which is known...………….but that is mere speculation.....more of that right wing logic?

your dimwit control switch must be broke because you are running wide open and full dimwit mode
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