Wake Up, America! Wake Up! PLEASE!!

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Post a link to any bill that Trump has introduced to change our form of government from a Constitutional Republic to a Dictatorship

what would you call telling people not to tell the truth...to lie.....refusing to give his taxes to congress.....that is the IRS's call they are separate from other gov.....on and on....you just refuse to admit your man is corrupt.....and want to believe in your hero

there is no arguing with stupid worship!
Makes me ******* boil - idiot politicians - unbelievable - great vid - too bad the media is sooooooooo left biased now. Thanks

again stupid worship...…..just doesn't want to hear your idol is corrupt....same media as always UNTIL your man came in..now it is biased and corrupt.....but that doesn't fit with you and your god's...and for some of you he is in god like status
TwoBi, you know that's not the way a dictator would work. "submitting" anything for approval ... lol A dictator goes around and through the system; bypassing his advisors, giving orders to "do", not "consider". He threatens, imprisons, fires, eliminates those that oppose to his demands. Follows no protocol or set procedures. I think I mentioned, in some regard, to that in one of the earlier posts. So you're not going to see Trump submit anything that brands him a dictator; plus, I haven't called him a dictator as of yet ... just saying he's doing suspicious, dictator "things" as I mentioned earlier. Note that Trump operates by "executive orders" ... not submissions for approval.

Oh, make lite, if you wish, of that report on the secretive Council of National Policy (2014 agenda) with Steve Bannon & Kelly Ann Conway ... but they are on the list. According to what I've read on the CNP, they try to allow no information on their meetings, checking for recorders, collecting phones, etc when they meet. You should at least look at that pdf copy of their 2014 agenda.

As far as your #2 & 3 ... they don't warrant a response. And if you think all that I posted on Trump is BS ... just consider it a reciprocal of what's posted here by Trump Chumps. As I said, if Trump wants MY respect or that of other liberals, he'll show he has nothing to hide ... reveal his tax returns as he promised, sit "under oath" with the congressional oversight committee to answer Q's on Russia, and he'll give that ORDER that AG Barr should release the unabridged, unredated copy of the Mueller report to the congressional oversight committee.
He won't do it, however ... because he knows, as you right wing nuts know, that he is guilty as hell.

Sorry to have to "eat & run" ... I'm a bit behind on things today.

I believe Trump could give a ******* less about earning the respect of liberals - jus sayin.
again stupid worship...…..just doesn't want to hear your idol is corrupt....same media as always UNTIL your man came in..now it is biased and corrupt.....but that doesn't fit with you and your god's...and for some of you he is in god like status

Media was always left biased but now it’s so out in the open in the tank for the Dems it’s become redankulous :|
TwoBi, you know that's not the way a dictator would work. "submitting" anything for approval ... lol A dictator goes around and through the system; bypassing his advisors, giving orders to "do", not "consider". He threatens, imprisons, fires, eliminates those that oppose to his demands. Follows no protocol or set procedures. I think I mentioned, in some regard, to that in one of the earlier posts. So you're not going to see Trump submit anything that brands him a dictator;

He would still have to change laws, legislation and end the constitution to become a "Dick-Tatar". Any president, all presidents will change their cabinet to people that agree with them. He hasn't done anything illegal - yet. So he hasn't gone "around" or "Though" the system as that would be illegal - no? You're simply hanging onto the leftist hyper-boil.

As far as your #2 & 3 ... they don't warrant a response.

Of course you would say that because you don't want to admit in writing that you favor restrictions, for certain groups, of Free Speech. You wouldn't want to confirm that it is the left that wants to take away our rights. ;)
Watching CNN earlier - they were absofuckinlutely gushing over Joe Biden - not even trying to hide their enthusiasm - true journalism there is REALLY dead.

must be 2 CNN's one for fools and trumptards...another for those that want the facts...from what I saw they were all over him on his "hugging" and Anita Hill...more of that selective attention span...or little or none of!

but I can understand you trumptards worried.....he really needs Russia now more than ever....if Biden controls the Midwest....trumps out!...although I don't expect him to go peacefully.....hopefully it's handcuffs!
He would still have to change laws, legislation and end the constitution to become a "Dick-Tatar"
I'm sorry that you don't see the "bigger picture" TwoBi. A dictator could care less about laws & legislation, seeing that he/she does what he/she wants 'off the cuff'. For Trump, its a perfect job ... "it is what he thinks or says it is". He does it every day. Just like the Syria withdrawal ... he does what his mind perceives to be right; his cabinet recommendations be damed. Same as he did with the PPACA ... he had no plan even though he claimed he would. He'll have no plan IF he gets re-elected, even though he says he will. His aim is to eliminate entitlements so he can cut taxes more; he cares NOT how his actions affect others. Just like his so-called "middle-class tax cut" that actually went to the wealthiest & to corporations. And he says the NEXT tax cut will benefit the middle-class ... he knows that's a lie, too. Still, Trump Chumps keep "taking his bait".
Interesting article you need to read about the Trump voters ...
Some interesting readings on Kelly Ann Conway and Steve Bannon ... secret members of the Counsel For Nat'l Policy, a far right, white supremacist society with a pdf file of their members.

This is what Donald Trump restocked his "drain the swamp" with ....

One article from SPLC states: "Breitbart also recently published a defense of the “Alternative Right” that included defending well-known white supremacist ideologues Jared Taylor and Richard Spencer." Statements have intentionally been taken out of context.

This assertion of support for alt right is a misinterpretation that has been spread by the liberal news media. If you read what was actually said in the article, it did not in any way defend alt right ideology."

This is what I mean by getting educated from sources other than the U.S. liberal news media. This type of propaganda is bad enough without people who are not actually knowledgeable of the facts spreading it further. This is how Henry Ford spread lies and dogma about Jews, world wide in a newspaper he bought. Adolf Hitler said that Ford was "an inspiration" and had a picture of Ford in his office.

Seriously, before you spread trash, get the facts. I am saying this to everyone. Trash exists on both sides, democratic and republican. But trash is trash no matter where it comes from.
Yep, ole Mac is digging deep in the wacky archives, spewing 3 year old articles from sites with such stunning veracity as the Daily Beast.

Wait! given Mac's new low standard on here for sources I've found something that may change my position.....clearly Trump was under the influence of "foreign powers":


The "Weekly World News" happens to be one of my favorite reads. And where exactly is Bat Boy now? That's what we would all really like to know. It is rumoured that Bat Boy is on Trump's secret committee to conspire with the Russians to takeover The Clinton Foundation which is a known Alien hotbed. But that is mere speculation. The truth will come out eventually.
The "Weekly World News" happens to be one of my favorite reads. And where exactly is Bat Boy now? That's what we would all really like to know. It is rumoured that Bat Boy is on Trump's secret committee to conspire with the Russians to takeover The Clinton Foundation which is a known Alien hotbed. But that is mere speculation. The truth will come out eventually.

is that anything like the gunman that went into the NYC pizza parlor and held people hostage demanding to be shown the basement where the **THIS IS A SPAM, REPORT PLEASE*** is...….it was all over twitter so it must be true.....

he is now serving time

you are even worse than 2bi....and he is bat ******* crazy in some of the remarks he makes supporting his lord and master
I believe Trump could give a ******* less about earning the respect of liberals - jus sayin.

well let me defend Trump on that...….wait there is no defense for trump...a bloomin fucking idiot.....but as usual trump just caters to the crazies of the world.....as shown here....and I really doubt most liberals give a ******* what ******* for brains thinks

actually the fucker lies so much there is not much he could say that I would want to hear......unless he says those two magic words.....I Quit

just sayin!
I'm sorry that you don't see the "bigger picture" TwoBi. A dictator could care less about laws & legislation, seeing that he/she does what he/she wants 'off the cuff'. For Trump, its a perfect job ... "it is what he thinks or says it is". He does it every day. Just like the Syria withdrawal ... he does what his mind perceives to be right; his cabinet recommendations be damed. Same as he did with the PPACA ... he had no plan even though he claimed he would. He'll have no plan IF he gets re-elected, even though he says he will. His aim is to eliminate entitlements so he can cut taxes more; he cares NOT how his actions affect others. Just like his so-called "middle-class tax cut" that actually went to the wealthiest & to corporations. And he says the NEXT tax cut will benefit the middle-class ... he knows that's a lie, too. Still, Trump Chumps keep "taking his bait".
Interesting article you need to read about the Trump voters ...

ROFLMAO - I know your not THAT stupid Mac.
He can pretend to be dick-tater all he wants - he still has to follow our laws. Come on Mac, I shouldn't have to explain this to you. He's not going to be in office long enough. Our government is structured to prevent this very thing - 3 branches of government, you really think he can turn and control all 3 before the next election. And how do you propose he is going to do that? Russia? He's just going to rig every election from now on?

Look - I know the guy is a piece of ******* but your letting this conspiracy get the better of you. I think the government is ******* too but I know "they" aren't going to let him do anything drastic - and so far, he hasn't. Just a lot of talk, a lot of fighting, and a lot of bull *******.

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heard a new word today....trump loyalist...…...never knew there was such a thing......I always thought of them as trumptards...especially after some of the things they say on here
he still has to follow our laws

Hasn't so far,,,,matter of fact he has shown he is above the law....and the right just letting go without any checks or balances

He's not going to be in office long enough.

sure about that.....they have already said Russia is still interfering and the gal from homeland security told him and he fired her...chief of staff said not to bring that up to him....

3 branches of government, you really think he can turn and control all 3 before the next election

so far he has shown he controls at least 2 of those!

And how do you propose he is going to do that? Russia? He's just going to rig every election from now on?
managed to do it once.....lost the popular vote...although not a first there...but we will never know how much Russia got involved...we already know about twitter and etc.....but do you think the gov is going to tell us if they got into some of the election computers?!
they would NEVER admit that

I know the guy is a piece of ******* but your letting this conspiracy get the better of you. I think the government is ******* too but I know

you certainly post more than enough defending the guy!

"they" aren't going to let him do anything drastic - and so far, he hasn't. Just a lot of talk, a lot of fighting, and a lot of bulls hit.

they don't seem to care how he is treating our allies and people we need....that kind of mistrust will take years to repair...even Biden summed it up about a world wide embarrassment and the damage he is doing to the country as a whole
you really think he can turn and control all 3 before the next election. And how do you propose he is going to do that? Russia? He's just going to rig every election from now on?
I don't recall saying "before the next election" ... TwoBi. As far as rigging every election, he only needs to rig one more. The man rigs everything! He's dishonest; he CHEATS! You can bet IF Trump was to be re-elected, and somehow Republicans won back the House, Trump would want to do away with the "2 term limits" for President.
The man's been in office barely two years and has already documented over 9,700 intentional lies and misstatements.
You can bet if Trump loses the 2020 election, he's going to say the election was a fraud, and he'll try to get his people "riled up" ... he's already said that much regarding the Mueller investigation, saying he would not be responsible for what "his people" would do. Other than the civil war, the US hasn't had such a situation, but, a similar type of revolt would not be out of the question in many cities. And, not only would Trump say "Its not my fault", he wouldn't care if hundreds and even thousands of our citizens were injured or killed.
I won't underestimate what Trump is capable of ... the man has no honesty, no integrity, no remorse.

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the man has no honesty
says the person posting fake pictures:

Actual photo from NY Times:


Fitting of course, coming from MacNLies

You can bet IF Trump was to be re-elected, and somehow Republicans won back the House, Trump would want to do away with the "2 term limits" for President.
You can bet there is exactly zero chance the republicans will get a 2/3 majority of both the House and Senate which would be required to pass a constitutional amendment to change the presidential term limits in the 22nd amendment. You also know...well you should know anyway....the president has no authority or action to take related to amending the constitution. That process is entirely done through the legislature and the state governments.

Oh wait....forgot you received your civics education from Rachel Maddow. Here's a review of what you should have learned in high school:

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