Wake Up, America! Wake Up! PLEASE!!

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Only radical left progressives want impeachment - thankfully a smaller percentage of people - I maintain most Americans are sick of investigations and whining about Trump - let the people decide again next election - trouble is when he wins again those people still won’t shut up - unless they get voted out - which I think if they keep it up will happen - people have had enough of SORE LOSERS !!!!! Taint the American way.

again where were these American during all the Clinton investigations......don't suppose they were all for that...but now that your man is on the hotseat just sick of it all....again partisan politics...which you seem to push with your lame statements
just asking the rest of the question....the parts you left out!
you are starting to talk like your Russian leader and just anti american

No you lefties are totally doing what Putin wants - causing all the distention in the country - giving him just what he wants - hell your party is moving strongly towards communism - talk about being anti-American you folks have a lock on that !!!
No you lefties are totally doing what Poroshenko wants - causing all the distention in the country - giving him just what he wants - hell your party is moving strongly towards communism - talk about being anti-American you folks have a lock on that !!!

true he does want hate and discontent...….and it is your man promoting it here and with our allies and etc...he is doing Russia's bidding
O and you aren’t espousing your point of view vociferously and continually ad infinitium????

BTW...how did your party treat Obama when he was pres......and trying to get the country out of a hole your party put us in?

let me give you a hint.....obstruct..obstruct...obstruct......didn't they take a pledge before he even took office to go out of their way to not help him and go against everything he tried to do...no matter how it might help the country....didn't your senate leader make a statement about doing all they can to make him a one term pres....and you want to cry about a few needed investigations

and just like the orange pumpkin…...you are afraid they might uncover something making your man look bad...….let me give you a hint....most republicans already see him for the worm he is...and getting close to having enough....when it looks like they might lose more votes you might even see your party bring up impeachment
from what I understand......Romney is not alone in his views of trump...there are a few others....wonder if they are sowing any oats?
and spreading hate and discontent within the party
O and you aren’t espousing your point of view vociferously and continually ad infinitium????

Oh no....I am just a reflection of the majority of the country...the part that didn't vote for him...and feel that he needs to be investigated on everything he has done.....he took the job knowing he would be under scrutiny....so...unleash the scrutiny!

Mmmm did you go away mad?
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I didn't just make this up. Note, its on the Holocaust Memorial Museum in Washington, DC
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This is too funny.

#1 meh. nationalism with pragmatism has been in many countries with no issues.
#2 Trump is standing up for human rights
#3 Nothing wrong about that.
#4 Nothing about that as long as the military operates under the law
#5 Clintons?
#6 LMAO - You got to be kidding us! Trump controls all of the mass media?
#7 BS in the western world. Islamofascists in the other parts of the world.
#8 LOL!
#9 No labor suppression has existed in the US since the 1930's.
#10 And whats wrong with having a disdain with either. That's common sense not fascism. LOL!
#11 And why is it wrong to have a crime free society?
#12 Sounds like the Clinton and Obama administrations.
#13 Seems to be quite prevalent in the liberal states.

Bottom line, that list is so rediculous, its beyond stupid.
Facts there just facts.
Since you're checking out "facts" why not do one on white nationalism, who Trump not only sides WITH but professes to be one. Then use your logic to extend that white nationalism one more step and see what you get. Don't take my word for it ... do it yourself.
Nationalism is one thing - I believe white nationalism is another. Trump is for nationalism - putting America first - refreshing actually after Obama. Never heard him reference white nationalism as what he espouses.
Nationalism is one thing - I believe white nationalism is another. Trump is for nationalism - putting America first - refreshing actually after Obama. Never heard him reference white nationalism as what he espouses.
That's why Trump has so many blacks in his White House, huh? That's why his first wife said he kept a copy of Hitler's speeches on his nightstand, huh? That's why he said there were "good people" in the white nationalist/Nazi march in Virginia, huh? That's why he separated every baby from their parents and tossed them into cages ... by the thousands with NO plan to return them to their parents, huh? You don't expect Trump to come out and specifically say he is a white nationalist, do you? Maybe you do. You judge people by their actions.

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That's why Trump has so many blacks in his White House, huh? That's why his first wife said he kept a copy of Hitler's speeches on his nightstand, huh? That's why he said there were "good people" in the white nationalist/Nazi march in Virginia, huh? That's why he separated every baby from their parents and tossed them into cages ... by the thousands with NO plan to return them to their parents, huh? You don't expect Trump to come out and specifically say he is a white nationalist, do you? Maybe you do. You judge people by their actions.

Liberal talking points without end - you guys are NEVER going to get over Trump winning the 2016 election.
Liberal talking points without end - you guys are NEVER going to get over Trump winning the 2016 election.
Sure we will, just as soon as he's removed from office. If it has to wait until the 2020 elections, I guess we wait. You obviously disagree with with what I posted, huh? You can count the blacks on one hand in his cabinet. Trump never denied the book on his nightstand was My New Order when he was asked. And surely you don't disagree about the cages?
You obviously wish to deny 'common sense & logic' ... it'll all come out eventually, but, I'm hoping the tax returns & unredacted Mueller report will come out rather soon; maybe before the end of the summer. If he innocent, he'd release everything now. What really pisses some of us is that he's managed to corrupt the Attorney Generals office as well. Just another example of his dictator intentions.
You obviously disagree with with what I posted, huh? You can count the blacks on one hand in his cabinet.
This is true. Trump has exactly one black person on his cabinet, Ben Carson. Even your elementary math skills can manage to count to one I suppose...

Of course if you took off your rose colored Obummer glasses, you might notice through the entire first term of Obummer, he had exactly ONE black person on his cabinet, Eric Holder.


Damn, we're lucky we survived Obummer....not only was he trying to be a dictator by your own list posted here Thursday....turns out Obummer was a white nationalist too.....who'd a thunk it????
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