Wake Up, America! Wake Up! PLEASE!!

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No, I'm worried about our 2020 election being hacked by the Russians again ... something that your President denies and has done nothing about because it benefits HIM. What it says is Russia gaining control of our democratic processes ... something they are doing around the world. You tell me this ... don't you agree we were hacked by the Russians? Don't you feel the President should be bolstering up our securities to stop them. Trump doesn't!

Gotta go ... back tonight!

Think we have more pressing security issues -

Why is this not in the main stream news? Doesn't fit the narrative? Blows me away that your imaginary foes take precedence over real life threats.

My whole point Mac is that without Facts to back it up, these comparisons are ignorant.
Facts, to you is "seeing it for yourself" because you don't believe in any form of media information.
Trumps first wife said he kept a book of Hitler's speeches at his bedside. Trump denied it was a book of Hitler's speeches, saying a friend, Marty Davis gave him a book called Mein Kampf. Davis was contacted, regarding the book, and Davis recalled giving him the book, but said it was My New Order, a book of Hitler's propaganda speeches. Lot of difference in those two books. Trump likes dictators ... and gives the cold shoulder to our allies. He is a self-professed nationalist; so, here's the story, TwoBi, if it walks like a duck, talks like a duck, I'm not sure what you're waiting on; maybe to see a frik'n swastika patch on his coat? Are you that naïve? You don't think the president is so dumb to declare himself a fascist dictator in public, do you? Look who he hires, look who he defends, the Nazi group marchers in Charlottesville who he says "some are good people". WHEN has Donald Trump EVER done anything in moderation? He's an extremist, and extreme nationalism is fascism ... go look it up!
I don't recall any of the people you mentioned having books on Hitler's speeches at their bedsides and denying it, do you?
I'll see if I can get Trump to send you a letter with his declaration of dictatorship, how's that? Its about the only way you accept otherwise very obvious information! The sadness to all this is how Trump Chumps continue to believe his lies and negative actions.
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Look who he hires, look who he defends ... Nazi group marchers, like in Charlottesville.

Link? or is this more of you opinion.
He defended their RIGHT to free speech and have the march, they had a permit. If I recall, ANTIFA DID NOT.

It's called FREE SPEECH and that applies to EVERYONE. not just people the left agrees with.
And since the resident Troll likes videos so much

and shouldn't the resident moron have some kind of supervision when out...….and if you think I give a ******* one way or another about the vids guess again...…..I just think people who post them lack the intelligence to speak on their own....afraid might put foot in mouth?
Some interesting readings on Kelly Ann Conway and Steve Bannon ... secret members of the Counsel For Nat'l Policy, a far right, white supremacist society with a pdf file of their members.

This is what Donald Trump restocked his "drain the swamp" with ....
It was once written, and I quote, "No country is destroyed from without unless it is first destroyed from within!"
I can only suggest, "Wake up! Take time out to smell the roses! Please recognize what's going on around you!"

I really don't want to bemoan the obvious but the credibility of the United States has obviously reached an all
time low, at least it's obvious to most people around this world! Neither am I taking political sides in the current
debate, I'm past that point, however what's currently going on within your borders affects everyone living outside
your borders! Unfortunately that affect is all negative! Sadly, when all is said and done, it's the United States that
will eventually suffer the most! Your current leader(s) is/are determined to attack and isolate your closest friends
and allies as they snuggle up to those dictators around the world who would like to see your country denigrated
to less than a third world poverty stricken isolationist piece of real estate!

I'll close by saying, especially for those Ostriches who may be capable of reading but not understanding, "burying
your head in the sand is no longer an option", the situation is past that, just look at the happenings of this past
week! (week ending July 20/18). I won't denigrate myself by including defamatory adjectives to the "one" person
hell bent on destroying any and all influence, good will and integrity the U.S. had enjoyed, so hard won and
justifiably earned through the supreme sacrifices of its many military! Unfortunately this demise is being perpetuated
and led by someone who had refused to serve! THINK ABOUT IT! PLEASE! BEFORE IT'S TOO LATE!

P.S. I have family and friends who have served in the U.S. Military, several of whom have paid the Supreme Price, so
if it's your intent to throw stones and ignore the facts, please make sure you're not living in a glass house, because you are! Whether you want to believe it or not is another matter.

You seriously need to stop watching CNN, Morning Joe and Rachel Maddow so much. Try comedy central. It's hilarious. By the way, unemployment for blacks, hispanics and women is the lowest it has ever been in the U.S., the stock market is up, the economy is growing, Nato countries are finally paying their fair share, Mexico is building less parts, Canada is charging less tarifs on good imported from the U.S. and the border is a disaster because democrats will do anything to stifle the President regardless of how deleterious it is for the country. So please wake up and turn on some comedy central because if you choose to believe everything the comedians say, you will still know more than you will if you watch cable news. I'll close by saying that you denigrated yourself by stating, "I won't denigrate myself by including defamatory adjectives to the 'one' persson hell bent on destroying any and all influence good will and [sic] integrity the U.S. had enjoyed." And I have to ask, did you mean the integrity we enjoyed when Barrack Obama drew the red line on Syria then refused to do anything when they stepped over it or perhaps when Hillary Clinton destroyed all her phones and bleach bitted her servers to destroy federal evidence so she would not be charged, or perhaps when the FBI pardoned her by never prosecuting her for the federal crimes she committed? Maybe you mean when Obama declared a " U.S. national emergency" to help a country in Africa with millions of American taxpayers' dollars or when he build cages to separate children from their parents because of democrats who sued the federal government and won a case that created a new law that children could not be held more than 2 weeks in custody.
Now i know you think the current president built those cages because that's what CNN told you but I remember when they were built. And you should wake up from your news media induced dogmatic phantasia. The real problem is that no one can "wake up" unless they do the work and research reality VS the fantasy world we are being fed by the socialist party media that they call "news". Opinions are not news. Try to comprehend that.
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Some interesting readings on Kelly Ann Conway and Steve Bannon ... secret members of the Counsel For Nat'l Policy, a far right, white supremacist society with a pdf file of their members.

This is what Donald Trump restocked his "drain the swamp" with ....

Ill look at your obscure left wing news sources but you still have not answered my questions. I've given you 3 now and you have danced around every one of them. Let me refresh.

1. Post a link to any bill that Trump has introduced to change our form of government from a Constitutional Republic to a Dictatorship.

2. Do you think that Freedom of speech does not extend to the Alt right or so called "Hate speech"? You know full well once we allow the government down that road there will be no stopping it.

3. Will you allow a refugee family into your home?

You know there were right wing news sources just like what you have posted about Obama and his secret all black police forces and how he was the Anti-Christ and blaw blah blah, but I saw it for what it was - BS.
Ill look at your obscure left wing news sources but you still have not answered my questions. I've given you 3 now and you have danced around every one of them. Let me refresh.

1. Post a link to any bill that Trump has introduced to change our form of government from a Constitutional Republic to a Dictatorship.

2. Do you think that Freedom of speech does not extend to the Alt right or so called "Hate speech"? You know full well once we allow the government down that road there will be no stopping it.

3. Will you allow a refugee family into your home?

You know there were right wing news sources just like what you have posted about Obama and his secret all black police forces and how he was the Anti-Christ and blaw blah blah, but I saw it for what it was - BS.
Yep, ole Mac is digging deep in the wacky archives, spewing 3 year old articles from sites with such stunning veracity as the Daily Beast.

Wait! given Mac's new low standard on here for sources I've found something that may change my position.....clearly Trump was under the influence of "foreign powers":


Yep, ole Mac is digging deep in the wacky archives, spewing 3 year old articles from sites with such stunning veracity as the Daily Beast.

Wait! given Mac's new low standard on here for sources I've found something that may change my position.....clearly Trump was under the influence of "foreign powers":




Post a link to any bill that Trump has introduced to change our form of government from a Constitutional Republic to a Dictatorship.
TwoBi, you know that's not the way a dictator would work. "submitting" anything for approval ... lol A dictator goes around and through the system; bypassing his advisors, giving orders to "do", not "consider". He threatens, imprisons, fires, eliminates those that oppose to his demands. Follows no protocol or set procedures. I think I mentioned, in some regard, to that in one of the earlier posts. So you're not going to see Trump submit anything that brands him a dictator; plus, I haven't called him a dictator as of yet ... just saying he's doing suspicious, dictator "things" as I mentioned earlier. Note that Trump operates by "executive orders" ... not submissions for approval.

Oh, make lite, if you wish, of that report on the secretive Council of National Policy (2014 agenda) with Steve Bannon & Kelly Ann Conway ... but they are on the list. According to what I've read on the CNP, they try to allow no information on their meetings, checking for recorders, collecting phones, etc when they meet. You should at least look at that pdf copy of their 2014 agenda.

As far as your #2 & 3 ... they don't warrant a response. And if you think all that I posted on Trump is BS ... just consider it a reciprocal of what's posted here by Trump Chumps. As I said, if Trump wants MY respect or that of other liberals, he'll show he has nothing to hide ... reveal his tax returns as he promised, sit "under oath" with the congressional oversight committee to answer Q's on Russia, and he'll give that ORDER that AG Barr should release the unabridged, unredated copy of the Mueller report to the congressional oversight committee.
He won't do it, however ... because he knows, as you right wing nuts know, that he is guilty as hell.

Sorry to have to "eat & run" ... I'm a bit behind on things today.
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